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Psychosexual Theory by Sigmund Freud

According to him a person undergoes the different stages of development and each stage is marked by conflicts or issues
or needs that could either build growth or hold back development depending upon how they are resolved.

And if these psychosexual stages are completed successfully then it will result to a healthy personality.

He also identified specific erogenous zone/pleasure zone for each stage.

If certain issues are not resolved in those specific stages, fixation can occur.

Fixations are attachments to people or things that persist from childhood to adulthood. In other words, we become obsess
with things because we are stuck somewhere in our own growth and development.

1. The first stage is the ORAL STAGE. This happen from birth to 1 year old. The erogenous zone in this stage is the
mouth. The child fins satisfaction and pleasure by using their mouth. This explains why infants suck almost continuously
even when they are not being fed. They suck their thumb, pacifiers and when they become older, they tend to put
everything in their mouth.

If they cannot satisfy this need or they are over indulged in this stage diri na mahitabo ang fixation.

People who are fixated in this stage manifest habits like smoking, over eating, nail biting, alcohol abuse or even too much
talking especially when they are stressed, anxious or tensed.

If a person is dissatisfied in this stage, he may develop an ORAL RECEPTIVE CHARACTER. – meaning he becomes too
dependent on others or he is easily being fooled, he easily believes in other people’s ideas and lacks leadership skills.

But a person who is over indulged in this stage, kanang mga nasobrahan pud ug satisfy sa ilaha oral needs, they may
develop ORAL AGGRESSIVE CHARACTER – he may become self-centered, demanding, argumentative, verbally
abusive and aggressive, and this person also gossips a lot.

During this stage, dapat balance gyud ang pag satisfy sa needs sa child to have a healthy personality according to
Sigmund Freud.

2. ANAL STAGE, happens from 1 to 3-year-old. The focus of pleasure during this stage is the anus. A child finds
satisfaction in eliminating or retaining their poops.

According to Freud, the role of the parents during this stage is very crucial especially in toilet training. Freud believes that
the positive experience during the potty training would give a positive impact to the life of a child when he grows older
but some parents is not very supportive ug dili tanan parents would encourage their child positively during this stage.
Some parent kay masuko or would even give punishments kung malibang bisag asa ang bata.

According to Freud inappropriate parental response can result in negative outcomes.

Kung ang parent daw has a lenient approach sa toilet training, meaning buotan ra ang magulang sa iyaha anak na okay ra
saiyaha na malibang ang bata bisag asa, like walay maayos na training like I train na sa CR gyud malibang, this child
could develop a personality called ANAL EXPULSIVE -this child may become messy and disorganized and may even
develop destructive personality.

But if the parents are too strict with potty training or started the training too early, Freud believes that an ANAL
RETENTION personality will be developed. This person may become obsessive about cleanliness, perfection and control.

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