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Article · January 2010

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3 authors:

Salim T. Yousif Majid Al-gburi

Nawroz university Luleå University of Technology


Omar M. Abdulkareem
University of Mosul


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The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010


salim taib yousif majid ali thaher omar mohammed abdulkareem
Assistant Professor Assistant Lecturer Assistant Lecturer
Civil Eng. Dept. Water resources Eng. Dept. Civil Eng. Dept.
Mosul University – Iraq Mosul University – Iraq Mosul University – Iraq

The artificial neural network modeled to prediction the mix proportion of concrete mixes
were built in this study. The input parameters were slump, percentage of fine aggregate from total
aggregate content, fineness modulus of fine aggregate, max aggregate size of coarse aggregate
and compressive strength, while the output were cement, sand, gravel, and water contents. The
proposed concrete mix proportion design algorithm is expected to reduce the number of trial and
error, save cost, laborers and time. The system was trained and tested using 493 mixes chosen
from the local data, 443 of them used for training while 50 mixes used for testing, results indicate
that the mix proportion can be predicted accurately by using the artificial neural network method
compared to experimental local mixes.

Key words : Concrete , Mix proportion , Neural Network.

: ‫اﻟﻣﺳﺗﺧﻠص‬

‫إذ ﺷﻣﻠت‬، ‫ﻓﻲ ﻫذﻩ اﻟدراﺳﺔ ﺗم ﺑﻧﺎء ﻧﻣوذج ﻣن اﻟﺷﺑﻛﺎت اﻟﻌﺻﺑﯾﺔ اﻻﺻطﻧﺎﻋﯾﺔ ﻟﻠﺗﻧﺑؤ ﺑﻧﺳب اﻟﺧﻠطﺎت اﻟﺧرﺳﺎﻧﯾﺔ‬
‫ اﻟﻣﻘﺎس اﻷﻗﺻﻰ‬، ‫ ﻣﻌﺎﻣل اﻟﻧﻌوﻣﺔ ﻟﻠرﻛﺎم اﻟﻧﺎﻋم‬، ‫ ﻧﺳﺑﺔ اﻟرﻛﺎم اﻟﻧﺎﻋم ﻣن ﻣﺣﺗوى اﻟرﻛﺎم اﻟﻛﻠﻲ‬، ‫اﻟﻣدﺧﻼت ﻛل ﻣن اﻟﻬطول‬
‫ إن‬.‫ اﻟﺣﺻﻰ و اﻟﻣﺎء‬، ‫ اﻟرﻣل‬، ‫ ﺑﯾﻧﻣﺎ ﻛﺎﻧت اﻟﻣﺧرﺟﺎت ﺗﺷﻣل ﻣﺣﺗوى ﻛل ﻣن اﻻﺳﻣﻧت‬،‫ﻟﻠرﻛﺎم اﻟﺧﺷن وﻣﻘﺎوﻣﺔ اﻻﻧﺿﻐﺎط‬
‫ ﻟﻘد‬. ‫طرﯾﻘﺔ ﺗﺻﻣﯾم اﻟﻣزﺟﺎت اﻟﺧرﺳﺎﻧﯾﺔ اﻟﻣﻘﺗرﺣﺔ ﻣن اﻟﻣﺗوﻗﻊ أن ﺗﺧﻔض ﻋدد ﺣﺎﻻت اﻟﻣﺣﺎوﻟﺔ واﻟﺧطﺄ وﺗوﻓر اﻟوﻗت واﻟﻌﻣﺎل‬
‫ ﻣزﺟﺔ اﺳﺗﺧدﻣت ﻟﻠﺗدرﯾب ﺑﯾﻧﻣﺎ اﺳﺗﺧدﻣت‬443 ، ‫ ﻣزﺟﺔ اﺧﺗﯾرت ﻣن اﻟﺑﯾﺎﻧﺎت اﻟﻣﺣﻠﯾﺔ‬493 ‫درب ﻫذا اﻟﻧظﺎم وأﺧﺗﺑر ﺑﺎﺳﺗﺧدام‬
‫ ﺗﺷﯾر اﻟﻧﺗﺎﺋﺞ ﺑﺄﻧﻪ ﯾﻣﻛن اﻟﺗﻧﺑؤ ﺑدﻗﺔ ﻋﺎﻟﯾﺔ ﺑﻧﺳب اﻟﻣزﺟﺎت اﻟﺧرﺳﺎﻧﯾﺔ ﺑﺎﺳﺗﻌﻣﺎل طرﯾﻘﺔ اﻟﺷﺑﻛﺎت‬. ‫ ﻣزﺟﺔ ﻟﻼﺧﺗﺑﺎر‬50
. ‫اﻟﻌﺻﺑﯾﺔ اﻻﺻطﻧﺎﻋﯾﺔ اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗم ﻣﻘﺎرﻧﺗﻬﺎ ﻣﻊ اﻟﻣزﺟﺎت اﻟﺗﺟرﯾﺑﯾﺔ اﻟﻣﺣﻠﯾﺔ‬

