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INTERNAL TEST - 5 ENTHUSIAST ANSWER & SOLUTION Class-Xil (Phase-1 & 2) Caer rye) Ceara) 1 Ans. 2. Ans. Sol. Ans. Sol. re Kepler's second law is based on @ Aplanet revolves in elliptical orbit around the sun. a Here, angular momentum is conservedi.e. L = lo constant. Atpoint A, the moment of inertia is minimum, so angular speed and therefore the linear speed of the planet at A is maximum. Ifescape velocity from earth is 11.2 km/s, Then (2) [2GM, Escape velocity from the earth surface = [20M pe velocity VE Now, M, =M, R, ery (Given) Now, escape velocity from the planet surface YR, VR VR, Vp, =2X(11.2) kanis = 22.4 km/s f2cM, JAM = 11.2 km/s te FR a 12 hs] If the angular speed of the earth is doubled, the (3) Ii.gis acceleration due to gravity onthe earth's a Gain in potential energy = ovn|2- 4] 1_1]_6Mm ool FA DRisa pen body weighed 250 N on the surface of earth. (2) Sol. ‘The weights of an object in a coal mine, at sea a A body has a weight 72 N. When itis taken toa (3) A satellite is moving around the earth with kinetic a _GMm _ mg a 2 1 j2_GMm _ E, = piv = = 2E; since it is having KE equal to E already so additional KE reqd = 2E-E E ‘Two satellites S and S revolve around the earth at (3) Par Three particles each of mass m are kept at vertices qa Asalollite goos along an elliptical path around the @) da 120 = aA | 3 70 = constant Pre-Medical 14. 15. 16. 17. Ans. 18. 19. 20. 21. Ans. Sol. 1 rt) = constant 1 = constant 1 ‘What should be the angular speed of the earth, so a The height of the point vertically above the earth's, (2) elie 10° 5,8 ask h=9R “The temperature coefficient of resistance fora wire a ‘The resistance of a wite is 20 chms. Itisso stretched 4) Masses of 3 wire of same metal are in the ratio 1: (4) ‘Two wires of equal diameters, of resistivities p, and a An electron is moving ina circular path of radius (4) Ifthe current in resistance of uniform cross section, (2) Asi changes [in same resistor) ; n remain constant byi =dA:J become double byi = nAeV, ; V, become double Which of the following dependence of drift velocity (4) 23. Sol. 24, 25. Sol. The potential difference between points A and Bof BQ 50 D 5D The given circuit can be redrawn as follows for identical resistance potential difference distributes equally amongall. Hence potential difference across each resistance is 2V and potential difference 3 between Aand Bis 4 V. 3 In the shown arrangement of the experiment of the a Since radius of AC and CB willbe same so resistance will also be same hence there will be no change in length of null deflection. ‘The current voltage graph for a given metallic A a R=—=tand R=R,(1+aaT) By increasing temp resistance increases tan @, > tan®, R,>R, T,>T, IT-5 [Enthusiast (Phase ~ 1 & 2)]- 2023 = ALLEN 26. ge 27. Sol. Ans. Sol. 29. Sol. The resistance of given copper resistance is a R= ABLO™ =21x10° =210 Current flown throw a wire isgiven as I= 4 +t 3) I=44t a= flat= fg seat In the circuit shown in the resistance of voltmeter is a ml a Vacuet = Vootmete Tremor = Label Motte 5100 Vucut Inthe circuit here, the steady state voltage across Lk 4 (2) Atsteady state, R, has no significance Vay = Re iar ‘i ial] R,+R, a = Rr v When key K is switched on. Which one of the ay When key k is switched on, net resistance is de- creased, so current will be increased in circuit. Intensity of bulbs A increases. Current will be divided in Band C, Intensity of bulb B decreases. 