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MTN cameroon achieves major performances on Ayoba, MOMO and overall

subscribers enrollment
Today, at its Head office, in Douala the CEO of the company along with employees,
customers and press people announced their breaking of new scores on Mobile
Money and ayoba usage as well as overall subscribers notably :
- 2 millions of users for Ayoba, a free platform meant to offer multiple MTN
services to its customers on a single interface

- 5 Millions users Mobile Money, the life changing electronic wallet that
significantly participates in financial inclusion across the national triangle

- 12 Millions overall subscribers using the MTN network daily for their daily
communications and activities
According to the CEO of MTN cameroon, Mitwa N’Gambi these pleasant
performances are thanks to the loyalty of customers who continuously trust the
company for their daily activities and also to the entire Staffs of MTN cameroon who
stick to their committement to bring innovative solutions to customers while ensuring
excellent customer experience delivery. She took the opportunity to aknowledge
Staff’s impactful contribution and invited to them to do more efforts of this type for
more celebrations like this one
The conference also aimed at celebrating the GSMA certification earned by mobile
Money, confirming its position of excellent quality service.
Another take away of this major celebration is that the company intends to put
relentless efforts to significantly and positively impact its market and its customers.
As a matter of fact, there will be important drop ranging from 50 up to 100% in
mobile Money charges ,the network will expand to cover a greater number of people
just to menton those .
Douala , April 11 2023
Notes : Question = Q

Q.1 Dear Mitwa, Please can you tell us what does this celebration mean for
MTN Cameroon and its customers ?
MITWA NG’AMBI : Dear sir thanks for asking. Well.this triple performance
celebration is to be seen as the results of effective collaboration between our clients
and us. 12 millions of cameroonians trust us for their communication and others
activities. This is huge and at the same time challenging. It challenges us to do more
for our customers and keep the confidence that they have put in us. On the other
hand, this means for us growth of our business which is the the reason we are
implanted in Cameroon and for these we are proud of our MTNers. We are also
proud to see that our global vision of providing innovative solutions to our customers
is adopted here in cameroon. Ayoba hiting 2 Millions users is a real evidence of that.

Q.2 What does it take for a company to achieve such performances in these
times where businesses around the world are impacted by inflation ?

MITWA NG’AMBI : The key words here will be adaptation, innovation and
feedbacks. Since 2020 with the event of COVID-19 we as an innovative business
have boldly change our ways of doing in order to avoid breakdown of our company.
We have developped a struck culture of feedbacks aknowledgement which enables
us to tacle our weakness and leverage on our strenghts. We also promote employee
recognition which has direct impact on their motivation and their will to do more than
what is expected .At MTN We value our customers, we value our staffs and our
community and the results can be seen.

Q.3 The performances presented are quite impressive, so what can we expect
next from MTN ?
MITWA NG’AMBI : There is a say which states that « That the reward for good work
is more work ». This said, MTN Cameroon will not stop at this level ; we will maintain
our leadership position in the market through attractive offers. In the upcoming days
for instance, we will roll out new pricing on our Mobile Money Service. Customers can
already expect discount ranging from 50 to 100% on tranfers fees. We are very
intentional and conscious of the importance of easing life of our customers reason
why we will keep improving our service delivery in all our touch points.
1- English
Dear customers,
MTN Cameroon honored to announce that it has reached the milestone of 2 million
subscribers on Ayoba, 5 million MoMo users and last but not least 12 million
overall subscribers on the MTN network. This triple performance is the confirms
MTN's status as the leading technology company in cameroon.
The entire staff of MTN Cameroon joins the CEO Mrs. Mitwa NG’ambi in thanking
our valued customers without whom these achievements would not have been
We also wish to re-emphasize our total commitment to provide all Cameroonians
with quality service and experience delivery through all our touch points.
Thank you for your loyalty.

2- Français
Très chers clients
MTN Cameroon vous annonce avec plaisir avoir franchi le CAP de 2 millions
d’abonnés sur Ayoba, 5 millions d’utilisateurs MoMo et enfin et pas des
moindres 12 Millions d’abonnés sur le réseau MTN. Cette Triple performance vient
réaffirmer le statut de leader de téléphonie mobile au Cameroun.
Tout le personnel de MTN Cameroon se joint à la Directrice générale Mme Mitwa
NG’ambi pour remercier son aimable clientèle sans qui ces exploits n’auraient été
Nous souhaitons également repréciser notre engagement total à fournir à tous les
camerounais(es) un service et une expérience de qualité à travers tous nos points de
Merci pour votre fidélité.
1- English
Dear Network,
Today Marks a great day in MTN Cameroon as we proudly celebrate hiting 2
Millions users on Ayoba, 5 millions users on Mobile Money and 12 Millions
overall subscribers on the MTN network.
In these times when the entire world is affected by inflation we couldnt be much
happier to see that our customers kept their trust in us unchaged. We appreciate
each and everyone of them for their faithfullness and commit to do more.
We also want to aknowledge our Staff without whom this achievement would not be
possible. They continuously improve their ways of doing to guarantee excellent
service delevery to our customers.
As a company, MTN commits to maintain its leadership position through attractive
and innovative offers of positively impact of our customers.
Thanks for your loyalty

2- Français

Cher réseau,
Aujourd'hui est un grand jour pour MTN Cameroun, car nous sommes fiers d'avoir
atteint 2 millions d'utilisateurs sur Ayoba, 5 millions d'utilisateurs sur Mobile
Money et 12 millions d'abonnés sur l'ensemble du réseau MTN.

En ces temps où le monde entier est touché par l'inflation, nous ne pourrions pas
être plus heureux de voir que nos clients ont maintenu leur confiance en nous. Nous
apprécions chacun d'entre eux pour leur fidélité et nous nous engageons à toujours
repousser nos limites pour leur satisfaction.

Nous tenons également à remercier notre personnel sans lequel cette réussite
n'aurait absolument pas été possible. Ils ne cessent d’améliorer leurs méthodes de
travail afin de garantir un excellent service rendu à nos clients.

En tant qu'entreprise, MTN ne compte pas s’arrêter en si bon chemin. Elle entend
maintenir sa position de leader du marché grâce à des offres attractives et
innovantes qui impactent positivement ses clients.
1- English
MTN cameroon, celebrates as It hits 2 millions users on Ayoba, 5 Millions MoMo
users and 12 Millions overall subscribers. These performances are the results of
customers loyalty and staffs committment to whom we express gratitude and
Details here : (Link of articles)
2- Français
MTN Cameroon franchi le cap des 2 millions d'utilisateurs sur Ayoba, 5 millions
d'utilisateurs MoMo et 12 millions d'abonnés. Ces performances sont dues à la
fidélité des clients et à l'engagement du personnel à qui nous exprimons
reconnaissance et nos félicitations.
Détails ici : (Lien de l’article)

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