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Simple harmonic motion

It is the motion of a particle whose acceleration is always simple harmonic motion (SHM)

(i) directed towards a fixed point (equilibrium position ), The oscillation of a system in which a force is continually trying to return the object to its centre

(ii) directly proportional to its distance from that point. position and this force is proportional to the displacement from that centre position.

Period is the time taken for one complete oscillation

Amplitude is the maximum displacement from the equilibrium position.

For simple harmonic motion

vmax = Aw w = 2p / T

amax = A w2 w = angular frequency

x = A sin w t A = amplitude

x = displacement
Elastic potential energy

The energy stored in a stretched or compressed spring or other elastic material is called elastic potential energy.
Simple pendulum

A simple pendulum consists of a small mass m suspended by a light spring of length L fixed at its upper end, as shown

in figure.
The energy in a simple harmonic oscillator is constantly being transferred from kinetic to

potential and back again, whilst the total remains constant as the sum of the kinetic and

potential energies at each moment.


If a system or object is forced to vibrate at its natural frequency, it will absorb more and more

energy, resulting in very large amplitude oscillations. This is resonance.

critical damping: the condition in which the damping of an oscillator causes it to return as quickly as possible to its

equilibrium position without oscillating back and forth about this position.

over damping: the condition in which damping of an oscillator causes it to return to equilibrium without oscillating;

oscillator moves more slowly toward equilibrium than in the critically damped system.

under damping: the condition in which damping of an oscillator causes it to return to equilibrium with the amplitude

gradually decreasing to zero; system returns to equilibrium faster but overshoots and crosses the equilibrium position one

or more times.
1. 2021 JAN

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