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What Makes an Effective HR

By Dave Ulrich, Joe Grochowski, Norm Smallwood, Joe Hanson, and Ernesto Uscher

Key Takeaways: effectiveness, and implications for HR Nine recent approaches to

• Build a business case for how people and value creation. Apply the findings and characterize today’s HR function.
organization issues are pivotal to stake- insight of this article in Leading for HR
We review and synthesize nine leading
holder value Excellence, RBL’s newest guided-learning consulting firms’ positions on the HR
• Review emerging ways to create an HR journey. function to show the commonly held views
operating model from 9 leading consulting of HR.
firms that creates value for stakeholders The value of HR for key
stakeholders to build Recent research and insights
• Recognize and rely on rigorous and rel- by The RBL Group (RBL) on
the business case.
evant research to identify 10 dimensions HR effectiveness leading to
for an effective HR function that delivers We show why human capability (talent + an HR value creation logic.
value leadership + organization + HR) delivers
value to all stakeholders in today’s We share three comprehensive recent
• Assess and invest in actionable insights research studies with tens of thousands of
changing business context, thus building
that will deliver a more effective HR func- individuals in and out of HR and thousands
the case for HR functional excellence
tion in Leading for HR Excellence of organizations that define our HR value-
from a value logic. This value logic means
added approach to functional excellence.

I n this article, we review the value of HR that the “customer” of HR is not just From this research and experience, we
for key stakeholders, nine approaches the employee inside the company, but identify 10 dimensions of HR functional
to characterize the HR function, recent customers, investors, communities, and excellence. Our work integrates and
research and insights by RBL on HR boards outside. expands other work. Our research shows
that HR design (dimension #4) is necessary Figure 1. HR Value Creation Logic: Function Connected to Business Context
but not sufficient for HR value added and
that while using different labels, HR design
has commonly accepted approaches. We
update each of the other 9 dimensions so
that they add value to stakeholders.

Action implications for

diagnosis and improvements
for HR value creation.
We suggest specific actions to improve
HR value creation. These actions include Figure 2. Stakeholder Value From Human Capability Initiatives
diagnosis to assess your HR function and
tools/actions to upgrade your HR function.
In brief, we believe that HR functional
effectiveness is about creating value for all
stakeholders. Through extensive research
and practice, we have identified 10
dimensions to create value-based HR. By
using these ideas, HR is not about HR, but
about creating value. This work integrates
and advances how to deliver HR functional

The Value of HR for Key

In our work, HR is not about HR but about
the value HR creates for stakeholders.
are available from The RBL Institute would suggest that any effective HR
This simple mantra means that we connect
by contacting Joe Grochowski at function has ten dimensions that make up
the business context and the HR function.
We call this the HR value creation logic the HR value logic, as highlighted in Figure
(See Figure 1) because it has an outside- 5. In this figure, we highlight the question
in logic with HR actions designed to create Recent Research and Insights by for each of the ten dimensions and our
value for stakeholders. RBL on HR Effectiveness Leading contribution on how to answer these
to an HR Value Creation Logic questions.
Given this logic, (See Figure 2) summarizes
what stakeholders receive from human We appreciate, learn from, and build
RBL Comparison to Other
capability (talent, leadership, organization, on the outstanding work done by our HR Functional Models
and HR department) initiatives, which colleagues in these nine (and other)
defines the effectiveness of the HR consulting firms, plus exceptional research Given our work on defining HR functional
function. by so many academic scholars. We believe effectiveness into ten dimensions, we
that HR functional effectiveness requires highlight how the nine HR operating
Nine Recent Approaches to theory, research, and practice. From models compare to RBL and each other in
Characterize Today’s HR Function theory and research emerge practices order to help HR leaders know where and
and solutions that offer evidence-based how to focus to build functional excellence.
Because of the increased attention Figure 6 on page 7 shares each of
to human capability, most leading insights to make knowledge productive.
the nine models (columns), the research
consulting firms have expanded their HR We have crafted both long-term and behind the model (as reported in row 1),
services to offer clients ideas that will short-term insights through three major and the concepts from these nine models
improve the HR function. Each consulting research projects that shape HR functional as they relate to the ten HR functional
firm suggests a theme for improving excellence (See Figure 4). effectiveness work we have done.
HR and focuses on dimensions of the
HR function. We have synthesized this We identified a number of observations
RBL’s View of Characteristics of an
work to help discover what thoughtful from this chart. First, the nine operating
Effective HR Function: HR Value
colleagues recommend for HR functional models use a host of research approaches
effectiveness (See Figure 3). More details Analyzing the nine models of HR function (some did not report their research)
and our research reported above, we from case studies to targeted interviews

