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Our work today lays the foundation for tomorrow.

Every member’s efforts are vital,

so it’s essential we stay focused on delivering
our best for customers,
each and every day.

We seek to move the world

by providing mobility solutions.

Our mission is to Produce Happiness for All

by continuing to inspire and provide new possibilities
to people, cities and our planet. So, instead of being stagnant

Our goal is for everyone to have the freedom to move, and resisting change, together,

producing confidence, smiles and promise we will continue to forge ahead.

for a brighter future.

What we do today will build a better tomorrow
for future generations.
At Toyota We…

We strive to keep the perspectives

of our customers and stakeholders
Act for Others at the core of our efforts every day.
Putting ourselves in other’s positions,
we go beyond the impossible.
At Toyota We…

We always consider
where today’s work should take us
Work with Integrity and how it impacts those around us.
We forge a path to our objective
with integrity and honesty.
At Toyota We…

Taking a personal interest in everything,

Drive Curiosity we ask questions to discover

the mechanics behind phenomena.
This mindset generates new ideas.
At Toyota We…

Humans sense things instinctively

in ways that machines can’t.
We bring together hard data while personally seeing,

Observe Thoroughly feeling and interpreting the situation,

exercising Genchi Genbutsu to discover
the most creative and best solutions quickly.
At Toyota We…

Today, and every day,

we take ownership to sharpen the skills

Get Better and Better of ourselves and each other

with heart, mind and body
to meet the evolving needs of our customers.
At Toyota We…

We believe in the natural ability of people

to change things for the better.
Continue the Quest Every improvement, regardless of size, is valuable.
Encouraging both incremental
for Improvement and breakthrough innovative thinking,
we seek to evolve with Kaizen,
never accepting the status quo.
At Toyota We…

Focusing on what’s essential,

we eliminate waste and manage our resources carefully
Create Room to Grow to create room to grow.
This is the foundation for agility
and the cultivation of new ideas for the future.
At Toyota We…

We welcome competition, without ego.

It pushes us to improve
Welcome Competition and better serve our customers and society,
creating more value and a better experience.
At Toyota We…

No work is solitary. No job is a one-person endeavor.

We make the most of diverse perspectives
turning differences into fortitude as one team.
Show Respect With a fundamental respect for people,
we create an environment where all feel welcome,
for People safe and heard, and everyone can contribute their best
toward meaningful goals.
At Toyota We…

We owe our existence to our customers,

members, partners, stakeholders and communities.
Thank People We say “Thank You” to everyone
we encounter today.

At To
T yota We…

Act for Others

Work with Integrity

Drive Curiosity

Observe Thoroughly

Get Better and Better

Continue the Quest for Improvement

Create Room to Grow

Welcome Competition

Show Respect for People

Thank People

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