Asm1 1622 Nguyenquanghuy Gch200643 Gch1001

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Qualification TEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 04: Database Design & Development

Submission date 27/02/2022 Date Received 1st submission 28/02/2022

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyễn Quang Huy Student ID GCH200643

Class GCH1001 Assessor name Han Minh Phuong

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P1 M1 D1
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:
Table of Contents
I. Introduction .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
1, Define Database ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
2, Example of Database ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
3, What is a Database management System? ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
4, Most used Databases Management systems Software ........................................................................................................................................... 6
5, Data models ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
6, What is Relational Database management System? .............................................................................................................................................. 7
7. What is Key in RDBMS ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
8, What is SQL? ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
II. Implementation Process .................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Chapter 1 - Statements of user and system requirements .......................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1 Overview about the Problem ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
1.2 Requirements of the application .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
a, Hardware Requirements Specification ............................................................................................................................................................... 9
b, Software Requirements Specification .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 2 – Design the relational database system .................................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1 Analyze the requirements................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Database design with explanations .................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Table Name: Employee........................................................................................................................................................................................ 14
Table Nam: ATM ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Table Name: account ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Table Name: transfer_money ............................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Table Name: branch ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Table Name: Customer ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Table Name: manager .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Table Name: bank_info........................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
Table Name: withdraw ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 22
Table Name: saving ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 22
Table Name: balance_inquiries ............................................................................................................................................................................ 22
2.3 Review whether the database is normalized ...................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.4 Data validation ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
2.5 Wireframe of the application ............................................................................................................................................................................. 24
III. Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 25

Figure 1: Database ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

Figure 2: Key................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3: Bank ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4: ER_Diagram_E Bank ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5: Table employee ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 6: table ATM, table account, table transfer_money ......................................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 7: Table branch ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Figure 8: Table Customer ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17
Figure 9: Table manager and table bank_info ............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Figure 10: Table withdraw ,table saving, table balance_inquiries .............................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 11: Insert data ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 12: check data ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 24
I. Introduction

Today, currency transactions with the Bank have become popular for everyone, especially in regions with dynamic and fast-growing

Banks and branches sprang up in many places and spurred economic growth. We can see a series of large and small banks such as:
Agribank, Vietcombank, VietinBank, SacomBank, DongABank, SeaBank, TechcomBank, IndoVinaBank, MilitaryBank, EximBank,
SaigonCommercialBank, ... Therefore, more than any other field, operations The Bank's activities must always be placed in a
competitive environment. In order to survive and thrive in that environment, it is imperative that all banks always develop towards the
goal of creating capital for the society and enriching themselves. Therefore, each bank always changes its policies and operating
mechanism to be the most tight, economical and simple. One of the practical and urgent changes is the optimization of the deposit
business through the powerful tools of Information Technology.1, Introduction about Database

Figure 1: Database
1, Define Database
In computing, a database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically. Small databases can be stored on a file
system, while large databases are hosted on computer clusters or cloud storage. (Anon., n.d.)

In other words, a database is a container where data can be collected systematically. Managing, manipulating that data way easy.

2, Example of Database
Suppose an online telephone directory uses a database to store their data, Like: Name, address. phone numbers, other contact details.

Or an online library that has millions of books. In order to maintain the data, they use a database.

3, What is a Database management System?

A database management system (DBMS) is the software that interacts with end users, applications, and the database itself to capture
and analyze the data. The DBMS software additionally encompasses the core facilities provided to administer the database. The sum
total of the database, the DBMS and the associated applications can be referred to as a database system. (Anon., n.d.)

4, Most used Databases Management systems Software

- Oracle
- PostgreSQL
- SQLite
- Maria DB
- PostgreSQL

5, Data models
It is quite helpful to the database designer who must communicate with end users about their data requirements

• It describes, in diagram form, the entities, attributes, and relationships that occur in the system

• There are many approach methods:

- Hierarchical database
- Network database
- Relational database
- Object-Oriented database

6, What is Relational Database management System?

A Relational database management system (RDBMS) is used for the database management

system (DBMS). The concept is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F.Codd.

– It parses requests from the user and takes the appropriate action.

– The user doesn't have direct access to the stored data.

7. What is Key in RDBMS

Key concept has an important role in relational database management system. This

technique is used for identifying the unique rows from table and also help to establish

relationship among the tables.

Figure 2: Key
8, What is SQL?
- • SQL stands for Structured Query Language
- • SQL helps to access and manipulate your databases
- • SQL became a standard of the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) in 1986, and of the International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) in 1987

II. Implementation Process

Chapter 1 - Statements of user and system requirements

Figure 3: Bank
1.1 Overview about the Problem


As the CEO of E bank, Mr. Harry wanted to ask me to build and design a database system for him.

The system is to manage and store information and data of different customers from age, address, nationality... using the bank's
transaction services at any time, any branch. Customers can use the bank's services such as balance inquiry, deposit, withdrawal, ATM
withdrawal and account withdrawal.

1.2 Requirements of the application

a, Hardware Requirements Specification

Hardware requirements

The following memory and processor requirements apply to all editions of SQL Server:


Component Requirement

Hard Disk SQL Server requires a minimum of 6 GB of available hard-disk space.

Disk space requirements will vary with the SQL Server components you install. For more
information, see Hard Disk Space Requirements later in this article. For information on supported
storage types for data files, see Storage Types for Data Files.

