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Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm I: Hybrid geographies,

the spatial turn, and volunteered geographic information (VGI)

Article in Progress in Human Geography · February 2012

DOI: 10.1177/0309132510392164


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2 authors:

Daniel Sui Dydia Delyser

The Ohio State University California State University, Fullerton


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Progress in Human Geography

Crossing the qualitative-quantitative chasm I: Hybrid geographies, the spatial turn, and
volunteered geographic information (VGI)
Daniel Sui and Dydia DeLyser
Prog Hum Geogr published online 28 February 2011
DOI: 10.1177/0309132510392164

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Progress report
Progress in Human Geography
Crossing the qualitative- ª The Author(s) 2011
Reprints and permission:
quantitative chasm I: 10.1177/0309132510392164
Hybrid geographies,
the spatial turn, and volunteered
geographic information (VGI)

Daniel Sui
The Ohio State University, USA
Dydia DeLyser
Louisiana State University, USA

This report, the first of three, reviews methods and methodological approaches, qualitative and quantitative.
In an effort to look beyond the qualitative-quantitative divide, two geographers with different methodological
background and expertise write together. This first report reviews works under the broader context of hybrid
geographies, the spatial turn, and the recent explosive growth of volunteered geographic information (VGI).
The works reviewed seek to combine methodological approaches in creative ways, or to create other hybrid
research methods, all to address the challenging problems of our times – problems that often demand synergy
in methodology, holism in ontology, plurarism/open-mindedness in epistemology, and embracing diversity.

hybrid geography, methodology, methods, mixed methods, neogeography, qualitative, quantitative, spatial
turn, volunteered geographic information (VGI)

I Introduction: Beyond the and Riva, 2010; Walker, 2010). In this first
qualitative-quantitative divide report we focus on work that seeks to mix meth-
ods and/or methodologies, as well as on work
With this first in a series of three reports we that seeks to transcend the differences between
begin an entirely new progress report, one set methods and methodologies. This should not
to cover qualitative and quantitative research be confused with single-minded advocacy for
methods together, along with the methodologies such work as the methodological way forward.
that ground them and the approaches that seek to
integrate them. We write together in an effort to
bury the qualitative-quantitative divide in our
discipline (and in the social sciences and huma- Corresponding author:
Daniel Sui, Department of Geography, The Ohio State
nities more broadly) and we contend that this University, 1036 Derby Hall, 154 North Oval Mall,
divide has hindered cooperation, collaboration, Columbus, OH 43210-1361, USA
and constructive engagement of diversity (Curtis Email:

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2 Progress in Human Geography

