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Sender email address – kartik.saharan@flemingcollege.


Receiver email address –

Subject – how to write a professional email

Hello David,

This is perfect example of professional email.

By taking cursory glance on your provided article and notes , as well as powerpoint slides, I got lots of
information about how to write professional email. First step is writing a greeting on top like hello ,hey
and dear as well as subject which defines the purpose of email.

Many things in professional email is bit complicated and hard such as providing full information about
topic while reamaing in low and preferable tone as well as connect all things together.

In my point of view the most hardest part is not to use emojis because majority of people are habitual to
it and stoping it suddenly is to hard.

Another major thing is elaboration because when the email is fully described the reader gets all
information properly and not get any diffuclty while understanding email.

These are the most important things in every email to make the mail professional.

I hope you find this email informative , and I will see you in class on Wednesday.

Thank you,

Kartik Saharan (COMM201, Section 12, SSW program, 10316432)

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