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Last year July, Marcel and her parents “Victoria and Alfonso”, moved to a town called Green Valley
with hope to start a new life. This town is known to have many mysteries, secrets and lies. Marcel
and her parents were settled wonderfully in their new environment. Marcel is now attending the
green valley high school with friends she made, like in every high school there is always a bully,
Marcel has to put up with Lela and her friends every day, but Marcel’s friends always stood up for
her. Well, this story isn’t all about marcel and her bullies. One night Marcel’s dad was driving home
from work on this one-way road where people aren’t normally seen, he was so tired and sleepy that
he didn’t see the person standing in the road. He hurriedly tried to stop the breaks, but it was too
late, he had already hit the person. He stepped out of the car to check on the person that he had hit,
but there was no one there. Marcels dad turned around to go back into his car, suddenly a tall light
skinned man appeared in front of him, Alfonso stood there frightened, the man looked deeply into
Alfonso’s eyes and said, “do not move or make a sound”. Suddenly The man opened his mouth to
show his sharp fangs, he bit into Alfonso’s neck, draining every blood in his body. Marcels dad was
left laying lifeless on the road. It was the next morning that marcel, and her mother received the
tragic news. They were so devastated that marcel couldn’t attend school. Marcel and her mom were
brought to the police station for investigation. The police chief asks questions that neither marcel or
her mom could answer, the police was left without clues that could lead to the mystery of what
caused Marcel’s father’s death. The next day marcel decided to go to school, when she reached the
school campus everyone was staring at her and whispering. Marcel knew exactly what they were
whispering about , she wanted to cry so badly but she didn’t because she doesn’t want to seem
weak cause that would make her bullies bully her even more and she didn’t have the energy to deal
with them. Marcel proceeded to her classes with a sad look on her face. The whole day was so
stressful for marcel. When school was finally over, marcel decided to walk home, while she was
walking, she could sense that someone was following her, she quickly turned around but saw no
one. She started to feel scared, so she began to run, while running she bumped into a guy from her
school, his name is hunter, he was tall and his skin was cold and as white as snow, his eyes were
black, and he was dressed in full black from head to toe. They both stood there looking into each
other’s eyes for a few second then marcel broke the silence and asked, “why are you following
me”? , hunter replied saying “ I wasn’t following you; I was in a disagreement with two guys, and
they ran off and I was trying to find them, but I ran into you”. What hunter said wasn’t a lie, but it
wasn’t the full truth either, hunter was arguing with his cousins because they wanted to feed from a
human instead of a blood bag and marcel was that human they want to feed from. Marcel believed
what hunter said and decided to leave it at that and continue her walk home. When she reached
home, she saw her mom throwing stuff across the room while yelling. Marcel was shouting at her
mom to stop, finally Victoria calmed down, but she started to cry, marcel went beside her mom to
comfort her. Marcel decided to prepare something for dinner since her mom wasn’t in the right
mind frame, the time went by pretty fast and soon it was dark outside. after marcel and her mom
had dinner marcel began to feel a bit uneasy so she decided to go for a walk, first she made sure her
mom was asleep then she left the house. Marcel only expected to have a silent walk to clear her
head but that’s not what happened, while walking marcel could hear footsteps behind her and she
felt the same as earlier when she was walking from school, instead of looking behind her she began
to walk faster, the faster she walked the more her heartbeat increases so she started to run but not
any faster than whatever was following her. Soon after she found herself in the woods, she gasping
and looking around her

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