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Nama : Salma Tsabita Qotrunnada

NIM : 2228210013

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris Anak Usia Dini

Program Studi : Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini


1. Write the difference between children's songs and adult songs

2. Write the difference between the SpongeBob film (English language) and one of
the videos on the English Singing channel.


1. The difference between children's English songs and adult songs

1) Children's English songs :
- There is a rhythm that repeats and is the same, usually only 1 verse and is
repeated continuously using words that are continuously repeated in the
song which affects vocabulary development for young children.
- Children's songs that use English for educational purposes usually have a
translation included in the song. For example, the song “Tomato, tomato
itu tomat, Avocado itu alpukat, Pineapple itu nanas, kalau melon ya tetap
- The vocabulary contained in children's songs is vocabulary that is close
to children's daily lives, for example in the form of greetings, animal
names, fruit names, job names, letters or numbers.
2) Adult songs :
- Adult songs usually contain vocabulary that describes feelings such as
sadness, happiness, longing, admiration and so on.
- The language usually used in adult songs uses informal language which
sometimes contains words that are inappropriate for young children to

hear or read. For example, the words stabbed, your kiss, your caress,
lovesickness, alcohol and so on.

2. Perbedaan penggunaan Bahasa Inggris pada film spongebob dengan salah

satu video di channel english singsing
1) Film Spongebob
- The English used in the SpongeBob film is everyday language where the
choice of diction is sometimes not appropriate for early childhood
development because there are many words containing Sara in the
SpongeBob film scenes as a result of interactions with fellow
children/friends. they no longer feel like it's strange to bully their friends,
all of this happens as a result of mental suggestions from the cartoons
they watch.
- The use of language in the Spongebob film can cause children to
misunderstand because the translation in the SpongeBob film is not
appropriate. For Example :
Episode "Pizza delivery"

In this scene Squidward throws pizza at a rude customer to

Spongebob, in Indonesian if I'm not mistaken Squidward says "This pizza
has arrived!" Meanwhile, originally Squidward said "This one is on the
house". If translated "on the house" literally it means it has arrived, but in
English the word 'on the house' has another meaning, namely "free".

Therefore, in the original version, Squidward actually gave the pizza for
free and it reached the customer's hands (albeit by throwing it in the
customer's face).

Episode Sailor mouth

In this episode, SpongeBob and Patrick only learn about harsh
words or swear words after SpongeBob throws out the trash. Because
both of them said these harsh words many times at the Krusty Krabs, Mr.
Krabs punishes both of them. Here is the joke scene

When the two of them discussed Mr. Krabs, SpongeBob thought

they would be whipped 40x (that's why he said 40 lashes) but Patrick
thought lash meant eyelashes so Patrick thought he would be given 40
false eyelashes. If I'm not mistaken in the Indonesian dub, SpongeBob
actually says eyelashes, not whips.

Episode Kerang Raksasa

English : You can see Clamu. She can spit a peral 100 feet in the air. It’s
like a cannon!

Terjemahan Indonesia : Kau bisa melihat kerang raksasa terbesar, dia bisa
memuntahkan mutiara ke udara setinggi 100 kaki. Mulutnya seperti
In the example above, the translator still translates the sentence
She can spit a pearl 100 feet in the air as "she can spit pearls 100 feet into
the air". In this sentence the words "100 feet" are translated as "100 feet".
In this case the translator uses pure borrowing techniques which results in
the resulting translation being less than acceptable. This is because the
unit "feet" is not commonly used in Indonesian texts. Therefore, the
translation will be much more acceptable if the translator translates using

2) Channel YouTube English SingSing

- Most of the language used on the EnglishSingSing YouTube channel is
formal English, different from Spongebob which uses language like
everyday life
- The content created also invites children's imagination, thereby making
children's imaginations develop through stories told in video form.
- The language used is also appropriate to the development of early
childhood because the content is aimed at early childhood. This is
different from the SpongeBob film which is aimed at all ages starting
from 2 years old – 30 years old and above. This is a boomerang, because
in the SpongeBob film there is language that is common for teenagers or
older people, but is inappropriate or indecent for young children.

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