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JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | Intensive Program 4 a JISMO 2015

M-3 Day 3

1. How many triangles and quadrilaterals are there in the picture below?

A. 8 triangles, 28 quadrilaterals
B. 4 triangles, 16 quadrilaterals
C. 6 triangles, 13 quadrilaterals
D. 2 triangles, 12 quadrilaterals

2. Zen makes the following shapes using toothpicks. He uses 6 toothpicks to make the 1st
figure. How many toothpicks does Zen need to make the 10th figure?

A. 50 toothpicks
B. 51 toothpicks
C. 60 toothpicks
D. 46 toothpicks

3. There are 6 balls with the same size in the box below. How long is the radius of the ball?

A. 6 cm
B. 3 cm
C. 4 cm
D. 2 cm

1 JISMO 2021
JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | Intensive Program 4 a JISMO 2015

4. The figure below consists of 1 large and 5 small squares. If the perimeter of the figure is
36 cm, how long is the perimeter of the shaded square?
A. 36 cm
B. 48 cm
C. 24 cm
D. 32 cm

5. Find the perimeter of the following figure.

A. 380mm
B. 344mm
C. 362mm
D. 340mm

JISMO 2021 2
JISMO M-3 (Mathematics Primary 3) | Intensive Program 4 a JISMO 2015

Answer Key

1. There are 8 triangles and 28 quadrilaterals in the figure.

Answer: A

2. Figure 1 needs 5 toothpicks.

When Zen made Figure 2, he used 11 toothpicks, and when Zen made Figure 3, he used 16 tooth-
picks. After Figure 1, he only needs 5 more toothpicks to make the next figure.

Therefore, to make Figure 10,

Figure 1 + 9 more figures,
6 + (5 x 9) = 51

Answer: B

3. The diameter of the ball is 18 ÷ 3 = 6

Radius is half of the diameter.
6 ÷ 2 = 3 cm

Answer: B

4. The perimeter of the figure is 36 cm.

One side of the figure is 36 ÷ 4 = 9 cm
The length of the smallest square is 9 ÷ 3 = 3 cm while
the length of 1 shaded square is 2 x 3 = 6 cm
Therefore, the perimeter of the shaded area is 6 x 4 = 24 cm

Answer: C

5. Move the lines to create the following figure.

2 cm = 20 mm
(78 x 2) + (92 x 2) + (20 x 2) = 380

Answer: A

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