36. Sol. 39. Sol. ‘Maximum kinetic energy of the positive ion in the 3) An electron moves ina circular orbit with a unifrom (3) ‘Two thin long parallel wires separated by a distance (2) Anelectron moves witha constant speed valong a (2) In the figure shown the magnetic field at the centre (a) A charge particle q = 2C, m = Sais moving ina (2) _ my _5x10°x2 ta 9B7 Bag 25X10 m 25mm A charge patticle is moving inside both electric field a E_ 10° Bo de107 = x10" ms. Find the magnetic field at O (wire is uniform OA = a A charge q is moving isa region consists of uniform (a) Electric force F.=qE, magnetic force F,, =a(V xB) Not force F=F, +, =4E +ql¥xB) =alé +0 xB) 40. 41. Ingiven diagram the resultant direction of magnetic a aaa ay Anelectron [el 76 x 10" coulombykg] enters (3) A.wire camying cuentas the configuration shown (2) wi )_(ani@ a 55} (4eR)-° 0 = 2radian Approton and analpha particle enter the same a) , M2mRE vin B a ‘Two infinite long current carrying conductor are ay B- Ho (20 10); ae 5 Jk attok fo A satellite of earth of mass m taken from orbital (2) Pre-Medical Sol, w=AME= ake ape ==Chin{ 1 +) Goin, 47. Three identical bodies of mass Mare located atthe Ans. (1) Sol. Force on massat A due to mass Band C = (F 0° E - Resultant force= JSF Contipetal forces provided by mutual gravitational interaction. MWg [om ns) L 48. If ig the cifference of potential between (B) and Ans. (1) Sol. Req = 40 in1A iv 29 Bap i, c i io eh ee 49, AgalvancmeterofSDohm resistance has 25 disons Ans. (4) = ALLEN IT-5 [Enthusiast (Phase —1 & 2)]- 2023 Se esa 55. What is name of reaction so WAR R ¢ Net | cor CuCly/HCL R ‘Ans, (1) <2 V— Total range of voltmeter = 25 volt a maximum currentin galvanometer 56. RMgx HOCH, CHCH-CH,-OH 4.x 10*x 25 = 107A 1H, 104(R, + R) = 25 ‘Ans. (3) = 107 (50 + R) = 25 = R= 24500 linseries) ee a Hm ple AK 50. _Asshownin the figure, the uniform magnetic field ‘Ans. (3) Tat woe 58. How many primaryakcohok (ineluding stereoisomers) YW ‘Ans. (4) Ans. (3) oH , Sol OH wom 5 ait IAA A) (YH B B oH oH p> Y2mE ad > Hiltmole)_, 9 59, OX Hine 51. Compare acidic strength = ‘Ans. (3) Ch, —cl "Oo it eggeitacnt Ativan ee CH, —cl Ans. (3) Ana, (1) Br 61. Darzen's method is used in preparation of- | Ans. (1) 52. CH, —CH—CHy —CH, MXM, p Ans. (3) 62. (YS aor red CHy ‘Ans. (3) I 53, fa) Hs 0B 63. ROH+S0ci, Pt, RC) mchanisin is CHs Ans. (2) Ans. (1) , Crs 54. ReimerTiemann fomylaionattackingelectophile | gq, CH —C—Cl_ + CgHgONa—*4? Ans. (1) | Cos Ans. (4) Pre-Medical 65. Ans. 66. 67. Ans. 69. 70. HBr > Tae (2) How many moles of CH, forms when excess of (A) nH, CH=CH, _OBDSITHFL CH ~CH= Cp DS (2) CH,MgCl + NH,—CI—>? (2) 9 O _NeBHs oy ig ° (2) Grignard reagent is most stable in a \7 @) Mattie) CL-CH,—CH,—c1—Mstinited_ 9 @) Ma Ho-k Rx Max >RH a Forthe reaction, CgHgOH + HX —2"%2_,R-X, @) Which is ali halide (1) CH, = CH—Cl - (3) 6 Sol. 7. Sol. 76. Sol. 78, 79. a Chlorobenzene When halogen is directly attached to aromatic ting. Which is Finkelstein reaction— a) Treatment ofa primary allyl halide or pseudohalide with an alkali metal halide (KF KI, Nal). In present of acetone leads to replacement of the halogen via and SN? reaction. Alky| halides can be obtained by all methods excepis 3) GH.OH + NaCl—> x OH is a poor leaving group. Alkaline hydrolysis of 2,2-dichloropropane gives a a | CH, —C—CH, — se | ma a OH ci I CH, —C—CH, “> CH, —C—CH, I Acetone OH NH, NaNO, 40 @) NH; ie OH Natio, Ko eG wd diazonium chloride Which of the following product will be obtained (1) t-butyl chloride 3) cH, ch, CH, 0H esas bu, IT-5 [Enthusiast (Phase ~ 1 & 2)]- 2023 = ALLEN cl I