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Khóa ngày 13 tháng 12 năm 2022

SỐ BÁO DANH:…………… Thời gian: 150 phút (không kể thời gian giao đề)
Đề gồm có 06 trang.
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 Thí sinh làm bài vào tờ giấy thi.
 Thí sinh không được sử dụng tài liệu, kể cả từ điển.
Hướng dẫn phần thi nghe hiểu
 Bài nghe gồm 3 phần; mỗi phần được nghe 2 lần, mỗi lần cách nhau 15 giây; mở đầu mỗi phần nghe
có tín hiệu. Mở đầu và kết thúc bài nghe có tín hiệu nhạc.
Part 1. For questions 1-5, you are going to hear two women talking about a holiday in France.
Listen and choose the best answer to each question. (5 pts)
1. Paula's friend says that _______.
A. she has been ill
B. Paula doesn't look very well
C. she's pleased to see Paula
2. Before the trip, Paula _______.
A. was enthusiastic about it
B. wanted to go to the Lake District
C. didn't tell anybody she was going
3. Before Mark and Paula went to Paris, _______.
A. Mark's boss didn't want him to go
B. Paula arranged for somebody to look after the hamster
C. Paula's sister promised to look after the children
4. The journey across the Channel _______.
A. was very smooth
B. was unpleasant for Paula
C. lasted eight hours
5. The return trip from Paris was _______.
A. disturbed by a flood
B. an enjoyable experience
C. earlier than planned
Part 2. For questions 6-10, you will hear a talk about one of the seven natural wonders. Listen and
decide if these statements are True (T) or False (F). (5pts)
6. Cairns has the fifth busiest airport in the southern hemisphere.
7. Great Adventures is the name of a travel company.
8. Green Island is 6,000 years old.
9. It takes 45 minutes to fly to Green Island from Cairns.
10. You are only allowed to go to the pontoon once.
Part 3. For questions 11-20, you will hear a historian giving a presentation about techniques to
identify the origin of handwritten books from the middle ages. Listen and complete the notes
below with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each numbered blank. (10pts)
Researching the origin of medieval manuscripts
Medieval manuscripts-handwritten hooks produced between the
fifth and fifteenth centuries
Origin of many manuscripts unknown until 2009; scientists started using PNA testing
Animal hides - two types

