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BUS 360W Portfolio Email Rubric

Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

(3) (4)
Follows Assignment follows most of Assignment follows all
Assignment the required guidelines, the required guidelines.
Guidelines (e.g. may be missing one aspect.
order of content,
professional appeal
and use of
conventions and
appropriate writing
approach, follows in
class instruction)
4Basics: Your Email is ethical
Email is through your choice of
ETHICAL words, context, and

4Basics: Email has 1 accuracy Email is free of accuracy

Email is error, but this error does errors.
ACCURATE not prevent the reader
from carrying out the
4Basics: Email has 3 of the Email has all 4 of the
following traits: coherent following traits: coherent
Email is CLEAR
& unified paragraphs, free & unified paragraphs, free
of ambiguity & confusion, of ambiguity & confusion,
logical organization, and logical organization, and
effective white space. effective white space.
4Basics: Meets 3 of the following Meets all 4 of the
Email is CONCISE criteria: short, free of following criteria: short,
redundancy, free of wordy free of redundancy, free
phrasing, meets the of wordy phrasing, meets
information needs of the the information needs of
audience. the audience.

Email is Purposeful Email meets 3 of the

following criteria: clear
purpose, clear action, and
clear deadlines.
BUS 360W Portfolio Email Rubric

Requires Extensive Requires Improvement Approaches Meets Expectations Exceeds Expectations

Improvement (1.5) or (2) Expectations (3) (4)
(0) or (1) (2.5)

Sets and Maintains Writer has difficulty using tone Writer has difficulty using Writer has difficulty using Tone is used effectively Tone is exceptional,
in many paragraphs in the tone in one or two paragraphs tone in one or two paragraphs throughout the email. Tone generating goodwill. Tone
email. Tone does create in the email. in the email. does not create resistance. does not create resistance.
resistance Tone does create resistance Tone does not create resistance
Demonstrates Email does not demonstrate an Email considers few of the Email approaches analysis of Email meets expectations Email meets expectations
Critical Thinking for analysis of the audience and audience needs and little the audience and their needs of the audience analysis of the audience analysis and
their needs throughout the thought to the audience through the communication. and their needs through the their needs through the
the Audience to Meet content. requirements. communication. communication.
Required Needs
Information in Email Email meets 0 of the following Email meets 1 of the Email meets 2 of the following Email meets all 3 of the Email meets all 4 of the
criteria: information is following criteria: criteria: information is following criteria: following criteria:
organized according to OIA, information is organized organized according to OIA, information is organized information is organized
type of info is appropriate, according to OIA, type of info type of info is appropriate, according to OIA, type of according to OIA, type of
amount of info is appropriate, is appropriate, amount of info amount of info is appropriate, info is appropriate, amount info is appropriate, amount
and info is accessible. is appropriate, and info is and info is accessible. of info is appropriate, and of info is appropriate, and
accessible. info is accessible. info is accessible.
Mechanics in Email Subject line meets 1 or none of Subject line meets 2 of the Subject line meets 3 of the Subject line meets 4 of the Subject line is short,
the following criteria: short, following criteria: following criteria: following criteria: short, informative, highlighted,
(Subject line)
informative, highlighted, clear, short, informative, short, informative, highlighted, informative, highlighted, clear, and will help the
and will help the reader to highlighted, clear, and will clear, and will help the reader clear, and will help the reader to prioritize.
prioritize. help the reader to prioritize. to prioritize. reader to prioritize.
Mechanics in Email has 7 or more errors. Email has 5-6 errors. Email has 3-4 errors. Email has 1-2 errors Email is free of errors.
Email (Grammar,
sentence structure,
syntax, word
choice, spelling, and
Mechanics in Email Email has 4 or more Email has 3 convention Email has 2 convention errors. Email has 1 convention Email is free of convention
convention errors errors. error. errors.
Professional Image Writer’s professional image Writer’s professional image Writer’s professional image Writer’s professional image Writer’s professional image
Conveyed by Email needs extensive improvement requires improvement for the approaches expectations for the is good and document could is exceptional and
(End impression based on for the document to be document to be workforce document to be workforce be used in the workforce for document be sent across
look, expression of content, workforce ready. ready. ready. the intended purpose. the organization audiences.
errors and details)
Mark: /50 EMAIL GRADE:

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