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Roll no.:______ Enrollment No.


HJD Institute of Technical Education and Research, Kutch

Mid Semester Examination Oct - 2023
Computer Science Engineering Department
Semester: BE 5 Subject: Computer Networks Code: 3150710

Date: 09/10/2023 Time: 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM Total Marks: 30

Q-1 (a) (1) Write Full Forms (a) NIC (b)WIFI (c) MAN (d)Mbps
(2) Twisted Pair colour code (4)
(b) What is network ? Explain different types of network (4)

Q-2 (a) Explain models of Network in brief (4)

(b) Explain advantages and usage of network. (4)
Q-2 (a) Explain LAN, MAN, WAN & Internet. (4)
(b) What is client-server architecture? Explain in Brief. (4)

Roll no.:______ Enrollment No.:_____________________

HJD Institute of Technical Education and Research, Kutch

Mid Semester Examination Oct - 2023
Computer Science Engineering Department
Semester: BE 5 Subject: Computer Networks Code: 3150710

Date: 09/10/2023 Time: 10:00 AM TO 11:30 AM Total Marks: 30

Q-1 (a) (1) Write Full Forms (a) NIC (b)WIFI (c) MAN (d)Mbps
(2) Twisted Pair colour code (4)
(b) What is network ? Explain different types of network (4)

Q-2 (a) Explain models of Network in brief (4)

(b) Explain advantages and usage of network. (4)
Q-2 (a) Explain LAN, MAN, WAN & Internet. (4)
(b) What is client-server architecture? Explain in Brief. (4)
Q-3 (a) What is Transmission media? Explain its types in brief. (7)
(b) What is the role and Transport layer? On which position does it come and what
are the duties of transport layer. (7)
Q-3 (a) What is Topology? Types of topologies & Explain each in brief. (7)
(b) Explain OSI reference model in brief both server side and client side. (7)

Q-3 (a) What is Transmission media? Explain its types in brief. (7)
(b) What is the role and Transport layer? On which position does it come and what
are the duties of transport layer. (7)
Q-3 (a) What is Topology? Types of topologies & Explain each in brief. (7)
(b) Explain OSI reference model in brief both server side and client side. (7)

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