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

INTRODUCTION transporting, delay in placing , and weather

conditions may also influence the properties
Mixture proportioning refers to the of concrete on the site but these are
process of determining the quantities of generally secondary and necessitate no more
concrete ingredient, to achieve the specified than minor adjustments in the mix
characteristics of the concrete. A properly proportions during the progress of work [3] .
proportioned concrete mix should possess
these quantities [1]: Because of many assumptions and
estimations underlying the theoretical
· Acceptable workability of the calculations, the mix proportions for the
freshly mixed concrete. actual ingredients to be used do not provide
· Durability, strength, and the the correct answer. Therefore, the properties
uniform. appearance of the hardened of these mixes are checked and adjusted by
concrete means of laboratory trial mixes and tests
· Economy [1]. until a fully satisfactory mix is obtained [4].
In order to achieve these characteristics, Many obscure factors influence concrete
the engineer must determine the proportion mix proportioning, and their mutual
of cement, water, fine, and coarse relationship is so complicated that it is
aggregates, and use of admixtures. impossible to formulate mathematical
Understanding the basic principle of mix models to express their mutual actions and
design is as important as the actual reactions. Adjustments are always
calculation used to establish mix performed by taking into account the
proportions. Only with proper selection of information from the concrete quality
materials and mixture characteristics can the control tests, the experts’ advice,
above quality be obtained in concrete experiences, and other available research,
construction[1]. Before a concrete mixture but the final mix proportions through the
can be proportioned, mixture characteristics adjustments are still statistical, containing
are selected based on the intended used of uncertainties and various errors. However, it
the concrete, the exposure condition, the is still impossible to avoid the personal,
size and the shape of building elements, and physical, and mechanical errors and
the physical properties of the concrete (such uncertainties that are encountered in
as frost resistance and strength) required for materials, testing environments,
the structures[1]. Designers generally specify constructing environments, and other factors
or assumed a certain strength or modulus of such as transporting, delay in placing, and
elasticity of the concrete when determining weather conditions [4] .
structural dimensions. The Engineer is
responsible for assuring the concrete The objective of this paper is to discuss the
properly proportioned, mixed, placed and development of the artificial neural network
cured to have properties specified by the techniques for proportioning of concrete
designer. The proportioning of the concrete mixes as an effective tool to minimize the
mix affects its properties in both fresh and error that are avoidable in concrete mix
hardened states. During the plastic state, the proportioning and adjustment.
engineer is concerned with the important
properties such as the strength , modulus of
elasticity, durability , and porosity [2]. Others An artificial neural network, in short, a
factors, such as effects of hardening, neural network, inspired by a neuronal