CH, —C—CH, —CH, cH ‘Which ofthe following aleohols gives a red colour in (1) n-Propyl aleohol i) Methanol and ethanol are distinguished by - (3) CH,OH does not give iodoform reaction but C,H.OH gives. OH 4) Which of the following reaction gives 2° aleoho!: (3) ‘Which ofthe following is least reactive toward SI? I a ay ‘The decreasing order of reactivity of methylakcohol (0), isopropylalechol (3) Reactivity for esterification ; CH-OH (I) > C,HOH (IV) > cH, CHY-CH-CH, (I) > CH,-C-OH (II) OH cH, Phenolreacts with bromine in CS, ata low temperature (3) ‘The main product of following reaction will be = Cp (2) 88. Ans. 89, 90. 91. Sol. 92. 93. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99, The reaction C,H,ONa + BrC,H, -> C,H, - O- @) Mark the conect increasing order of reactivity of the CH.OH fi) 3) CHy I (a) CHg —C—Br_(b) CHg —CH—Br I | CHy CHy 0) Arrange CH,OH, C,H,OH, (CH,), HOH and a Order of acidic strength > 1° > 2° > 3° The name of the compound Bin the following. aie >B SHOHCH, 22% CH,CHOHCH, 8 5 a 0) CHCly CH=CH (2) Treat Cty YANO > 3) Which of the following don't give ppt with AgNO, (2) CCl, 2s Phosgene 3) Which. doritaive foulodourwith CHO}, anda, KOH a) CHCl; —-+Chloropicrin @ Which of the forms CHCl, with Cl, and NaOH (a) Pre-Medical 100. Ans. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Ans. 108. 109. 110. 111. Ans. 112. 113. 114. 115. CHCl, —C—H —2/OH"_,» Il 0 (3) Ifthe molar amountofG ina dsDNA sample is 20% (2) Factor responsible for the stability of DNA double @ Isotope used by Meselson & Stahl- @ ‘Semiconservative replication of eukaryotes was first (a) ‘Mutation caused by deletion/addition of Nucleotides on) Consider following chemical bonds A. Hydrogen bonds a Match the following— Discovery Scientist {@) Nucleic acid i. Wilkins & Franklin (3) In RNA every nucleotide residue has an additional (4) Double helix model of DNA proposed by Watson. (2) Phosphoric acid remain associated with which of (4) Negative charge of DNA is due to which of the (3) Change in a single base pair of DNA can be termed (2) The genotype of which of the following phenotype (2) How ..ypes of phenotypes would be produced in F, (ay Tneomplete dominance can be seen in (4) 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129 130. How many true breeding pea plant varieties were (2) Regarding to pair of dominant and recessive trait @) ‘Segregation of alleles is a random process so what (2) If A & B genes are completely linked then find out (2) Human blood grouping is common example of— (3) In the given pedigree chart, the trait under study is~ ay Which of the given isa symbolic presentation for aO—-+ () Sutton and Boveri gave the parallelism between— (3) Sex limited gene and sex influenced gene are a Which ...pyrimidine base is common in both DNA 3) By which of the following bond phosphoric acid a Who (2) sed the frequency of recombination between Extranuckear genes are found in @) Which ...conditions of the zygotic cell would lead to (2) F, generation ina Mendelian cross shawed that both 2) IT-5 [Enthusiast (Phase ~ 1 & 2)]- 2023 = ALLEN 131. Ans. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144, 145. 146. 