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First slide: Parametric tests assume that the data being analyzed follow a normal distribution.

means that the sample mean and standard deviation provide an accurate representation of the
population mean and standard deviation. Examples of parametric tests include t-tests, ANOVA, and
regression analysis. Parametric tests are more powerful than non-parametric tests as they are based on
more assumptions, but they have certain limitations such as restrictions on the type of data that can be

There are four assumption of Parametric test

1. Normality: The data should be normally distributed.

2. Homogeneity of variance: The variance of the data should be equal across groups.

3. Independence: Each observation should be independent of others.

4. Randomness: The sample should be randomly selected from the population.

Second slide: Parametric tests assume that the data being analyzed come from a population that follows
a specific probability distribution, such as the normal distribution. This is because the underlying
statistical theory and formulas used in these tests are based on the assumptions of normality.
Additionally, many real-world phenomena tend to follow a normal distribution, making it a common and
useful assumption in statistical analysis. By assuming that the data follows a normal distribution,
parametric tests can provide more accurate and reliable results in certain situations. However, it is
important to note that if the data does not follow a normal distribution, using parametric tests may lead
to inaccurate or biased conclusions.

Third slide: One of the main benefits of using parametric tests is that they allow for more accurate and
precise statistical analyses when working with normally distributed data. Parametric tests assume that
the sample data comes from a specific distribution, such as the normal distribution. This assumption
allows for the use of powerful statistical methods to test hypotheses about population parameters, such
as means or variances. Parametric tests also tend to be more powerful than non-parametric tests when
the assumptions are met. This means that the likelihood of detecting a true effect is higher with
parametric tests, compared to non-parametric tests, when the appropriate preconditions are met.
Overall, the decision to use parametric tests should be based on the nature of the data being analyzed,
the research question being asked, and the assumptions that need to be met for the chosen test.

Fourth slide: nonparametric tests are statistical procedures that do not make assumptions about the
underlying distribution of the data. These tests do not require specific information about the population,
such as the standard deviation or mean. Nonparametric tests are often used when the normality
assumption is violated or when the sample size is small. Examples of nonparametric tests include the
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Spearman's rank correlation
coefficient. While nonparametric tests can be robust to violations of assumptions, they may be less
powerful than their parametric counterparts in certain situations. Additionally, nonparametric tests may
require larger sample sizes to achieve the same level of statistical power as a parametric test. Overall,
the choice between parametric and nonparametric tests will depend on the specific research question,
the type of data being analyzed, and the underlying assumptions of each test.

Kuya mark

Fifth slide:(basahin lng). It will discuss by other further reporters so Hindi ko na Isa isahin Yan

Sixth side: Parametric test uses mean to measure while the non-Parametric test uses median to measure
the central tendency.

In Parametric test the information is well know because you know what is your topic and target
population while in the other hand, in non-Parametric test is the population is unknown and not
available at all.

The outliers are affecting the results of Parametric test while in non-Parametric test does not affect by

The parameter test is more statistical power because it is a quantitative data that's involved normal
distribution and numerous data while in non-Parametric test is not that powerful as Parametric test
because it is qualitative data and don't give normal distribution.

Seventh slide:

The paired test is a parameter test that test the difference of paired observation while in non-Parametric
test the Wilcoxon signed rank test.

To compare two groups, in Parametric test we use two-way t test while in non-Parametric test we use
Wilcoxon rank sum test, Mann Whitney u test and Kendall's test

To compare several groups in Parametric test we use one way ANOVA while in non-Parametric test we
use kruskal wallis test

To compare a groups value on two variables in Parametric test we use two-way ANOVA while sa non-
Parametric test we use Friedman test

And to measure the association between two variables we use correlation coefficient in Parametric test
while spearmans rank correlation and Kendall's rank correlation ay non-Parametric test.
Eight slide:

In this figure we will further know why the nominal and ordinal is under non parameter test and the
interval and ratio is for Parametric

Nominal define as an attribute of the data example gender and marital status.

Ordinal is rank of observation as scores or categories from high to low in terms of more or less. Example
education, attitude or opinion scales

Interval is interval between observation in terms of fixed units of measurement example measurement
of temperature

Ratio is the scale has a foundation zero point for example income and age

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