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(Name of candidate and elective position aspired for.)

__________________, 2023

Name : _________________________________________________

Address : ________________________________________, San Fernando City, La Union

(House No., Street, Barangay)


You are hereby appointed as WATCHER in Clustered Precincts No. ___________ with polling place located at
__________________________________________ in Barangay , City of San Fernando, Province of La Union.

Upon entering the polling place, you shall present to the EB Chairperson this appointment.

As a watcher, you have the following rights:

a.) Stay in the space reserved for you inside the polling place;
b.) Witness the proceedings of the EB;
c.) Take note of what you may see or hear;
d.) Take photographs of the proceedings and incidents, if any, during the counting of votes, as
well as of the Election Returns (ERs), tally board and ballot boxes;
e.) File a protest against any irregularity or violation of law which you believe may have been
committed by any EB member or by any person;
f.) Obtain from the EB a certificate as to the filing of such protest and/or of the resolution thereon;
g.) Have an unimpeded view of the ballot being read by the Chairperson, the election returns
(CEF No. 9) and the tally board (CEF No. 10) being simultaneously accomplished by the Poll
Clerk and the Third Member respectively, without touching any of these election documents;
h.) Be furnished, upon request, the Certificate of Votes (CEF No. 13), duly signed and thumb-
marked by the Chairperson and all EB members.

You are warned not speak to any EB member, or to any voter, or among themselves, in such a manner as would disturb the

This appointment will be automatically cancelled and considered null and void if you are to an incumbent Barangay Official
including Barangay Tanod or related within the fourth (4 th) civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the Chairperson or any EB
members in the polling place where you are assigned. In such case, you shall not assume the duties as watcher and shall immediately
return this appointment to the undersigned. Assumption to office notwithstanding this prohibition is punishable by law.

(Signature Over Printed Name)

Contact Number _____________________________

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