147. Sickle cell anemia is : (a) Ifa colour-blind man marries a woman whois (3) Genetic drift operates in == (3) What is not true about RNA? (a) Transforming principle in Griffith's experiment was (4) Ifhaploid number of chromosome is 10 in cell. What (2) In Drosophila, the yellow body colour gene (y) and @ Which one of the following crosses shows 3: 1 (3) genotype AaBBCCDD can produce how many type ay Wohatis the ratio of homozygous genotypes for lower a Amanwith one gene for colour blindness and carrier a A heterozygous individual + +/ab is crossed to (2) Ifthe frequency of recessive phenotype ina (3) oo o@ @0 Boo (2) Match the following (A) Down's Syndrome (2) (i) 44+ xv Aplant with purple flowers is allowed to self- (3) Which of the following isa test cross? (4) 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 156. 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 165. Variations are— a What map unit (Centimorgan) is adopted in the 3) Central dogma was proposed by- a Whatis one of the least effective meansofbirth control? @ ZIFT isa technique that involves transfer of which @) Mechanism of action of Lippes loop is a Which is correct statement (1) MTP was legalized in 1971 @ Select the conect statement for ZIFT- (3) India was amongst the first countries in the world to a) According to 2001 census, the population growth (2) nota natural method of contraception? (a) All statements are correct about ‘Sahel’, but one (4) Oral contraceptive pills contain~ (2) Which enables the continuity of the species, 3) ‘Tasmanian wolf and placental wolf appear similar (2) The extinet species Archaeopteryx had characteris 3) Which of the following best represents Lamarck’s (2) According to one of the most widely accepted theo. (a) pecadettrrctritin Pre-Medical 166. ‘The phenomenon ‘ontogeny repeats phylogeny’ is | 184. (A) Allconnecting links are missing ink ‘Ans. (1) Ans. (2) 167. Which ..had huge fearsome dagger lke teeth? | 185, About 200 mya, which of the following fish like rep ‘Ans. (2) Ans. (2) 168. Which one is correct evolutionary soquence? (1) Synapsids > Sauropsids > Therapsid-» _| 186. Stellar distances s measured in Ans. (2) Ans. (2) 169. S.L. Miller created electric discharge ina closed | 187. During evolution the fas cellular form of life did not Ans. (3) ‘Ans. (1) 170. Which..incomect example for naturalselection- | 188, Cranial capacity of Homo erectus was about: Ans. (4) ‘Ans. (@) 71. Sea weeds and few plants existed probably ‘Ans. (1) 189. Inwhich typeof naturalselection the peakgets higher Ans. (1) 172. Inthe famous example showing change inthe gene Ans. (3) 190. Outof the following which isan example of (A) Eyes of Octopus and mammals 173. Which ofthe diagrams given below will bestrepre | Ang. (4) ae 191. Which factorsalfects Hardy Weinberg equilibrium? 1% Ans. (4) ‘Ans. (2) 192. Term health is best defined as— 174, The phenomenon of “Industral melanism” demon | Ans. (3) Ans. (1) 193. Genetic drift is applicable to~ 178. The Key conoptof Darwinian theory cfawoition | Aga, (4) ins. (1) 176. Functionally similar but anatomically and structur_ | 194. According to Danwin variations are- ‘Ans. (2) ‘Ans. (1) a icreai vee near 195. Dianosaurs were become extinct about Acs. (8) Ans. (1) 178, Which ..provides direct and solid evidence in favour ‘Ans. (2) 196. Which pairis correct ? (1) Progesterone -> Steroid & Estrogen -> Protein 179. Whodsapproved thethearyofsponiancousgeneration? | Ans. (3) ‘Ans. (1) 197. Which of the following statements is correct ? aot ee ideal contraceptive except a oe Ans. (4) 181. Progestogens pill prevent contraception because Ans. (4) 198. Couple unable to produce children inspite of unpro Ans. (2) 182. Whichisnota homologous organ? Ans. (3) 199. Vasectomy is = 183, Find the conect statement- oes Ane A) Thesiloftay chinpnse Ismore lke adutt | 969, yerp iss Ans. (4) 10

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