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A Community-sourced
BOOST content compendium
elcome to BOOST, the Book Of Online Sourced
Environmental Set Pieces provides a narrative stage,
W Triumphs! This community magazine is created
by and for the Genesys community. Organized and
which includes optional mechanics, suggestions for
dice results, and obstacles your players may encounter
operated through the Genesys Discord server, each issue
of BOOST focuses on a topic or theme chosen by the in that environment.
community. Once the topic is voted for and selected, Environmental Obstacles are challenges and condi‐
anyone and everyone is free to submit entries based on
tions that could apply in any environment.
the chosen topic. No entry is denied! (though all entries
are reviewed and discussed by fellow creators, friendly You can then drop any of these set pieces or obstacles
suggestions given if needed.) This issue presents into your game to challenge your players or make your
Environments: Set Pieces & Obstacles, a collection of
environmental set-pieces to use in your games. planned scenarios even more interesting. Read on, to
learn more!
Want to contribute to the next issue of BOOST? Join
the Genesys Discord community today!


Set Pieces Ruined Temple 18
Abandoned Mine 5 Seaside 19
Buried Ruins 6 Small Farm 21
Deep Forest 7 Twisted Alternate Dimension 22
Eldritch Otherworld 8 Underwater Volcano 23
Enchanting Starfield 9 Warehouse at the docks 24
Endless Sand Dunes 11 Environmental Obstacles
Icy Waters 12 Drenching Water 26
Illusory Grove 14 Explosive Barrels 27
Misty Graveyard 16 Gravity Distortion 27
Mushroom Forest 17 Steep Cliffside 29



Caleb “Cptn Smitty” Smith Caleb “Cptn Smitty” Smith

Jennifer Van Boxel (jendefer) DatMatt

Micah-Shalom “FatCrab” Kesselman Evan Koser

The Genesys RPG Community Discord Server Flame112

Giri Raman
COVER ART J. Scott Zumwalt
The Genesys Foundry Art Collection Matthew Steiner

Ryall Hyatt (OtO)



This product was created under license. Genesys and its logo, and Genesys Foundry and its logo, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the
U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of
Fantasy Flight Games.

This work contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors. Such material is used with permission under the
Community Content Agreement for Genesys Foundry.

All other original material in this work is copyright 2022 by its respective author and published under the Community Content Agreement for
Genesys Foundry.


Abandoned Mine 5
Buried Ruins 6
Deep Forest 7
Eldritch Otherworld 8
Enchanting Starfield 9
Endless Sand Dunes 11
Icy Waters 12
Illusory Grove 14
Misty Graveyard 16
Mushroom Forest 17
Ruined Temple 18
Seaside 19
Small Farm 21
Twisted Alternate Dimension 22
Underwater Volcano 23
Warehouse at the docks 24

S et Pieces are prepared narrative environments that

can be dropped into any setting, session, or en‐
counter, helping to make your GENESYS game flow
plaining the intended use of the set piece and gives
specific examples of what a character could expect
to find. Some set pieces provide suggestions for
smoothly. These set pieces provide a description of the adapting the set piece to specific settings, while oth‐
location and optional rules that can be employed to ers add additional narrative dressing that could be
bring these locations to life. used to bring it life.
While advance consideration of a specific set piece will • Lay of the Land: Here you will find descriptions
help you (the GM) to adapt and employ it to your spe‐ and rules for using the set piece in an encounter,
cific session, we intended these set pieces to be used at a including rule references from the GENESYS Core
moments notice, providing you with a quick reference Rulebook, conditions and penalties that might be
and—at the very least—tables for of dice results relating applied to characters in the set piece, and anything
to a specific environment. else that GMs will need to know to get started us‐
ing the set piece.
What’s in this part of the BOOST? • Special Rules: These rules are custom options that
In the following section of this issue of BOOST, you will can be (and are often required to be) used in a spe‐
find Set Pieces broken down into the following: cific set piece. They can range from conditions to
penalties to skill check options that characters can
• Set Piece Name: This is the title of the set piece, pro‐ make, providing a special and unique experience
viding an initial description of what you can expect to while playing in a set piece.
find. Below the title, you will find that set piece’s au‐
thor. • Tables for Spending Dice Results: These tables
were custom-made for each set piece, providing
• Overview: This section provides a brief narrative
explanation of what you can expect to find in the in-depth interactions and outcomes that can only
set piece. be possible in specific environments. Often, op‐
tions for these dice results might reference or trig‐
• Use This Environment When…: This section fin‐ ger a special rule.
ishes that sentence (or starts a new sentence), ex‐


Abandoned Mine
By: Evan Koser

Overview The narrow and tight passageways may sometimes re‐

quire an Athletics or Coordination check in order to

A n unassuming entrance leads into the cliffside, the

only available light being that which spills in from
outside. A shallow stream flows out of the mouth of the
traverse from one room to the next, with the difficulty
beginning at Easy (k) and increasing based on the cir‐
cumstances. Stalactites and stalagmites litter the
mine, partially shrouded by overgrowth consisting of premises, and the irregular bulbous walls glisten with
bushes, vines, and other wild flora. moisture which reflects all light; this causes a disorient‐
ing effect that makes Perception checks particularly
Use this environment when... difficult (add jj).
This set piece is intended for use when the PCs stumble
upon some kind of industrial site that is no longer under Special Rules
productive use. Though it may be abandoned of its orig‐ Are You Afraid of the Dark?: After characters enter the
inal purpose, the locale does not necessarily need to be mine they must make an Average (kk) fear check.
devoid of inhabitants. Creatures and adversaries alike Characters whose Fear Motivation relates to darkness
may find solace in the dark and secluded caverns. The must make a Hard (kkk) fear check instead. Unknown
labyrinthine passageways can act as a serious deterrent creatures, entities, or even dead bodies shrouded by
against unwanted occupants who are not familiar with darkness may also call for a fear check.
their layout. While the title assumes this locale may be a
“mine,” any sort of industrial backdrop may suffice: a Blackdamp: A mixture of gasses and a reduction of oxy‐
quarry, an industrial park, or other excavation site. gen in this space makes the atmosphere unbreathable.
Characters may attempt to hold their breath, and the area
is otherwise hazardous with a hazard rating of 2 (see Envi‐
Lay of the Land ronmental Effects on page 110, GENESYS Core Rulebook).
The only visible or otherwise noticeable entrance is a sin‐
Cave-In: Ranging from minor to major, the abandoned
gle threshold which appears to have been lazily blocked
tunnels and passageways are prone to collapsing support
off by wooden beams, rope, tape, or other barrier left be‐
beams, crumbling rocks, or other falling debris. Charac‐
hind by those who wished to keep people out. Left be‐
ters within medium range of the cave-in must make an
hind are containers of hazardous waste, tools and
Average (kk) Athletics or Coordination check as an
equipment, perhaps even rundown machinery. The en‐
out-of-turn incidental to dodge the falling materials or
tire complex slopes upward from the point-of-entry,
suffer 2 wounds. hh may be spent to increase the inten‐
hence the flowing stream of cold water. The water is un‐
sity of the cave-in from minor to moderate, or from
drinkable, as it carries waste, toxic materials, and other
moderate to major. d can be spent to immobilize
hazardous runoff.
affected characters.

Spending a And t In an Abandoned Mine

The character finds a useful tool for navigating the passageways, granting j on all checks to move from one
a or t room to the next.
The discovery of a hidden shaft creates a new passageway, introduces oxygen to a space, or creates a new
place for water to drain.
aa or t
A stream of freshwater is untainted by hazardous waste; characters who drink it immediately heal 3 strain.

aaa or t The character uncovers a cache of unused blasting chemicals that may be harvested.

A network of wide tunnels makes for clear passage from one end of the location to the other, allowing the
t party to pass freely from room to room.


Spending h And d In an Abandoned Mine
h or d Water drips from a stalactite and douses the PCs’ torch.

hh or d A minor collapse or shift of the ground creates difficult terrain in a medium area around the character.

A cave-in blocks the way the character(s) came through. See Cave-In special rules below.
hhh or d A cache of unused explosive materials ignites and explodes, immediately dealing 2 wounds to all within short range.
A pocket of hazardous gas erupts in a short range around the character. All living creatures within range
must make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 4 wounds. hhh
hhhh or d may be spent to disorient affected characters for the remainder of the encounter (or until the character is
healed). d can be spent to force the character to make the check again at the start of their next turn (or
after their next skill check, if not in a structured encounter).
A room begins to inexplicably fill with water, immediately turning the space into difficult terrain. PCs have
d only three rounds before the space is completely full.

