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(Esroblished under Golgotios Unive6ity Uttor Prcdesh Act No. I 4 ol 20 I I

Academic Calendar
ODD Semester 2022-23 (Ist semester)
Month Date Dry Events
l0 Sat Submission of faculty workload file
12 Mon Submission of Course Coordinator List
Course offering in iCloud for Odd semester 2022-23 (lst
12-14 Mon - Wed
15 -21 Thur - Wed Induction program for PG students
CC Meeting and MOM to be submitted thrbugh DC-pC-Dean to
Academic Coordinator. Points to be discussed - Course Handouts.
September Question Bank (MCQs, 2 Mark Questions, 5 Mark euestions, l0
2022 20 Tue Mark Questions mapped with BT Levels, COs and difficulty
Level, CO-6 Question Bank - Open Ended, Case Study, plan for
Activity-based assessment, Lesson Plan, e-Content Development
ideo and P
26-3Oct Mon - Mon Induction program for UC students

26 Mon Offline registration for UG students, Mentor mentee allocation

30 Fri of Timetable in iCloud

1 Sat Upl of Lesson Plan in iCloud
2 Sun Mahatma Gandhi Ja antl Holida
4 Tue Maha Navami Holida
5 Wed Dussehra (Holida
6 Thur Commencement of classes lor UG pro grammes
9 Sun Milad un-Nabi/ld-e-Milad* Hoilda
l0 Mon Mentor-Mentee Me
t0-12 Mon - Wed CRs selection
October Intemal IQAC Audit - I (Verification of lesson plan uploading in
2022 t4 Fri iCloud, Course file, E-content development, OBE configuration,
MOM copies approved by DC, PC, HOD, and Dean)
l5 Sat Wor d Hand w ash D Itv , School of rI os pr tal t v and To urlsm
16 Sun World Food Day, School of A culture
t7 Mon CR Meeting at school levcl
17 -21 Mon - Fri Intemal Assessment -1 (rA -l)
20 Thur QCM-I
22 Sat QCM-l report submission with action taken
24 Mon Naraka Chaturdashi (Holidav)

25 Tue Diwali Hotida
26 Wed Govardhan Pu Holida
29 Sat World Heart Da , School of Nursing
29 -31 Sat - Mon Mentor-Mentee Meeting
I Tue f
I S s u e o C A T I N orifi c a tl o n and Da S h e et by C o E
IJ Tue Guru Nanak Ja anti (Holida
9 Wed
Last date for uploading euestions in lnpods for CAT I
9-12 Wed - Sat Intemal Assessment -2 (lA -2 )
1l Fri National Education Day, NSS
1l-12 Fri - Sat Mentor-Mentee Meeting
12 -14 Sat - Mon Online Feedback b y students, Hall ticket generation for CAT-I
Intemal IQAC Audit - 2 (Verification of Lesson plan: planned Vs
t4 Mon Conducted lectures, Updated Course file, IAI, IA-2 Analysis,
Updation of E-content development)
15-18 Tue - Fri CAT- I Assessment
l9 Sat CR Meeting at school level
t9 -25 Fri
Sat - World Heritage Week, NSS
21 Mon for uploading CAT- l Marks in iCloud
I .ast date
CAT-1 Result Analysis / Calcul ation olCO as per CAT I syllabus
November 23 Wed and declaration of attainment to the students, Identifi cation of slow
2022 and fast leamers

24 Thur QCM-2, Remedial class for slow leamers begins and ends before
25 Fri Intemational Da y for the elimination of violence, NSS

26 Sat QCM-2 report submission with action taken, Constitution Day

A.iational Law Day - Dept. of Pharmacy
26-30 Sat - Wed Intemal Assessment -3 (IA -3 )
28 Mon Issue of CAT-2 Notification and Date Sheet by COE
29 -30 Tue - Wed Mentor-Mentee Meetin
7-10 Wed - Sat Intemal Assessment -4 (IA -4)
9-11 Fri - Sun On nc Feed back by st ud e n TS H a c k et en rati o n for C A T 2
12-t6 Mon - Fri CAT-2 Assessment
17-19 Sat - Mon Mentor-Mentee Meetin
Intemal I o A C Audi 3 ( e r fi c a o n o L c S S o n p an P arut e d S
C o nducted c tu re s, U p date d Course fi o I-I rh e bas ls o Res
ul tf
14 Wed f
Anal v SI s o C A T 1 IA-3, I A 4 P ro gres S o f S o an d F as
Leamers, U pd a on o E-content development, CO calculation,
n fi cat on o B T Level, M o M co p S approved b D C
v PC
H o D an d Dean.
17 Sat CR Meeting at school level
Last date for upload ing CAT-2 Marks in iCl oud, Farmer's
19 Mon Day.
20 Tue Publish provisional detention list for ETE