Monitor SQL Server requires Super-VGA (800x600) or higher resolution monitor.

Internet Internet functionality requires Internet access (fees may apply).

Memory * Minimum:

Component Requirement

Express Editions: 512 MB

All other editions: 1 GB


Express Editions: 1 GB

All other editions: At least 4 GB and should be increased as database size increases to ensure
optimal performance.

Processor Minimum: x64 Processor: 1.4 GHz

Recommended: 2.0 GHz or faster

Processor x64 Processor: AMD Opteron, AMD Athlon 64, Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel
Type Pentium IV with EM64T support

b, Software Requirements Specification

Software requirements

The following requirements apply to all installations:


Component Requirement

Operating Windows 10 TH1 1507 or greater

Windows Server 2016 or greater
.NET Minimum operating systems includes minimum .NET framework.

Network Supported operating systems for SQL Server have built-in network software. Named and default
Software instances of a stand-alone installation support the following network protocols: Shared memory,
Named Pipes, and TCP/IP.
SQL Server Setup installs the following software components required by the product:

• SQL Server Native Client

• SQL Server Setup support files

(Anon., n.d.)

Chapter 2 – Design the relational database system

2.1 Analyze the requirements

- on the bank side:

bank address, bank name…

In a bank, there are employees, managers and branches of the bank.

ATMs are located in different places, near the bank's branch

- on the client side:

Have customer information such as name, address, nationality, age...

- functions of the bank:

The bank has functions such as querying balances inquiries, saving money, withdrawals money and accounts.

2.2 Database design with explanations

To create this database, I used Microsoft SQL server management studio 18

Links between tables:


Management of employees and customers

Bank branches


Customers can use the bank's services such as balance inquiry, savings, withdrawals, accounts and even ATMs.

Customers and banks work together.

Figure 4: ER_Diagram_E Bank
Figure 5: Table employee

Table Name: Employee

Field Description Type Allow Null
empid(PK) Id of employee Int No
firstname First name of employee varchar No
lastname Last name of employee Varchar No
gender Gender of employee Varchar No
birth_od_date Birth of date of employee Date No
phone Phone of employee Int No
email Email of employee Varchar No
contact_address Contact address of employee Varchar No
citizen_identification Citizen identification of Int No
nationality Nationality of employee Char No
salary Salary of employee Int No
Figure 6: table ATM, table account, table transfer_money

Table Nam: ATM

Field Description Type Allow Null
ATM_id(PK) Id of ATM int No
ATM_name Name of ATM varchar No
ATM_address Address of ATM Varchar No
Table Name: account
Field Description Type Allow Null
acc_id(PK) Id of account int No
acc_date Date of account date No
acc_types Types of account varchar No

Table Name: transfer_money

Field Description Type Allow Null
tranfers_id(PK) Id of transfer int No
Amount Amount Int No
acc_id(FK) Id of account Int No

Figure 7: Table branch

Table Name: branch
Field Description Type Allow Null
branch_id(PK) Id of branch Int No
branch_name Name of branch Varchar No
brandch_address Address of branch Varchar No
ATM_id(FK) Id od ATM int No
transfer_id(FK) If of transfer int No

Figure 8: Table Customer

Table Name: Customer
Field Description Type Allow Null
customer_id(PK) Id of customer Int No
firstname First name of customer Varchar No
lastname Last name of customer Varchar No
gender Gender of customer Varchar No
birth_of_date Birth of date of customer Date No
phone Phone of customer Int No
email Email of customer Varchar No
contact_address Contact address of customer Varchar No
citizen_identification Citizen identification of Int No
nationality Nationality of customer Char No
acc_id(FK) Id of account Int No
Figure 9: Table manager and table bank_info
Table Name: manager
Field Description Type Allow Null
manager_id Id of manager Int No
name_manager Name of manager Varchar No
customer_id(FK) Id of customer Int No
empid(FK) If od employee Int No

Table Name: bank_info

Field Description Type Allow Null
bank_id(PK) Id of bank Int No
bank_name Name of bank Varchar No
bank_email Email of bank Varchar No
manager_id(FK) If of manager int No
branch_id(FK) Id of branch int No
Figure 10: Table withdraw ,table saving, table balance_inquiries
Table Name: withdraw
Field Description Type Allow Null
withdraw_id(PK) Id of withdraw Int No
amount Amount Int No
acc_id(FK) Id of account int No

Table Name: saving

Field Description Type Allow Null
saving_id(PK) Id of saving Int No
amount Amount Int No
acc_id(FK) Id of account int No

Table Name: balance_inquiries

Field Description Type Allow Null
balance_inquiries_id(PK) Id of Balance inquiries Int No
amount amount int No
acc_id(FK) Id of account Int No
2.3 Review whether the database is normalized

Figure 11: Insert data

When I insert data into Table I was completely successful.

2.4 Data validation

When I check data I insert, it here.
Figure 12: check data

2.5 Wireframe of the application

Exactly alike what I think.
III. Conclusion

This database will help both the banker and the customer. It saves time, allows customers to check their accounts anytime and
anywhere, saving and withdraw and more than….
Anon., n.d. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 27 2 2022].

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 26 2 2022].

Anon., n.d. [Online]

Available at:
[Accessed 2022].

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