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Imagine you received Angela’s email (pg 187/115) asking about a friend of yours. Write
an email to answer it. Plan what you are going to write using the paragraph notes below.
Use the language from the Describing a person box (pg 187/115) and Vocabulary
bank Pesonality (pg 225/153) to help you.

Paragraph 1: age/work/study/family background

Paragraph 2: personality – good side, any negative things

Paragraph 3: your recommendation

From: María Jesús

To: Angela

Subject: Recommendations

Hi Angela, thank you for writing, it has been quiet a long time not hearing from you.
Here are some hints about Kasia’s main traits. I’ll try to display an honest portrait.

Concerning her age, she is in her middle 20s so she hopes to gain some working
experiencience, although she has some, due to the fact that she has previously been
working at Zara for nearly 3 years. Moreover, she went to university in order to become
a school teacher. Hence, being around children will come a second nature and she will
probably take good care of the children’s studies. Regarding her family background ,
her father is a former military servant, whereas her mum has always been working as a
secretary at the main public hospital in her birthcity. Besides, she is very keen on sports,
such as rock climbing or roller balding. This is why, staying healthy will allow her to
get around the kinds with ease.

In regards to her personality, on a positive note, she is both quite mature and sociable.
Besides, when it comes to solving problems, she is resourceful and reliable . Another
positive trait of her is being extremely self –confident, that is to say, she only needs a
few directions to start working. On a negative note, she is stubborn and a Little bossy,
but that wont be that negative suposing that the kids are rebelious at times.

Please feel free to contact her in case you’re interested in her to be shortlisted for the
job. This is her email address: . Plus, this is her pone
number: (+34)888-964-264.

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