Buried Ruins
By: Matthew Steiner

Overview small structure, while ruins of a whole city can be as large

as extreme range. Individual walls, lone columns, and col‐

R ising out of the ground, stone structures loom above

the explorers. Faces of long forgotten rulers lie
crumbled and half buried, writings of an unknown script
lapsed statues are scattered around the area, providing easy
access to cover should that be needed. At the GM’s discre‐
tion the taking cover maneuver (page 99 of the GENESYS
are visible on crumbling walls, and even a few pieces of Core Rulebook) can be done instead as an incidental.
pottery can still be found. While magnificent, these ruins
are not without dangers. Who knows what lurks in the A lot can be learned from studying the writings and im‐
cracks? What secrets might they hold? There may be an ages left behind, which can add a to appropriate Knowl‐
entrance to the ruins around, assuming it does not just edge or Perception checks made when using them. The
collapse under your feet. whole thing goes down at least one story, but no paths will
be visible at first. Due to increasing darkness, concealment
increases by one for each level down you go.
Use this environment when...
This set piece is intended for use if your characters are
exploring buried ruins, either as a destination or just a Special Rules
setting. They will need to deal with animals that have Historian Heaven: While in the ruins a character may
made their home here, fragile structures that could col‐ choose to make a Simple (-) Knowledge check to re‐
lapse on top of them, or even crumbing ceilings beneath cover strain at the end of an encounter instead of Cool
them that may plunge them into the ruins below. These or Discipline.
can be Egyptian-styled desert ruins, Mesoamerican or
Venomous Critter: Whether a spider, snake, scorpion, or
South Asian jungle ruins, Mediterranean ruins from
similar creature, it doesn’t like that the character disturbed
Greece or Rome, or even alien structures. They can be far
it. Roll lk against the character’s Resilience as an attack
from civilization or an active excavation site, and range
with Pierce 4, Vicious 1, with h dealing strain.
from the size of small buildings to cities. Then of course
you could always involve whatever is within the ruins... Collapsing Floor: The ground below the character col‐
lapses; they take short range falling damage. There is no
way to climb back up unless someone can lower a rope,
Lay of the Land but there should be other ways out if they go further in
The ruins will be, at minimum, medium range from one the ruins. Additional d can cause either longer falls or
end to the other if only the tip is visible or it is a relatively additional characters to fall.


Spending a And t In Buried Ruins
The grandeur of the ruins overtakes the character, and they recover 2 strain.
a or t
The character finds a trinket worth 2d10 or less currency on the ground. It has no other use.
A carving or painting on the wall gives the character an idea or hint. Choose a skill (subject to GM
aa or t approval) and add jj the next time the character makes a skill check for that skill.
The character finds a secret passageway that either bypasses a hazard or reveals a new chamber. It stays on
aaa or t the same level.
The character forces an enemy into a booby trap or collapses something onto them. They suffer 2 wounds
and either become immobilized or prone (as determined by the active player).
aaaa or t
The carvings give the character a great insight into the nature of these ruins. For the rest of the encounter
upgrade all appropriate Knowledge checks once.
The character finds a passage to either a higher level or one below.
t The character discovers a treasure worth up to 100 currency, with each additional t adding an additional 100.

Spending h And d In Buried Ruins

h or d The spookiness of the ruins overtakes the character, who suffers 2 strain.

hh or d The character’s light source goes out.

Venomous Critter (see Special Rules)

hhh or d A passage behind the character is blocked and they will need to find a new way out.

Either a booby trap goes off or something just finally gives way. The character must either spend a maneuver
hhhh or d to dodge whatever is happening (if they can still take maneuvers) or suffer 2 wounds and either become
prone or immobilized for 2 turns.

d Collapsing Floor (see Special Rules)

Deep Forest
By: DatMatt

Overview Special Rules

T his environment is a temperate coniferous forest, far
from civilization.
The effects below describe the results of the tables on the
previous page; for results benefiting the acting character,
apply the effects to a target of their choosing. For results
hindering the acting character, apply the effects to them
Use this environment when... instead.
This set piece is intended for use if/when a forest setting
is needed. It’s a pretty generic forest by most measures. Enhanced Concealment: The affected character gains j
to any attempts to conceal themselves until they move
from their position or perform an action or maneuver
Lay of the Land that warrants negation.
Deep in the forest primeval, far from civilization, time
Enhanced Cover: The affected character gains +1
seems to stand still. Strange noises break the eerie silence
Defense to all incoming attacks until they move from
on occasion, evoking thoughts of terrible beasts waiting for
this position.
a chance to score their next meal. Towering trees and thick
undergrowth make passage difficult if one strays off the
trail. What made the trail, one may never know.


Wildlife Distraction: A large but harmless specimen of them to dodge out of the way. If they’ve already spent
local fauna trundles through the area and grants the their maneuvers, the character spends 2 strain to evade
affected character a free out-of-turn maneuver while the the falling flora.
opposition is briefly in disarray due to the ruckus.
Wildlife Interference: A large, hostile specimen of
Falling Timber: A large, dead specimen of local flora local fauna decides now is an opportune time to pur‐
falls at exactly the right/wrong time, costing the affected sue a meal. The creature joins the fray and attacks the
character their free maneuver for that round, forcing affected character.

Spending a And t In a Deep Forest

a or t Enhanced Concealment

aa or t Enhanced Cover

aaa or t Wildlife Distraction

aaaa or t Falling Timber

t Wildlife Interference

Spending h And d In a Deep Forest

h or d Enhanced Concealment

hh or d Enhanced Cover

hhh or d Wildlife Distraction

hhhh or d Falling Timber

d Wildlife Interference

Eldritch Otherworld
By: Swordbreaker

Overview Lay of the Land

A n eldritch otherworld may be a pocket dimension,
the realm of eldritch abominations, the afterworld
of the condemned dead, the night terror-plagued dream‐
Eldritch otherworlds are marked by inexplicable and
confusing terrain that defies logic and whatever your
characters consider “normal.” Expect the laws of physics
scape of the sleeping, or even a digital cyberspace and time to not seem to work at all times. There may be
wracked with a destructive virus. While all of these may floating landmasses drifting in a swirling void, strange
seem to vary a great deal on the surface level, all share a rock formations in unnatural geometric shapes, broken
common theme: a complete defiance to anything ap‐ fragments of wildly different climes in close proximity to
proaching reality. each other, and more.
This environment pairs well with the fear and sanity rules
Use this environment when... (page 243-244 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook). The envi‐
An eldritch otherworld pairs well with the horror tone ronment is extremely alien and disconcerting for all not
(page 242 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook), especially if native to it, and it wouldn’t be unusual for characters to
the setting is drawing on the cosmic horror genre. It may hear faint whispering on the wind, see misleading appari‐
also be an unintentional location when a character gen‐ tions out of the corner of their eye, or get lost in a seem‐
erates d when using the Teleportation talent (Ex‐ ingly endless maze of confusing geometry.
panded Player’s Guide page 97).


If using the magic rules (page 210 GENESYS Core Rule‐ Nightmare Fuel: If using the fear and sanity rules, char‐
book), characters may find the eldritch otherworld espe‐ acters must make an upgraded Hard (lkk) fear check
cially hostile to their magic casting, and the GM may once per encounter. Additionally, all fear checks in this lo‐
upgrade the difficulty of any magic checks once. cation prey on a character’s own personal fear motivation,
adding jj to the check.

Special Rules Eerie Restlessness: Any time a character recovers strain

while within an eldritch otherworld they recover 1 fewer
Strange Angles: All characters add jj to any checks
strain (to a minimum of 0).
made to navigate or traverse the eldritch otherworld.

Spending a And t In an Eldritch Otherworld

The character sees or realizes something minor about the eldritch otherworld that gives them a clear goal of
a or t where to go next.
The character picks up a trick when trying to navigate the otherworld, granting j to any further checks to
aa or t navigate the environment until the end of the encounter.
When making a fear check, the character bolsters their nerves against the terrifying sights and sounds;
aaa or t reduce the difficulty of the next fear check they make by one.
t The character ignores the Eerie Restlessness rule until the end of the encounter.

The character is able to overcome their personal fears, and no longer adds jj due to fear checks they
make based on their fear motivation.

Spending h And d In An Eldritch Otherworld

h or d The character is struck by a terrifying sight, suffering 2 strain.

hh or d The path the character is traveling seemingly disappears, making them lose their way.
The character suffers an accident and hurts themself trying to traverse the terrain, suffering a Critical Injury.
hhh or d Upgrade the difficulty of any checks made to heal this injury once.
Increase the difficulty of the next fear check the character makes by one. If the character fails this check, the
d GM may apply this penalty until the character leaves the eldritch otherworld.
dd The character reduces their strain threshold by 2 until the end of the encounter.