What Makes an Effective HR Function
to surveys of senior HR leaders to department (or operating model) using managing today’s workplace and workforce
participants in training programs. We different terms to highlight how HR and can be easily adapted to a variety of
are confident that our ideas come from a expertise (specialized knowledge) can situations, as seen in our examination of
rigorous research base that guides actions. be applied to business problems. Roles the identical models used by top consulting
Second, while most approaches used in an HR department include specialist, firms” (Marc Effron, “It’s the Mortar, not
the term “customers” of HR, the primary generalist, and technology experts. As the Bricks: The State of HR Organization
customer is the employee, and HR is Marc Effron, a thought leader in the HR Design,” May 14, 2020). We agree.
designed to increase employee experience space who summarized five of these
(measured by satisfaction, productivity, models, said, “The striking consistency As we have said previously, HR as a depart-
and retention). Little mention is made of in these approaches to existing HR design ment operates like any professional ser-
defining HR success through value created suggests that the debate around design is vice firm that turns its knowledge and
for external customers and investors or largely settled and HR should now focus on expertise into its client’s success. The
of including customers and investors in what enables the success of its structure. . . HR department structure or design should
designing and delivering HR practices. A new approach to HR design isn’t needed match the business structure or design. If
Third, as noted above, almost all discuss to stay competitive. The model originally a business is centralized (single business),
a mostly similar design of the HR championed 20 years ago is still relevant to HR is likely to be organized by function

Figure 3. Stakeholder Value From Human Capability Initiatives


Business operat- • Resilience / make the change • 6 CHRO skills: systems thinking,
ing model • 6 key capabilities: agile, technology, financial acumen, leadership, tech-
configure, ecosystem, decision mak- nology/data, strategic talent, busi-
“High – res” ing, re-skill ness acumen
• 5 HR operating models from HR cen- • Best practices: link to business strat-
Academy HR operating tralization to decentralization egy, collaborate, map competen-
to Innovate
HR (AIHR) models cies, redesign operating model and
Core elements/philosophies or base • Business HR: deploy workforce
assumptions: solutions
• HR customers … workforce • Communities of expertise: rel-
experience evant, data-based, experience
• Digital workplace empowers the designed workforce solutions
High impact HR workforce
Deloitte • External networks to add work-
operating model
• Workforce insights inform busi- force solutions
ness strategy • HR leadership sets vision and
• Fluid interactions: breaking silos priorities
• HR operational services: deliver • HR enablers
data and services
Agile principles: HR operating role:
• Create space for strategic thinkers • HR business partner
• Implement customer centric • HR problem solvers
model • Agile COEs
• Manage portfolio not set agenda • HR shared services center for ser-
vice delivery
Gartner Agile HR: flexible
HR technology:
• Connect with employees
• Manage employee performance
and productivity
• Conduct workforce planning and

What Makes an Effective HR Function

94 individual competencies • Apply principles of organization

in 20 domains design
• Coaching individuals for
HR Capabilities performance
Josh Bersin • Develop leaders and managers
(competencies) • Understanding global cultural issues
• Change management and • Terminating senior executives
• Operating as business partner
HR functional model: Areas of impact:
• Remove boundaries • “S” in ESG: talent pool
• Meet employee expectations • “Total workforce”: talent manage-
• Digital drives processes ment, personalized employee
experience, skill gaps
• Reimagine the world of work:
• Live values, connect with
employees adapt, workforce,
KPMG Pathfinders employees
employee experience
• Evolve/adapt employee
experience Priorities:
• HR strategy/operating model
• Lead with humanity
• Workforce strategy
• Adapt to change
• Experience
• Talent marketplace
Five HR operating models/
HR operating • Leader-led
McKinsey • Ulrich +
model • Machine powered
• Agile
• Employee experience
People centric HR HR customer: candidate, external
operation model: workforce, employee, people leader,
• Employee lifecycle top management
Target Interaction
Mercer • Place people needs at front of HR Operations: people operations
platform, personal support,
• HR transforms around people functional expertise
• Measure employee satisfaction
Next generation HR: Roles:
• Adapt to pace of change • HR experts
Shaping next gen-
PwC • Put advisors close to business to • HR advisors
eration HR
adapt to business needs • HR leadership
• Is flexible and resilient • HR partners

