Fourth Quarterly Examination in Science 5 SY 2022-2023 Instructions: Read Each Question Carefully and Shade The Correct Answer in The Answer

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SY 2022-2023

Instructions: Read each question carefully and shade the correct answer in the answer
sheet provided to you. Do not write anything on this test questionnaire.

1. Rocks break down naturally into soil through time. Which of the following
describes this phenomenon?
A. breaking
B. changing
C. rusting
D. weathering

2. Which of the following describes weathering?

A. taking of rock pieces in another place
B. taking of soil and rocks from the ground
C. breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces
D. changing of rock particles in color and size

3. Mechanical weathering is the physical wearing away of rocks into particles.

Which of the following is NOT an example of mechanical weathering?
A. rusting
B. abrasion
C. frost Action
D. pressure Release

4. Breaking of rocks is a natural occurrence that helps shape the Earth’s surface.
How do rocks turn into soil?
A. Rocks break as they are put into flames.
B. Rocks break as people pass through them.
C. Rocks break when they bump with each other.
D. Rocks decompose through mechanical and chemical reactions.

5. When I was young, I used to see a huge rock in our yard. Ten years later, the
huge rock was gone as the road was already constructed. What do you think
happened to the rock?
A. had broken down by plants
B. melted to the ground by itself
C. was taken to another place by soil erosion
D. broke down as it was demolished during construction

6. Based on the picture below, what should be the best

thing to do to help prevent the occurrence of landslides in that area?
A. Burn down the cut trees.
B. Cut down the remaining trees.
C. Stop the illegal logging activities in the area.
D. Construct a new building in the denuded area.

(Source: )
Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga
School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
7. You are planning to construct your dream house in your purchased lot. However,
there is a boulder of rock in it. Which of the following materials will help remove the
rock so that you can push through with the construction?
A. Use a pulley to move the rock out.
B. Punch the rock to break down the rock.
C. Use a jackhammer to break down the rock.
D. Use an inclined plane to move the rock out of the lot.

8. Temperature is an agent of weathering. Which of the following explains how it

helps break down rocks?
A. Constant temperature change causes rocks to become slimy.
B. Temperature causes a change in the physical structure of the rock.
C. Temperature change causes the expansion and contraction of rocks.
D. Temperature change causes the dwelling decomposers in the rocks to

9. Rock formations like the Mahayaw Arch is a great view that tourists love to visit
in Sabtang Island in Batanes. Which of the statement explains how this rock
formation occurred?
A. Animal activities cause the decomposition of the rock parts and
contribute to the formation of rock.
B. Human activities of the residents cause the formation of rocks
such as digging, cultivating, and sculpting.
C. Wind and water brought by constant typhoons which often visit the island
are contributors to the formation of the rock.
D. Temperature in the island changes from time to time which causes the
breaking of rocks and changes their form as time goes by.

10. People who study the characteristics and compositions of rocks can tell that a
rock will decompose by merely studying its change in composition. What
conclusion can you formulate from this idea?
A. Breaking of rocks is a result of human and animal activities.
B. Change in the composition of rocks results in constant exposure to
C. Physical decomposition of rocks results in varied chemical reactions in the
D. Rocks naturally evolve and decompose through time as a result
of industrialization.

11. There are times when the coasts have large sandy areas and at certain times,
those sand are also carried away by waves. What do you call the process when
rocks and soil particles are transported from one place to another?
A. weathering
B. soil erosion
C. decomposition
D. chemical reaction

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
12. In soil erosion, rocks and soil particles are carried from one place to another.
What do you call these particles that are carried during erosion?
A. deposits
B. residues
C. sediments
D. tailings

13. Which of the following is a negative effect of soil erosion to the people and the
A. construction
B. gardening
C. landslides
D. land formation

14. Human activities contribute a lot to soil erosion in the environment. Which
human activities bring massive effects in the environment?
A. digging
B. farming
C. grazing animals
D. mineral mining

15. Animals erode soil and rock particles. Which animal activities
contribute to soil erosion?
A. Cat stays at home with her kittens.
B. Dog steps on the water going to the house.
C. Rat eats plenty of corn crops on the hillside.
D. Squirrel digs in the ground and soil sticks in their bodies.

16. Construction companies used sand and gravel in constructing roads and
buildings. How do they obtain these materials?
A. cultivate the soil and remove rock particles in pieces.
B. pry the soil and rocks until they break into pieces.
C. wait for burrowing animals to loosen the soil and rocks.
D. bulldoze mountainsides and break rocks using huge jackhammers.

17. Which statement measures the extent of damage caused by soil

A. Classes and work were suspended due to the flash floods.
B. Many properties and houses were destroyed as a result of the flash floods.
C. Firemen and policemen were deployed as rescuers to the stranded
residents in highly affected areas.
D. Residents coming from lower areas and near shores and riverbanks were
evacuated to higher areas.

18. How does soil erosion impact living things?

A. It reduces the risk of landslides.
B. It enhances the growth of agricultural crops.
C. It decreases the availability of nutrients for plants.
D. It improves habitat quality for plants and animals.

