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AHU Sound Pressure level(SPL) estimation program

Please follow the instructions below on how to use the program

1 Enter AHU unit dimensions and Lp distance in line A: Length, Width, Height, and distance from u
2 Enter unit casing sound power due to the supply fan in line B (in dB from 63Hz to 8K Hz) in the y
Please refer to AHU sound prediction for the sound power.
If the unit has no inlet duct, substitute the unit Inlet plus Casing values instead of casing shown a
3 If the AHU has a return fan, please enter the unit casing sound power level due to the return fan
If the unit has no inlet duct, substitute the unit Inlet plus Casing values instead of casing shown a
4 See line D for the estimated Sound Pressure Level at the desired distance from the AHU
5 Repeat the same as shown in step 1,2,3&4 above for other ahu units
6 You can do a "copy & paste" the entire row if the project has more units than the table given her
7 Print your result to include notes (Notes given here is important for user to know the source of th

Below are some of the acoustic materials related .

Lpf = sound pressure level,dB

Formula for the summation of sound pressure level of many sources:

LΣ = Total sound pressure level and L1, L2, ... Ln = sound pressure level of the separate so
ht, and distance from unit for which the desired Lp is to be calculated, in m (light green cells)
3Hz to 8K Hz) in the yellow cells

ead of casing shown above in item 2

due to the return fan in Line C (light blue cells)
ead of casing shown above in item 3
from the AHU

an the table given here.

know the source of the calculation and assumption)

el of the separate sources in dB SPL

Estimated AHU Sound Pressure Level at 1 meter Surface area calculation for Single reflecting plan (parallelepiped measurement surface)
Project Name: test Prepared By: test

Tag: test Unit Size test Airflow (m3/s) 6

Distance from l
unit for Lp
A Unit Length (m) 4 Unit Width (m) 2 Unit Height (m) 1 64 estimate (m) 1
58.938200260161 36.938200260161 36.938200260161 47.938200260161 58.938200260161 69.938200260161 80.938200260161 80.938200260161
-18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984 -18.06179973984
63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1k Hz 2k Hz 4k Hz 8k Hz Overall (dBA)
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to Supply
h d
B Fan (dB re 1 pW) 77 55 55 66 77 88 99 99 102 S1=2(w+2d)(h+d)=area of ends
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to
C Return/Exhaust Fan (dB re 1 pW) w 16
Average Sound Pressure at the desired
D distance (dB re 20 mPa)
59 37 37 48 59 70 81 81 84
The above estimate is based on the relationship between sound power and sound pressure presented in ISO-3744. It assumes that the AHU
is located in a free field over a reflective plane. This estimate does not include installation and room effects on the sound pressure level that
*Notes: will be present in an actual application of this product.

Tag: 3 Unit Size 3 Airflow (m3/s) 3

Distance from
unit for Lp
A Unit Length (m) 4 Unit Width (m) 2 Unit Height (m) 1 64 estimate (m) 1 S2=2(l+2d)(h+d)=area of sides
58.938200260161 36.938200260161 36.938200260161 47.938200260161 58.938200260161 69.938200260161 80.938200260161 80.938200260161
58.938200260161 47.938200260161 47.938200260161 47.938200260161 58.938200260161 58.938200260161 69.938200260161 69.938200260161
63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1k Hz 2k Hz 4k Hz 8k Hz Overall (dBA)
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to Supply
B Fan (dB re 1 pW) 77 55 55 66 77 88 99 99 102 24
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to
C Return/Exhaust Fan (dB re 1 pW) 77 66 66 66 77 77 88 88 91
Average Sound Pressure at the desired
D distance (dB re 20 mPa)
62 48 48 51 62 70 81 81 85

The above estimate is based on the relationship between sound power and sound pressure presented in ISO-3744. It assumes that the AHU
is located in a free field over a reflective plane. This estimate does not include installation and room effects on the sound pressure level that
*Notes: will be present in an actual application of this product.

Tag: Unit Size Airflow (m3/s)

Distance from
unit for Lp
A Unit Length (m)
4 Unit Width (m) 4 Unit Height (m) 4 156 estimate (m) 1 S3=(l+2d)(w+2d)=area of top
11.068754016455 33.068754016455
22.068754016455 33.068754016455
22.068754016455 44.068754016455
11.068754016455 55.068754016455
33.068754016455 66.068754016455
44.068754016455 77.068754016455
55.068754016455 77.068754016455
63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1k Hz 2k Hz 4k Hz 8k Hz Overall (dBA)
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to Supply
B Fan (dB re 1 pW) 77 55 55 66 77 88 99 99 102 24
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to
C Return/Exhaust Fan (dB re 1 pW) 33 44 44 33 55 66 77 88 87 S=S1+S2+S3=2(w+2d)(h+d) + 2(l+2d)(h+d) + (l+2d)(w+2d)
Average Sound Pressure at the desired
D distance (dB re 20 mPa)
55 33 33 44 55 66 77 77 81

The above estimate is based on the relationship between sound power and sound pressure presented in ISO-3744. It assumes that the AHU
is located in a free field over a reflective plane. This estimate does not include installation and room effects on the sound pressure level that
*Notes: will be present in an actual application of this product.

Tag: Unit Size Airflow (m3/s)

Distance from
unit for Lp
A Unit Length (m) 2 Unit Width (m) 3 Unit Height (m) 1 56 estimate (m) 1
71.518119729938 62.518119729938 59.518119729938 57.518119729938 54.518119729938 52.518119729938 50.518119729938 47.518119729938
-17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062 -17.481880270062
63 Hz 125 Hz 250 Hz 500 Hz 1k Hz 2k Hz 4k Hz 8k Hz Overall (dBA)
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to Supply
B Fan (dB re 1 pW) 89 80 77 75 72 70 68 65 78
Casing Radiated Sound Power due to
C Return/Exhaust Fan (dB re 1 pW)
Average Sound Pressure at the desired
D distance (dB re 20 mPa)
72 63 60 58 55 53 51 48 61

The above estimate is based on the relationship between sound power and sound pressure presented in ISO-3744. It assumes that the AHU
is located in a free field over a reflective plane. This estimate does not include installation and room effects on the sound pressure level that
*Notes: will be present in an actual application of this product.

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