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INTERNAL TEST - 3 ENTHUSIAST ANSWER & SOLUTION Class-) 1 (Phase-1) Creer 1. Ans. pe g 1. Aneutral pendulum oscillations ina uniform electric a Three identical charges are placed at comers of an. i) weau~Skat_Skat__ Ska? __aFe 2 Fe‘ i Electric potential ata point P rdistance away due (2) Hoy ,_ K(2Q)_ Vv Ve a 2 A ring of radius Ris having two charges q and 2q, (3) Charges 2q and ~q are placed at (a, 0) and (-a, 0) 2) Five point charges (+q each) are placed at the five (2) e-9 (a? ‘Two concentric conducting spheres of radii Rand a Changes Q, 2Q and ~Qare given to three concentric (4) The electric field in a region of space is given by Aand Bate two concentric spherical shells. Ifa is @ 1. Ans. 12. Ans. Sol. 13, Ceara) Four dipoles each of magnitudes of charges +e are a ‘Two isolated charged conducting spheres of radii a Ot) ‘Two point charges +q and —q are held fixed at (-a, (2) at, AcontluctingshelS, having charge Qissumounded a Two point charges q, and q, are placed ata distance 2) The separation between the plates of a charged (3) Ifthe plates of a capacitor are joined together by a a) Inthe ciuitshownin figure, the ratio ofcharge on 5 uF (4) Pre-Medical come ac 19. Inthe circuitshown, a potential difference of 60 V Ans. (4) 20. The capacity of a parallel plate air capacitor is 10 uF: Ans. (2) 21. capacitor is charged by a cell of emnf E and the Ans. (3) 22. Inthe circuitas shown in figure if all the symbols, Ans. (2) 23. Find the equivalent capacitance actoss A and B for Ans. (1) 34 sce Sol jp 3c aa Se 24. Fourways of makinga networkof five capacitors of Ans. (4) 25. The work done in joules in inereasing the extension Ans. (1) 26. body with mass 2 kgmoves in one direction in the Ans. (3) 27. Ablock of mass mis hung vertically from an elastic Ans. (2) 28. The work done by centtipetal force in one revolution, ‘Ans. (4) 29. Inthe figure shown all the surfaces are frictionless, TR 5 nv? = pm(at)* = 150 A particle is released from the restat origin, It moves (1) 2 31. Sol. 35. Sol. 36. 37. Ans. Sol. 38. 40. ‘Assume the aerodynamic drag froce on a car is (2) P=F.y Fek.v = P= ke ve VP ‘The tube AC formsa quarter cick ina vertical plane. (3) A ballis dropped from height hon the ground level (a) A bomb of mass 9 ky explodes into two pieces of 3 3) ‘The diagrams below show regions of equipotentials:- (ay WedV,-V) Inalllfour cases, AV is same ~. Work done is same, Five identical parallel condueting plates each of area @) A proton, a deuteron and an alpha particle are (4) KE =9.aV A particle A having a charge of 2.0 x 10° Canda a) 2 nga > Wa _ 2710 Ving sind ‘Two metal spheres of radia and b are connected. 3) c=C+G, 4ne,a+4ne,b Four identical capacitors are connected in series with, HHH EHH (2) IT-3 [Enthusiast (Phase - 1)] - 2023 = ALLEN 42. Sol. A capacitor of capacity 2 jIFis charged to 100 V (2) A 20)" H=U,-U,=5md ‘The equivalent capacitance between X and Y is 3) A cat travelling on a smooth road passes through ‘Theratioof period of exiletion of the conical pendulum (2) Aman whois running has half the kinetic energy of (a) 46. 47. Sol. 48. Sol. 49. 50. 51. Sol. 52. Sol. A rope of length / and mass 'm'is connected toa a sam g)em (3) aml) (2) Au=u,-u, ‘Q' coulomb charge is placed at a distance x from @ This is the property of a conductor that potential at surface is equal to potential inside the conductor. They V, =, (contre of shell and Vp, -2 F = 2x2 -3x -2. Choose correct option, a F=052x?