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Please read the activity instructions:
 Review the procedure and requirements, this should be done with the group.
 Research at least five common stretches that are usually practiced in doing dynamic and
static stretching exercises which are HIGH-RISK EXERCISE, and
execute suggested correct position or ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE to avoid injuries,
and cite the source
 Please continue reading further instructions below.

 You can develop your own warm-up routine which you can perform in a limited or small
space only. This routine must consist of exercise for ankle, hip complex, lumbar area,
chest, shoulders, and arms.

 One must do warm-ups and stretches prior to physical activity/ exercise. To relieve tired
muscles and to decrease lactic acid build up, a cooldown stretch must be performed.

1. Now that you have the necessary knowledge and skills about the Dynamic warm- up, it is
the high time to research on some common stretching exercises may be harmful to the
musculoskeletal system and should be avoided or modified stretching exercise of proper
body alignment and joint position to minimize risk of injuries.

2. Research at least five common stretches that is usually practiced in doing stretching
exercises which are HIGH RISK EXERCISE, and the suggested correct position or
ALTRENATIVE EXERCISE to avoid injuries.

3. Execute the routine (HIGH RISK EXECISE) then execute the suggested correct/ proper
position of body alignment (ALTERNATIVE EXERCISE). Review the photo below.

4. Explain the appropriate term of exercise. And some info/description about that exercise
and cite the source.
5. Coordinate with your group, execute the routine together.

6. For this activity you are rated with these corresponding points for teamwork 10 points,
reliability of exercise 10 points, effort 5 points, with a total of 25 points.

Example of the routines



 Improves flexibility for this large
 Can cause pain behind the kneecap muscle found in the front of thigh
when you sit for long periods or when  Avoids arching your low back as you
going downstairs. bend your knee
 Weakness in the hip abductors,  Effective way of releasing the tension
particularly the gluteus Medius, may and stiffness which accumulates in the
lead to overuse injuries quadriceps
 Unusual backpain

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