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Emerging Technologies

These emerging technologies help differentiate learning and open

the doors for both students and teachers to the new world of
eLearning. These four technologies offer a new way to present
relevant information to multiple groups of learners.

Artificial Intelligence
Artificial intelligence use has significantly increased in the
past 5 years due to its integration into eLearning
programs. AI is projected to double in the coming decade.
AI can be used both in and outside the classroom since it
is being integrated into a multitude of applications. The
implementation of AI canoe is considered medium since it
doesn’t offer that many challenges to the user.

Virtual Reality and

Augmented Reality
AR and VR have progressed rapidly over the last five
years, and it looks as though they are to continue to
progress at a steady rate. AR/VR can be used in the
classroom and outside of the classroom to have users
experience virtual worlds in a hands-on way. Rather it
be gaming or for educational use it can be very
beneficial, but it can be highly challenging for
implementation due to cost.

Gamification In
Gamification has grown immensely over the past five years
and it is projected to keep growing over the next decade
at record numbers. Gamification can be used in the
classroom as well as in office settings for training. Not only
does it boost confidence, but it allows for learning to
become a fun challenge for all involved. This emerging
technology can be considered low implementation in both
cost and integration in the classroom.

Microlearning while growing at a steady rate while
probably remain at the same rate of growth but
it’s a great emerging technology. This type of
learning can be used on the go or in small mini
sessions, since it takes small pieces of electronic
learning, and gives them to the learner in short
burst. This is considered low implementation,
since it is cost-effective and easy to work into the
class schedule.

Mangalvedhe, A. (2023, January 12). The emerging
technologies in Elearning. eLearning Industry.

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