Enchanting Starfield
By: Evan Koser

Overview Perhaps the starry field is a murk of haunted horrors,

A thick, glittering swirl of stardust and nebula ob‐

scure the horizon as far as the eye can see. The in‐
terior of the cosmic cloud appears to glow softly from
or a dazzling magical mist. Of course, it could just be
mundane fog. The ever-present dim glow from within
the fog could be an illusion, or it could be the result of a
within. A scarcely perceptible breeze seems to carry device or creature. You can scrap the haunting melody
with it a haunting melody. Pocket-flashes of light ap‐ and exchange it for a chilling wind that sends one’s neck
pear and reappear on the peripheries of your vision like hairs rising, or really ham it up and throw in a chorus of
fireflies in the night. disembodied voices. The flashing lights might be various
encounters, mental or in the physical space. Perhaps they
are just props for atmosphere, in which case you might
Use this environment when... consider adding a scant-seen silhouette to the visual
This set piece is intended to be used in any setting as a cata‐ description to illustrate an unknown looming presence.
lyst for a party to confront their inner (or very real) demons.


party, and of course the tones and themes of your adven‐
Lay of the Land ture. A successful interaction with such a device should
The PCs may find themselves quickly overwhelmed by help clear up the Astral Malaise and/or Astral Haze (see
lack of vision. Their first and biggest obstacle will be to Special Rules on the next page.)
navigate through (or around) the environment without
getting lost. Going around the environment necessitates
taking more time in whatever journey they may already be Special Rules
on. Going through the environment should be presented Obscurity: The swathe of swirling star-stuff is difficult to
as the riskier, but quicker option. see through or around. Skill checks that involve vision or
line-of-sight automatically add jj .
Inherently, the mist itself is unthreatening, but its om‐
nipresence throughout the scenes in this location should Astral Haze: The swarm of light and obscurity creates a
not be underplayed. Periodically pepper the otherwise confusing and stimulating environment, causing a char‐
imperceptible landscape with strange occurrences, such as acter to become disoriented while they are within its
movement in the peripheries of vision, flickering shad‐
area. The j caused from being disoriented cannot be
ows, or flash-bursts of light—all to help induce a sense of
negated through normal means.
The internal light may be illusory, or could be generated Astral Malaise: Each additional step into the obfuscated
from a source the PCs can uncover and investigate. The na‐ mists feels heavier than the last. When a character suffers
ture of such a device or being will depend on what draws the strain for any reason, they suffer one additional strain.

The Mind-Killer
When the party first arrives, set a timer between 5–10 minutes (given what you know about your own party’s
dynamic). When the time runs out, or after a PC makes a skill check (whichever comes first), have the party
roll an Easy (k) Discipline check (this could be a fear check if you’re using the rules found on page 243 of the
GENESYS Core Rulebook).

Failure leaves the PC startled and disoriented for the remainder of the scene (on top of the Astral Haze), while
success could translate to ignoring one of the environmental effects. You can refer to the table in this section
or in the GENESYS Core Rulebook for spending other results.

After the first check, reset the timer for an interval you’re comfortable with and repeat the process. Increase the
difficulty by one each time, to a maximum you feel is appropriate (though Daunting (kkkk) should suffice).

As the frightful overtones color the narrative, be sure to draw upon the characters’ Fear motivations for
inspiration about what PCs may see in the fog, or encounter in their mindscape. A t during this check
should allow a PC to avoid having to make these recurring checks.

Spending a And t In an Enchanting Starfield

A rough path through the fog is discovered, reducing the time needed to pass through the enchanting
a or t starfield.
The character is able to temporarily overcome the fog’s obscurity.
aa or t
The character steels themselves and adds a j to all future fear checks.

aaa or t Overcome and ignore the penalties of the Astral Haze or the Astral Malaise special rules.

t A clear path around the fog is discovered.


Spending h And d In An Enchanting Starfield
The character is wracked by an internal voice putting them down, and may not receive assistance from allies
on their next skill check.
h or d
The Astral Malaise makes it difficult to finish tasks to completion, even thoughts seem to…. The character
must suffer 2 strain to perform their next skill check.
The uncertainty of the landscape leaves the character too unsettled to focus, downgrading the ability of their
next skill check.
hh or d
A startling apparition appears; the character must roll an Average (kk) fear check.
A character hurts themself in their confusion and suffers one wound.
hhh or d The character is completely unnerved and cannot recover strain until the end of the scene (or the end of
their next turn, if in a structured encounter).

A flash-burst of light erupts in a short range radius around the PC. Characters in the area must make a Hard
(kkk) Resilience check or become blinded until the end of the scene (or the end of their next turn, if in a
d structured encounter). Blinded characters cannot see. Upgrade the difficulty of all checks twice, and upgrade
the difficulty of Perception and Vigilance checks three times.

Endless Sand Dunes

By: Matthew Steiner

Overview Lay of the Land

S and rises and falls as far as the eye can see. The sand
dunes appear like ripples on the desert, ranging in
size from a few inches to those that tower like mono‐
As far as the eye can see there is nothing but hills of sand,
rising and falling and shifting with the wind. Finding
water in such an environment requires a Formidable
liths. The hot sun beats down in the day, and the cold (kkkkk) Survival check, while finding food requires a
winds blow at night. Water is scarce, and with one sand slightly easier Daunting (kkkk) Survival check. Navi‐
dune looking the same as the next, an inexperienced gating through the dunes to find a particular location or
traveler may find it easy to lose their way. The sand gets destination adds jj to the check. Most dunes are up
everywhere, and if anyone was here before you, the to medium range in height from bottom to top, but oth‐
sands buried any sign of it long ago. ers may include flat areas and higher dunes. Because of
the shifting sand, characters attempting to climb up or
down the sides treat it as difficult terrain (page 110 of the
Use this environment when... GENESYS Core Rulebook).
You should use this set piece when your player characters
need to cross a wide sandy desert where the greatest dan‐ Special Rules
ger is exposure to elements. Depending on how long your Throw Sand in Their Eyes: As an action a character may
characters spend traveling, they may need to deal with make an opposed Skulduggery versus Vigilance check
both the hot midday sun or the cold nights, or perhaps against anyone in engaged range. If successful, the target
just one, especially if the desert is on an alien world. is blinded (page 115 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook) until
Maybe there are mountains in the distance that can help they can use a maneuver to clear the sand from their
them navigate, or maybe the sands stretch to the horizon eyes. You may spend a to increase the number of ma‐
providing no aid at all. While mostly an empty habitat, neuvers needed to clear it.
the sandy desert can be the home of all sorts of creatures
which may lurk between or even under the dunes.… Sunstroke: The heat is getting to you. The GM rolls a
kkk, damage 3, stun damage attack against your char‐


acter’s Resilience. Upgrade once for each Sunstroke at‐ has level 2 concealment. Any small items left unattended
tack your character has already faced this encounter. t are considered lost in the sands. At the beginning of ev‐
causes half of the strain to be dealt as wounds instead. ery round while the sandstorm is in effect the GM rolls a
Sandstorm: At the end of the round a surprise sand‐ lkk, damage 1, stun damage attack against everyone’s
Resilience. The sandstorm ends either at the end of the
storm will cover the area. Anything beyond short range
encounter or when it rolls a d.
gains total concealment and anything within short range

Spending a And t In Endless Sand Dunes

The character’s target slips in the sand and falls prone.
a or t
The character finds a trinket worth 2d10 currency buried in the sand. It has no other use.
The character finds a silhouette 0 item buried in the sands by someone long gone. Increase the silhouette by
aa or t 1 for each 2 additional a.
The character pushes their opponent down a dune. The target falls prone and moves to short range.
aaa or t The character finds a shaded rocky outcropping they can use to rest for a while. Roll a Simple (-) Cool or
Discipline check to recover strain equal to s.

A large amount of sand falls on the character’s opponent. They must succeed at an Average (kk)
Coordination check or become buried up to their chest, immobilizing them and requiring a Hard (kkk)
aaaa or t Athletics check to get out.

The character comes across a caravan going their way.

The character has discovered a group of plants around a small, hidden spring, providing food and water for
t their party.

Spending h And d In Endless Sand Dunes

h or d Sand gets in one of the character’s items, which adds j to all checks when using this item. The character
may spend a maneuver to clear it out.
A combination of mirages and everything looking the same throws the character off course. Upgrade the
hh or d difficulty of the next Survival check made to find the character’s way.

hhh or d An item left on the ground becomes buried by the shifting sands. It’s unlikely the character shall see it again.

hhhh or d Sunstroke

d Sandstorm

Icy Waters
By: Matthew Steiner

Overview Use this environment when...