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

structure and operation of the biological Three important steps must be considered in
brain, appeared for the first time in the construction a successful artificial neural
1940s (McCulloch and Pitts, 1943), but only network, network architectural, training and
in the past few years have neural networks testing. The basic aspects of network
emerged as a new practical alternative to do architectural consist of number of hidden
mainly with pattern recognition in many layers between the input and output layers,
fields (Nelson et al., 1991). the number of processing unit in each
layers, the pattern of conductivity among
A neural network is a network of many the processing units, and the activation
simple processors that are called units, (transfer) function employer for each
nodes, or neurons. Each of the units has a processing unit. These aspects vary from
small amount of local memory. The units one network to another, leading to a wide
are connected by communication channels variety of network steps [6].
that are called connections; each usually
carries numeric data, called strengths or Fig.1, shows a simple architecture of a
weights, encoded by any of various means. back-propagation network that consists of
The units operate only on their local data an input layer, a hidden layer, an output
and on the inputs they receive via the layer, and connections between them. The
connections. The restriction to local learning mechanism of the back-propagation
operations is often relaxed during training network is a generalized delta rule that
and self organization to solve a problem [5] performs a gradient-descent on the error
space to minimize the total error between
Most of the problem solved in civil the calculated values and the desired ones of
engineering using ANN are predicting of the output layer during modification of
behavior based on given experimental and connection strengths. Although the training
theoretical results that are used as training, data contain the various errors and
testing and verification data . Back – uncertainties, it is no great matter to train
proportion neural networks ( BPNN) are the and generalize the examples. As a matter of
most commonly used type of networks in fact, it is reasonable to contain the errors
civil engineer application where a set of and uncertainties in training data. Training
input parameters are mapped through single is accomplished in an iterative process.
or several hidden layers, using weights, into Each iteration cycle, called an epoch,
output parameters .The relationship between involved a feed-forward computation
the input parameters and the output followed by an error-backward propagation
parameters is usually nonlinear. Although to modify their connection weights. [6]
several activation function are used to
accomplish the mapping process, the In recent years, ANNs have shown
sigmoid function and its variations are the exceptional performance as regression tools,
most widely used activation function in especially when used for pattern recognition
solving civil engineer problems. The main and function estimation. They are highly
benefits in using neural networks approach nonlinear, and can capture complex
are that all of the behavior of the material interactions among input/output variables in
can be presented within the unified a system without any prior knowledge about
environment of neural network, and the NN the nature of these interactions. The main
based model is build directly from advantage of ANNs is that one does not
experimental data using the learning have to explicitly assume a model form,
capability of the neural network.[5] which is a prerequisite in the parametric

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

approach. Indeed, in ANNs a relationship of Table 1 shows the range of maximum and
possibly complicated shape between input minimum values of the parameters that are
and output variables is generated by the data used in this study.
points themselves. In comparison to
parametric methods, ANNs tolerate NEURAL NETWORKS DESIGN AND
relatively imprecise or incomplete data, TRAINING
approximate results, and are less vulnerable
In fact as known that the neural networks
to outliers. They are highly parallel, that is,
are the powerful tool that is bestowed with
their numerous independent operations can
the capability of realizing non linear
be executed simultaneously [7]. Due to the
functions from examples presented to them.
complexity between concrete behaviors and
The power of a trained network is its ability
concrete mix proportions, artificial neural
to recognize not only the examples it has
network techniques have been adopted in
learned but also outside the training set
concrete mix proportion design [7].
within the range of training data [6].
Neural network modeling technique has Preparation of data is a necessary
been successfully applied to many structural prerequisite to solve problems using ANN
engineering problems, such as prediction of approach. This procedure is crucial to the
strength of concrete mix [8], simulating success of applying ANN approach. The
model for optimization in high performance performance of neural networks is largely
concrete mix design [9], prediction of depending upon the data set it was trained
performance of self-compacting concrete especially when using the back propagation
mixtures[10] and else. network. This is because by selecting those
algorithms, the ANN model will learn from
The principal aim of this paper is to develop input and output examples. In general, the
multi-layered feed-forward neural networks better the training data sets represent the
model for design of concrete mixes. domain problems to be solved, the better
performance of neural networks. only
DATA BASE someone with domain knowledge and
For the application of neural networks to understand the data sets can select the right
concrete mix proportioning, the data set to be trained in the neural network
experimental data of concrete mix that made may not be able to give desired output
by local materials only were collected.[11, accurately [6].
In this work a multilayered feed-forward
A 443 concrete mix made by local neural network with a back-propagation
materials which includes ordinary Portland algorithm was adopted. The ANN was
cement produced by SINJAR and BADOSH developed using the popular MATLAB
cement factories in accordance with Iraqi software package [MATLAB R2009b][16].
specification (IQS, No.5,1984), sand in To train the ANN models, first the entire
accordance with (BS 882:1983) normally experimental data file was randomly divided
available in the KANHASH and KHAZER into training and testing data sets. The 393
area, and a rounded river gravel as a locally patterns were used to train the different
available coarse aggregate. network architectures. The remaining 50
patterns were used for testing to verify the
prediction ability of each trained ANN
model. The network model was constructed.