-3x-2=0 A car drivesalong straight level frictionless road by (3) A ball moving with velocity 2 m/s collides head on @) vy, = (i= Pmehuy + (1+ plm,u ™m, +m, (m=m)x2+0 3m plu, —u) Void fraction of ABC ABC in three dimensional 4) Since ABC ABC or cubic close packing has packing fraction 74% there fore void fraction is 26%. Which a For a rhombohedral system a = b = ¢, a= B=1790, the conect axial distances and axial angles =o Pre-Medical 58. Analysis shows that Ni has the formula Ni, g,0. the | 62. Which ....not an example of maximum boiling Ans. (1) azeotropic mixture, Sol. Nit? =x, Nit?=98-x Ans. (4) 2x +3 (98-x) = 200 Sol. CH,OH and C,H,OH is not an example of ‘maximum boiling azzotropo. 2 100 = 96% 63. Which. .aqueous solution possess maximum freezing Ans. (1) Sol. Freezing pointuillbe maximum ifrumber of particles 54, Select the incorrect statement. ee Ans. (2) The conductance through electrons is called p> ‘ype conduction 64. _Bestsolvent used to determine depression in freezing 5B. Al felomenisA, BendCwhich | er 2? 5. Alattice consist of elements A, Band C whic Sol. K ofeamphoria very high. Ans. (3) a Sol. ital formula of lattice = Aja Breanne CEigeanve _A,B,C, COOH cook, = ABC; os. Band Br are Formula of lattice after removal of spheres form H Be H Be diagonal plane of symmetry. ADPS covers 4 comers, coocH, coon 2 faces 2 edge centres anda body centre so forinula of reside lattice Ans. (2) 5 1 66, | Which....will not show optical isomerism : _ A, BC coon won Ane. (3) ! on = AB, "on ~ coo 56. _ Ina solid, oxide ions are arranged in CCP Cations ‘Ans. (1) 67. ‘The minimum molecular mass of a hydrocarbon Ans. (3) 57. Sodium metal erysalises at room temperature in Ans. (2) 68. Assign (T) true & (F) false to the statement given Ans. (4) 58. Whenacetone and chloroform are mixed together, Ans. (2) 69. Whatis the relation between given pairs : 59. Which shows positive deviation from cH, Raoult’s aw ? um ‘Ans. (2) Acetone + Ethanol H—}—oH cu, 60. 2gof sugar is added to one litte of water to give Ans. (3) Ans. (2) Sol. Sugars non-volatile solute 70. Which of the following would the optically active:- 61. The value of Henry's law constant for some gases (1) CH,=C=CH, Ans. (1) Ans. (3) al Sol. Solubility <> oak H IT-3 [Enthusiast (Phase - 1)] - 2023 = ALLEN n. Ans. 7. Sol. Sol. Which ...compound has ‘$' configuration ? (3) Chas 1 BKB OH? the arow is anticlockwise and least H priority group is on the bottom of vertical line in. fischer-projection. Which a swill have at least one quaternary carbon? Following conformation of n-butane is called Hy x cH, (2) Which of the followingis electrophilic in nature? ot) Which one have 4° carbon (3) £ ce casbon 4° Neo Pentan c Which, .Allane can not be prepared by hydrogenation, (4) Pew be Neo pentane can't be prepared by hydrogenation, cH, C,H,Br + Na + CH3 —CH —Br —uetr_, op buy (a) CH, ~CH, ~Br+ CH ~CH-Br > bt, CH, -CH-CH,-CHs + CH,-CH,-CH,- bu, + CH,-CH-CH-CH, CHy CH cH, 78. Ans. 79. Ans. 80. Ans. Sol. 81. Sol. 8 83. How many hyperconjugable H-atoms does this (3) Mass of 1 g atom of sulphuris [S = 32] a The molarity of INH,PO, willbe— (2) N fh factor \Which...contain maximum number of exygen atoms? 3) 1690, —N,atom 1690, —N,atom 44gCO, — 2N,atom 44 44980, — Zx2xNgatom Which of the following has maximum mass— (1) 0.1 gatom of C (a) Volume(ml) = Mass (g) 224000 = 4 i 1120 = Bagg" = 224 compound consist of 40% of carbon, 6.67 % of 2 Molality of a solution containing 7.45 g of KCl per (2) 10 L nitrogen react with 20 L hydrogen to produce (2) N.+ 3H, > 2NH, wut 2k Given 10. 2L LR Volume of NH, produced In sodium chloride, Cr ions form cep arrangment. (3) Atzero Kelvin, most of the ionic crystals possess @ os | Pre-Medical 88. Select correct statement among following. (1) bee unit cell has only two atoms per unit cel. i Ans. (4) 95. CO Trane, 74 89. 