S mooth ice spreads out as far as the eye can see, sepa‐
rating everyone from the frigid waters beneath. The
air is cold as your warm breath forms icy clouds of vapor.
You should use this set piece when your characters are
moving around a body of water where a significant por‐
tion, if not all, is frozen solid. The environment is in‐
You find moving about tricky due to how slippery every‐ hospitable, and moving around is difficult to do
thing is. Those who can maintain their balance can easily without falling over. The overall surface will be flat,
move about, but those who cannot need to grab onto except any parts where there are gaps leading to the
whatever they can find to keep their balance. Just beware water below. This can be as small as a frozen pond or as
of any gaps in the ice, or worse, surprise cracks, or you large as a whole ocean.
may end your journey as a popsicle.…


Lay of the Land ing, with the same result of failure. Running into either
the edge of the ice or a solid object will stop the charac‐
The icy waters will be, at minimum, medium range from ter, inflicting 3 wounds and 3 strain.
one end to the other if it is a frozen pond or extremely
small ice floe, but can be as large as desired to cover any‐ Frigid Waters: If a character without proper insula‐
thing up to an ocean. When designing the environment, tion falls in the water for any reason, they suffer 1
the GM should decide if there are any pre-existing gaps wound at the beginning of each turn they remain in
in the ice (ice fishing spots, the environment is drift ice, the frigid water. Furthermore, once out of the water
an ice-breaker passed through recently, etc.) and if the and until the end of the encounter, they suffer 1 strain
ice is thick or thin. Certain a and h results are cheaper at the beginning of each turn unless they can warm up
or more expensive depending on the thickness of the ice near a sufficient heat source.
(you could declare a whole pond thin ice, or have one Cracking Ice: Cracking ice is visible under the target,
spot halfway between the players and their destination and will break in that spot at the end of the target’s next
that’s thinner, as an example). turn. Also at the end of that character’s turn, the cracking
An Average (kk) Perception or Survival check may will spread in a line up to short range. If the target is a
identify where thin ice is. The ice is difficult terrain un‐ player, the choice of where it spreads is up to the GM un‐
less the character takes a skating action (see next page). less the players spend a story point to switch control to
In addition, any physical action, such as an attack, will them or to stop the cracking. Likewise, if the target is an
add jj to the roll unless they take a maneuver to NPC, the direction the cracking will spread is under the
brace themselves first or are skating. Any land-based ve‐ players’ control unless the GM uses a story point to
hicles decrease handling by 2 unless it is designed for the switch control or stop it. Additional h may cause addi‐
environment (dog sleds, etc.). tional cracks to spread out.
Snapping Ice: The ice below the character snaps open
Special Rules and they fall into the frigid water. Additional d can
cause additional characters to fall, while additional h
Skating: As an action while not prone, a character may
may cause the ice around the hole to start cracking.
make an Average (kk) Coordination check with jj
unless the character is wearing some form of skates or Shifting Ice: If there is broken ice near either the charac‐
has the Swift talent (page 76 of the GENESYS Core Rule‐ ter or their target, the ice shifts in a way that forces all
book). If the check fails, the character goes prone and skating characters engaged with the chosen character to
moves one range band in the direction they were trying move one range band in any direction as an out-of-turn
to go. If successful, the character no longer treats the ter‐ incidental. Characters that are not skating must make a
rain as difficult and may move from medium to engaged Hard (kkk) Coordination check, with failure resulting
range or long to medium range in a single maneuver. in the same shift. This can be used to force enemies out
of position or get allies into a good position. It can even
However, they must spend one maneuver each turn to
knock characters into the water. Additional a or h
move (even in a circle) or else they stop skating, fall
may be used to either upgrade the difficulty or increase
prone, and move one range band in the direction of their
the range from the target that characters are affected at.
last movement. Ceasing to skate also requires the same
Average (kk) Coordination check it takes to start skat‐

Spending a And t In Icy Waters

The character’s target is knocked prone.
a or t
If the character is skating, they can move one range band as an incidental.
The character identifies a thin or thick section of ice in a convenient location. If thin, damaging it requires
aa or t one less a, if thick, it cannot be cracked or snapped.
The character begins to get used to moving on the ice. They take 1 fewer j from physical activities on the
ice for the rest of the encounter.
aaa or t
Shifting Ice
Thin ice begins cracking under the target (see Cracking Ice special rule).
aaaa or t
For the rest of the encounter, your character can start or stop skating without making a check.
Thick ice begins cracking under the target (see Cracking Ice special rule).
Thin ice snaps under the target (see Snapping Ice special rule).


Spending h And d In Icy Waters
The glare on the ice distracts your character, add a j to thier next check.
h or d
Your character misidentify whether a spot of ice is thick or thin.
The chill is getting to you, make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check as an incidental, failure causes you to
suffer 4 strain.
hh or d
Your character loses control while skating and must use the mandatory maneuver to move towards or away
from the same target as their last movement.
A piece of equipment gets iced over and requires a maneuver is to clear it before it can be used again.
hhh or d
Shifting Ice
Thin ice begins cracking under your character (see Cracking Ice special rule).
hhhh or d The wind begins picking up and is getting colder. Add j to all checks this character makes until the end of
the encounter.
Thick ice begins cracking under your character (see Cracking Ice special rule).
Thin ice snaps under the character (see Snapping Ice special rule).

Illusory Grove
By Ryall Hyatt (OtO)

Overview thicker and soon there is no longer a clear way forward.

The PCs are met with sections of the Grove that require

T his shadowed and puzzling terrain contains tricks of

light, false paths, mirrored landmarks, and con‐
cealed dangers like pits and collapsing deadfalls.
a variety of skills to navigate. To pass through the differ‐
ent sections of the Illusory Grove, the characters must
succeed at a series of three Hard (kkk) checks: Sur‐
vival, Knowledge (Geography), and Discipline (or sub‐
Use this environment when... stitute skills that make sense for your setting).
You should use this set piece when the players’ characters Failure at any point means that while the PCs do
enter a forested area that has been magically altered, progress, they are lost for some amount of time appro‐
such as a fae’s protected wood or the gardens around a priate to the pacing of the adventure (mere moments,
sorcerer’s tower. In a science fiction setting, this environ‐ minutes, or possibly hours), unable to discern even the
ment can represent a large greenhouse packed with alien way they entered the grove. The characters pass the same
or bio-engineered plants that emit hallucinatory landmarks again, find footprints that are their own, or
pheromones. In a cyberpunk setting this terrain might see a tall and unique tree that is always the same distance
be masked with holographic projections and rely on sub- away despite their efforts to approach it. Even on a suc‐
audible pulses of sound to confuse the senses. In a mod‐ cessful check, the PCs are likely frustrated and confused
ern setting, this environment could be a collection of by the time they find their way through to the next sec‐
stage dressings and sets in a movie studio’s storage build‐ tion of the Grove. While they remain in the Illusory
ing, the flats and lighting rigs in a theater’s storerooms, Grove, the PCs risk triggering traps and are at a disad‐
or the jumbled backstage rooms of an amusement park. vantage during an ambush.
The three sections of the grove might first be thickets
Lay of the Land of thorn bushes and brambles, then the twisted
branches and shadowed trunks of fallen trees, and lastly,
When first entering the Illusory Grove, the path ahead
a dense stand of arrow-straight saplings. In a modern
seems obvious. Sunlight streams down through wide
setting, the characters may wind through tall rolls of
gaps in the canopy and a well-trod path is clear. Not long
painted scrim and piled curtains, then half-dismantled
after the PCs enter, however, the underbrush grows
painted flats of castle walls and farm porches, and finally


a maze of metal frames, thick ropes, and stacked sand‐ dressing and sandbags in a modern setting, or crates and
bags. In a cyberpunk setting, the holographic terrain scaffolding in a cyberpunk setting) that deals 3 wounds
can shift at a moment’s notice, featuring strange vistas to all characters in short range and knocks them prone.
like deserts of glass, vertical pools of silvery water, or
Ambush: An appropriate group of adversaries might lay
overgrown corridors of industrial debris.
in wait for the PCs, perhaps attacking after a trap is trig‐
gered. An opposed Vigilance vs. Stealth check is needed
Special Rules to spot the ambushers before they attack. Failure adds a
Traps: Make an Average (kk) Vigilance check (or Per‐ difficulty die to the PCs’ initiative checks at the begin‐
ception check if the characters are actively looking) to ning of the structured encounter.
avoid a pit trap, with failure resulting in a fall from short Frustrating Illusions: After minutes or hours spent
range into a smooth-sided hole (or through a trapdoor in wandering the Illusory Grove, the confusion begins to
modern or science fiction settings). A Hard (kkk) Vig‐ wear on the characters. An Average (kk) Discipline
ilance (or Perception) check is required to avoid trigger‐ check is needed to avoid the effects of frustration, with
ing a deadfall trap of rocks and branches (or pieces of set failure resulting in the character suffering 3 strain.

Spending a And t In An Illusory Grove

The character discerns some clue to the workings of the Grove’s illusions, adding j to all allied characters’
a or t next skill check.
The character uncovers a cache of supplies, including one health elixir (or painkiller in modern and science
aa or t fiction settings).
The character perceives the entrance to the grove and can find their way back out if they wish, without
aaa or t further skill checks.
The character has a moment of clarity that briefly pierces the illusions around them, revealing one trap or
aaaa or t group of ambushers nearby (see Traps and Ambush special rules).
The character has begun to grasp the weird logic of the Illusory Grove, and upgrades all Perception and
t Vigilance checks they make while inside the Grove.

Spending h And d In An Illusory Grove

h or d The Illusory Grove reminds the character of some past trauma, and they suffer 2 strain.

The character mistakenly thinks they have figured out the logic of the Grove, adding j to all allied
characters’ next skill check.
hh or d
Confusingly, the area around the character is now difficult terrain.

hhh or d The character immediately triggers a trap (see Traps special rules).

