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GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Please read the statement thoroughly and write your answer in your answer sheet.
AVOID ERASURE, deduction will follow if you have. DO NOT WRITE ANYTHING ON THE TESTPAPER.

Directions: Match Column A (concepts) to Column B (meaning). Write the letter of the correct answer in
your answer sheet.
1. Communication is a process a.) This means that what you have said can never be unsaid.
2. Communication is inevitable b.) act of communication can never be duplicated.
3. Communication is irreversible c.) communication is taking place even when someone does not want
or intend to communicate
4. Communication is Unrepeatable d.) it is a step by step activity and it is essentially a two-way process
that involves the active participation of both the sender and receiver.
5. Communication has a sender and e.) Communication speaker or the receiver occurs between two or
receiver more people acting as the of the message.
6. Sender a.) the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in
words or in actions
7. Message b.) noise in communication
8. Receiver c.) the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver
9. Feedback d.) source of the message or information
10. Barrier e.) the recipient of the message, or someone who decodes the
11. Control a.) to exercise restraint or direction formally or informally.
12. Social Interaction b.) It provides data and information for effective completion of tasks,
solution of problems, and elimination of uncertainty.
13. Motivation c.) Communication makes possible the release or unloading of
emotions, resulting in catharsis.
14. Information Dissemination d.) the energy that influences a person’s behavior in different ways to
his pursuit of his goal or objective.
15. Emotional Expression e.) Communication allows acting and reacting to the behavior of
people around us.
Directions: Read the statement thoroughly and identify the following models of communication.
Pick out your answer from the box below.

a. Interactive model b. Aristotle model c. Shannon & Weaver model

d. Transactional model e. Linear model

16 19.


Directions: Read the following statements thoroughly. Identify the correct “C”, the seven C of
communication. Pick out your answer in the box below.
a. correctness b. courtesy c. consideration d. clearness
e. concise f. completeness g. concreteness
21. Grammar errors should be avoided to achieve effective communication.
22. Respect for others’ culture.
23. Regard for the receiver’s needs and background.
24. Give real-life examples.
25. Use simple and specific words.
Directions: Identify the pictures of common communication breakdown below. Pick out your answer in the
box below.
a. Attitudinal barrier b. Language Barrier c. Physical Barrier
d. Physiological Barrier e. Psychological Barrier f. Lack of self-confidence
26. 27. 28. 29. 30.

Directions: Read the following sentence below. Write S if the statement is true and Write D if the statement
is false. Write your answer in your answer sheet.
30. Speeches, stories, oral poetry and songs are examples of oral activities.
31. Stories are helpful in teaching morals and solving attitude problems especially with younger people
who lack experience.
32. Non-verbal cues should match the spoken words to avoid confusion.
33. Physical appearance and bodily movements do not complement verbal messages.
34. Song uses syncopation.
35. In a small group discussion, participants can freely share and express ideas.
36. Radio, television, books, billboards are examples of mass communication
37. One major function of verbal communication is to relay a message to one or more recipients
38. Non-Verbal behavior includes maintaining eye-to eye contact to establish credibility.
39. A speaker in an intrapersonal communication context needs additional visual channels such as slides
in a PowerPoint presentation to share information.
40. A speaker can also play a role as a receiver of message in an intrapersonal context .
Directions: The types of speech styles are listed below, marked A-E. Identify the speech style used in
statements that follow. Choose the letter of your answer and write it in your answer sheet.
a. Intimate b. Consultative c. Frozen
d. Casual e. Formal
The following are sample greetings in what type of speech?
41. Hey, Jack. What's up?
42. Hello, Good morning. May I speak to Ms. Lazalita, please?
43. My darling, how was your first day at work?
44. My salute to the dignitaries’ present. Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to this affair.
45. Welcome to Mantangale SHS Open House. Where future leaders are developed through faith and
technology. I hope you will enjoy the tour.
Directions: Read the questions below.
46-50. Create a dialog that has directive situation. At least two dialog each. (e.g. teacher and students
conversation, mother and daughter, school head and teacher and other likes)

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