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

The model has five input parameters which It should be noted that any new input data
are slump, percentage of fine aggregate should be scaled before being presented to
from total aggregate content, fineness the network and the corresponding predicted
modulus of fine aggregate, maximum values should be un-scaled before use.
aggregate size of coarse aggregate and
compressive strength, and four output The convergence of the models in training is
parameters which are weights in (kg/m3) of based on minimizing the error of tolerance
mix components (water, fine aggregate, for mean squared error (MSE) during the
coarse aggregate and cement) training cycles and monitoring the overall
The Levenberg-Marquardt (LM) techniques the performance of the trained networks by
built in MATLAB proved to be efficient comparing the outputs. The architecture of
training functions, and therefore, are used to the developed ANN model and its
construct the ANN model [16]. This training Properties are shown in Table 2.
function is one of the conjugate gradient
Table 3, shows the inputs of test data while
algorithms that start training by searching in
the Table 4. shows the actual tested
the steepest descent direction (negative of
ingredient of mix contents corresponding to
the gradient) on the first iteration.
ANN predicted values, the maximum errors
The LM algorithm is known to be for 50 test results were about 20% in the
significantly faster than the more traditional other hand it can be seen that 92% of the
gradient descent type algorithms for training output results has errors less than 10%. The
neural networks. It is, in fact, mentioned as performance of a trained network can be
the fastest method for training moderately measured to some extent by the errors on
sized feed-forward neural network [5]. While the training sets, but it is often useful to
each iteration of the LM algorithm tends to investigate the network response in more
take longer than of the other gradient detail. One option is to perform a regression
descent algorithms, the LM algorithm yields analysis between the network response and
far better results using far less iteration, the corresponding targets and finding a
leading to a net saving in computer correlation coefficient. It is a measure of
processor time over the other methods. One how well the variation in output is explained
concern, however, is that it may over fit the by the targets. If this number is equal to 1,
data. The network should be trained to then there is perfect correlation between
recognize general characteristics rather than targets and outputs predictions. Fig. 2 shows
variations specific to the data set used for a plot of experimental water, fine aggregate,
training. coarse aggregate and cement content against
corresponding ANN predications. A linear
Since the sigmoid function is used as correlation can be observed and the
transfer function, the inputs as well as the correlation coefficient was found to be
output are scaled in the range of (0.1–0.9). 0.908, 0.990, 0.980 and 0.954 respectively
The scaling of the training data sets was thus it can be concluded that the model
carried out using the following equation: successively predicted the concrete mix
contents in good manner.
y = (0.8 / D) x + (0.9 - 0.8 xmax / D) (1)
Where D = x max - x min This study demonstrated the utility and
reliability of the artificial neural networks
(ANN) for modeling the concrete mix

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

proportioning. The model could be useful in 6. S. T. Yousif, Artificial Neural Network

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Table 1: The range of the data used in the study

Minimum Maximum
Slump (mm) 0.00 205.00
Fine Agg.(%) 25.00 62.90
Fine Modulus 2.10 3.070
Max agg. Size (mm) 12.70 40.00
Comp. strength( MPa) 8.00 63.00
Water ( kg/m3) 103 264
Gravel ( kg/m3) 685 1504
Sand ( kg/m3) 441 1160
Cement ( kg/m3) 193 496

Table 2: Properties of ANN model

Architecture 5-20-20-4
Performance 0.001
Learning Algorithm LM
Activation Function Logsig- Logsig- Logsig
Performance Function mse

Table 3: Inputs of testing data

Fine Agg. Comp. Strength at
Fineness Modulus Max Agg. Size of
Test Ref. Slump (mm) Percentage
of Fine Agg. Coarse Agg. (mm) 28-Day (MPa)
[12] 35.00 35.90 2.62 20.00 31.70
[12] 55.00 35.90 2.62 20.00 37.50
[12] 35.00 35.90 2.62 20.00 33.50