The character is separated from the rest of the party, requiring a successful Hard (kkk) Survival check to
hhhh or d reunite with their allies.
The character is overwhelmed by the Illusory Grove, and upgrades the difficulty of all Discipline and
d Vigilance checks they make while within the Grove.


Misty Graveyard
By Caleb “Cptn Smitty” Smith

Overview perfect for providing cover. At the very center sits a

small stone mausoleum, a single room building short

I n the dead of night, mist blankets the earth as count‐

less tombstones and statues stand erect, keeping their
endless vigil over this courtyard of final resting.
range in length, width, and height. No lights shine over
the graveyard, and with the mist over the ground, con‐
cealment from darkness will apply jjj to relevant
checks (see Concealment on page 110 of the GENESYS
Use this environment when... Core Rulebook).
You should use this environment when you want to pro‐
vide an eerie or spooky set piece with plenty of natural Obstacles/Threats
concealment and cover. Due to the mist, darkness, and To gain entrance into the graveyard, each PC could indi‐
ample hiding places, j abound in the graveyard, mak‐ vidually attempt to scale the fence. Alternatively, the PCs
ing it an exciting location for combat, skill challenges, could pick the lock that chains the gate closed, or attempt
searches, and hunts. to break the chain with brute force (see next page).
The graveyard has little inherent threats, other than the
Lay of the Land aforementioned darkness and the potential tripping haz‐
The Graveyard covers an area of long range by long range ard. However, for various plot reasons, there could be
with an iron fence running along its boundary. The iron guards patrolling the grounds, on the lookout for any in‐
fence has a height of short range and has two entry truders. Two minion groups of two guards each could
points; the main entry gate in the front and a small gate slowly move around the perimeter of the graveyard.
in the back. Both gates are locked with a chain. They start at long range from the PCs, but could period‐
ically move one range band closer.
Tombstones, statues, and other grave markers fill the
area, along with a few trees scattered around—objects

Potential Skill Checks

The tips of the fence are spiked, with a j for the
metal being wet and slippery from the mist. d could
Climbing over the spiked-topped, mist-slicked fence Athletics Average (lkj)
result in getting snagged on the fence’s spiked top,
damaging gear, clothing, or injuring the character.

Picking the lock that chains the fence closed Skullduggery Hard (kkk) hhh could be spent to make the chain rattle,
alerting anyone (or anything) inside the graveyard.

Daunting (kkkk) hh
could be spent to make the chain rattle, alerting
Break the chain locking the gate Athletics
anyone (or anything) inside the graveyard.

Spending h And d In a Misty Graveyard

Lost in the Fog: The active character becomes disoriented until the end of their next turn. This can be
h or d alleviated by any other character spending an a.

hh or d Tripping Hazard: The active character falls prone.

“Where’d It Go?!”: The active character drops a held item. Due to the darkness and fog, they cannot retrieve
hhh or d it until they succeed at an Average (kkjjj ) Perception check. Any active character can spend aaa
to find the dropped item.
Frightening Tombstone: The active character must make an Average (kk) fear check as an incidental, as
d per the fear rules on page 243 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook.


Mushroom Forest
By Swordbreaker

Overview Obstacles/Threats
S tems the size of tree trunks rise around you. Gigantic,
strangely-shaped caps block out the sunlight. The
ground is an uneven mesh of mycelium and fungus. A
Alien Terrain: The unusual environment of a gigan‐
tic mushroom forest may prove alien to even a skilled
survivalist. Add jj to all Survival checks made to
heavy, earthy scent hangs in the air as clouds of giant traverse the terrain, while any checks made to find
mushroom spores leave a thick haze that obscure what’s food or water is upgraded once to represent the pos‐
around the next bend. The mushroom forest is a strange sibility of the food or water being poisoned or pol‐
and alien environment, hostile and mysterious all at once. luted from toxic spores.
Spore Storm: At some point, a “spore storm” may con‐
Use this environment when... front the player characters; the thick clouds and layers
It may be an isolated valley in a fantasy setting, the of mushroom spores get whipped up in strong winds,
never-before-seen environment of an uncharted alien emulating a powerful dust storm. Aside from severely
planet, the byproduct of some apocalypse that has left limiting visibility to short range for everyone, all char‐
the world in ruins, or a strange dreamscape found by acters must make a Resilience check (with the diffi‐
delving into the minds of the sleeping. Characters may culty determined by the GM) to withstand the effects.
be in search of a rare ingredient of an alchemical con‐ Failure in this case may mean the characters get lost,
coction, or are trying to find the source of an ever ex‐ separated, or somebody starts to suffocate due to
panding colony of mushrooms before it consumes the inhaling too many spores.
entire region, making it uninhabitable.
Toxic Mists: The player characters might enter an area
that is toxic enough that some form of protection is
Lay of the Land required at all times, ranging from simple coverings to
Gigantic fungi cover the landscape in a dense, forest-like gas masks to fully sealed environmental suits. Immediate
thicket, perhaps stretching on for miles. Characters may or prolonged exposure may have characters suffer as if
have to travel between the trunks, though in some in‐ afflicted from a corrosive atmosphere with a rating of 6.
stances, the caps of gigantic mushrooms form walkable (page 111 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook).
pathways reaching high into the sky, with even larger
fungi standing above.


Ruined Temple
By Topsecret

Overview icated to the main function of the temple, such as wor‐

ship or discussion. Various scattered statues, engravings,

A ruined temple or other similar large structure, which

has now fallen into decay.
flooring, art, and mosaics (or if appropriate, computer
access or technological artifacts) can be found around
the temple. Traps could also be present in the area. Secret
Use this environment when... areas can be included which might lead to a higher or
lower level of the area. Vegetation, if appropriate, pro‐
Use the ruined temple when the PCs wish to explore an
vides further concealment and atmosphere.
abandoned structure or ruins.
Modification Suggestions:
Special Rules
• Original Function: Place of worship, organization An Ancient Secret: Characters may make appropriate
headquarters, fortress, residence, etc. Knowledge checks concerning the layout, creators,
• Creators: Ancient civilization, religious organiza‐ function, and history of the structure. These facts can be
tion, cryptic group, warrior clan, etc. used narratively but also may grant j to varied checks.
• Background environment: Buried temple, a desert It All Makes Sense…: The character notices a pattern in
temple, a space temple, a volcano temple, etc. the ruins or cracks a secret code in written language. Up‐
grade all Knowledge and Perception checks while in the ru‐
ins, or ignore the effects of cover when this character makes
Lay of the Land combat checks against adversaries hiding in the ruins.
The temple has multiple pieces of decaying structure,
such as crumbling walls or fences, which could qualify as What a Find!: Rare items can often be found in ancient
difficult terrain. A large central or rearmost room is ded‐ structures. It is best to make sure these items are some‐

Spending a And t In A Ruined Temple

The character finds a small amount of currency (10-50) hidden in the temple.
a or t The character spots a convenient way up to the top of a nearby wall or room, which may be traversed with a
move maneuver.
The character identifies a safe route around any traps or decaying walls in the area, ignoring any difficult
aa or t terrain effects in this part of the temple.
The character spots a secret hideout or shelter, providing either cover with Defense 2 or a small significant
aaa or t find such as a valuable trinket.

aaaa or t It All Makes Sense… (see Special Rules)

t What a Find! (see Special Rules)

Spending h And d In A Ruined Temple

h or d The character drops something small somewhere in the ruins.

hh or d Unexpectedly slick terrain causes the character to fall prone and suffer 1 strain.

hhh or d Baffling Layout

hhhh or d ...What Was That?

d It’s Coming Down! (see Special Rules)


how important to the PCs, the villain(s), and the story, ter who rolled the threat must make a fear check (page
such as an ancient record, a valuable artifact, or a power‐ 243-244 GENESYS Core Rulebook). The difficulty may be
ful weapon. These items can be discovered with a t, or set by the GM.
with a Hard (kkk) Perception check. A few quick
It’s Coming Down!: The roof or walls begin to cave in.
notes of items tailored to the current setting will be help‐
All characters in the way of the falling structure (en‐
ful for using this quickly during the session.
gaged with the character who rolled d or with a narra‐
Baffling Layout: The temple layout or structure con‐ tively significant character) must make a Hard (kkk)
fuses the character. They are disoriented until the end Vigilance or Coordination check to avoid being hit.
of the encounter or until they succeed at an Average Characters who fail suffer 7 damage. hhh or d from
(kk) Discipline check. the check can be used to inflict a critical injury.
...What Was That?: A loud noise, a creepy chill, or the
clanking of machinery spooks the character. The charac‐

By Topsecret

Overview Background Environment: Rocky seaside, sandy sea‐

side, tropical seaside, arctic seaside, etc.

A seaside environment with jagged rocks, staggering

cliffs, and powerful waves. Unusual Twists: Toxic water, acid rain, a tsunami/hur‐
ricane is coming, ships/planes battle over the water.