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Sheep hide: white in color and (11) _______
Greasy - writing can’t be erased so often used for (12) _______
Calf skin: most popular for prestigious work because you can get (13) _______ lettering.
Preparation of hides
Treated in large (14) _______ of lime- where this was not available, skins were burried
Stretched tight on a frame
Scraped to create (15) _______
Vellum was (16) _______ for correct colour
Genetic testing - finding origins
Previously-analyzed handwriting and (17) _______ used by the writer
Now- using genetic data from 'known manuscripts' to create a (18)’ _______’
Uses of new data
Gives information on individual books
Shows the (19) _______ of the book manufacturing
Helps establish (20) _______in medieval period
Part 1. For questions 21-23, pick up the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from
the others. (3pts)
21. A. mayor B. quay C. prayer D. layer
22. A. athlete B. ethnic C. asthma D. breath
23. A. ecosystem B. knowledge C. technology D. commodity
Part 2. For questions 24-25, choose the word whose main stress is placed differently from the
others in each group. (2pts)
24. A. reluctant B. different C. flexible D. elegant
25. A. archaeology B. itinerary C. unforgettable D. authenticity
Part 1. For questions 26-35, choose the correct answer A, B, C, or D to each of the following
questions. (10pts)
26. The city libraries present a gloomy picture of the _____ who used to flock the libraries every
A. gradual reduction of readers B. gradually readers reduction
C. gradual readers of reduction D. reduction gradually readers
27. _______ the public concern about the local environment, this new road scheme will have to be
A. As regards B. In the event of C. In view of D. For the sake
28. Having been selected to present the Association of American Engineers at the International
Convention, _______.
A. the members applauched him B. a speech had to be given by him
C. the members congratulated him D. he gave a short acceptance speech
29. It is mandatory that smoking in public _______.
A. is prohibited B. may be prohibited C. should prohibit D. be prohibited
30. The _____ of the project has been suspended because of the inadequate financing.
A. implementation B. establishment C. installation D. exploration
31. The Wilsons have found it terribly hard to make _____ meet ever since they both lost their jobs.
A. ends B. strings C. coins D. limits
32. The football match was _______ after two hooligans had been driven out.
A. assumed B. resumed C. returned D. revived
33. If you have a minor illness, it’s usally better to let the nature take its _______.
A. time B. path C. way D. course
34. They're having serious problems. Their relationship is on the_______.
A. cliffs B. rocks C. stone D. grass
35. I think people who help the old, poor, sick and homeless are _______.
A. the sugar of the sea B. the salt of an ocean
C. the salt of the earth D. the sugar of the ocean
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Part 2. Each of the following sentences contains ONE mistake. For questions 36-40, FIND and
CORRECT it. (5pts)
36. It used to be assumed that jellyfish were among the simplest life forms, as it had no brain or central
nervous system.
37. The competition included two official rounds, following each of them four contestants were selected
for the first, second, third, and consolation prizes.
38. Before making informative decisions, I always consult my father who has in-depth knowledge about
39. The growth of new media has opened up a wide range of Internet career opportunities required only
a minimal level of technical expertise.
40. Linguistics bring us to further understanding of cultures, societies and civilizations.
Part 3. For questions 41-50, supply the correct form of each word given in brackets. (10pts)
Recently, researchers have been kept busy picking lettuces under cover of darkness, but there is a
perfectly reasonable explanation for this _______ (41. APPEAR) bizarre experiment. Tests have shown
that the vegetables picked at night stayed fresh _______ (42. CONSIDER) longer than those picked
during the day, though the reason for this improved _______ (43. LONG) is unclear.
Lunar gardeners claim to have known about the _______ (44. BENEFIT) effects of nocturnal
vegetable management for years, and those gardeners who believe in environmentally friendly organic
methods see the idea of working with the moon's influence as a _______ (45. CONTINUE) of their
principles. They claim to be following a tradition, long-established in various parts of the world, of
working in harmony with the moon’s ______ (46. GRAVITY) pull. In England, lunar gardening
reached its zenith in the 16th century, but the vagaries of the ______ (47. PREDICT) climate meant that
it survived only as part of an oral folklore tradition.
_______ (48. CONFUSE), several different and sometimes contradictory systems are practised
today. Although all of them focus on the effects of moonlight and the moon's pull on the Earth's water,
the exact science remains (49. CONTROVERSY) ______. There are some horticulturists who regard
the ideas with scepticism. Others, however, are more encouraging and less ______ (50. DISMISS), and
advocate further research, even though no discernible results have been forthcoming in support of any
particular theory.
Part 4. For questions 51-55, complete each sentence with a suitable form of one of the phrasal verbs in
the box. Use each one ONCE only. There is an extra one that you do not need to use. (5pts)
take on look back on lay in come round to call up seal off

51. The road will remain _______ until the police have completed their investigations.
52. I suggest we _______ more coal in case the forecasts of a long and heavy winter should come true.
53. Another twenty well trained engineers have been _______ to accelerate the design work in the
assembly department.
54. It's no use _______ the past only. You'll be better off if you start thinking about your future.
55. At the age of seventeen Ronald was _______by the army and stationed in Oklahoma.
Part 1. For questions 56-65, read an extract from an article on language and choose the answer A,
B, C or D which you think fits best according to the text. (10pts)
Dyslexic minds
Why some children (56)______ so much with reading used to be a mystery. Now researchers
know what's wrong - and what to do about it.
When some children look at a page of text, they can see letters’ names. They can even tell you
what sounds those letters make. Nevertheless, even for (57)______ high school students, to tell what
words those letters form is baffling, to say the (58)_______. They see a wall, a hurdle to get over, and
often (59) ______ that some letters are easier to figure out than others.
The condition is called dyslexia, a reading (60) ______that persists (61) ______ good schooling
and normal or even above average intelligence. It's a handicap that (62) ______ 10% of the population,
according to experts, though some put the figure higher – up to 20%. The exact (63) ______ of the
problem has eluded doctors, teachers, parents and dyslexics themselves since it was first described more
than a century ago. (64) ______, it is so hard for skilled readers to imagine what it's like not to be able to