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

[12] 60.00 35.90 2.62 20.00 38.80

[13] 110.00 38.60 2.14 40.00 8.50
[13] 99.00 41.10 3.07 40.00 23.20
[13] 100.00 37.50 2.69 20.00 10.00
[13] 35.00 36.30 2.14 20.00 31.00
Ref. Cement (kg/m3) Fine Agg. (kg/m3) Coarse Agg. (kg/m3) Water (kg/m3)
[13] 110.00 41.60 3.07 14.00 13.20
[13] 37.00 39.90 2.69 14.00 33.50
[13] 10.00 38.50 2.14 14.00 57.30
[13] 45.00 45.00 3.07 12.70 35.60
[13] 10.00 43.20 2.69 12.70 59.30
[13] 140.00 46.40 3.05 20.00 39.50
[15] 30.00 55.80 3.05 20.00 16.60
[11] 20.00 30.00 2.78 20.00 28.60
[11] 35.00 50.00 2.78 20.00 16.20
[11] 20.00 40.00 2.78 20.00 32.00
[11] 90.00 30.00 2.78 20.00 32.00
[11] 25.00 50.00 2.78 20.00 36.50
[11] 100.00 40.00 2.78 20.00 31.30
[11] 50.00 30.00 2.78 20.00 48.80
[11] 90.00 50.00 2.78 20.00 37.80
[11] 35.00 40.00 2.10 20.00 19.80
[11] 25.00 30.00 2.10 20.00 34.80
[11] 50.00 50.00 2.10 20.00 21.40
[11] 20.00 40.00 2.10 20.00 38.10
[11] 95.00 30.00 2.10 20.00 33.50
[11] 25.00 50.00 2.10 20.00 36.80
[11] 80.00 40.00 2.10 20.00 37.70
[11] 50.00 30.00 2.78 40.00 26.70
[11] 100.00 50.00 2.78 40.00 13.90
[11] 45.00 40.00 2.78 40.00 31.80
[11] 15.00 30.00 2.78 40.00 41.90
[11] 35.00 50.00 2.78 40.00 30.30
[11] 15.00 40.00 2.78 40.00 44.20
[11] 80.00 30.00 2.78 40.00 41.80
[11] 95.00 50.00 2.10 40.00 12.50
[11] 55.00 40.00 2.10 40.00 19.80
[11] 55.00 30.00 2.10 40.00 33.10
[11] 75.00 50.00 2.10 40.00 18.90
[11] 50.00 40.00 2.10 40.00 32.60
[11] 25.00 30.00 2.10 40.00 44.80
[11] 40.00 50.00 2.10 40.00 32.50
[14] 100.00 43.10 2.90 20.00 36.55
[14] 90.00 39.40 2.90 40.00 38.00
[14] 95.00 39.60 2.90 20.00 40.60
[14] 100.00 39.60 2.90 40.00 41.00
[14] 90.00 38.90 2.16 20.00 40.00
[14] 95.00 38.90 2.16 40.00 40.10
EXP. ANN %Error EXP. ANN %Error EXP. ANN %Error EXP. ANN %Error
[12] 270 312.4 15.70 734 699.82 4.66 1309 1236.9 5.51 135 168.7 24.97
[12] 390 387.4 0.67 643 653.93 1.70 1147 1163.7 1.46 195 191.8 1.63
[12] 270 314.7 16.54 734 696.83 5.06 1309 1231.8 5.90 135 165.3 22.45
[12] 390 394.7 1.20 643 651.94 1.39 1147 1166 1.66 195 189.5 2.82

