Speaking Words

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Magical words

1.without the shadow of any doubt.

2.without education life is like skating on the earth.

3.I have knack for painting, reading, dancing.

4.READING -> BY reading, I can take a round of all across the world without moving my feet.

……. I can create my own imaginary world by reading books.

…….An avid book reader.

Study commitments, work commitments,

5.We share great bond with each other.

…we have high degree of mutual understanding with each other.

6. Inflation has taken over the world.

7.I love listen to music in order to uplist my mood.

8.Yes I am good at time management. I do plan all my activities before hand and I try to accomplish all these activities in time bound manner.

8.Music can feed my soul.

9.I love to stay upgraded with…latest trend, news etc.

10.Life is fair share of good and bad things.

11.Quality is far important than quantity.

12. Time flies from our hand like sand.

13. Be the change, you want in the world.

14.Helping is service to god.

15.Helping others cannot change the world but I believe that it can change the world of someone.

16.I do like sharing because I think that sharing is caring.

17.Health is the biggest wealth, if person is not healthy then what will be the point of being wealthy.

18.I have got green fingers.

19.Old people are the treasure of knowledge.

20.Early bird gets the worth.

For initiating the answers

To be more precise,Frankly speaking,If I talk about, I can say that,For sure yes,To be honest, If I spill the beans, As far as I am concerned, As I reckon.


1.Melodies voice

2.my house (my place)

3.Regular travel…commute (commuter)

4.There (Over there)

5.I find it very sweet, difficult, interesting.

6.peacful place

7. Calm and composed person.

8.casual friend ( who don’t know each other very well)

Example…Raman is my casual friend.

9.valueable experience

10.quality time


12.Fashion freak (Fashion fiesta)(swanky)

13. Travel freak

14.Melophile (who loves music)

15.Night owl (who stay up late)

16.Early bird

17.Business (ventures)

18.Study (academics )

19.salary hike

20.Netizen (A person who always active on social media)

21.Beneficial (lucrative)

22.Cloth (unstich)

Cloths (ready made)

23.Roots of culture

24.Position (rank)

25.Climb the ladder of success


Sardulewala is beautiful village to live.

Although it is not a big village but despite of it

All the basic amenities are available over there.

Its population is around 3 to 4 thousand. It is

Well connected with nearby towns and cities

Because it is situated on national highway.

It is well maintained as compared to other cities (villages).

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