Future reports will highlight qualitative and geography as an interdisciplinary field (Baerwald,
quantitative approaches that do not seek to meld 2010). In the following section we outline the
approaches, but attempt instead to carry out their broader context for such engagements.
own methodological work well. Across the three
reports we seek to recognize the diversity of
approaches current in geographical scholarship,
II Geography’s new turn to
but also to propose that we move beyond the synthesis and holism
methodological divide that has hindered that Geography as a discipline has oscillated between
scholarship. Our goal is to inject tolerance, strive analytical and synthetic paradigms (Harvey,
for synergy, and embrace diversity in our meth- 1997; Turner, 1989). During the first decade of
ods and methodologies in order to address crea- the 21st century, along with geographers’ cur-
tively the complex problems of our time. rent and recent turns to specific domains and
Such a broad embrace is (and long has been) approaches (e.g. the critical turn, the cultural
common in more introductory texts (Gomez and turn, the relational turn, the computational turn,
Jones, 2010; Kitchin and Tate, 1999; Montello the communicational turn, the mobilities turn,
and Sutton, 2005) and throughout the history of the performative turn, etc.), one turn deserves
geography. Yet, though this is a vibrant time of particular attention here: the turn to synthesis
publication on methods and methodologies in and to holism. At least three trends over the past
geography, that broad-spectrum view remains 10 years provide broader context for this syn-
elusive in work that seeks to engage issues of thetic and holistic turn.
methods at a higher level, where, with few excep- First, there are calls for a unified geography as
tions (Cope and Elwood, 2009; Crampton, 2010), the new disciplinary identity (Matthews and
recent advanced texts in geography are, perhaps Herbert, 2004), for a new synthesis (Gober,
necessarily, specialized (Bivand et al., 2008; 2000), and for studying our planet not bit by bit
DeLyser et al., 2010; Hay, 2010; Longley et al., but all at once (Clarke, forthcoming). As a con-
2010; O’Sullivan and Unwin, 2010) even as others ceptual framework, hybrid geographies propose
place a growing emphasis on mixed methods for to practice this new synthesis in geographic
synthesis and holistic understanding (Carpenter research: Whatmore argues that ‘it is both more
et al., 2009; Tashakkori and Teddlie, 2010). interesting and more pressing to engage in a
On the surface, the qualitative-quantitative politics of hybridity . . . in which the stakes are
divide appears as different methodological thoroughly and promiscuously distributed
approaches. Yet it may also reflect a much deeper through the messy attachments, skills and inten-
division in human intellectual endeavor and sities of differently embodied lives whose every-
knowledge production, akin to C.P. Snow’s day conduct exceeds and perverts the designs of
‘chasm’ between scientific and humanistic parliament, corporations and labour’ (Whatmore,
knowledge (Snow, 1993). In such situations, 2002: 3). For Rose (2000: 364), hybrids ‘trans-
divides can be just that: divisive. If our research gress and displace boundaries between binary
and our discipline are to survive and remain rele- divisions and in so doing produce something
vant, we must move beyond divisiveness. This is ontologically new’; this notion is echoed by
not to say that we must set aside all divisions and Kwan (2004:759) who recognizes two major
differences, for such diversity and debates on fun- divisions within geography: the partition between
damental issues are productive – whether for an physical and human geography, of nature from
academic discipline or a democracy (Fineman, society; and the separation of spatial-analytical
2009). This can be a fruitful time for methodologi- geographies, which attempt to create a mode of
cal engagements that might better serve disembodied geographical analysis, from social,

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Sui and DeLyser 3

cultural, and political geographies. For these creating and acquiring it. The first decade of this
scholars, hybrid geographies seek to integrate in century saw the rapid development of Web
grounded practices elements thought to be 2.0 technologies along with major advances in
incompatible or conflicting. Hybrid geographies, GeoWeb and geospatial technologies, including
also sometimes known as boundary projects, traditional geographic information systems
challenge existing boundaries and forge creative (GIS), remote sensing (RS), global positioning
connections within geographies – physical and systems (GPS), and location-based services
human, critical and analytical, qualitative and (LBS). This is an unprecedented moment in
quantitative – aiming to integrate perspectives human history: we can now know where nearly
on space, place, flow, and connection.1 everything, from genetic to global levels, is at all
Second, the first decade of this century has wit- times. These technological advances can be
nessed a spatial turn across the physical sciences, brought to bear on the corresponding data ava-
social sciences, and humanities, with scholars lanche – the vast amounts of user-generated con-
from different disciplines challenging issues from tent and volunteered geographic information
a spatial perspective. Space has become an inte- (VGI) that pours out as individuals become sen-
grating theme across the social sciences – evi- sors, gathering and disseminating data about
denced by emerging spatially integrated social their environments and themselves in increasing
sciences ( – and scholars across spatial-temporal detail.
the humanities have made GIS and spatial analy- Advances in geospatial technologies during
sis integral parts of their research methodologies the past 10 years have enabled ordinary citizens
(Bodenhamer et al., 2010; Fisher and Mennel, with little formal training to participate in the
2010; Knowles, 2008; Scholten et al., 2009; Warf production of geographic data and knowledge
and Arias, 2008). Economist Paul Krugman was through diverse forms of user-generated content
awarded the 2008 Nobel Prize for his work in eco- and VGI. ‘Neogeography’ has emerged as a
nomic geography. And recent work by mathema- descriptive and analytical tool for large numbers
ticians, physicists, computer scientists, and of people outside of academia, a process cata-
ecologists in complex networks, visual analytics, lyzed by digital mapping technologies and the
and spatial modeling has enhanced geography’s social-networking practices of Web 2.0 (Batty
quantitative toolbox. et al., 2010). The rise of neogeography during
This spatial turn has not been confined to the the past five years has contributed to the explo-
Ivory Tower. Policy-makers have realized the sive growth of a diverse array of geo-tagged
crucial importance of space and place in under- data, and stimulated a new mode of knowledge
standing the complexity of the world’s problems, production via crowdsourcing (Goodchild,
seeking solutions to these problems that will 2009). Neogeography and VGI may not mean
work well under diverse local circumstances – much when viewed at the individual level, but
the World Bank (2009) framed last year’s world interesting patterns may emerge when the vast
development report entirely from a geographical amount of fragmented individual-level data is
perspective, concluding that alleviating, and aggregated and synthesized.
eventually eliminating, poverty problems must
start with reshaping the world’s economic geo- III Recent efforts in geographic
graphy. In the USA, the Obama White House has
urged all federal agencies to develop place-based
synthesis: A step toward
policies (Orszag et al, 2009). consilience?
Third, there is the merger of new means of This section reviews recent efforts towards
understanding spatial data with new ways of geographic synthesis that reflect the three trends