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effortlessly absorb the printed word that they often (65) ______ the real problem is laziness or obstinacy
or a proud parent's inability to recognise that his or her child isn't that smart after all.
56. A. fight B. strive C. struggle D. cope
57. A. talkative B. articulate C. mindful D.well-educated
58. A. most B. least C. truth D. fact
59. A. admit B. assume C. predict D. accept
60. A. malfunction B. disease C. disorder D. fault
61. A. despite B. although C. besides D. without
62. A. affects B. effects C. influences D. attacks
63. A. type B. characteristics C. quality D. nature
64. A. However B. Indeed C. Really D. Therefore
65. A. realise B. reject C. wonder D. suspect
Part 2. For questions 66-73, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap.
Use only ONE word in each gap. (8pts)
How do you keep students (66) ______ and enthusiastic about learning? This is a question that has
been occupying teachers’ (67) ______ for centuries. Thanks to developments in technology, many
schools have drawn inspiration from the popularity of video games in their (68) ______for an answer.
Most games are based on a very simple structure. They set up goals that require skills such as problem-
solving in order for them to (69) ______ completed. Then they reward success in a way (70) ______
creates a feeling of competition and a thirst to continue. Teachers are now putting these same features to
good (71) ______ in the classroom, creating a gamified learning environment. Some teachers are even
thinking (72) _____ the box and using games directly to help students learn. For example, playing city-
building games in class can teach students about economics, and massive online games with multi-
language servers can help students brush up (73) _____ their language skills.
Part 3. For questions 74-80, read the text below and choose the best answer A, B, C, or D for each
of the questions. (7pts)
Mass culture
In recent decades, the development and spread of new information technologies such as satellite
television have engendered many debates about the consequences of their use. One of the first writers to
see the possibilities of these changes was the American writer Marshall McLuhan, who argued in the
1960’s that communications technology would have two effects: first, it would create a global village
where everyone and everything were accessible to the television camera and secondly, that it would
become the case that ‘the medium is the message’, that is, how the message is transmitted would
outgrow in importance what the message is.
Other theorists have gone further in arguing that the explosion of, and increasing dependence on,
information technology have brought about profound changes in the way society is organised. Some, for
example, believe that we can now describe a ‘post-modern society’, characterised partly by an
information-based international division of labour that allows increasing freedom of movement. At the
cultural level, distinctions between ‘high’ and ‘low’ culture have disappeared as new technology
transmits across class boundaries, while stylistically, form has become more important than substance,
and the ubiquity of television means that everything is seen in television codes. McLuhan’s global
television-led culture is now with us.
The accuracy of such a description, however, has been questioned. At one level, many people are
reluctant to accept any argument that technology can lead to social and economic changes, arguing
instead that the relationship is exactly the other way round. In other words, they are critical of any
tendency to technological determinism. Furthermore, evidence can be cited that queries the notion that
information technology has spread evenly throughout the word or even throughout Britain. This has
been described as the uneven development of the information economy. Many areas of Great Britain, for
example, are not yet equipped with the on-line communications systems necessary to receive
technologies such as cable and interactive television, and the take-up of these technologies varies
according to socio-economic factors. We are still a long way from the full-scale and comprehensive
implementation of the information super-highway.
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What does seem to be the case, however, is that the stereotypical image of the nuclear family sitting
together in the front room cheerfully choosing their evening's viewing from a limited range of television
stations is disappearing. This is partly due to the increased number of sets per household as well as the
rapid growth in the number of channels, a development mirrored by the niche marketing of magazines to
a multiplicity of interest groups. The amount of time spent watching television per head has stabilised in
recent years to around 27 hours a week. Women watch on average four more hours of television per
week than men and all statistics show a relationship between social class and viewing.
This is not to say that diversity and choice have necessarily been achieved. It remains the case that
satellite television caters for mass-appeal interests such as music, sport, news, children's programmes
and American films and light entertainment, ignoring many disadvantaged social groups. New media
technologies have not empowered people in the sense that there are increased numbers of community-
based television networks. In Britain, it is no less valid today to describe a mass culture based on a
