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OK. Is everybody here?Do you hear me?Yes.I hope that no one is sleeping right now.

It is
already early.OK, so in this uh semester, they are going to have the anatomy and Physiology
together regarding the human body.The information that I am going to give you are actually
brief summaries of those, uh, topics.So I think you will have no difficulties to understand the
pictures and the concepts that we will be talking about in the lectures. So if I talk I usually talk
like that.So you are.I am not going to talk very fast.So I think you will have no difficulties
regarding, uh, my English.OK, if everyone is ready we can start with the lecture, but first of all
I have to tell you we will have some lectures in this semester and then you'll see that we will
have some review lectures so.All of the lectures that you will have in this Earth semester will
have a review lectures, so don't.Uh, yeah, very you understand them all very thoroughly and
clearly. OK?Alright, so.This this lecture is going to be.Uh.As an introduction to human
body.So let's first start with the definition of the anatomy. Anatomy means the study of the
form or structure. It actually means a cutting open and the the term means the study of
the.internal and external structures of the body and physical relationships among the bodily

And we examined the anatomy into a branches. Those are first across anatomy and second
microscopic anatomy. So here you see just examples for cross and microscopic anatomy,
illustration, AUC, the cross anatomy that considers.Large uh structures or organs, such as
the brain.As you see in here.And only laceration be. You'll see an example for the
microscopic anatomy that can deal with the same structures, though at a different scale. So
here you see a micrograph of the nerve cells called neurons from the brain.So gross
anatomy is about large, uh, uh structures, including the organs and microscopic anatomy is,
uh, about the microscopic forms and shapes of those tissues.So to repeat, gross anatomy
involves the examination of relatively large practice, and teachers usually visible within the
unaided eye and in gross anatomy. You see the surface anatomy, the regional anatomy, and
the systemic anatomy.And microscopic anatomy deals with these structures that cannot be
seen without magnification, and thus the equipment used establishes the boundaries of what
can be seen and that kind of a equipment can be a dissecting microscope.Did the showing
us this tissue a structure or a light microscope?Showing us the basic details of a cell
structure or even an electron microscope that is able to examine the individual molecules
that are only field up.Uh, nothing matters 8 IE across.And cytology and Histology are also
parts of the microscopic anatomy, and he will also have some slides regarding the cytology
and Histology of the different parts of the human body.Sure, that was the definition of the
anatomy now.This is theology.Uhm, if we, uh?If you would like to get N, the definition of the
Physiology in.Deep detail, it's actually the study of the function, and it is important.So here
you first see this study of the function and how living organisms perform their vital functions
and those functions as, as you know, are actually complex.And that much more difficult to
examine then most of the anatomical structures because they have a pattern.So at the very
beginning of our lectures regarding the anatomy and Physiology of the human body, we need
to know about the basic principles of the cell theory.Uh, those basic, uh principles are first of
all, the cells are the structural building blocks of all of the plants and animals.Second, the
cells are produced by the divisions after pre-existing cells.And third, cells are the smallest
structural units that perform all of the vital functions. These are the basic principles of the cell
theory that you need to know.And here you see a level of organization she.So here the
appearance complexity as you see here as a pyramid.She, uh, presents the multiple levels of
the organization, and as you see, each level is more complex than the underlying one, but all
can be broken down into simpler chemical and cell cellular components as you
see.Sure.Starting with these systems of the human body, usually a examine the human body
in certain a categorizations. Regarding the systems, the first one is the integumentary
system. Integumentary system includes the bodily structures.It is the site of many sensorial
receptors and eating measuring system is composed of the hair, the skin and names.And the
second one is the skeletal system. As you know, the skeletal system is composed of
cartilage, bones and joints.And it supports the body and enables the movement. Of course
the muscular system.The third one, which is especially important for you as a dietitians, are
the endocrine system unit price system secrets, the hormones, and it regulates the badly,
uh.Assist and is composed of the glands that are responsible for the seats division of those,
or more like the AP23 gland and thyroid. A gland adrenal.Uh, glad even tests and ovaries or
pancreas.And the next one that we will be talking about is the cardiovascular system that is
composed of the heart and blood vessels.That as you see, it delivers oxygen and nutrients to
tissues and is also important because it equal equalizes the temperature in the body as a
result of that entire circulation.And the next one is the lymphatic system. It is important
because the lymphatic system returns the flute to the party. Any defenses against pathogens
and the lymphatic system is composed of the timers, the lymph nodes, the spleen. Anthony
Phatic vessels.As well.And next we have the respiratory system and as the name implies, it
removes the carbon dioxide from the body and it delivers oxygen to a blood and tissues and
organs.And respiratory systems of course composed of the nasal passage, the trachea and
lungs.And the next one is the muscular system. It of course enables movement of 50 skeletal
system and it is also important regarding the maintaining of the body temperature and
muscular system is of course composed of the skeleton muscles, tendons, ligaments, etc.In
the next system that they will be told me about is the nervous system.Uh, it detects and
processes to sensory information and it activates all of our bodily responses at it coordinates.
All of those responses and the nervous system is composed of the central and peripheral
nervous system and the central nervous system is of course all of the brain and spinal
cord.And the peripheral nervous system is composed of the peripheral nerves.And the next
one is the digestive system I think.This is the most important system for you. Uh, it processes
the food so the usage of the body. It also removes the vase from undigested food, and in that
system we have the uh stomach, small intestine, large intestine, deliver and gold platter.And