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
19. Water aids in soil erosion. What evidence would you cite to prove this fact?
A. Sand dunes formation in desert areas.
B. Mud left on the ground after flooding.
C. Making of flower beds for backyard gardening
D. Soil and rock particles sticking to animal’s body parts

20. Suppose you are an DENR official, what possible solution will you recommend in
order to lessen the ill-effect of landslide and mudflows brought about by mining
and quarrying?
A. Ask for the permits and mitigation plans of the companies before
B. Let the construction companies present a list of materials to obtain from
the land.
C. Let the companies pay for the number of trees destroyed during
quarrying and mining.
D. Wait for the national government to address this problem since we can
make money from quarrying and mining activities.

21. What do you call the condition of the atmosphere over a

short period of time?
A. climate
B. seasons
C. typhoons
D. weather

22. What do you call a weather disturbance which brings heavy rains, floods, and
A. storm surge
B. tornado
C. tsunami
D. typhoon

23. Winds moving at speed of 121- 170 kph may be expected if the storm warning
signal is No. 3. Which of the following is the impact of the wind, particularly in
the industrial and agricultural sectors?
A. light to moderate damage
B. moderate to heavy damage
C. heavy to very heavy damage
D. very heavy to widespread damage

24. The Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and astronomical Services

Administration (PAGASA) keeps track of the cyclone that enters the Philippine
Area of Responsibility. Why does it issue weather bulletins and storm signal
A. Watch news report.
B. Have fun in an outing.
C. Go to grocery stores to buy basic needs.
D. Prepare the emergency kit and basic
things for possible evacuation.

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
25. When the eye of the typhoon hits your place, you experience a “lull” or a
sudden improvement of weather with light winds and rains. What is the best
thing to do if it occurs in your community?
A. It is safe to go outside since the weather is already fine.
B. It is now time to check the damage brought by typhoon.
C. Go and check outside to confirm that you were in the eye of the typhoon.
D. Never go outside and wait for confirmation that the storm has
passed the area.

26. Flooding may contaminate the tap water. What is the best thing to ensure that
the water you are drinking is safe?
A. Filter the water using cloth.
B. Store collected water gallons overnight.
C. Treat collected water with chlorine.
D. Boil your drinking water even after the typhoon.

27. What is the primary effect of typhoons on agriculture in the Philippines?

A. Increased crop yields
B. Improved soil fertility
C. Crop damage and loss
D. Enhanced irrigation systems

28. One of the factors that can trigger flash floods is illegal logging. Which is the
best solution to stop illegal logging in your area?
A. Let them do it as it is their livelihood.
B. Ignore the people doing illegal logging in your area.
C. Explain to the people the damage brought by illegal logging.
D. Join illegal logging since it has nothing to do with the natural

29. During typhoons, people living in or near the coastal areas are forced
to evacuate. What is the reason for forcing them to evacuate?
A. It is the mandate of the government.
B. Food packs await at the evacuation center.
C. It can possibly cause the death of some people.
D. Others have already evacuated.

30. Emergency evacuation is the urgent immediate escape of people away

from an area that contains possible threats or hazards. Having an
evacuation plan is advised even at home. What should you disregard
in crafting an evacuation plan?
A. Carefully assess the emergency area.
B. Access to necessary safety equipment.
C. Clearly map out evacuation procedures.
D. Landscape and amenities of the evacuation area.

31. What is the only satellite that the Earth has?

A. Moon
B. Planet
C. Star
D. Sun

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
32. The Moon follows an orbit as it revolves around the Earth. How long does it
take the Moon to complete its revolution?
A. one day
B. one month
C. one week
D. one year

33. Why is the Moon considered the satellite of the Earth?

A. It pulls the Earth towards it.
B. It revolves around the Earth.
C. It keeps the Earth on its orbit.
D. It affects the tides on the Earth.

34. During the new moon phase, the Moon is between the Sun and Earth. In this
Phase, the Moon is not visible from the Earth. Why is this so?
A. The Moon is very far in this phase.
B. The light of the Sun is towards the Earth.
C. The Moon is covered by the Sun in this phase.
D. The side of the Moon that is facing us is not being lit by the sun.

35. Some insects are very active during full moon. One of these is black bugs which
bring bad odors that might harm our health. What is the best thing to do to get rid
of these bugs?
A. Lock all your windows and doors.
B. Spray insecticides inside your home.
C. Stay in the dark room until the morning comes.
D. Turn off the lights since black bugs are attracted to light.

36. Which statement would help prevent the destruction of properties near shore
during full moon where big waves are usually formed?
A. Never buy or build a house near shore.
B. Transfer your properties away from shore.
C. Plant mangroves to control the impact of big waves.
D. Tide is a day-to-day phenomenon; people should get used to it.