(staffing, training, compensation, organi- response is to have specialists (centers workforce, people, or talent) and on the
zation design) for the entire business. If of expertise, experts) who have deep organization capability of agility.
a business is completely decentralized expertise and then transfer or adapt their Fifth, analytics plays an increasingly critical
(essentially a holding company), then each knowledge to HR generalists who work role to deliver HR. Most of the analytics is
business would have its own unique HR in the business, geography, or functional about reporting what HR does more than
functional experts. Since most businesses organization units (See Figure 7). what it delivers, leading to benchmarks
are some version of both centralization Fourth, the human capability outcomes that offer comparisons more than
and decentralization (called a multi-divi- both within the HR department and what guidance about what actions a specific
sional firm, allied/related, conglomerate, HR offers to a business are focused almost company might take.
or diversified), HR’s most common design exclusively on employees (at times called Sixth, we are seeing a dramatic increase

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 4. Overview of RBL Insights Research



More than 120,000 global • Organization / business capabilities

HR Competency Study
respondents in 8 rounds of • HR department
data collection over 35 years • HR competencies

Organization Guidance • 37 human capability initiatives in Talent, Leader-

More than 1,000 organizations
System (OGS) ship, Organization, and HR (

Governance and • Four human capability pathways and

7,000 firms reporting SEC data
Guidance for Growth impact on financial, employee, and citizenship
using machine learning / NLP
through Human Capa- outcomes (double traditional results)
bility (G3HC) see

work, relies on rigorous research, and this offering, contact us.

in the utilization of digital information
leads to relevant actions. We propose
through technology to drive efficiency, Figures 5 - 9 on next pages.
a six-step logic for improving HR value
improve HR practices, and to connect
creation for any organization (See Figure
employees who may be working remotely.
The digital and technology agenda affects
both how HR can help a business integrate Measuring the ten dimensions is helpful
technology into its strategic agenda and in getting started. Begin with the survey in
how HR can use digital information in figure 9 to diagnose and help prioritize
doing human capability work. where to focus. This is a perceptual
Seventh, we see many lists of survey that can be filled out over and
competencies that HR professionals over by both HR professionals and other
should demonstrate, often defined by HR stakeholders to track current state and
people as knowledge, skills, and abilities progress
they should possess. Few link these
competencies to personal, stakeholder, or Conclusion
business outcomes, but we have a call to
Making the HR function more effective
upgrade HR.
becomes ever more critical in today’s
Finally, most models recognize that HR changing business context. My thoughtful
professionals need to work together (with colleagues are engaged in upgrading
agility, fluidity, collaboration) to bring the HR work with the development and
elements of HR into an integrated solution. launch of our latest guided learning
In brief, the literature of outstanding journey, Leading for HR Excellence,
thinking is growing, and ongoing work which engages your organization’s most
continues to deliver HR functional experienced HR leaders in understanding
excellence. Like a piano keyboard with 88 and implementing these ten critical
keys nd some played more than others, dimensions. As we review these nine
many of these HR models are touching on models and our research, we propose an
a subset of the ten characteristics of an HR value logic with ten dimensions of an
effective HR function. Our G3HC work on effective HR function. By improving on
5,760 companies shows that when human these ten dimensions, HR leaders will help
capability work is integrated and complete, create human capability (talent, leadership,
better outcomes occur. organization, and HR department) that will
then be used to deliver stakeholder value.
Action Implications for The best is always yet ahead. We hope we
Diagnosis and Improvements can help you create your value-added HR
for HR Value Creation function. We’d love to partner with you to
Our value logic and research for HR ensure your HR Transformation delivers
functional excellence builds on previous optimal value. If you’re ready to explore

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 5. RBL’s HR Value Contribution to HR Functional Effectiveness on Ten Dimensions


What is HR known for by Build the HR reputation for efficiency – innovative

1: HR Reputation
stakeholders? practices – strategy – customer value

Create value for stakeholders inside (employee) and

2: HR Customers Who are HR’s customers?
outside (customer, investor, community)

What is our HR mission? Define purpose/mission as who we are; what we do

3: HR Purpose
Why do we exist? (human capability); why we do it (value creation)

How is the HR department Match HR to business design; connect specialists

4: HR Design
organized? (experts) to generalists with agility

5: Organization How does HR facilitate the right Deliver talent, leadership, and organization to create
Capability human capability for the business? stakeholder value

Provide rigorous and relevant information to improve

How can HR access information to
6: HR Analytics decision making by offering guidance not just bench-
make better decisions?
marking or best practices

7: HR Digital How can we use technology/digital Use digital to be efficient, innovate, share informa-
Technology to manage outcomes? tion, and form relationships even across boundaries

How do we create and deploy HR Innovate, align, and integrate HR practices (people,
8: HR Practices
practices? performance, information, work)

