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Direction: Kindly check inside the box that corresponds to your answer
Name (optional): _________________________________________
□ 21-35
□ 36-50
□ 50 and above
□ Male
□ Female
Source of Income
□ Salary
□ Pension/Social Benefits
□ Business Income
□ Dividend And Interest
□ If other, please specify ______________
Frequency of usage of Digital and Mobile Banking
□ Daily
□ Once a week
□ Every two weeks
□ Once a month
DIRECTION: Listed below are statements about the challenges encountered on the use of mobile banking
application of selected consumers in San Fernando, Pampanga. Kindly check the box that corresponds to
your answer using the scales of:
5 – Strongly Agree 4 – Agree 3 – Neutral 2 – Disagree 1 – Strongly Disagree

Perceived Risk in Mobile Banking

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. I experience security risk in using mobile banking application
2. I only have limited access to transaction history
3. I am prone to hacking because it uses technology
4. I feel not safe in providing personal privacy information in mobile
5. I believe that scammers can easily make fake mobile banking
applications to deceive users

Perceived Risk in Digital Banking

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. When I change or forget my password, I face security risk
2. I cannot guarantee that providing any transactional information
will keep me secure
3. I did not have regular updates of the system in digital bank
4. I feel unsafe with my money because of the limited security of
digital banking has
5. I encounter problems in navigating the application

Biometric Authentication in Digital Banking

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. I consider it unsafe since it simply requires biometrics and/or a pin
to access my application
2. I find finger recognition intrusive since it can arise to mistakes
3. When I use facial recognition, it is inaccurate due to illumination
Trust in Security in Mobile Banking
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. I trust the mobile banks security protection to the users
2. I feel assured that mobile banks have the legal and technological
structures to protect my transactions
3. Even if not monitored, I trust mobile banking apps to do the right
4. I trust that mobile banks system will perform well and thus process
my transaction correctly
5. I trust that information concerning my mobile transactions will not
be known to others

Trust in Security in Digital Banking

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. I trust that digital banking has a strong transaction security
2. I intend to use digital banking apps in the future
3. Even if not monitored, I trust digital banking apps to do the right
4. I trust that digital banking has a password protection
5. I trust that digital banking has an automatic attack detection

Technicality in Mobile Banking

Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. I believe that mobile banking's technical problems are difficult to
2. I need secure access to the internet in order to conduct transactions
3. I always encounter errors in using mobile banking
4. It is always on system maintenance whenever I do transactions
5. I worry that a transaction error might result in the loss of my money
Technicality in Digital Banking
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strong
Agree Disagree
1. Due to technicality, I run into time-consuming issues
2. I find digital banking not applicable when paying
3. I always encounter errors in using digital banking
4. It is always on system maintenance whenever I do transactions
5. I worry that a transaction error might result in the loss of my money

6. I worry that a transaction error might result in the loss of my money

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