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276. Mental: Psychological, Emo onal, 312.

Capable: Able, Competent, Skilled

Intellectual 313. Cite: Quote, Men on, Reference
277. Modify: Alter, Change, Adjust 314. Coopera ve: Collabora ve, Unified,
278. Monitor: Watch, Observe, Supervise Joint
279. Network: Connec on, System, Web 315. Discrimina on: Prejudice, Bias,
280. No on: Idea, Concept, Belief Inequality
281. Objec ve: Goal, Aim, Purpose 316. Display: Show, Exhibit, Present
282. Orienta on: Direc on, Posi oning, 317. Diversity: Variety, Mul plicity, Range
Alignment 318. Domain: Area, Field, Sphere
283. Perspec ve: Viewpoint, Angle, Outlook 319. Edi on: Version, Copy, Publica on
284. Precise: Accurate, Exact, Specific 320. Enhance: Improve, Boost, Upgrade
285. Prime: Main, Primary, Chief 321. Estate: Property, Land, Assets
286. Psychology: Mindset, Mental processes, 322. Exceed: Surpass, Outstrip, Go beyond
Behavior 323. Expert: Specialist, Authority,
287. Pursue: Chase, Follow, Seek Professional
288. Ra o: Propor on, Rela on, Rate 324. Explicit: Clear, Precise, Unambiguous
289. Reject: Refuse, Decline, Disapprove 325. Federal: Na onal, Governmental,
290. Revenue: Income, Earnings, Profit Central
291. Stability: Steadiness, Reliability, Balance 326. Fee: Charge, Payment, Cost
292. Style: Fashion, Trend, Mode 327. Flexibility: Adaptability, Versa lity,
293. Subs tu on: Replacement, Exchange, Pliability
Swap 328. Furthermore: Moreover, Addi onally,
294. Sustainable: Eco-friendly, Also
environmentally friendly, Green 329. Gender: Sex, Masculine/Feminine,
295. Symbolic: Representa ve, Emblema c, Sexual category
Figura ve 330. Ignore: Neglect, Disregard, Overlook
296. Target: Goal, Objec ve, Aim 331. Incen ve: Mo va on, Encouragement,
297. Transi on: Change, Shi , Conversion S mulus
298. Trend: Fashion, Pa ern, Tendency 332. Incidence: Frequency, Occurrence, Rate
299. Version: Edi on, Variant, Varia on 333. Incorporate: Include, Integrate,
300. Welfare: Well-being, Prosperity, Combine
Happiness 334. Index: List, Catalog, Register
301. Whereas: While, Although, Though 335. Inhibi on: Restric on, Constraint,
302. Abstract: Summary, Overview, Outline Suppression
303. Accurate: Precise, Exact, Correct 336. Ini a ve: Ac on, Enterprise, Drive
304. Acknowledge: Recognize, Admit, Accept 337. Input: Contribu on, Data, Informa on
305. Aggregate: Total, Sum, Accumula on 338. Instruc on: Direc on, Guidance,
306. Alloca on: Assignment, Distribu on, Command
Allotment 339. Intelligence: Wisdom, Knowledge,
307. Assign: Appoint, Delegate, Designate Intellect
308. A ach: Connect, Fasten, Join 340. Interval: Gap, Period, Break
309. Author: Writer, Creator, Novelist 341. Lecture: Talk, Speech, Presenta on
310. Bond: Connec on, Link, Tie 342. Migra on: Movement, Immigra on,
311. Brief: Concise, Short, Summary Reloca on
343. Minimum: Lowest, Smallest, Minimal 372. Contrary: Opposite, Reverse, Conflic ng
344. Ministry: Department, Agency, Bureau 373. Convert: Change, Transform, Alter
345. Mo va on: Incen ve, Drive, 374. Couple: Pair, Duo, Twosome
Enthusiasm 375. Decade: Ten years, Decennium,
346. Neutral: Unbiased, Impar al, Decennary
Uninvolved 376. Definite: Certain, Clear, Specific
347. Nevertheless: However, Nonetheless, 377. Deny: Refuse, Reject, Decline
Yet 378. Differen a on: Dis nc on, Contrast,
348. Overseas: Abroad, Foreign, Diversity
Interna onal 379. Disposal: Discarding, Throwing away,
349. Precede: Come before, Ante, Go ahead Disposi on
350. Presump on: Assump on, Hypothesis, 380. Dynamic: Energe c, Ac ve, Vibrant
Supposi on 381. Eliminate: Remove, Eradicate,
351. Ra onal: Logical, Reasonable, Sensible Exterminate
352. Recovery: Improvement, Rehabilita on, 382. Empirical: Experimental, Observa onal,
Revival Prac cal
353. Reveal: Disclose, Uncover, Expose 383. Equipment: Gear, Apparatus, Machinery
354. Scope: Range, Extent, Area 384. Extract: Remove, Take out, Withdraw
355. Subsidiary: Secondary, Auxiliary, 385. File: Document, Record, Folder
Supplementary 386. Finite: Limited, Bounded, Restricted
356. Tape: Ribbon, Strip, Band 387. Founda on: Basis, Groundwork,
357. Trace: Trail, Track, Mark Establishment
358. Transforma on: Change, Conversion, 388. Global: Worldwide, Interna onal,
Metamorphosis Universal
359. Transport: Conveyance, Transporta on, 389. Grade: Level, Rank, Quality
Carriage 390. Guarantee: Assurance, Warranty,
360. Underlie: Underpin, Support, Be the Promise
basis of 391. Hierarchical: Graded, Ranked, Layered
361. U lity: Usefulness, Func onality, 392. Iden cal: Same, Alike, Matching
Prac cality 393. Ideology: Belief system, Doctrine,
362. Adapta on: Adjustment, Modifica on, Philosophy
Altera on 394. Infer: Deduce, Conclude, Derive
363. Adult: Grown-up, Mature, Full-grown 395. Innova on: Inven on, Crea on, Novelty
364. Advocate: Champion, Supporter, Backer 396. Insert: Place, Introduce, Embed
365. Aid: Assistance, Help, Support 397. Interven on: Involvement, Media on,
366. Channel: Route, Passage, Pathway Interference
367. Chemical: Substance, Compound, 398. Isolate: Separate, Insulate, Quaran ne
Element 399. Media: Press, News, Journalism
368. Classical: Tradi onal, Time-honored, 400. Mode: Manner, Method, Style
Conven onal 401. Paradigm: Model, Pa ern, Exemplar
369. Comprehensive: Complete, Thorough, 402. Phenomenon: Occurrence, Event,
Inclusive Incident
370. Comprise: Include, Contain, Consist of 403. Priority: Precedence, Importance,
371. Confirm: Verify, Validate, Corroborate Preference

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