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4 Progress in Human Geography

outlined above. All these efforts aim to move Central Valley support the link between global
beyond the qualitative-quantitative divide, and climate change, global financial crisis, and how
a narrow view of geographical scholarship. For those are manifested from global to local levels.
each ‘hybrid’ we give a synoptic overview, and Meanwhile, Gober et al. (2010a) saw that global
offer more detailed discussion on methods and climate change presented an uncertain future for
methodologies in representative case studies. urban water planners, particularly in desert areas
(like metropolitan Phoenix where they situated
their work). The potential local impacts of
1 Hybridizing physical and human large-scale processes like global climate change
geography were difficult for urban planers to grasp and
Although geographers following the cultural/ apply, so Gober et al. (2010b) downscaled global
political ecology tradition have for decades climate models to the size of metro Phoenix,
worked on topics that link physical and human applying those together with urban-runoff predic-
geography, the growth of hybrid geographies has tions and inputting the data into WaterSim, an
drawn an increasing number of human and phys- integrated computer-based modeling program
ical geographers (who normally would practice that could simulate scenarios for Phoenix’s water
either one exclusively) to cross the physical- resources based on different projected climates,
human divide. Neil Smith (1998) speculates on water-management policies, and water-usage
the emergence of what he called El Niño capital- demands. The model enabled the suspension of
ism – both literally and metaphorically – noti- politicized decisions relating to global climate
cing the striking similarities in the rhythms of change, in order to show how endangered a
El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and capit- resource the city’s water would be under even
alism’s periodic crises, and striving to link them optimistic scenarios, while also revealing
in a causal chain. El Niño capitalism remains that adaptive policies encouraging residential
controversial, and others dispute the extent conservation could lead to long-term water sus-
ENSO has affected US macroeconomic tainability even under the worst climate-change
performance. Using data for ENSO fluctuations scenarios.
and the rates of US inflation and economic It is not only human geographers addressing in
growth over the 1894–1999 timespan, Berry and new ways topics typically thought physical
Okulicz-Kozaryn (2008) explore whether there (Campbell, 2009; Yusoff, 2009, 2011); physical
has been any co-cyclicality between the two phe- geographers have also embraced topics more tra-
nomena and whether aperiodic ENSO shocks ditionally human (Frazier et al., 2010; Mark et al.,
have had any impact on these macroeconomic 2010; Valdivia et al., 2010). The study of globa-
parameters. They discerned no co-cyclicality or lization, as Clifford (2009) suggests, need not
aperiodic shocks, concluding that while ENSO be the exclusive domain of human geographers
may briefly influence the performance of particu- or social scientists: physical geography has
lar sectors of the economy in particular regions, always been global at heart, and globalization
such locally important effects ‘vanish into the must be seen historically in the global export of
noise surrounding macroeconomic trends in an western science – including physical geography
economy as large and complex as that of the – that underpinned colonial resource exploitation.
USA’ (p. 625). Inspired by Allan Pred’s work (1984) on the
Leichenko et al. (2010), however, attempt to formation of place, Phillips (2001) highlights the
relink the current global financial crisis to global primacy of place in human impacts on the envi-
climate change using a double-exposure frame- ronment, and contingency of place has been a
work. Their empirical results from California’s dominant theme in his recent publications

