Awl 404 - 526

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404. Prohibit: Forbid, Ban, Restrict 434.

Complement: Accompaniment,
405. Publica on: Release, Prin ng, Issue Addi on, Enhancement
406. Quota on: Quote, Cita on, Reference 435. Conformity: Compliance, Consistency,
407. Release: Unveil, Publish, Discharge Adherence
408. Reverse: Invert, Flip, Undo 436. Contemporary: Modern, Current,
409. Simula on: Imita on, Replica on, Present-day
Representa on 437. Contradic on: Conflict, Inconsistency,
410. Solely: Only, Exclusively, Merely Discrepancy
411. Somewhat: Par ally, To some extent, 438. Crucial: Cri cal, Vital, Essen al
Moderately 439. Currency: Money, Legal tender, Cash
412. Submit: Present, Send, File 440. Denote: Signify, Indicate, Represent
413. Successive: Sequen al, Consecu ve, 441. Detect: Discern, Iden fy, Recognize
Subsequent 442. Devia on: Divergence, Departure,
414. Survive: Endure, Outlive, Persist Variance
415. Thesis: Disserta on, Argument, 443. Displacement: Dislodgment, Reloca on,
Proposi on Movement
416. Topic: Subject, Theme, Subject ma er 444. Drama c: Theatrical, Striking,
417. Transmission: Transfer, Conveyance, Sensa onal
Dispatch 445. Eventually: Finally, Ul mately, In the
418. Ul mately: Finally, Eventually, In the end
end 446. Exhibit: Display, Show, Present
419. Unique: Dis nct, Uncommon, Singular 447. Exploita on: U liza on, U lizing,
420. Visible: Apparent, Obvious, Clear Employing
421. Voluntary: Uncompelled, Willing, 448. Fluctua on: Varia on, Oscilla on,
Op onal Instability
422. Abandon: Desert, Forsake, Relinquish 449. Guideline: Instruc on, Advice, Direc ve
423. Accompany: Escort, Go with, A end 450. Highlight: Emphasize, Accentuate,
424. Accumula on: Aggrega on, Collec on, Spotlight
Amassment 451. Implicit: Implied, Inferred, Unspoken
425. Ambiguous: Uncertain, Vague, Indis nct 452. Induce: Persuade, Convince, Prompt
426. Appendix: Addendum, Supplement, 453. Inevitably: Unavoidably,
A achment Unques onably, Certainly
427. Apprecia on: Gra tude, 454. Infrastructure: Framework, System,
Acknowledgment, Recogni on Network
428. Arbitrary: Random, Unpredictable, 455. Inspec on: Examina on, Review,
Capricious Scru ny
429. Automa cally: Spontaneously, Unaided, 456. Intensity: Severity, Strength, Power
Reflexively 457. Manipula on: Handling, Control,
430. Bias: Prejudice, Par ality, Discrimina on Adjustment
431. Chart: Graph, Diagram, Plot 458. Minimize: Reduce, Lessen, Diminish
432. Clarity: Transparency, Lucidity, Clearness 459. Nuclear: Atomic, Nucleic, Atomic
433. Commodity: Product, Goods, 460. Offset: Counterbalance, Compensate,
Merchandise Counteract
461. Paragraph: Passage, Sec on, Segment
462. Plus: Addi on, Posi ve, And 494. Confine: Restrict, Limit, Restrain
463. Prac oner: Professional, Expert, 495. Controversy: Dispute, Debate,
Specialist Argument
464. Predominantly: Chiefly, Mainly, 496. Conversely: On the other hand,
Primarily Conversely, Conversely
465. Prospect: Possibility, Outlook, Poten al 497. Device: Apparatus, Gadget, Tool
466. Radical: Extreme, Unconven onal, 498. Devote: Dedicate, Commit, Consecrate
Revolu onary 499. Diminish: Reduce, Decrease, Lessen
467. Random: Arbitrary, Chance, 500. Distort: Misshape, Deform, Warp
Unpredictable 501. Dura on: Length, Period, Time
468. Reinforce: Strengthen, For fy, Bolster 502. Erosion: Wear, Abrasion, Corrosion
469. Restore: Renew, Revive, Reestablish 503. Ethical: Moral, Righteous, Virtuous
470. Revision: Amendment, Modifica on, 504. Format: Layout, Arrangement, Design
Correc on 505. Found: Establish, Create, Set up
471. Schedule: Timetable, Agenda, Plan 506. Incompa ble: Inconsistent, Conflic ng,
472. Tension: Stress, Strain, Pressure Mismatched
473. Termina on: Conclusion, Ending, 507. Inherent: Intrinsic, Innate, Inborn
Closure 508. Insight: Understanding, Percep on,
474. Theme: Subject, Topic, Mo f Comprehension
475. Thereby: Thus, Consequently, Therefore 509. Integral: Essen al, Fundamental,
476. Uniform: Iden cal, Consistent, Alike Intrinsic
477. Vehicle: Automobile, Car, Transporta on 510. Intermediate: Middle, Median,
478. Via: Through, By way of, Using Intermediary
479. Virtually: Almost, Prac cally, Nearly 511. Manual: Handbook, Guidebook,
480. Visual: Op cal, Sight-related, Seen Instruc on book
481. Widespread: Pervasive, Ubiquitous, 512. Mature: Adult, Grown-up, Developed
Common 513. Media on: Arbitra on, Interven on,
482. Accommoda on: Lodging, Housing, Concilia on
Shelter 514. Medium: Means, Channel, Intermediary
483. Analogous: Similar, Alike, Comparable 515. Military: Armed forces, Defense,
484. An cipate: Foresee, Predict, Expect Warlike
485. Assurance: Confidence, Guarantee, 516. Minimal: Minimum, Least, Smallest
Promise 517. Mutual: Reciprocal, Shared, Common
486. A ain: Achieve, Accomplish, Reach 518. Norm: Standard, Rule, Guideline
487. Behalf: On behalf of, In the interest of, 519. Overlap: Coincide, Intersec on, Overlie
For 520. Passive: Inac ve, Submissive, Compliant
488. Bulk: Mass, Quan ty, Volume 521. Por on: Part, Share, Segment
489. Cease: Stop, Halt, Discon nue 522. Preliminary: Introductory, Ini al,
490. Coherence: Consistency, Logical Opening
connec on, Unity 523. Protocol: Procedure, Code, System
491. Coincide: Concur, Match, Synchronize 524. Qualita ve: Descrip ve, Non-
492. Commence: Begin, Start, Inaugurate quan ta ve, Characteris c
493. Concurrent: Simultaneous, 525. Refine: Improve, Enhance, Perfect
Concomitant, Synchronous 526. Relax: Unwind, Unbend, Chill

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