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Name: Michael John Galdo

Section & Course: A-29 / Mechanical Engineering Course



DESCRIPTION: The Lat pulldown machine generally comprises a seating arrangement equipped with
thigh support pads, a system pf pulleys, a mass-resistance mechanism either in the form of weighted stacks
or individual plates, and a linear elongated bar interconnected to the system through a flexible cord. To
utilize the lat pulldown machine, one must sit on the machine’s seat, adjusting the thigh pads to secure your
legs. You grasp the bar with a wide overhand grip (Palms facing away from the individual) at a distance
that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

MUSCLE TRAINING: The machine specifically targets the Latissimus dorsi muscles (commonly referred
to as the lats). They are responsible for the overall appearance of a well-defined back. They are the primary
movers in various multi-joint exercises and represents the largest muscles in the back. These expansive
muscles have their origins at multiple points including the mid and lower spine, the upper part of the pelvis
the lower ribs, the lower scapula, and they insert on the front of the humerous.

DESCRIPTION: A leg press machine is a piece of fitness equipment commonly found in gyms and fitness
centers, it typically consists of a seat or a bench that can be adjusted to various angles, a platform where the
user places their feet, and a system of weights or resistance that the user pushes against. Its primary purpose
is to specifically target and strengthen the muscles in the legs.

MUSCLE TRAINING: The leg press machine primarily targets the muscles in the lower, including the
quadriceps (Front Thighs), hamstring (back thighs), glutes (buttocks), and calf muscles. Depending on one’s
foot placement and machine settings, one can emphasize different leg muscles. It also engages stabilizer
muscles in the core, lower back, and hips for balance and control.


DESCRIPTION: A chest press machine is a piece of exercise equipment commonly found in gyms and
fitness centers. The machine typically consists of a padded bench or seat and a set of handles or grips that
one can push outwards to perform the exercise.

MUSCLE TARGET: A primary muscle group targeted by the chest press machine is the pectoralis major,
which is commonly referred to as the “pecs” or chest muscles. When one performs a chest press exercise
on this machine, the pectoralis major contracts to push the handle or weights away from one’s body,
which works to strengthen and develop these muscles.


DESCRIPTION: A cable machine in the gym is a versatile equipment consisting of pulley, cable, and
adjustable weights. It allows users to perform a wide range of strength training exercises for various muscle
groups, offering constant tension throughout movements. It’s popular for isolation exercises and help build
strength and muscle definition when used with proper form.

MUSLE TARGET: A cable machine can target a variety of muscle groups depending on the exercise
performed. Common targets include the chest back, shoulders, arms (biceps and triceps), legs, and core
muscles. The specific muscles engaged vary with each exercise, making cable machines versatile for a wide
range of strength training routines. Proper form is crucial for effective muscle targeting and injury
prevention (refer to the picture above for the demonstration).

DESCRIPTION: A hanging leg raise machine is a piece of gym equipment designed for performing
hanging leg raises. It consists of a frame with padded armrests and foot supports. Users step onto the
foot supports, hang from the armrests, and lift their legs upward to work the lower abdominal muscles
and core. The machine provides stability and is suitable for various fitness levels. Proper form and
appropriate resistance are essential for safety and effectiveness.

TARGET MUSCLES: The hanging leg raise targets several muscle groups, including the lower abdominals
(rectus abdominis), hip flexors (iliopsoas), obliques (internal and external), and transverse abdominis. The
primary focus is on the rectus abdominis, which contracts to lift and control leg movement. Hip flexors
assist in lifting and lowering the legs, obliques engage for rotational stability, and the transverse abdominis
stabilizes the spine and core. This exercise effectively strengthens the core, enhances hip flexor flexibility
and strength, and improves overall abdominal strength.

6. Leg curl Machine

DESCRIPTION: A leg curl machine is a fitness device used to strengthen the hamstring muscles at the
back of your thighs. It typically includes a bench or seat with a roller or lever for leg movement. There
are seated and lying leg curl machines, both of which involve bending the knees to curl the legs against
resistance (usually provided by weights) and then extending them back to the starting position. These
machines help improve hamstring strength, which is essential for various lower-body activities and can
be beneficial when used with proper form and guidance from a fitness expert.