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Sui and DeLyser 5

(Phillips, 2009a, 2009b). In a parallel to human geography that includes meaning and action.
geographers’ efforts to examine economic Mistry et al. (2009), drawing from their work on
impacts of global climate change, physical geo- water quality in Guyana, traced their journey as
graphers have studied the environmental conse- physical geographers from top-down experts to
quences of the rising divorce rate. Yu and Liu participatory facilitators – addressing issues of
(2007) tracked carbon footprints of couples in reflexivity and positionality often (mistakenly)
12 countries who married and then either thought only of concern to human geography.
divorced, stayed married, or divorced and remar-
ried. Because divorced couples typically require
two residences, Yu and Liu found that energy
2 Mixing qualitative and quantitative
consumption, water usage, and the amount of methods
space occupied per person all increased dramati- The interdisciplinary nature of geography
cally with divorce. (Baerwald, 2010) can foster a methodological
In hydrological modeling, Odoni and Lane hybridity in the mixing of qualitative and
(2010) advocate an approach that is knowledge- quantitative methods and methodologies. Recent
theoretic rather than data-theoretic in order to work features sophisticated mixed-methods
capture the richer sources of information avail- approaches that cross the divide between
able to the modeler. Such sources include third- spatial-analytical and social-critical approaches
party reports, personal recollections and diaries, (Barker, 2009; Brown et al., 2008; Collins,
old photographs and press articles, and opinions 2009; Elwood, 2010; López-i-Gelats et al.,
which have been, by convention, either excluded 2009; Schuermans and De Maesschalcka, 2010;
from analysis, or simply added into descriptions Travlou et al., 2008; Tschakert, 2009; Velazquez
of model results at the point of dissemination and et al., 2009; Zulu, 2009), revealing the binary
consultation. This framework represents an effort between such approaches as pseudo rather than
by physical geographers to embed qualitative real (Barnes, 2009). Critical geography need not
data as an integral part of their quantitative mod- be qualitative and can use numbers (Schwanen
els: as they argue, the production of scientific and Kwan, 2009) – after all, Karl Marx used quan-
knowledge comes to include not just scientists titative methods extensively. But, as Elwood
and specialists, but also those people for whom (2010) points out, thoughtful mixed-methods
model predictions make a material difference’ research must bridge not only methodological but
(p. 151). also epistemological and philosophical divides.
Continental philosophy has likewise become a ‘Cherished theoretical principles’ may ‘become
source of methodological reflection for physical renegotiated’: Bergman et al. (2009: 265) seek
geographers. Using Nietzsche, Comrie (2010) nothing short of a ‘methodological reinterpreta-
aimed to engage physical geographers and fellow tion of what employing mathematical arguments
physical scientists to reconsider their roles as could mean within larger, postpositivist theoreti-
scientists. Debunking the mystique of science and cal projects in critical human geography’.
the misconception of seeing science as indepen- Mixed-methods research offers human geogra-
dent of people and society, Comrie showed that phers the opportunity to identify appropriate roles
science gains its power by the ways we attach for different methods (Elwood, 2010). In transport
meaning to it and its findings: we should thus act geography this may involve exploring how con-
on our ability to bestow that power. Comrie chal- text affects human travel behavior. Zolinik’s
lenges physical geographers to overcome their (2010) multilevel, mixed-methods approach to the
trained tendency toward detached environmental criticisms of quantitative methods in transport
science and instead fashion a new physical geography shows that quantitative modeling (at a

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6 Progress in Human Geography