*rY V V
CAT-2 Result Analysis / Calculation of CO as per CAT 2 syllabus
21 Wed and declaration of attainment to the students, Identification ofslow
and fast leamers
December Remedial class for slow leamers begins and ends before CAT 3,
2022 22 Thur
Issue of ETE Notification and Date Sheet bv COE
22 -24 Thur - Sat Grievances handling lor attenclance
)1 Fri QCM-3, 145/6 Notification
25 Sun Christmas (Holiday)
26 Mon CM-3 report submission with action taken
26-31 Mon - Sat CAT-3 Assessment
Last instructional day for l st semester, Publish Detention List for
31 Sat ETE
I Sun New Year (Holiday)

2-3 Mon - Tue Online Feedback by students, Hall ticket generation for ETE
J Tue Last Date for Uploading CAT-3 Marks in iCloud
4-13 Wed - Fri ETE Theory Examination for I st semester
l8 Wed Last date for completion of ETE practicals
l9 Thur Answer scri pt showing to the students
t7 -20 Tue - Fri Even semester registration for 2nd semester
Commencement of classes for even semester 2022-2023 (2nd
23 Mon semester)
30 Mon Result publication by COE office
February Final Intemal Audit: Submission of all academic documents
l0 Fri
2023 signed by DC, PC, HOD, Dean to IQAC office for verificarion.

Internal Assessment Parameters

Parameters I't - 2nd Sem 3'd - 8th sem PG I'r - 2nd Sem PG 3rd Sem

tAl Quiz Activity Based Delivery of technical Mentor for UG students, Teaching some of
Leaming topic the specialized topics to UC students

lA2 Surprise Test / Technical Chapter review from Demonstration of Equipment/ Lab,
Flipped class Presentations textbook/ reference Engaging lab hours ofUG programmes

tA3 Assignment Mini modelV Mini project Writing the technical article & publishing
minor project

IA4 lndustry / Field visit, Attending a guest lecture by students

tA5 Co-curricular Activities

IA6 Extra-Curricular Activities

%> VY
Rubrics for evaluation of IA-5 Co-curricular Acti
S.No marks
Activi in IAs
Patent published (max 5 students) / Paper accepted or published in Scopus or SCI journal (max 3
students) / Winner of national hackathon / Completion of NPTEL course with elite or above / Running
a start-up / winner ofinnovation contest / GATE/ NET/ SLET/ GRE/ IELTS /TOEFL / Government Job
exam clear etc. other IPR Hardware ro ect Professional com etition
Hackathon organizer f club incharge / Industrial interns hip outside syllabus / Organizing a social 4
lndustrial visit ofmore than 2 d a roved b school
Innovation / ideas /start-up pitch / Patent fited (max 5 studentsJ / Hackathon participation / skilr 3
Paper submitted for publication with more than 75% unique content / Seminar con ference attended / 2
skilli Ind internshi of more than 5 Social internshi of more than 5 s

5 Appear in GATE / NET/SLET/ GMAT / CAT/ GRE / IAM / IELTS /TOEFL / CLAT/ Civil Services / 1

Government ob etc. Partici tion in social m Partici tion in rofessional com tition

Rubrics for evaluation of IA6 Extra Curricular Activi

S.No marks
Acti in IA6
social activi 5
1, National level events winner NSS NC Entr reneurshi cel NGO
2 National level events I tion 4
3 GU club officers Winner of GU School events 3

4 Universi level events ci tion GU club members 2

5 School events artici tion Minimum 2 1

Continuous Assessment Test (CATI

CAT 3 Model 5 & 6 (Activity based - Case Study, Simulations, Research papers, Lab work,
Reflections, Problem-based activities, Role Play, Report/essay / BIog, Field experienceireport,
Group assignments, Any other relevant tools as appropriate, and approved by School Dean)

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