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Logic Algorithm
Prasetyo Wibowo
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Departement of Informatic and Computer Engineering,
1. Fundamental Pseudocode
2. Exercise

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Logic Algorithm
Fundamental Pseudocode
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Departement of Informatic and Computer Engineering,
Let’s Throwback to Algorithm
Algorithm is a way of specifying a multi-
step task and is especially useful when
we wish to explain to a third party (be it
human or machine) how to carry out
steps with extreme precision.

The properties of an algorithm are:

• Finiteness
• Definiteness
• Input
• Output
• Effectiveness
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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Throwback to Flowchart
• Flowchart can be seen as graphical
representations of algorithms.
• Flowchart is more intuitive and make
it easy to understand the algorithm
(depending on the complexity of the
problem however, sometimes
algorithms may better represent the
steps to solve the problem)
• We use standard symbols and shapes
in a Flowchart to show the sequential
steps of an algorithm.

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Logic Algorithm
Algorithm vs Flowchart
Objective: Calculate the area of a rectangle

• Input the length of a rectangle
• Input the width of a rectangle
• Calculate the area using the length times the
• Print the area

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Logic Algorithm
Flowchart can help to visualize the algorithm, thus we can understand it better.
However, it is not easy to turn a flowchart into a practical code.
Therefore, we can use pseudocode as an assisting tool to turn algorithm and/or
flowchart to code.

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Logic Algorithm
What is Pseudocode?
• Pseudocode is code that is an
explanation how to solve a problem
• Pseudocode uses a language that
almost like language programming.
• Apart from that, pseudocode is usually
used language that is easily to
understand and also more concise than
• In pseudocode, there is no standard
syntax or grammar rules
• Therefore, we can apply this
pseudocode in various programming
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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode in Programming Language
Let's look back at other models for programming languages:

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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode in Programming Language
If Statement :

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Logic Algorithm
Algorithm vs Pseudocode
Objective: Calculate the area of a

• Input the length of a rectangle
• Input the width of a rectangle
• Calculate the area using the length
times the width
• Print the area

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Logic Algorithm
Algorithm vs Pseudocode
Objective: Calculate the area of a Objective: Calculate the area of a
rectangle rectangle

Algorithm: Pseudocode:
• Input the length of a rectangle • INPUT length
• Input the width of a rectangle • INPUT width
• Calculate the area using the length • area ← length * width
times the width • PRINT area
• Print the area

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Logic Algorithm
Flowchart vs Pseudocode
Objective: Calculate the area of a rectangle

• INPUT length
• INPUT width
• area ← length * width
• PRINT area

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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode Functionality
Names of places to store values
quotient, decimalNumber, newBase

Storing the value of an expression
into a variable
Set quotient to 64
quotient <-- 64
quotient <-- 6 * 10 + 4
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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode Functionality
Printing a value on an output device

Getting values from the outside
word and storing them into

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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode Functionality
A sequence consists of one or more instructions.
Each instruction is executed sequentially according to the order in which
it was written.
Example: Exchange of two integers 1 A B C
1. DECLARE A, B, and C as integers 2 10 5 -

2. INPUT the values of A and B 3 - 5 10

3. C ← A 4 5 - 10

4. A ← B 5 5 10 -

5. B ← C 6 Done

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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode Functionality
Selection / Decision
Making a choice to execute or skip a statement (or group of
Example: Check if a certain number is a negative number or not

1. READ number
2. IF number < 0 THEN
3. WRITE number + " is a negative number."
5. WRITE number + " is more than or equal to zero."

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Logic Algorithm
Pseudocode Functionality
Repeating a series of statements
Example: Input and print 10 integer
number sequentially

1. SET count to 1
2. WHILE ( count < 10)
3. WRITE "Enter an integer number"
4. READ aNumber
5. WRITE "You entered " + aNumber
6. count ← count + 1

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Logic Algorithm
Three Construct

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Logic Algorithm
Three Construct (Flowchart)

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Logic Algorithm
Three Construct (Pseudocode)

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Logic Algorithm
When We Choose Pseudocode or Flowchart?
• Symbols convey different types
of actions

• A cross between code and plain

One may be easier for you – use

that one
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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try
Create a program to calculate the
weekly pay of an hourly employee

What is the input, process, and


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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try
Create a program to calculate the
weekly pay of an hourly employee

What is the input, process, and


Input: pay rate and number of hours

Process: multiply pay rate by number
of hours
Output: weekly pay
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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try
Pseudocode ? Flowchart ?

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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try
Pseudocode Flowchart

1. Display “Number of hours worked:

2. Get the hours
3. Display “Amount paid per hour: ”
4. Get the rate
5. Compute pay = hours * rate
6. Display “The pay is $” , pay

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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try Another One
Create a program to check whether a
student passes “Pemrograman 1”
subject or not. He / She will pass if
the final score is more than or equal
to 56.

What is the input, process, and


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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try Another One
Create a program to check whether a
student passes “Pemrograman 1” subject or
not. He / She will pass if the final score is
more than or equal to 56.

What is the input, process, and output?

Input: final score

Process: Check whether the final score is
more than or equal to 56
• If yes, print he/she passes the subject
• If no, print he/she does not pass the

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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try Another One
Pseudocode ? Flowchart ?

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Logic Algorithm
Let’s Try Another One
Pseudocode Flowchart

1. INPUT the final_score

2. IF final_score >= 56 THEN
3. PRINT “he/she passes
the subject”
5. PRINT “he/she does not
pass the subject”

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Logic Algorithm
• Pseudocode is code that is an explanation how to solve a problem
• Pseudocode uses a language that almost like language programming.
• There is Three Construct : Sequence, Decision, Repetition

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Logic Algorithm
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya 32
Logic Algorithm
1. Karl, Beecher. "Computational Thinking: A Beginner's Guide to Problem-Solving and
Programming." Swindon, UK: BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT (2017).
2. Dale, Nell B., and John Lewis. Computer science illuminated. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2007.

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Logic Algorithm
Create pseudocode and flowchart for:

• Write an algorithm that asks a user for their

name, then responds with “Hello NAME”

• Create “Is a number positive or negative?”

• Write an algorithm that asks a user for their

grade and tells them their letter grade.
A: 100 - 90
B: <90 - 80
C: <80 - 70
D: <70 - 60
F: <60 - 0

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Logic Algorithm
Assignment Noted
• Please make an official practice
report today
• The more you practice, the more
you know!

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Logic Algorithm
Assignment Report
• Each individual collects official
reports in PDF form
• The file format is
• Example: 3321600000_Prasetyo
• No Plagiarism!

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Logic Algorithm
Next week
• We will learn about pattern recognition . Please read references about it.
• It is strongly encouraged to do self study and self-paced practicum.

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Logic Algorithm
Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya
Departement of Informatic and Computer Engineering,

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