Liberation Movement

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**Liberation Movement Learners:**

**Learner Profile:**

- These learners are typically individuals passionate about social justice, equality, and liberation

- They may include activists, organizers, and advocates from various backgrounds.

**Key Considerations:**

Training for liberation movement learners should foster a deep understanding of social justice
principles, empower advocacy against systemic inequalities, and promote critical thinking and advocacy
skills within the historical context of liberation movements.

Certainly, let's elaborate further on each step of the training process:

**1. Training Needs Assessment (TNA):**

- **Purpose:** The primary goal of TNA is to understand the gap between the current skills and
knowledge of the learners and the desired skills and knowledge required for their roles.

- **Data Collection:** TNA involves collecting data through various methods such as surveys,
interviews, focus groups, job analysis, and performance evaluations.

- **Identifying Gaps:** The collected data is analyzed to identify the specific areas where learners
require training and development.

- **Setting Objectives:** Clear and measurable learning objectives are established based on the
identified gaps to guide the training program.

**2. The Process of TNA:**

- **Stakeholder Involvement:** Key stakeholders, including subject matter experts, supervisors, and
learners themselves, are often involved in the TNA process to ensure a comprehensive understanding of
training needs.

- **Data Analysis:** Data collected during the TNA process is carefully analyzed to prioritize the
training needs and determine the root causes of performance gaps.
- **Feedback Loop:** Continuous feedback from stakeholders helps refine the TNA process and
ensures that the training program is aligned with organizational goals.

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