Use this environment when... Structure Ideas: Scaffolding, shack, lighthouse, pole
houses, research station, abandoned village.
Use the seaside environment when the PCs encounter
trouble near an ocean or large lake.
Special Rules
Lay of the Land Watch Your Step: Effects that cause characters to move
against their will can be very powerful in this setting. It
The seaside prominently features an ocean or lake. The
is important to let player characters know where they are
weather can vary from calm to fierce storms. Tidal
in relation to any cliffs. Any character that falls in a hole
waves may crash in, creating havoc for the characters
filled with water must spend a maneuver to escape it
engrossed in their own troubles. One or more struc‐
(similar to being prone). Falling off a cliff (intentional or
tures, as recommended in the Modification Suggestions,
not) could lead to falling damage. Being in the water can
can be placed about to create atmosphere as appropri‐
also risk a character being swept out to sea due to threat
ate. Fierce winds also can provide struggles. If the
(see Swim Harder).
seaside is rocky with cliffs surrounding it, small holes
and slick rock may make movement more difficult or Firm Hold: The character grabs an ally who is being
tense. Seaside is very flexible and can combine with swept out to sea or is hanging on the edge of a cliff and
certain other set pieces to make creative environments. narrowly pulls them to safety. The character must be
within reasonable (short) range to do this.
Modification Suggestions The Sea Calls: The character is inspired by the grandeur
Setback Ideas: Night cycle, water spray, slick rock, mist, and strength of the sea. They lose any prior penalties
wildlife interfering, waves. from fear of the water or sea for the remainder of the en‐
counter. They also upgrade the ability of checks made
Difficult Terrain Ideas: Holes in the rock filled with wa‐ while standing or swimming in the water once.
ter, slick rock, jagged rocks, walking near cliffs.
Sea Legs: This character no longer suffers difficult ter‐
Cover Ideas: Boulders, rocks, cliff angles, small depres‐ rain penalties from the water and may automatically suc‐
sions in the earth, trees, structures, ice formations. ceed at checks to swim in currents (see below for
examples of the normal penalties of water and currents.)


Don’t You Let Go!: A nemesis, rival, or player charac‐ Swim Harder: The character is swept up in the currents
ter may be forced off the edge of a cliff. Whether above and must spend a maneuver to keep afloat and not sink.
rock or water, they should be hanging on to the edge Checks that require one to stop swimming should be up‐
of the cliff. The character (or ally) must perform a graded twice. Trying to swim against ocean or sea cur‐
Hard (kkk) Athletics or Coordination check to rents while being attacked or under stress should require
climb back on to the top (or be pulled to safety). Any‐ a Hard (kkk) Athletics check to move back in near the
one targeting this character with a combat check can shore and away from the currents. Success means the
spend t to loosen their grip, causing them to suffer a character moves one range band closer to shore and is no
fall from short range. longer under the effects of the currents. Failure means
the character stays in the currents away from the shore.

Spending a And t at the Seaside

a or t The character gets used to the water. Ignore up to one j from water spray, mist, or waves.

Sensing the danger, the character plants their feet firm on the rock, sand, or soil. Any attempt to force them
aa or t to move from their current position costs an additional a or h as appropriate.

aaa or t Firm Hold (see Special Rules)

Knock a target who is within short range from a cliff or hole in the rock over the edge. At the GM’s
aaaa or t discretion, this can be disallowed for particularly nimble or skilled combative characters.
The Sea Calls (see Special Rules)
Sea Legs (see Special Rules)

Spending h And d at the Seaside

An animal or a group of animals (such as a flock of gulls or a group of fish) distract the character. They must
h or d spend a maneuver to chase them away.
The character slips on the slick rock, falling prone.
hh or d
The character gains a slight fear of the waves and adds j when within short range of the water.
Near or in the water: A medium size wave pulls the character into the water. They move one range
hhh or d band away from their current position and are now in the water, suffering difficult terrain penalties to
return to shore.
Near or in the water: A massive wave pulls the character far out to sea (see Swim Harder special rule below).
hhhh or d Out of the water: A massive wave knocks the character prone, pushing them away from the shore one range
band. They suffer 3 strain.

d Fierce winds force the character off a cliff ’s edge (see Don’t You Let Go! special rule below).


Small Farm
By DatMatt

Overview 1 strain per round for 2 rounds and costs them one maneu‐
ver for those two rounds as they deal with the pesky critter.

T his environment is a small working farm.

Irrigation System Malfunction: A nearby piece of irri‐
gation equipment springs a leak and begins spraying wa‐
Use this environment when... ter on the character and all those engaged with them. All
This set piece intends to represent a small farm with plants affected characters suffer jj to checks until they dis‐
and animals. It will likely work best with terrestrial locales. engage from the leaky equipment.
Heavy Equipment Malfunction: A large piece of farm
Lay of the Land equipment malfunctions in a spectacular way and
threatens the character and all engaged with them. All
A small farm generally has crops, trees, livestock, equip‐
affected parties must spend a maneuver to disengage or
ment, and a number of buildings of different sizes, all on
spend an action to make a Hard (kkk) Coordination
a plot of land that can support all these things. Often
or Athletics check to avoid taking 6 damage from the
they are divided up by fences.
malfunctioning equipment. This effect lasts until the
equipment is sufficiently stopped.
Special Rules Fire!: A combustible substance catches fire near the
The effects below describe the results of the tables above; character. The fire starts engaged with the affected char‐
for results benefiting the acting character, apply the acter and inflicts 5 damage. Each consecutive round, it
effects to a target of their choosing. For results hindering spreads one range band in all directions and affects char‐
the acting character, apply the effects to them instead. acters and things in those range bands appropriately.
Distracting Creature: A harmless silhouette 0 creature The fire will not spread past medium range…unless it
causes a distraction for a round. makes sense in the ongoing narrative.

Obnoxious Insects: An obnoxious insect, or several, be‐

come engaged with the character and cause them to suffer

Spending a And t on a Small Farm

a or t Distracting Creature

aa or t Obnoxious Insects

aaa or t Irrigation System Malfunction

aaaa or t Heavy Equipment Malfunction

t Fire!

Spending h And d on a Small Farm

h or d Distracting Creature

hh or d Obnoxious Insects

hhh or d Irrigation System Malfunction

hhhh or d Heavy Equipment Malfunction

d Fire!


Twisted Alternate Dimension
By Flame112

Overview party cookies might now be an evil witch brewing foul

concoctions. When the party enters their friendly home
I n the Twisted Alternate Dimension, everything is disori‐
enting and backwards from the real world. Left is right,
good is evil, your edgy orphan adventurers now have eerily
tavern, they’re met with hostile stares and gleaming dag‐
gers instead of jovial cries and friendly bar fights. How‐
supportive parents, your bitter rival is your new best ever, it’s not all bad. That creepy cult the party
friend, and your worst enemy might just be yourself. encounters again and again might be a force of peace and
goodwill here.

Use this environment when... Special Rules

…your players travel to a parallel dimension, a mirror
realm, an alternate plane, or some kind of trippy dream. In the Twisted Alternate Dimension, all the good dice
and symbols are bad, and all the bad dice and symbols
are good. Dice pools are constructed using k, l, and j
Lay of the Land as if they were k, l, and j, and vice versa for the diffi‐
The Twisted Alternate Dimension will be most interest‐ culty pool. Characters making a skill check hope to roll
ing when it’s set somewhere that the players are already f, h, and d instead of s, a, and t. Example: Adam
familiar with. You should populate it with familiar NPCs has 4 ranks in Presence, 2 ranks in Charm, and he is tar‐
and locations, with some aspect of their personality geting an NPC with 3 ranks in Presence and 1 in Cool. In
twisted to an unpleasant extreme. The guard who usually the Twisted Alternate Dimension, Adam’s player rolls
lets the PCs off with a warning is now an authoritarian llkk against lkk.
abusing the law. The grandmotherly figure who bakes the

Spending h And d In a Twisted Alternate Dimension

Based on the twisted location they are in, your character learns something important and useful about the
h or d real version of this location.

hh or d Based on a twisted NPC in the scene, your character learns the Motivations of the real version of an NPC.

hhh or d A helpful and good version of a normally-unfriendly or even villainous NPC shows up to and is helpful for the PCs.

hhhh or d Your character’s future self appears in a mirror and hands them an item useful in this situation.

An alternate version of your character, who made very different life choices, joins the party for a while. To
generate them, they swap your character’s highest and lowest characteristics. They lose all ranks in your
d character’s highest ranked skill and gain 4 ranks in a different skill from their new highest characteristic. The
GM decides any ties.

Spending a And t in a Twisted Alternate Dimension

Something bad happens to, or is revealed about, the twisted version of an item, location, or NPC your
a or t character cares about. Your character imagines it applying to the real thing and suffers 2 strain.
A twisted NPC knows exactly what to say to target your character’s Motivations. They get jj to the next
aa or t skill check targeting your character.

aaa or t An unhelpful, evil version of a normally-friendly NPC shows up to make things worse for the PCs.