What do HR professionals need to Upgrade the quality of HR professionals with compe-

9: HR Professionals
be, know, and do to be effective? tencies that have impact on stakeholder outcomes

How does HR go about doing its Form positive and collaborative relationships among
10: HR Relationships
work? HR and between HR and others

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 6. Overview of HR Operating Models

Author /

• HRCS (round 8) with 28,500

people Executive surveys "Research by Ber-
• OGS with 1,000 orgs 570 CHRO surveys sin Deloitte"
• G3HC with 5,700 firms
Build the reputation from effi-
Reputation ciency to innovation to strategy to “high res”
customer value outside in
Create value for stakeholders
HR customer
Customers inside (employee) and outside Inside/employees
(customer, investor, community)
Define purpose/mission as who
Change, new
we are; what we do (human
Purpose Let strategy lead products, cost,
capability); why we do it (value
• Match HR to business design Operational, COE,
5 approaches to
Design • Connect specialists (exerts) to Fluid business HR part-
HR governance
generalists with agility ner, digital
Deliver talent + leadership + orga-
Human Workforce Focus on skills, not Drive talent and
nization to create stakeholder
Capability 6 org. capabilities roles workforce; culture
Provide rigorous and relevant
information to improve decision
Insights; analytic
Analytics making by offering guidance Workforce insights
not just benchmarking or best
Use digital to be efficient, inno-
vate, share information, and Digital connects Digital access to
form relationships even across workplace information
Innovate, align, and integrate HR
Practices practices (people, performance,
information, work)
Upgrade the quality of HR pro- Systems, leader-
fessionals with competencies ship, talent tech- Have capabilities Customer, digital,
that have impact on stakeholder nology, business, (not listed) adaptability, agile
outcomes finance
Form positive and collaborative
Fluid interaction/ Partner to Beyond structure
Relationship relationships among HR and
breaking silos implement to ways of working
between others

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 6 cont. Overview of HR Operating Models

Author / JOSH MARC


18 HR Survey of
Research Academy Case study
leaders HR leaders

Reputation Pathfinders

Customers Workforce Business led trends
Employee Employee
Purpose experience; and
agility workforce
HR experts, Compares
roles/ ser- Five models
HR service Manage advi- 5 models
Design vice team; based on
delivery employee sors, ops, with similar
shared goals
partners logic
Employee Adaptabil-
Workforce/ Front line
Human well-being ity Agility,
talent, agil- employee, Employee
Capability / workforce change
ity, culture agile
plan; agility Flexible

Insights for High growth

Analytics AI, big data
business companies

Use learning Fully digital Modular
technology automate; experience apps
machine led
COE: talent,
Practices alized,
DEI, comp
94 skills in
Live values; Know
Strategic 20 domains
People humanity; and love
thinkers mostly on
flexibility business
HR tools

Mortar not
Relationship Business led

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 7. Align HR Department Structure to Business Strategy and Structure

HR function orga- HR solutions cen- HR as
nization (single ter / professional
business) process leader services

Insight / Logic:
The HR structure should HR community
match the business struc- of practice
ture whether centralized or

HR decentral-
HR outsourced ized organization
(holding company)


Books: HR Champions, HR Competencies, Transformation, HR Value Added, HR from the Outside-In, Victory Through Organization

Figure 8. Steps to a More Effective HR Function

What Makes an Effective HR Function
Figure 9. Assessment of Ten Dimensions of HR Effectiveness


Diagnostic questions WE DO? TANT IS IT?
Low 1 – 5 High Low 1 – 5 High
Have a reputation for creating value for all
1: HR Reputation
Serve all stakeholders inside (employees) and
2: HR Customers
outside (customers)?
Share an HR mission about who we are, what
3: HR Purpose
we do, and why we exist?
Clearly allocate roles and work together to
4: HR Design
make knowledge productive?
Build human capability (talent, leadership,
5: Human Capability
organization) in businesses?
Access relevant and rigorous information to
6: HR Analytics
make better decisions?
Invest in and use technology/digital to do work
7: HR Digital Technology
and connect people?

8: HR Practices Innovate, align, and integrate HR initiatives?

Define and upgrade HR professionals compe-

9: HR Professionals
tencies to be effective?
Form positive working relationships within HR
10: HR Relationships
and with others?

Visit our insights page to find Send us your thoughts or

more information related to the questions regarding the content
content of this paper. of this paper.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechan-
ical, including photocopying, recording, or using any information storage or retrieval system, for any purpose without the express
written permission of The RBL Group.

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