37. Tides are the rising and falling of sea levels with respect to land. Which of the
following statements best explain this phenomenon?
A. Gravitational force of the Sun pulls the Earth towards it.
B. The other side of the Earth is being pushed by the Moon.
C. Half part of the Earth is pushed by the Sun and the other side is pulled by
the Moon.
D. When the Earth is closer to the Moon that side of the Earth will be pulled
towards the Moon.

38. Tides are very long waves that move across the oceans. They are the rising and
falling of sea levels with respect to land. Do you think the gravitational forces
affect it?
A. No, because the height of tides is the same in all places.
B. No, because during spring tide, high tide is higher than usual.
C. Yes, because the gravitational force causes high tide to occur once a day
in most places of the Earth.
D.Yes, because the gravitational forces exist between the Moon
and the Earth to hold each other in their respective positions.

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
39. The Moon and stars are the basis for fishermen to know if there might be rain
or any weather disturbances. Upon looking up to the sky, what can you
conclude about the weather during night time?
A. The Moon and stars will appear when it is raining.
B. Clear sky indicates that there is less possibility of rain.
C. We cannot tell if it will rain during night time since the environment is
very dark.
Greater possibility of rain may occur during night time because it has a cold

40. Many people have different beliefs and practices associated with the Moon.
Some of these beliefs were passed on from generation to generation and until
now are being used by many people. What belief can you conclude that is not
applicable as of today because of lack of scientific explanation?
A. The Moon gives signs about the weather.
B. The Moon tells farmers when to plant and harvest crops.
C. The Moon tells where the fishermen could catch a lot of fish.
D. The Moon affects the number of fish fisherman could catch.

41. When we look at a clear night sky, we can see twinkling lights. What do you call
these heavenly bodies?
A. comets
B. meteors
C. planets
D. stars

42 What is a constellation?
A. The groups of comets that pass by the Earth.
B. The groups of stars that form distinct patterns in the sky.
C. The thick groups of clouds that cover the Earth’s atmosphere.
D. The groups of ancient people who studied the heavenly bodies before.

43. Betelgeuse is a red star, its temperature is 3,000 0C. Arcturus is orange with
4,0000C temperature, the Sun is yellow with 6,0000C and Vega, a white star
has 10,0000C. Which color is classified as the hottest star?
A. Orange
B. Red
C. White
D. Yellow

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
44. The distance of a star from the Earth is measured in light years. Based on the
table below, which among the statements is true?

Star Distance
(Light years)
Proxima Centauri 4.3
Sirius 8.8
Vega 26
Betelgeuse 300
Deneb 1,600

A. Vega is farther than Deneb.

B. Sirius is farther than Betelgeuse.
C. Betelgeuse is the nearest star from the Earth.
D. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star from the Earth.

45. Why are the moon and stars visible at night?

A. The sun is too big that it cannot allow other stars to be visible during
B. During night time, the Sun’s light does not reach the Earth’s side. Thus,
other stars become visible.
C. The sun is too heavy during daytime that it covers the light coming from
other stars that are too far away.
D. During night time, the Sun loses its light making other stars and
heavenly bodies expose their brightness.

46. Look at the night sky. You can see the Moon and other stars
twinkling brightly. Which activity is best to do under the starlight?
A. Have a campfire with your family in the backyard.
B. Have a pajama party with classmates at your house.
C. Invite a game party with your favorite online friends.
D. Go midnight shopping with your parents and friends at your favorite mall.

47. Suppose you are a fisherman, you noticed that tonight the stars are not visible in
the sky. What action would you take in this kind of situation?
A. Postpone fishing since there’s a possibility of heavy rain.
B. Go fishing because there’s going to be a big catch tonight.
C. Moon will surely shine brightly tonight so it is nice to wait for the fish.
D. Put the nets and lamp ready because fishes are going to flock under the

48. Which star pattern is known as "The Great Square" and can be observed in the
summer months in the northern hemisphere?
A. Canis Major
B. Gemini
C. Lyra
D. Pegasus

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam
49. Stars differ in size. Based on the below, can we consider the Sun as an
average-sized star? Why?

Star Size (Diameter in kilometers)

OGLE-TR-122b, 167,000
Proxima Centauri 200,000
Sun 1,392,000
Capella 16,704,000
Arcturus 36,000,000

A. No, because it shows that the Sun is larger than Betelgeuse and Antares.
B. No, because it shows that other stars are smaller in diameter than the
C. Yes, because it shows that the Sun is bigger than Betelgeuse and Antares.
D. Yes, because it shows that other stars are smaller and bigger in
diameter than the Sun.

50. Polaris, also known as the North Star, is the point of reference used by most
people for traveling. What conclusion can you draw from this idea? Polaris is ______.
A. a pointing to the south, so it makes travel easy
B. a fixed star pointing north, hence it helps in identifying other
directions easily
C. a mobile star; hence it is used in traveling since it can tell the
different directions
D. a bright star; hence it is useful in finding directions while
traveling anywhere

Test Curator: NORA C. ATEZORA DepEd-Caraga

School: Awasian Elementary School Sukdanan
Email Address: Standardized Quarterly Exam

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