Your character sees their past self in desperate need through a mirror and is compelled to help them. Your
aaaa or t character must give them an item important to you or suffer 4 strain.

Your character is replaced by an alternate version of themself. See the rules in the Spending h and d
t section above for generating them, but instead of joining the party, they replace your character, and you play
them. At the end of the encounter, your normal character returns.


Underwater Volcano
By DatMatt

Overview Panicked Animal: A setting-appropriate creature moves

recklessly past the character, costing them their free ma‐

T his environment is a volcano that is underwater or

otherwise submerged.
neuver until the end of their next turn. Additionally, they
suffer j on all checks to interact with the environment
or those around them until the end of their next turn.
Use this environment when... Super-Heated Gas Eruption: A volcanic vent spews
This set piece can be used for any setting in which a liquid forth a vent of hot gas around the character that causes
covers a terrestrial surface. burns. The character suffers 5 damage per turn that they
remain in engaged range with the area, for a maximum
of 3 turns. The character also suffers the effects of the
Lay of the Land Bubbles special rule.
Underwater volcanoes aren’t necessarily a giant moun‐
Dust Eruption: A volcanic vent spews forth super-
tain with a caldera. This is a giant undersea bubble of
heated dust around the character. The character and all
sand and sharp rocks with several super-heated gas vents
creatures within short range suffer 5 damage and 3 strain
erupting irregularly. On rare occasions, magma will
while they remain within short range of the area, for a
spew forth with great peril to all nearby.
maximum of 3 turns. The character additionally suffers
jj to all Perception and Coordination checks, and
Special Rules suffers the effects of the Bubbles special rule.
The effects below describe the results of the tables above; Magma Eruption: A fast-moving blob of molten mate‐
for results benefiting the acting character, apply the rial erupts nearby, causing all characters within short
effects to a target of their choosing. For results hindering range to suffer 5 damage and 3 strain until they move to
the acting character, apply the effects to them instead. medium range from the phenomenon, for a maximum
Bubbles: A shifting of the surface below the character of 5 turns. All characters within short range additionally
causes a burst of harmless bubbles to surround them. suffer the effects of the Bubbles special rule.
The character suffers j on all checks to interact with
the environment or those around them until the end of
their next turn.

Spending a And t at an Underwater Volcano

a or t Bubbles

aa or t Panicked Animal

aaa or t Super-Heated Gas Eruption

aaaa or t Dust Eruption

t Magma Eruption - on them!

Spending h And d at an Underwater Volcano

h or d Bubbles

hh or d Panicked Animal

hhh or d Super-Heated Gas Eruption

hhhh or d Dust Eruption

d Magma Eruption


Warehouse at the docks
By J. Scott Zumwalt

Overview the amount of crates blocking line-of-sight. Characters

can see each other only when at medium range. Charac‐

T his generic warehouse is temporary storage for goods

and materials that have arrived by ships and will leave
by semi trailer trucks.
ters in the administrative area can target any character in
the lower storage area.
High Ground: Characters that perform ranged attacks
from the elevated office area to a character in the large
Lay of the Land storage area ignore most cover (depending on line-of-
The warehouse features an array of large truck bays sight) and gain jj to their attack. Characters perform‐
where trailers can be backed up to load items out, a large ing ranged attacks from the lower storage area to charac‐
door that opens to the water that has a crane to hoist ters in the elevated office area suffer jj to their attacks.
items off of a ship to load them in, a large area where all Going up or down the stairs requires two maneuvers.
the items are stored, and a series of raised administrative
Lot of Cover: Crates, boxes, and support beams provide
offices accessible via stairs.
cover throughout the storage area. Crates and boxes pro‐
Large: From end to end the length of the warehouse is vide Defense 2 and support beams provide Defense 3.
long range. From the administrative area to the other Any time a crate is damaged an assortment of consumer
side with the large door to the water is medium range. goods (coffee makers, action figures, bath towels, dishes,
While on the lower storage area two characters cannot flatware, or anything else similar) spills onto the floor
target each from the long ends of the warehouse due to and creates difficult terrain in the immediate area.

Spending a And t at the Warehouse at the docks

a or t While in the lower storage area, the active character may take cover as an incidental.

aa or t The cover the target is using becomes damaged and its effective Defense is reduced by 1.

aaa or t Your character is able to move to better cover as an incidental.

The crane is activated, dropping the hook onto any target of your choice that is in the storage area. If the
t target is a minion group, one minion is immediately defeated. If the target is a rival or nemesis they are
knocked prone. (This may only occur once per encounter.)

Spending h And d at the Warehouse at the docks

The contents of a nearby crate spill out creating difficult terrain near your character. Any cover your character
h or d is using is not affected.
A fire extinguisher erupts suddenly near your character, covering them in white foam. They will suffer 2
hh or d strain at the start of each of their turns until they spend 2 maneuvers to wipe most of it off. (This may
only occur twice per encounter.)
Your character falls through the open crane door and into the water. They must spend 4 maneuvers to return to the
hhh or d warehouse. If the character is a minion group, only one member falls in and that member is defeated.
If your character is in the elevated office area they fall into the lower storage area. They may make an Average
d (kk) Athletics check to land on some crates. If they fail they take half falling damage from short range. If
they succeed they take no damage. In both cases they are prone.


Drenching Water 26
Explosive Barrels 27
Gravity Distortion 27
Steep Cliffside 29

I f set pieces can be likened to a stage in which encoun‐

ters play out, Environmental Obstacles would be the
props and special effects. These obstacles could be items,
• Description: This section provides a brief narrative ex‐
planation of what the obstacle is and how it can be used.
• Special Rules: These rules are the bulk of what
natural (or supernatural) conditions, or a literal obstacle
makes up the obstacle. They can range from condi‐
standing between the characters and their goal.
tions to penalties to skill check options that charac‐
Unlike set pieces, environmental obstacles are intended ters can make, adding an extra layer of possibilities
to be dropped into any encounter, providing an addi‐ to the encounter.
tional element and/or hindrance for characters to inter‐
• Optional Special Rules: These rules provide addi‐
act with. Obstacles are much smaller in scope than set
tional options, but are not as crucial to the obstacle
pieces, and can similarly be reskinned to fit any setting.
and could be ignored in favor of simplicity or for
setting-specific reasons.
What’s in this part of the BOOST? • Tables for Spending Dice Results: These tables
In the following section of this issue of BOOST, you were custom made for the obstacle, providing in-
will find Environmental Obstacles broken down into depth interactions and outcomes when interacting
the following: with them. Often, options for these dice results
• Obstacle Name: This is the title of the obstacle, pro‐ might reference or trigger a special rule.
viding an initial description of what you can ex‐
pect to find. Below the title, you will find that
obstacle’s author.


Drenching Water
By Caleb “Cptn Smitty” Smith

Description • Conductive: Electricity-based attacks reduce their

critical rating by 1 (to a minimum of 1) and gain the

D renching Water is any situation where water (or any

liquid) rains down or saturates an area, such as
pouring rain or a sprinkler system triggering. The abun‐
Superior and Vicious 2 qualities (or increase their
Vicious quality by 2).

dant water can cause slippery terrain and poor visibility. • Slippery When Wet: All attacks gain the Knock‐
down quality.

Special Rules Optional Special Rules

The following rules can be used in an encounter to repre‐
sent the effects of water raining down over an area: • Flooded: The area becomes difficult terrain.

• Pouring Water: The raining water adds j for con‐ • Electrical Device/Wires: Using the Aim maneuver, a
cealment. character can make an attack targeting an electrical
device or exposed wires that is present in the en‐
• Dousing: Increase the difficulty of fire-based at‐ counter. If the attack succeeds, the electrical device or
tacks by 1 and the number of a required to acti‐ exposed wires electrocute the surrounding area and
vate the Blast quality by 1. The Burn quality all characters within short range of it, causing them to
cannot be activated. suffer 6 strain. t on this attack can be used to cause
an electrocuted character to suffer a Critical Injury.

Spending a And t in drenching water

a or t The target gets water in their eyes, giving them a j on their next check.

Your character uses the slippery surroundings to their advantage, sliding to any spot within short range
aa or t as an incidental.

aaa or t The target drops a held item or weapon into the water, requiring two maneuvers to search for it and retrieve it.

A shot or strike hits something electrical, triggering the effect of Electrical Device/Wires short range
t from the target.

Spending h And d in drenching water

h or d The active character slips and falls prone.

The target takes advantage of the momentum of the attack, sliding to any spot within short range as an
hh or d out-of-turn incidental.

The active character drops a held item or weapon into the water, requiring two maneuvers to search for
hhh or d it and retrieve it.

A shot or strike hits something electrical, triggering the effect of Electrical Device/Wires short range from
d the active character.