TARGET MUSCLES: This primarily targets the muscles in the back of the thigh, specifically the
hamstrings. The hamstring muscles consist of three main muscles: the biceps femoris, the
semitendinosus, and the semimembranosus. When one performs leg curls on a machine, these muscles
are engaged to flex your knee joint and curl your lower leg towards your buttocks. Additionally, the
leg curl machine may also involve the calf muscles to some extent, depending on the machine design
and an individual’s body positioning during the exercise. However, the primary focus is on the
hamstrings, making it an effective exercise for strengthening and toning the back of the thighs.


DESCRIPTION: A tricep extension machine is a piece of gym equipment designed to work the triceps
muscles in the upper arm. It consists of a seat, handles or grips, a weight stack for resistance, and allows
users to perform controlled tricep extensions by pushing the handles away from the body while keeping
the upper arms stationary. This machine is useful for isolating and strengthening the triceps and is
suitable for people of different fitness levels when used with proper form.

TARGET MUSCLES: The tricep extension machine primarily targets the triceps brachii muscles in
the upper arm. These are the primary muscles worked during this exercise. The triceps consist of three
heads: the long head, the lateral head, and the medial head. Tricep extension exercises help strengthen
and tone all three of these tricep muscle heads. Additionally, to a lesser extent, this exercise may engage
the deltoids (shoulder muscles) and the chest muscles as stabilizers, but the primary focus is on the

DESCRIPTION: An Assisted Grip Pull-Up Machine is a piece of gym equipment designed to help
individuals perform pull-up exercises. It has an adjustable platform or knee pad that counterbalances
body weight, making pull-ups easier. Users grip horizontal bars while the machine assists in lifting
some of their weight. This equipment aids beginners and those targeting specific upper-body muscles
while gradually allowing them to progress towards unassisted pull-ups.

MUSCLE TARGET: This targets several upper-body muscle groups, including the latissimus dorsi
(back), biceps, rhomboids, trapezius, deltoids (especially the rear part), brachialis, and forearm
muscles. It assists users in performing pull-ups while allowing them to focus on strengthening these
muscle groups, making it especially beneficial for individuals working on their upper-body strength
and pull-up capabilities.


DESCRIPTION: The Smith Machine is a piece of gym equipment with a fixed, guided barbell that
moves in a vertical path within steel rails. It's commonly used for resistance training exercises like
squats, bench presses, and shoulder presses. It offers safety advantages, as users don't need spotters,
and it can be adjusted for different exercises and heights. However, it has limitations, such as
potentially limiting stabilizing muscle activation and not replicating natural free-weight movements
entirely. Its use depends on fitness goals and exercise preferences.

MUSCLE TARGET: The target muscles when using a Smith Machine vary depending on the exercise
performed. Common exercises include Smith Machine Squats (quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings), Smith
Machine Bench Press (chest, triceps, shoulders), Smith Machine Shoulder Press (shoulders, triceps,
upper chest), and others. Each exercise primarily focuses on specific muscle groups, but proper form
and technique are crucial for effectiveness and safety. Incorporating a variety of exercises can provide
a more balanced workout routine.


DESCRIPTION: Gym rowing machines, also known as rowing ergometers, are fitness equipment found
in gyms that simulate the motion of rowing a boat. They provide a full-body workout, engaging
muscles in the legs, back, shoulders, and arms. These machines use various resistance mechanisms,
including air, magnetic, and water resistance, and come with digital monitors to track workout metrics.
Rowing is a low-impact exercise suitable for different fitness goals, and it offers versatility and space
efficiency. Proper technique is essential for safe and effective use.

MUSCLE TARGET: These provide a full-body workout, targeting several muscle groups, including the
legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calves), back (latissimus dorsi), shoulders (deltoids), arms (biceps,
forearms), core (abdominals, obliques), chest (pectorals), hips (hip flexors), glutes, and triceps. They
also improve grip strength and engage various stabilizing muscles, making them an effective choice
for overall strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness.

Reference links:

1. Concept2Exercise:

2. InspireUSAfoundation:

3. InspireUSAfoundation (target muscle images) :


4. Hevy:


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