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010

[13] 250 247.4 1.02 734 732.19 0.25 1166 1161.9 0.35 210 198.9 5.30
[13] 315 263.8 16.24 805 797.85 0.89 1152 1153.3 0.11 189 170.6 9.74
[13] 250 250 0.02 712 719 0.98 1188 1206.1 1.53 210 197.3 6.06
[13] 300 310.3 3.44 705 687.12 2.54 1234 1205 2.35 163 166.8 2.32
[13] 250 250.5 0.21 790 789.01 0.13 1110 1091.1 1.70 210 204.8 2.47
[13] 300 357.1 19.02 773 757.16 2.05 1166 1125.3 3.49 163 189.3 16.11
[13] 496 498 0.39 726 715.37 1.46 1159 1120.8 3.30 173 173.9 0.53
[13] 300 376.2 25.39 873 855.73 1.98 1066 1033.2 3.07 163 192.7 18.22
[13] 496 515.5 3.94 815 783.12 3.91 1070 1015.1 5.13 173 206.2 19.16
[13] 330 371.5 12.58 865 834.48 3.53 1000 928.97 7.10 163 188.7 15.76
[15] 216 258.6 19.73 1060 1096.6 3.45 840 783.77 6.70 160 192.4 20.25
[11] 275 274.9 0.04 577 567.29 1.68 1348 1337.7 0.76 142 140.4 1.11
[11] 275 266.6 3.04 962 959.22 0.29 963 969.56 0.68 173 168.7 2.47
[11] 325 316.7 2.55 747 754.36 0.99 1121 1135.3 1.28 153 153.8 0.53
[11] 325 317.3 2.38 561 560.39 0.11 1308 1317.4 0.72 169 162.4 3.90
[11] 375 409.7 9.25 900 891.34 0.96 900 901.92 0.21 172 183.6 6.76
[11] 375 358.7 4.35 720 730.86 1.51 1080 1103.2 2.15 195 190.4 2.34
[11] 425 418.9 1.43 529 527.81 0.22 1235 1231.1 0.32 168 162.2 3.44
[11] 425 429.1 0.96 882 877.72 0.49 882 868.65 1.51 204 210.5 3.20
[11] 275 285.5 3.83 770 763.53 0.84 1155 1161.8 0.59 168 182.1 8.40
[11] 325 331.4 1.95 561 556.09 0.88 1308 1304.3 0.27 149 155.8 4.56
[11] 325 331.5 1.98 934 936.82 0.30 935 932.52 0.27 188 192.8 2.57
[11] 375 386.8 3.14 720 721.15 0.16 1080 1086.3 0.58 172 174.7 1.58
[11] 375 372.6 0.64 540 537.38 0.49 1260 1264.5 0.36 199 184.8 7.13
[11] 425 419.6 1.28 882 877.54 0.51 882 906.02 2.72 195 194.8 0.10
[11] 425 420 1.17 705 695.62 1.33 1058 1036.3 2.05 206 202.6 1.67
[11] 275 269.3 2.07 577 582.63 0.98 1348 1347.2 0.06 144 140.7 2.26
[11] 275 290.4 5.60 962 957.55 0.46 963 950 1.35 180 189 4.97
[11] 325 334.4 2.88 747 752.18 0.69 1121 1125.8 0.43 154 159.4 3.47
[11] 375 364.3 2.85 540 536.38 0.67 1260 1252.5 0.60 150 144.8 3.48
[11] 375 379.1 1.10 900 906.03 0.67 900 904.79 0.53 187 178.7 4.45
[11] 425 434 2.12 705 690.44 2.07 1058 1044.3 1.29 161 162.2 0.740
[11] 425 423.6 0.33 529 516.91 2.29 1235 1221.2 1.11 174 180.5 3.76
[11] 275 273.6 0.49 962 954.05 0.83 963 952.69 1.07 191 180.8 5.34
[11] 275 286 4.01 770 759.88 1.31 1155 1154.3 0.06 162 176.1 8.73
[11] 325 343 5.55 561 545.1 2.83 1308 1276.5 2.40 158 163.5 3.46
[11] 325 323.5 0.48 934 934.54 0.06 935 927.68 0.78 193 191.3 0.89
[11] 375 371.5 0.94 720 715.36 0.64 1080 1074.3 0.53 187 182.6 2.37
[11] 425 430.4 1.27 529 537.88 1.68 1235 1228.3 0.54 155 165.6 6.86
[11] 425 412.8 2.86 882 876.06 0.67 882 894.17 1.38 200 199.1 0.47
[14] 300 358.3 19.43 831 761.61 8.35 1095 979.49 10.55 159 179.1 12.64
[14] 320 330.9 3.41 701 700.26 0.11 1078 1076.7 0.12 150 156.6 4.37
[14] 350 372.5 6.43 689 687.65 0.20 1053 1039.4 1.29 168 171.6 2.13
[14] 350 370.6 5.87 689 679.81 1.33 1053 1029.5 2.23 161 165.4 2.71
[14] 400 406.4 1.61 648 687.97 6.17 1016 1057.6 4.09 196 197.6 0.81
[14] 400 399.7 0.08 648 689.39 6.39 1016 1062.1 4.54 184 185.1 0.58

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010


Hidden layer

Fig.1: Typical neural network model

1200 210
Data Points Data Points
Best Linear Fit R=0.990
Experimental value of water content (kg/m)

200 Best Linear Fit

Experimental of fine agg. content (kg/m )


Y= T Y= T
700 150

600 140

500 120 140 160 180 200 220
500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 3
Predicted value of water content (kg/m )
Predicted value of fine agg. content (kg/m )

a. Water content

Fig. 2 (a,b,c,d) Experimental trained parameters and corresponding ANN predictions for
test data

The 2nd Regional . Conf. for Eng. Sci. /College. of Eng. / Al-Nahrain University /1-2/12/2010
Data Points

Experimental of corse agg. content (kg/m )

Best Linear Fit

1300 Y= T





800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400
Predicted value of coarse agg. content (kg/m )

c. Coarse Agg. content


Data Points
Best Linear Fit R=0.954
Experimental of cement content (kg/m )

Y= T






200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Predicted value of cement content (kg/m )

d. Cement. content
Fig. (2) cont.

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