Explosive Barrels
By Caleb “Cptn Smitty” Smith

Description • Accidental Explosion: When attacking a target en‐

gaged with a barrel (or a target within short range of

E xplosive Barrels could be anything from barrels of

gasoline to crates of dynamite to canisters of unstable
hyperdrive fuel. Any encounter that includes explosive
a barrel, per the GM’s discretion), the attacker may
spend aaa or a t to hit the barrel instead of the
target, causing the barrel to explode. Additionally,
barrels increases the risk of damage and danger, as well the GM may spend hhh or d to have the at‐
as the likely possibility of multiple explosions. tacker hit the exploding barrel instead of the target.
Special Rules Optional Special Rules
The following rules can be used in an encounter when • Thrown Barrel: A character can throw a barrel at a
exploding barrels are present: target within short range as a combat check using
• Explosive Barrel: If a barrel explodes, it deals 10 the Athletics skill. This attack gains the Cumber‐
damage to all characters within short range and some 4 and Inaccurate 1 item qualities. If the check
knocks them prone. succeeds, the barrel hits the target and explodes,
dealing 10 damage to the target and all characters
• Targeting A Barrel: A character can target a barrel within short range, except for the attacking charac‐
with a ranged weapon, using the Aim rules for tar‐ ter. hh on this check can be used to cause the at‐
geting an item found on page 98 of the GENESYS tacking character to also be hit by this blast.
Core Rulebook. If they succeed, the barrel explodes.

Gravity Distortion
By Giri Raman

Description • Debris and Flying Objects: Other things than char‐

G ravity distortion is any situation where gravity

will behave more chaotically. For example, artifi‐
cial gravity is failing or becoming unstable on a space‐
acters are affected by the gravitational distortion.
Many objects or debris should always be moving
about to land on and hang on to.
ship, an alien world is affected by distortions of a
nearby black hole, etc. These effects will usually be a • Keep It Short: Since falling will likely occur, try
situation of gravity shifting directions or behaving to keep the distance to short for each fall in
strangely, not just the standard rules for light or heavy most circumstances.
gravity found on pages 110-111 of the GENESYS Core • Waves and Currents (Vehicles Only): For each
Rulebook. We have split the rules found here into two turn going with the flow of gravity, increase the ve‐
parts: one for narrative or structured encounters and hicle’s max speed by 1 (to a max of 5). For each turn
one for vehicle encounters. against the gravity flow, decrease the max speed by
1 (to a minimum of 1). In addition, for each speed
increase, reduce the vehicle’s handling by 1.
Special Rules
The following rules can be used in an encounter to repre‐
sent the effects of gravity distortion on an area.
Optional Special Rules
• Other Gravity Rules: In the GENESYS Core Rule‐
• Shifting Gravity: Standing up from prone is an in‐
book on pages 110-111, you can find rules for
cidental (unless gravity is changed to flow the same
strong, low, and zero gravity. Usually, these will pro‐
way. See the table on the next page.)


vide j or j to most physical skill checks and make ing damage to reduce the deadliness of the en‐
all movement difficult terrain. counter. Reduce all falling damage by half.
• Three-Dimensional Movement: Movements might • Chaotic Ordnance (Vehicles Only): Using a vehicle
be more three-dimensional. GMs can use this as a weapon that fires a physical payload like missiles in‐
strong narrative element as the players get tossed curs a jjj penalty.
about by gravitational forces. Characters should • Gravitational Crush (Vehicles Only): Any system
lose their sense of direction. strain caused by movement of the vehicles or from
• Weaker Gravitational Pull: The gravitational forces piloting checks deals one additional strain.
could be weaker than normal, allowing for less fall‐

Spending a, t, h, And d In Gravity distortion (in Narrative and structured encounters)

a or t Your character can reduce falling damage by 1 for each a spent.

aa or t Your character finds a favorable change in gravity allowing instant movement to anywhere within short range.

An item in the encounter selected by your character gets caught in a gravitation shift and moves one range
band in any direction.
aaa or t
Your character can change gravity flow to any direction until the end of their next turn.
Gravitation Surfing: Until the end of their next turn, your character ignores difficult terrain and can move
anywhere as if they could fly (hover, see page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook).
Your character can change the gravity direction to any direction they choose for the rest of the encounter.

h or d The active character becomes dizzy from gravitational shifts and is disoriented until the end of their next turn.

The active character accidentally makes a move maneuver as an incidental in a direction chosen by the GM.
hh or d
The active character treats all movement as difficult terrain until the end of their next turn.

The active character drops a held item or a weapon, which gets caught by gravity, and is sent flying in a
random direction.
hhh or d
The active character becomes stuck and immobilized until their next turn ends.
The active character falls, spiraling in a gravitational current up to a distance of long range. The character can
d attempt a Daunting (kkkk) Athletics check to desperately escape the deadly fall.

Spending a, t, h, And d In Gravity distortion (in Vehicle encounters)

Notice a gravitational wave, adding j to the next Piloting check made with the vehicle.
a or t The next time the vehicle takes system strain from movement (see optional rules), ignore the one point
of extra strain.

aa or t Gravitational distortion adds j to the next combat check against your character’s vehicle.

Ignore the effects of the Gravity Distortion until the active character’s next turn.
aaa or t
Gravity bends beam weapons, increasing their range by one range band until the active character’s next turn.
A gravitational burst moves the vehicle one range band in any direction as an out-of-turn incidental.
Dense Gravity: Gain a temporary shield of 5 hull trauma and 5 system strain. Any damage to the vehicle target these first.

h or d Sudden gravitational jolt slows the vehicle down by 1 point of speed.

hh or d Gravitation distorts the shields reducing their effectiveness by 1 until the end of the active character’s next turn.

Beams and objects are drawn to the vehicle, reducing the difficulty to hit the active character’s vehicle by one
hhh or d until the end of their next turn.
The active character’s vehicle suffers a minor collision.

d One vehicle component (see page 221 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook) becomes compromised. (This does
not count towards the vehicle’s accumulated Critical Hits.)


Steep Cliffside
By Ryall Hyatt (OtO)

Description footholds, but this part of the cliff face requires an

Average (kk) Resilience or Coordination check

A steep cliffside can be encountered in the high moun‐

tains, along a wind-swept beach, in a large construc‐
tion site, or anywhere there is a dramatic elevation change.
to cross without injury. On a failed check the char‐
acter passes this part of the slope but suffers 3
wounds, +1 strain for each uncanceled h.

Special Rules Optional Special Rules

The following rules can be used in an encounter when a • Gust of Wind: A sudden gust of wind sweeps along
steep cliffside is present: the cliffside, pulling at anyone climbing the slope. An
• Climbing the Slope: The cliffside is considered im‐ Average (kk) Athletics check is needed to avoid
passable terrain, requiring an Average (kk) Ath‐ sliding one range band back down the cliffside.
letics or Coordination check to traverse one range • Icy Rime: Some cliffsides are covered in a thin layer
band. Failure means the character does not progress of ice, making the slope dangerously slick. Charac‐
up the cliff face. ters without gloves or other protection must suc‐
• Loose Sand/Rocks: Add jj to any combat checks ceed at a Hard (kkk) Resilience check or suffer 2
made while climbing the cliffside. wounds, +1 strain per uncanceled h.

• Overhanging Ledges: A series of ledges lead to • Rockslide: A substantial portion of the cliff face
false paths and confusing dead ends when climb‐ comes loose and collapses, requiring a Hard
ing the cliff face. An Average (kk) Survival or (kkk) Coordination or Vigilance check to
Discipline check is required to avoid frustration. avoid a fall from short range (page 112 of the
GENESYS Core Rulebook). hh or d generated
Failure causes the character to suffer 2 strain, +1
per uncancelled h. on the check causes the character to be buried be‐
neath fallen debris and at risk of suffocation (page
• Sharp Rocks or Protruding Roots: A strata of the 112 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook). An Average
cliffside is riddled with volcanic stone, thorny vines, (kk) Athletics or Survival check is needed to
or sharp-edged roots. There are many hand and free a buried character.

Spending a And t on a Steep Cliffside

a or t The character showers dirt and rock onto their opponent, adding j to the target’s next skill check.

aa or t The character finds a ledge that provides secure footing, upgrading their next check made to climb the cliffside.

aaa or t The character spots an easier path up the cliffside, allowing them to climb one range band as a maneuver.

The character centers themselves, reducing strain suffered from any cliffside hazard by 1 for the rest of the
t scene or encounter.

Spending h And d on a Steep Cliffside

h or d A handhold gives out, adding j to the character’s next skill check.

hh or d The cliff face around the character becomes unstable, upgrading the difficulty of the next check they make.

hhh or d The character slips and slides down the cliffside one range band.
The character hangs precariously from the cliff face, upgrading any combat checks that target them until the
d beginning of their next turn.
dd The character triggers a Rockslide (see Optional Special Rules above).


Other Boost


BOOST #1: Mutation
Modern Magic Deep Dive


BOOST #4: Weird West Space Fantasy BOOST #7:
Steampunk Modular Encounters



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