single level) can complement qualitative analysis Craine (2009) show how a non-representational
(across multiple levels). Goetz et al. (2009) exam- reading of GIS-based representations can illumi-
ine recent transport-oriented research in highly nate greater insights into affective and emotive
cited geography journals, revealing that geogra- politics than more traditionally technical readings.
phical research on transport topics is more preva-
lent and (though often influenced by civil-
engineering approaches) reflects a wider range 3 Archival ethnography
of epistemological and methodological Ann Laura Stoler (2009) urges a move away
approaches than frequently assumed. They pro- from ‘treating the archives as an extractive exer-
pose a critical-transport-geography research cise’ (p. 47), advocating applying ethnographic
agenda that calls for the greater integration of sensibilities to archival research. This shift, from
qualitative analysis into predominant ‘archive as source’ to ‘archive as subject’ (p. 44)
quantitative-modeling approaches. is not entirely new (Darnton, 1984; Ginzburg,
Perhaps most dramatic in mixed-methods 1982), but this hybrid form of research has been
research in human geography is the development forwarded by a number of geographers. As
of qualitative GIS (Aitken and Kwan, 2010), Ogborn (2009: 18) advises, ‘We can examine
which, along with participatory GIS, feminist archives . . . [by] asking ourselves ‘‘what forms
GIS, and critical GIS, works to reconceptualize of communication are they?’’ – both when they
GIS as more than only quantitative in terms of were created, and in communicating between
data, analysis, and representation. Emerging in past and present’. Lorimer and Philo (2009) do
response to critiques that characterized GIS as just that in their endeavor to allow ‘more disor-
rooted in positivist epistemologies and most sui- der’ into the archive through their investigation
ted for quantitative techniques associated with of the haphazardly kept and collected archive
the discredited spatial science (Wilson, 2009), of their own geography department. They point
qualitative GIS reveals that GIS, from its incep- out that ‘the researcher needs to be suspicious
tion, ‘has been more than quantitative’ (Cope and of the apparent order, and instead seek out
Elwood, 2009: 171). Using mixed/hybrid meth- ‘‘cracks’’ in the façade’ because a ‘disorderly
ods in representation, mode of analysis, and con- archive need not yield a disordered account, nor
ceptual engagement, qualitative GIS embraces must an ordered archive yield an orderly one’:
non-cartographic forms of data, qualitative anal- the ‘most conventionally ordered accounts . . .
ysis, and multiple modes of representation (Cope may also be the ones that miss what is most
and Elwood, 2009). important’ (Lorimer and Philo, 2009: 229, 250).
Furthermore Knigge and Cope (2006, 2009) Lambert (2009) employs an ‘ethno-historical
show how the inductive, iterative analysis prac- approach’, identifying blanks within the written
tices of grounded visualization can engage scale record to ‘understand the identities and histories’
in GIS as both a cartographic representation and of enslaved witnesses and excavate their knowl-
a sociopolitical construction. Elwood (2009), edge from colonial archival traces (p. 48), demon-
drawing from her work on grassroots GIS prac- strating how even ‘the unsaid’ can ‘become
tices, demonstrates how cartographic representa- evidence’ (p. 58). Others, like Cameron and Mat-
tions generated in a GIS might be engaged to less (2010), also found things thought not acces-
produce multiple and different understandings of sible in archives. Studying an ecological field
neighborhood, negotiating the meanings and char- course in the UK, they showed how even ignor-
acteristics associated with neighborhood as flex- ance itself (in this case the ignorance of local agri-
ible and fixed, and engaging them as both cultural practices that course participants had
material and imagined space. And Aitken and mistaken for natural processes) must be ‘achieved

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Sui and DeLyser 7

and sustained’ and how this ‘ongoing operation’ participation, political action, and caring. Geo-
can be revealed in the archives. graphers working in this area, like the Automo-
Neither must non-humans be left from the mous Geographies Collective (2010), reject the
archives, though their tracks can be difficult to ‘false distinction between academia and wider
trace. Lorimer and Whatmore (2009) draw on society’, seeking instead ways to research and
‘emerging techniques’ in ‘embodied re-enac- engage collectively, in part by recognizing the
tive’ historical geography in their study of ele- ‘emancipatory potential of education, research
phants and an elephant hunter in 19th-century and publications’ (pp. 245, 263). Evans et al.
Ceylon: scrutinizing the hunter’s published (2009) advocate a ‘fusion’ of methods across sub-
works, journals, and sketches; examining the fields previously thought unconnected, arguing
hunter’s clothing, equipment and rifle crushed that such linkages can be useful particularly in col-
by an elephant; and conducting fieldwork at the laborative, community-based work, where they
sites of Sri Lanka hunts, re-reading key texts in can help recognize indigenous peoples as the
situ as a partial means to understand the archives authors, not objects, of knowledge (see also Jazeel
from a more-than-human perspective. Nor must and McFarlane, 2010). And Gibson-Graham
the archive be understood as merely a textual and Roelvink (2009: 343) advocate a hybrid
realm. For Ogborn suggests ‘understanding a research collective of human and non-human
world of practice as simultaneously a world of actants to stimulate ‘world-changing processes’.
communication (rather, perhaps, than represen- Part of the challenge, as Askins (2009) points
tation) can provide a way forward for historical out, is that although our research, teaching,
geographers to explore practices without simply learning, and activism are shaped by emotions,
turning our backs on what we have learned about this is often under-acknowledged. She urges
the world through texts’ (Ogborn, 2009:19). So academics to make time and space for emotions
too must the understanding of archival practices in every stage of research. But emotions, accord-
extend to those doing archival research. Bailey ing to Brown and Pickerill (2009) are linked to
et al. (2009) detail the ‘backstage production’ the very sustainability of activism, for activism
of their work in a Methodist archive, writing a is sustained through emotional engagements and
group-autoethnography-in-an-archive because emotional reflexivity. The meanings and prac-
‘research methods and reportage cannot be tices of emotional reflexivity must be examined
abstracted from the practices and experiences by researchers in the context of the different
of the researchers’. Similar to Mistry et al. spaces of activism, for spaces themselves may
(2009) above, they encourage ‘the development hinder or enable emotional reflexivity in acti-
of an enlivened geography in which practitioners vism. Such awareness, they argue, can be a first
acknowledge their voices’ (Bailey et al., step to sustainability of activism.
2009:265, 258, 266). Another avenue for activist work seeks to link
activism and involvement explicitly with peda-
gogy (see Boyer, 1990), drawing students into
4 Activism, applied geography, and academic and community practice. Mountz
academia et al. (2008) linked their course with a local
Community engagement, either in the form of community-service center, allowing research
Participatory Action Research (PAR) (Reason questions and class projects to emerge organi-
and Bradbury, 2007), or applied geography cally through dialog, and only then asking to col-
(Pacione, 1999), draws on strong traditions in laborate with organizations whose work
the social sciences and humanities, and involves resonated with the themes that had emerged, and
different hybridizations of research, pedagogy, thus ‘laying a framework for ‘‘meaning

