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1. Which of the following is NOT a belief of Ancient Near Eastern religions?

A. The concept of reincarnation

B. The preservation of the soul
C. The importance of ethical conduct
D. The struggle between good and evil
○ Correct answer: A. The concept of reincarnation

2. What is the role of human agency in the cosmic struggle between good and evil in the Avesta?
A. To ensure a bountiful harvest
B. To align with the divine
C. To protect the pharaoh
D. To achieve immortality
○ Correct answer: B. To align with the divine

3. What is the main focus of the Epic of Gilgamesh?

A. The concept of Ma'at
B. The struggle between good and evil
C. The quest for eternal life
D. The importance of ethical conduct
○ Correct answer: C. The quest for eternal life

4. Which of the following is NOT a pillar of faith found in The Book of the Dead?
A. The struggle between good and evil
B. The concept of Ma'at
C. The importance of ethical conduct
D. The preservation of the soul
○ Correct answer: A. The struggle between good and evil

5. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of the literature of the Ancient Near East?
A. Composed in various languages
B. Reflects religious and philosophical beliefs
C. Written in modern English
D. Provides insights into cultural practices
○ Correct answer: C. Written in modern English

6. Which of the following is NOT a theme explored in the Epic of Gilgamesh?

A. The importance of personal choice
B. The quest for eternal life
C. The divine
D. Mortality
○ Correct answer: A. The importance of personal choice

7. What is the significance of the character Utnapishtim in the Epic of Gilgamesh?

A. He is the only mortal who has achieved immortality
B. He is the god of death
C. He is Gilgamesh's mentor
D. He is the ruler of the underworld
○ Correct answer: A. He is the only mortal who has achieved immortality

8. What is the significance of the Gathas in the Avesta?

A. They are rituals
B. They are teachings of Zarathustra
C. They are hymns and prayers
D. They are prophecies
○ Correct answer: C. They are hymns and prayers

9. Which of the following is NOT a way in which the literature of the Ancient Near East impacts
our understanding of ancient civilizations?
A. Providing insights into religious beliefs
B. Shedding light on societal norms
C. Predicting future events
D. Revealing historical events
○ Correct answer: C. Predicting future events

10. Which of the following is NOT a difference between the religious beliefs of Ancient Mesopotamia
and Ancient Persia?
A. The importance of personal choice
B. The concept of dualism
C. The battle against evil
D. The concept of reincarnation
○ Correct answer: D. The concept of reincarnation

11. Which of the following is NOT a similarity between the religious beliefs of Ancient Mesopotamia
and Ancient Egypt?
A. The concept of Ma'at
B. The preservation of the soul
C. The importance of ethical conduct
D. The struggle between good and evil
○ Correct answer: D. The struggle between good and evil

12. Which of the following is NOT a way in which the literature of the Ancient Near East reflects
societal beliefs?
A. Through descriptions of historical events
B. Through predictions of future events
C. Through portrayals of gods and goddesses
D. Through depictions of daily life
○ Correct answer: B. Through predictions of future events

13. Which of the following is NOT a common theme found in the literature of the Ancient Near East?
A. The struggle between good and evil
B. The quest for eternal life
C. The importance of ethical conduct
D. The concept of reincarnation
○ Correct answer: D. The concept of reincarnation

14. Which of the following is NOT a belief of Zoroastrianism?

A. Dualism
B. The struggle between good and evil
C. The importance of ethical conduct
D. The concept of reincarnation
○ Correct answer: D. The concept of reincarnation

15. What is the main focus of the Avesta?

A. The concept of Ma'at
B. The importance of ethical conduct
C. The struggle between good and evil
D. The quest for eternal life
○ Correct answer: C. The struggle between good and evil

16. Which of the following is NOT a pillar of faith found in the Avesta?
A. The battle against evil
B. The importance of personal choice
C. The struggle between good and evil
D. The concept of reincarnation
○ Correct answer: D. The concept of reincarnation

17. What is the role of Ma'at in Ancient Egyptian religion?

A. To ensure a bountiful harvest
B. To guide the deceased to the afterlife
C. To represent cosmic order and justice
D. To protect the pharaoh
○ Correct answer: C. To represent cosmic order and justice

18. Which of the following civilizations is NOT mentioned in the reading as having literature from
the Ancient Near East?
A. Greece
B. Mesopotamia
C. Egypt
D. Persia
○ Correct answer: A. Greece

19. Which of the following is NOT a belief of Ancient Egyptian religion?

A. The preservation of the soul
B. The concept of Ma'at
C. The struggle between good and evil
D. The importance of ethical conduct
○ Correct answer: C. The struggle between good and evil

20. What is the purpose of The Book of the Dead in Ancient Egyptian religion?
A. To guide the deceased to the afterlife
B. To provide instructions for daily life
C. To honor the gods
D. To record historical events
○ Correct answer: A. To guide the deceased to the afterlife

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