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The document you referred to is still relevant for v3.x.

Last week I did three successful

complete resets using the method below: My method requires that you have OOB
management or console access to each switch and CIMC management or console access to
each APIC.

Step 1: Wipe the switches.

On each leaf and spine switch, run the script. DO NOT reload the
switch yet - if you do, the switch will re-learn its config from the APIC and you'll need to
return to Step 1 again later.

I was able to power down each switch after the script had
run, however this is not strictly recessary, but it does make the process more failsafe.

In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress
In progress

Step 2: Wipe the APICs.

Run the following commands on each APIC:

apic# acidiag touch clean

This command will wipe out this device. Proceed? [y/N] y
apic# acidiag touch setup
This command will reset the device configuration, Proceed? [y/N] y

DO not reload the APICs until the above has been completed on each APIC, otherwise if one
APIC reloads before you have reloaded the others, it may re-join the cluster and re-learn its

Step 3: Reload the APICs.

Run the following command simultaneously (or within a couple of minutes) on each APIC:

apic# acidiag reboot

This command will restart the this device, Proceed? [y/N] y

Step 4: Reload the Switches.

While the APICs are reloading, you can run the reload command on the switches, but be
prepared for a lot of noise from the spines. In my case where I was able to power off the
switches, I did not power on the switches until I had completed the initial setup on each
APIC, and then I powered them on in the order I wanted them to be discovered - that way I
KNEW which switch was being discovered in the fabric discovery process.

Step 5: Reconfigure the APICs.

When the APICs have reloaded, go through the initial setup on each one, making sure you are
consistent with the values you use for the infrastructure VLAN and TEP pools.

I hope this helps.

Don't forget to mark answers as correct if it solves your problem. This helps others find the
correct answer if they search for the same problem

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