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14th Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot


Virtual Hearing Protocol

1. Hearing Participants

1.1 Each hearing will be comprised of the (1) three arbitrators; (2) the team members and coaches
from the two competing teams; and (3) the hearing host. No spectators will be allowed at the hearing,
except for the Moot Final.

1.2 The hearing host will troubleshoot technical issues, ensure compliance with the Virtual Hearing
Protocol, take charge of the break-out rooms for the teams and the arbitrators, and – if needed –
replace a missing arbitrator.

1.3 Feedback is an essential component of the Frankfurt Investment Arbitration Moot. Arbitrators
are encouraged to give students feedback on their performance at the end of each General
Round hearing or, alternatively, by email. Scores will not be shared with the teams after the hearing.

2. Hearing Platform

2.1 The hearings will take place via Zoom. Each participant will receive the link and login details
to each scheduled hearing of their team in advance. Participants do not need an individual Zoom
account to log in. Each participant must join the hearing session at least 10 minutes prior to its
scheduled start time.

2.2 Participants should use the following titles for logging into the hearing:

o Arbitrators: ARB-[first and last name]

o Team members: CL-[first and last name]-[team name] or RE-[first and last
name]-[team name]
o Coaches: Coach-CL-[team name] or Coach-RE-[team name]
o Hearing host: Host-[first and last name]

3. Technical Requirements

3.1 Participants must ensure they have the hardware and software necessary to connect to the
hearing. Participants are strongly encouraged to test their hardware and software in advance of the
hearing. These include:

• Mac or PC with sufficient battery or power connection to last throughout the round. Participants
might consider having a functional secondary computer or a mobile connection as back-up;
• Minimum internet speed of 2 Mpbs for video connection. It is recommended that participants
have a primary broadband internet connection and use wireless or a personal hotspot only as
back-up options;
• Webcam, microphone and/or headphones; and
• Zoom software installed.

3.2 Participants should also:

• Respect local COVID-19 and social distancing regulations if appearing on-camera alongside
fellow team members;
• Choose a quiet, private pleading venue;
• Mute their microphones when not speaking;
• Ensure that the positioning of their technical set-up provides a clear view of their upper body
and ensures that their voice is heard clearly and at an appropriate volume;
• Not use presentation materials, e.g. videos, images, slides;
• Use the chat function only to signal technical irregularities to the hearing host.

3.3 Coaches and non-pleading team members must have their video turned off and must be muted
during the hearing.

4. Cancellations and Defaulting Teams

4.1 Participants that are unable to attend a hearing must inform the organizers at least 24 hours
before the scheduled hearing start time, or, in any case, as soon as possible.

4.2 If a team does not attend a hearing, it may be disqualified from the further participation in the
Frankfurt Moot. The arbitrators should proceed with the hearing and allow the team that has appeared
to present its arguments.

5. Contact

5.1 For technical or connectivity issues as well as for cancellations and any other inquiries, please
contact Swetlana Foth ( and Catalina Bizic

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