8gofC,H,COOH dissolved in 100gofbenzene | Ans. (3) Ans. (4) Sol. A‘; = 96. CH,MgBr + D,O —>(A) m™ Ans. (2) AT; .m.W. 1000K,w 97. Br —_“* (A). Product A is (Bae 62 1,62 x122 x100 =0.504 1000 x 4.9 x8 Ans. (1) 0.992 98. 49 gof potassium chlorate (KCIO,)(50% pure) is ° Ans. (2) Sol. Use equation 2KCIO, > 2KCI So, %a = 99.2 99. How much H,0 is required to prepare decimolar 90. 17.4% K,SO, solution at27°C is isotonic with 4% | Ams. (3) Ans. (3) 100. What volume of decimolar solution should be mixed 91. Consider following foursolution— ‘Ans. (1) (A) 0.05 MNa,SO,, (B)0.05MNa,PO, | Sol. M,V, + MV, = M(V, + V,) Ans. (1) 0.1V +0.5 x 200 = 0.25(200 + V) V = 333.33 ml 92. The correct configuration assigned for compound or 101. What ..probability of homozygous plants for both ‘COOH | . ‘Ans. (2) 6 u) CH, 7 Pcooct, 102. A dihybrid plant on self pollination produced 400 coock, Hooe Ans. (2) w 103. After fertilization the seed is developed from- Ans. (3) ‘Ans. (4) 98. Number of chiral carbon atoms in the compound | 194, The numberof nucki aking pain doubkeferiization Ans. (3) 105. Which one from those given below is the period for Mendel's hybridization experiments? Ans. (1) Ans. (1) 106. In his classic experiments on Pea plants Mendel 94. Which of the following molecule are chiral ? Ans. (3) “Ne ce cf 107. How ..pairs of contrasting characters in Pea plants uv cl Ans. (1) © Ans. (3) 108. A human female produces ova with the genotypes Ans. (2) IT-3 [Enthusiast (Phase - 1)] - 2023 = ALLEN 109. Ans. 110. 1. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124, 125. 126. How many different kinds of gametes willbe produced, a The Continuity of life is maintained by the process. (3) ‘Syngamy means- i) Bean and gram belongs othe family? (ly Floral formula ©$ Ky, CAs Ga, is shown by- 4) Which of the following statement is correct? (4) Flowers a modified shoot Bicarpellary ovary with obliquely placed septum is @ ‘Sweet Potato is a modified~ (2) The edible part of coconut is (4) Coconut fruit is a~ (a) Flowers are zygomorphic in— (3) In ..following fruits the edible partis the aril? on) ‘Shoot develops from= (2) The ovary is half inferior in flowers of- (4) Choose incorrect one statement? (8) In apocarpous conditions carpels are fused Choose the incorrect one statement? (4) Flower is a modified root, Which one of the following organisms is immortal? (2) The male gamete of Rice has 12 chromosomes, ay 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134, 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. Male sex organ inCharais__andis___in position. 2) Which @) the following is post fertilization event? Pollination through water current occur in— Ot) On...plant Mendel had carved out his investigations (3) How many cells or nuclei are present in mature male gametophyte of Capsella? 3) The arrangement ofthe cells ina typical embryosac @) Maize is best example of— Ot) Pollination occurs in~ (2) Pollination in Yueca plant takes place by (2) Cross AABb x aaBb yields AABB: AaBb : AaBB. a If cross aaBb x Aabb, then genotypic ratio of its (3) Adventine embryony in Citrus is due to a Anthesis is a phenomenon which refers to- a When the pollen of one flower falls on the stigma (4) Entry of pollen tube into embryosae through~ a Grain of Maize is (3) In dicot, male gametophyte is (a) Which..jsinconect with respect to sexual reproduction? @ 7 =o Pre-Medical 145. Micropylo in seed helps in the entry of 162. A duct that leavesthe testis and opens into epididymis Ans. (4) Ans. (3) 146. Which ...non flowering plant propagates through | 163. The function of the male sox accessory ducts is/are- Ans. (1) Ans. (4) 147. The credit of rediscovery of Mendelism goes to.... | 164. From the mammary gland, the milk is sucked out ‘Ans. (3) Ans. (4) 148, The recessive characters are— 165. Match thecolumns Land Il and choose the correct Ans. (1) Only expressed in homozygous condition Column-I Column-t (A) Length of testis () 23cm 149. In..gametesare produced byaditybridhotorcagou? | Ans. (4) Ans. (1) 166. Bartholin's glands occurin— 150. Tetradynamous condition occurs in Ans. (1) Ans. (4) 167. Male gamete ie, sperms basically develop from 151. The__epithelium is found in the wall of Bowman's | Ans. (3) Ans. (1) 168. In uterus, endometrium proliferates, mainly in 152. Asingle layer of talland slender cellsfound inthe | Ans. (4) Ans. (1) 169. During pregnancy progesterone and estrogen 153. Which....type of epithelium is found in the tubular | Ams. (4) Ans. (2) 170. Arrange the following in decreasing order of their life 154, The glandular epithelium is formed of- (a) Crocodile (b) Dog Ans. (4) Ans. (3) 155. Which...connective tissue joins bone with muscke? | 171. Honey bee shows- Ans. (1) ory 156. Which not an example of Hyaline cartilage? | 172. Signals for parturition originate from— ‘Ans. (3) Ans. (4) 157. Find the correct statement 173. The follicle that ruptures at the time of ovulation (1) Neuroglia makes up less than 1/3 rd volume of | Ans- (1) neural tissue 174, During pregnancy, the urine test for female is based Ans. (2) meal a oo 175, Dusing pregrancy the evelofwhich hormone increases Ans. (4) 159. The function of the gap junction is to= 176. Match the column. Ans. (1) Column-I Column-I 1. Endometrium ‘A. Copulation 160. Phallc gland is also known as~ ‘Ans. (1) ‘Ans. (1) 177. Mechanism of action of CuT is~ 161. The maleaccessory ducts in reproductive system | Ans. (1) Ans. (2) 178, "The blastocyst becomes embedded in the Ans. (4) IT-3 [Enthusiast (Phase - 1)] - 2023 = ALLEN 179. Ans. 180. Ans. 181. 182. 183. 184, 185. 186. Select the correct order of the structures ina A. Mammary duct B. Lactiferous duct (3) How ...hormones are produced in female only during, Progesterone, hCG, Relaxin, Cortisol, hPL. 3) The first fetal movernent and appearance of hair on. (2) Select ...out with respect to natural contraceptive (3) Non-steroidalpillis— on) Which is a hormone releasing IUD? (3) The following figure represents the human foetus in ay incorrect statement regarding the glands @ ‘Smooth muscles are (3) Endosteum is formed of i) 1. Which .specialsed cell junction prevents the leakage a Male cockroach s mainly identified from female with, (2) 191. Select the incorrect statement (1) Seminal plasmas rich in fructose, calcium and certain enzymes Ans. (2) 192, Which of the folowing statements is false (1) Testis performs dual functions as a primary sex organ as wellas endocrine gland. Ans. (4) 193. Choose the correct option with respect to oral (i) Sahelis an effective steroidal oral pill Ans. (2) 194. Find the eorreet statement (1) Inhuman holoblastc unequal cleavage is present Ans. (4) 195. How many of the following hormones show their FSH, LH, Estrogen, Progesterone Ans. (2) 196. Find the incorreet statement~ Ans. (4) In humans the morula stage undergoes implantation 197. Which type of egg present in Frog (Amphibia) Ans. (4) 199. ‘P’ cells start division during footal development and. Ans. (2) 200. Which of the following statement is not correct? (1) Extomal opening of penis is called urethral meatus ‘Ans (3)

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