centrally directed mass media.
Doubts have also been raised about the ability of satellite stations to succeed in creating a global
television culture. Rupert Murdoch is widely known to own substantial parts of the global media
industry. A few years ago, he added a controlling share of StarTV to his collection, meaning that he
gained access to 2.5 billion people in 50 countries or forty percent of the world’s television sets, in a
region stretching from Jordan to Japan. Capturing the market in India, however, and American mega-
series such as Baywatch and L.A Law, has not been as straightforward as first imagined. Cultural
differences are complicated in a nation of 18 official languages and further compounded when you
consider the staggering figure of 1,700 dialects. Hindi films transmitted by the state broadcasting
network still rank a coveted first in the ratings table. Murdoch’s response to this realisation was to
immediately buy into a local TV station as well. Indian culture, for the present at least, remains resistant
to western broadcasting and highlights that the creation of a global mass culture will not be solely
induced by technology.
74. As described by theorists, in a 'post-modern' society_______.
A. artistic creativity is highly appreciated and promoted by critics
B. a range of choices available for people is confined to a fixed number of options
C. the supremacy of television over other forms of media is challenged
D. 'high' and 'low' cultures start to intermingle with the other
75. Accounts of a TV-led society have been put into question by_______.
A. proof underscoring the inverse relationship between technology and cultural changes
B. evidence indicating the equilibrium in the distribution of technology across regions
C. people expressing resistance to shifts in their mindsets
D. the influence of an information-based economy on the ubiquity of television
76. Which of the following reflects the present-day prevalent situation regarding households?
A. A household gathers and views TV in a convivial atmosphere.
B. Family members no longer enjoy spending time watching TV with others.
C. An extended family congregates and watches TV with no signs of happiness.
D. Nuclear families gradually disintegrate as a result of technology.
77. What is cited as a possible explanation for the changes witnessed at familial level?
A. The media's ability to target specific audiences.
B. The stability of time devoted to watching TV.
C. Less transparent boundaries among social strata.
D. The decrease in the number of sets within every household.
78. According to the passage, satellite television has _______.
A. enabled the incorporation of less serious content into news of more solemn concern
B. instigated the flourishing of networks within the community
C. boosted the decentralization of the mass media
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D. been of little benefit to minority groups in the society
79. From the passage, it can be deduced that _______.
A. Television has been of immeasurable importance to the homogenization of the world’s culture
B. Advanced technologies notwithstanding, a global mass culture has yet to emerge
C. Headway towards an egalitarian society has been countervailing, as it has widened the gulfs
between classes within the society
D. Television has been a factor in the formation of new cultures, but it should not be considered as
the most significant
80. In the passage as a whole, the author’s tone seems most likely to be _______.
A. indifferent B. critical C. objective D. sarcastic
Part 1. Complete each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as
the sentence printed before it. (5pts)
81. They will consider age and experience when they decide the salary.
They will take ________________________________________
82. It was pure chance that a policeman was passing as I was attacked.
Only by ______________________________________________
83. They tried hard so that they would pass the exam.
With a _______________________________________________
84. She was so attractive that every boy in the class ran after her.
Such ________________________________________________
85. His efforts to find a solution to the problem didn’t deserve such savage criticism.
He shouldn’t __________________________________________
Part 2. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. DO NOT CHANGE THE WORD GIVEN. You must use between TWO and
FIVE words, including the word given. (5pts)
86. Many companies were immediately affected by the new regulations. EFFECT
The new regulations _____________________________many companies.
87. The case was dismissed for the reason that there was insufficient evidence. ON
They threw the case out ____________________was insufficient evidence.
88. Bill reckoned that his success was due to incredible luck. PUT
Bill __________________________________________ to incredible luck.
89. I don’t know how he’ll ever compensate for what he’s done. MAKE
How he’ll ever________________________ he’s done is a mystery to me.
90. Would you give us your answer as soon as possible. CONVENIENCE
Please respond ______________________________________________.

Part 3. Essay writing. (10pts)

Some people say that electronic devices have made life easier and more convenient. Other
people say that they have made life more complex and stressful.
Write an essay of 200 - 250 words to discuss both views and state your own opinion.

------THE END------

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