also pancreas.I did next. One is the urinary system.And here in our system controls the voter
balance inside the body and it also removes waste from blood and also excretes them and
you're in your system is composed of the kidneys, ornery up ladders and organs regarding
the urinary tract.And the next two systems are the reproductive systems and tools.
Reproductive systems are responsible for the production of sex hormones and also guns and
make them productive. System is responsible of the delivery of the chemist to the
female.Compose of the tests and epididymis and all other organs. Automated productive
system. And the female reproductive system is supporting the embryo or fetus until both and
it also produces milk for the incense and that is why it is composed of the memory glands,
the ovaries, uterus, and all of the other.Uh, issues regarding the female reproductive
system.Stop, you'll be sure. And you can identify the major organs of each of the 11 organ
systems and also the major functions of each of the 11 organ systems. But Vivil pool in detail
regarding all of those organ systems. So that was just a summary.So there are certain
characteristics of the living or organisms. The first one is the responsiveness.It is important
because that indicates that the Organism recognize changes in its internal or external
environment and is required for the adaptability.The second characteristic is the adaptability.
It is important because it changes the organisms, behavior, capabilities or structure and it is
required for the survival in a constantly changing world. So it's also very important.The the
third one is the Croft and development.It is important because they inherited patterns for a
growth and development produce organisms characters this off their species like the humans
or animals, and it is important because growth and development to maturity is controlled by
the inherited instructions.In the form of a A DNA.And another characteristic of living
organisms is the ability to reproduce.And reproduction produces the next generation and it
should be noted that sexual reproduction between two parents produces the offspring with
bright characters. This letter combination of there.Uh, of his or her parents?At the 5th
important characteristic is that movement and locomotion. It distributes the materials
throughout the large organisms, and it changes orientation or position of a plant or an
immobile animal.But it also moves the more mobile animals around the environment.So it
should be noted that all of the animals showed locomotion at some point in their lives, so
movement and locomotion is important regarding every kind of a species.InUh, looking
further to the characteristics of living organisms first receive their respiration.What do we
mean with respiration? It usually first to oxygen absorption and utilization for the tissues and
carbon dioxide generation and release.And we have to know that oxygen is required for
chemical processes. That this energy in a usable form and carbon dioxide is released as a
face product.And the next one is circulation. Circulation means the movement of a fluid within
the Organism like the, uh.A blog.I did may involve a pump like the heart and a network of
special vessels like the arteries and veins.And it should be noted that the circulation provides
an internal distribution. Net network of everything.And then, next, uh, characteristic is
digestion. I just chilled means the physical and chemical breakdown of complex materials for
absorption and used by the organisms.And the chemicals that are released can be used to
generate energy or to support growth.So.Uh, the next one is the excretion and exclusion is
elimination of the chemical based products that are generated by the organisms.Uh.It is very
important because they faced a products are often so toxic that they removal is
ascension.Sure, no problem. If you look at yeah characteristics exemplified see here the
marathon runners.It is important that, uh.Runners demonstrate 2 characteristics of living
humans and the first one is the responsiveness and the second one is the movement.So the
in atomic structures and physiological processes L of those runners to Co ordinate the action
of their muscle a groups at also to sweat in response to rising internal bodily temperature. So
they are all working in harmony as.A process.And see here the UM, a measurable isn't as
exemplified.So first we see the food for this entering and food undergoes a catabolism and
that releases energy and then you see the process of anabolism. Their energy is required.So
we need to know that the anabolic reactions are the building reactions and they consume
energy so forward the anabolic reactions energy is required and the catabolic reactions in
contrary break the materials down.Release energy.So as a result of the catabolic reactions,
energy is produced at release and our metabolism includes both anabolic and catabolic
reactions.So there are basic requirements for the human life and those are oxygens nude
nutrients. The narrow range of temperatures and also the atmospheric pressures.So see
here the harsh conditions, like the climbers old mouth.Up at Everest must accommodate
extreme cold and also love oxygen levels and low barometric pressures in an environment
which is actively hostile to human life.As you hear extreme heat.Uh, we know that humans
have adapted to some degree of repeated exposure to high temperatures.So, uh, another
important term for us, which is the homeostasis.Homeostasis is actually the presence of a
stable internal and environment and it is important to remember and maintaining
homeostasis is absolutely vital to an organisms serve their survival and.The contrary, failure
to maintain homeostasis leads to illness or even death.So there will be a state regulation is
the adjustment of the physiological systems to preserve the homeostasis in environments
that are often inconsistent on a predictable and potentially dangerous and to maintain the
homeostasis we must have a receptor.A Cultural Center and an effector.So see here. There
is a a stimulus.That is perceived by a sensor, which is the receptor, and then there is a
Control Center and effector like if the body temperature exceeds 37 degree of Celsius, the
nerve cells in the skin and brain are activated and that is warning the temperature, right?
Regulatory center in the brain and that activates the spotless throughout the body and then,
uh, this word to lover the body temperature. This is like a negative feedback loop.And the,
uh, sometimes homeostasis is not a precise. So if you turn on and off the air conditioning in a
room, your homeostasis at apps.If.Itself to those adjustments accordingly.So that was those
were examples of the negative feedback loop.Let's have an example.For the positive
feedback that accelerates.

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