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Terakreditasi A
NSS : 301170401001 NPSN : 40100348
Alamat :JalanA.R.Hakim No.91  (0434) 21425 Kotamobagu 95711 email : smansaktg123@gmail.com



Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa inggris

Kelas / Fase : XI (Sebelas) / F
Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu : 60 Menit
Nama Peserta :

I. Berilah tanda silang (X) pada hurufa,b,c dan d pada jawaban yang benar!

Read the dialog and answer the question no 1-2!

Gendis : I don't think most of us see how social media can help shape our future.
Kiko : What do you mean?
Gendis : Well, Kiko, if you take a closer look at our classmates' posts on their social media.
Nuri : I see where you're heading, Gendis. I am with you. I think they use their social media
mainly for showing off, which is not healthy for themselves and others.
Kiko : I am not sure about that. Why? Because I also see them follow leading figures in their
fields. You both must know Dinda from the other class. She is a model. I see her follow Kaia
Gerber's Instagram. Maybe Dinda aims to be a world- class model just like Kaia?
Gendis : Interesting
Nuri : Maybe we can investigate that and report it for our Social Science project?
Kiko : Sounds great, Nuri!
Gendis : Sure! Why not?

1. Which of the sentence above shows stating opinion …

a. I don't think most of us see how social media can help shape our future
b. I don’t agree
c. I am not sure about that
d. I am with you

2. Which sentence shows expression agreeing…

a. What do you mean?
b. I don’t think
c. I see where you're heading
d. I’m not sure about that

3. A : I feel that children should explore more outdoor activities

B: …… Outdoor activity can help develop motoric sensory, It is also beneficial for
a. I agree
b. I’m not sure
c. I totally disagree
d. I disagree

4. A: what should we do for our final project ?

B: …….
a. I’m not sure
b. I think we should finish the task before the deadline
c. I doubt that
d. What do you think about it

5. The following are the expression of agreement, except …

a. absolutely
b. exactly
c. you got a point
d. I'm not sure

II. Berilah tanda (√) pada B (Benar) dan S (Salah) pada jawaban yang tepat!
No Statement B S
Word stress is the emphasis we place in a
1 specific syllable of a word when pronouncing
2 Exactly is a disagreeing expression
Agreeing ekspresi untuk menyatakan pendapat
tidak setuju
4 Absolutly is a agreeing expression
I see where you’re heading is a disagreeing

II. Isian

Fill in the blank using the opinion expressions given in the box below for no 1-5!

1. I …….... With you bullying should be banned

2. It’s all right if you don’t agree with me but I have every right to my …..
3. Eddie: I think online learning is better than learning in the classroom.
Peter: At first I thought that way. But now after more than a semester being at home,
having online learning all the times………...online learning is better anymore.
4. Yes, ........... Harryright,
Potter Iseries
a much better and well-developed story line.
agree, I don’t think, Opinion,
exactly, absolutly

5. ............ It should be as it distracts students from studying.


Cocokkanlah pendapat Pada kolom A dengan ungkapan pada kolom B!


1 I think digital technologies significantly help us to

connect globally with youth from all over the world. 1. That make sense


2 I think not all students are aware of how digital spaces

2. I agree with that
can support their personal interests. (......)

3 I guess our information and communication technology

(ICT) lessons should show us how to make the best use 3. I couldn’t agree more
of digital technologies for a better life. (........)

4 I argue that students should start to use technology as

producers, such as to create software, not just as 4. That’s true
consumers. (.........)

5 I don't agree that parents use their fear of technology,

such as becoming addicted and wasting time, to prevent 5. I have to say, I disagree
their kids from using social media and online spaces for with you
learning. (........)
1. Write 5 expressions stating opinion, and agreeing!
- Stating opinion :
- Agreeing :

2. Make sentence agreeing and disagreeing!

Answer :

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