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8 Progress in Human Geography

making’’outside the classroom’ (p. 228). Course using open APIs (Application Programming
evaluations, community partners, and presenta- Interface) and data sources to produce some-
tion attendees all responded positively to the proj- thing new. A growing number of companies,
ects, yet the time and energy commitments of the including Google, Microsoft, Yahoo, and Map-
course ‘proved overwhelming’ for many even Quest have developed products and services that
while it also became a ‘defining part of . . . [their] enable their users to develop their own APIs for
lives’ (pp. 233, 235). Despite the challenges, inte- this purpose, and millions of Web users have
grating Participatory Action Research with teach- developed creative applications. But a mashup
ing, as Pain (2009) points out, links theory to is more than a technical advance – its signifi-
practice, and enables conceptual and methodolo- cance lies in its promotion of a new habit of
gical learning to be situated both in and out of the mind towards synthesis and hybridity.
classroom (see the symposium on this topic: Mashing up neo- and paleogeography has
Cope, 2009; Elwood, 2009; Kindon and Elwood, opened new avenues. Liu and Palen (2010) pre-
2009; Moss, 2009). sented a qualitative analysis of the design and
creation of crisis-map mashups to describe emer-
gent neogeographic practices in emergency man-
5 Mashing up paleo- and neogeography agement and disaster relief. They analyzed the
The explosive growth of volunteered geographic circumstances that led to mashup creation, data
information (VGI) has precipitated a possible selection, and design choices vis-a-vis spatial
new divide – the so-called neogeography versus and temporal information representation. Using
paleogeography (Sieber et al., 2009; Sui, 2009a). Ushahidi and New Orleans repopulation maps
If neogeographers are those with little or no for- as case studies, they further discussed the impli-
mal geographic training who contribute geo- cations of emergent neogeographic practices to
graphic information on a voluntary basis using illustrate benefits gained by merging profes-
the technologies loosely known as Web 2.0, sional/paleo and participatory/neo geotechnolo-
then, by implication, professional geographers gies for crisis mapping, and the opportunities
are paleogeographers. While this division is provided by the blending of the two for improve-
used only loosely and sometimes sarcastically, ment of geographic and cartographic literacy.
it has been on the increase. Zook et al. (2010) document the role of mash-
Many forms of synthesis in the context of ing up neo- and paleogeographic information in
VGI applications can be described as mashups the Haiti relief effort. They focused on four
(the term, borrowed from the music industry, mashup efforts in particular: CrisisCamp Haiti,
originally referred to a composition created by OpenStreetMap, Ushahidi, and GeoCommons.
blending two or more songs). In the context of Both Liu and Palen, and Zook et al. found such
Web-based applications, a mashup may have mashups via online mapping sites a key means
multiple meanings (Sui, 2009b). At the func- through which individuals could make a tangible
tional/service level, a mashup may be a Web difference in the work of relief and aid agencies
page or application that combines data or func- without being physically present in Haiti.
tionality from two or more external sources to Goodchild and Glennon (2010) use forest-fire
create a new service. In terms of content, a mapping as a case to examine the potential for
mashup can be a digital media file containing a VGI in time-critical scenarios, further demonstrat-
combination of text, maps, audio, video, and ani- ing the power of crowdsourced online mapping.
mation, which recombines and modifies existing User-generated content (UGC) and VGI in
digital works to create a derivative work. The particular are also increasingly becoming an
term implies easy, fast integration, frequently important data source, often mashed up with

