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Ped-6 Group-2
Sir Montegrande

1. The properties of Mean?

 The mean minimize error in the prediction of any one value in the data set.

Explain: The mean minimizes the sum of squared errors, which means that it
minimizes the error in the prediction of any one value in the data set.
The sum of squared errors is the sum of the squared differences between each
value in the data set and the mean. The mean is the value that minimizes this sum of
squared errors, and it is the unique estimate that does so.
The mean minimizes the mean squared error (MSE), which is a common measure of
estimator quality.
The MSE is a quadratic function of the estimate, and the minimizing value of the
estimate is the mean.
Therefore, the mean is the best estimate of the data set, and it minimizes the error in
the prediction of any one value in the data set.

2. The properties of median?

The median is the middle value in a data set when the values are arranged in
ascending or descending order.
Explain: The median is the middle value in a data set when the values are arranged in
ascending or descending order
If the data set has an odd number of observations, the middle value is selected
as the median. For example, in the data set -1, 3, 5, 7, 9, the median is 5. If the data
set has an even number of observations, there is no distinct middle value, and the
median is usually defined to be the arithmetic mean of the two middle values. For
example, in the data set 1, 2, 3, 4, the median is (2+3)/2 = 2.5. The median is not
affected by extreme values or outliers in the data set, making it a useful measure of
central tendency in skewed distributions or when outliers are present
The median is a special case of other ways of summarizing the typical values
associated with a statistical distribution: it is the 2nd quartile, 5th decile, and 50th
3. Properties of mode?
 The mode is the value that occurs most frequently in a data set
Explain: The mode is a measure of central tendency that represents the most
frequently occurring value in a data set
It is the value that appears most often in the data set. A data set may have one mode,
more than one mode, or no mode at all
data, such as the most common color or flavor. It is the only measure of central
tendency for nominal variables, where it can reflect the most commonly found
The mode is not affected by extreme values or outliers in the data set, making it a
valuable tool for summarizing data sets
However, the mode can be ill-defined if the maximum frequency is repeated or if the
maximum frequency occurs either at the very beginning or at the end of the distribution,
or if the distribution is irregular
The mode is the easiest to compute and can be used for open-ended distribution and
qualitative data

1. Five applications of mean are?

 Business:
Explain: The mean is frequently used in all aspects of business, such as the
number of items produced, sales, and profits
 Statistics and data analysis:
Explain: The mean is an essential tool in statistics and data analysis. It is used
to interpret or summarize the given data set and derive relevant information
or conclusions about the population or sample of a population represented
by the data set
 Academic studies:
Explain: The mean is used in academic studies to analyze data and draw
 Geographical studies:
Explain: The mean is used in geographical studies to analyze data and draw
 Agricultural experiments:
Explain: The mean is used in agricultural experiments to analyze data and
draw conclusions
2. Five applications of median are?
 Poverty line calculation:
Explain: The median is used in the calculation of the poverty line. It is a more
appropriate measure of central tendency than the mean when the data is
skewed and extreme values are present
 Academic studies:
Explain: The median is used in academic studies to analyze data and draw
 Business:
Explain: The median is used in business to analyze data and draw
conclusions, such as the median salary of employees
 Geographical studies:
Explain: The median is used in geographical studies to analyze data and draw
conclusions, such as the median income of a region
 Medical research:
Explain: The median is used in medical research to analyze data and draw
conclusions, such as the median age of patients with a particular disease
3. Five applications of mode are?
 Business:
Explain: The mode is used in business to analyze data and draw conclusions,
such as the most popular product or service
 Education:
Explain: The mode is used in education to analyze data and draw conclusions,
such as the most common grade or score
 Medical research:
Explain: The mode is used in medical research to analyze data and draw
conclusions, such as the most common symptom or diagnosis
 Demographics:
Explain: The mode is used in demographics to analyze data and draw
conclusions, such as the most common age or gender
 Quality control:
Explain: The mode is used in quality control to ensure that products or
services meet a certain standard, such as the most common defect in a

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