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Sui and DeLyser 9

more traditional sources for geographic the methodological, epistemological, and

research. Cidell (2010) reported the use of con- philosophical chasms that have divided human
tent clouds (summarizing the contents of a doc- geography. And, while the most common
ument by depicting the words that appear most hybrids involve combining the statistical analy-
often in larger, darker type within the cloud) as sis of population data with interviews of a
a method of exploratory qualitative data analysis smaller number of people, or supplementing GIS
using primarily online information. When uti- with qualitative data, we have endeavored to
lized as a form of qualitative GIS, content clouds show some of the breadth in hybrid methods
provide a powerful way to summarize and com- used by geographers – there are others we have
pare information from different places on a sin- not discussed, such as collaboration between
gle issue. Using Dell Computer’s customer blog geographers and artists (Ahlqvist et al., 2010;
(direct2Dell), which reveals communicative Askins and Pain, forthcoming; Nabulime and
behavior directed both at seeking objective McEwan, forthcoming). It is nevertheless true
information and locating subjective experiences, that a worrisome percentage of the works we
Poon and Cheong (2009) show how blog data searched for this report do not describe the meth-
can be used to examine complex intersubjectiv- ods and methodologies employed – whether
ity in economic geography. Other economic hybrid or not. Even so, the application and suc-
geographers have used blog data to examine cess of these hybrid geographies and mixed-
agglomeration effects and the dominance of methods approaches demonstrates that what
major metropolitan areas as information hubs were once perceived as methodological, episte-
(Jones et al., 2010; Mould and Joel, 2010). mological, and philosophical chasms not only
O’Loughlin et al. (2010) have utilized data from can be, but have been, bridged.
WikiLeaks and the Afghan war to reveal micro- More than 30 years ago, Feyerabend (1975:
geographies, conflict diffusion, and clusters of 305–306) argued that ‘everywhere science is
violence in Afghanistan. Adding to the literature enriched by unscientific methods and unscien-
using geospatial technologies in human-rights tific results’, and that the very division
monitoring (AAAS, 2010), Madden and Ross between science and non-science was detri-
(2009) have mashed up multiple sources of mental for true understanding. Consistent with
online and offline interviews and personal Fayerabend’s embrace of all methods, Wolch
narratives to illuminate patterns of genocide, (2003) advocated radical openness itself as a
human rights abuses, and atrocities in northern method. Radical open-mindedness, coupled
Uganda. with an engaged pluralist approach – as out-
lined by Barnes and Sheppard (2010) – can
be a fruitful way forward.
IV Conclusions Mixing methods, as done by those whose
This report has reviewed broad trends that, from work we have cited here, is but one way of
a methodological perspective, could have trans- engaging the multiple voices present in the
formative effects on the practice of human geo- sites and communities where our research is
graphy. Although they embrace divergent placed. All methods simultaneously enable and
approaches and methodologies to address com- disable, and mixing methods is not the only
plex issues, they also converge around a (re)turn way to approach methodological challenges.
to synthesis and holism in their aims. Hybridiz- Nor would we wish to undermine the com-
ing, remixing, and mashing up conceptual fra- plexities and challenges in adopting a syn-
meworks, data sources, and modes of analysis thetic/holistic approach in research. As Wyly
as these works do may provide a means to cross (2009) has noted:

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10 Progress in Human Geography

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participant observation or policy analysis or the list
goes on? (Wyly, 2009: 319) Askins K (2009) ‘That’s just what I do’: Placing emotion in
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