Cement - FIM Rate Card

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Rate Card for Civil work, Structual erection & fencing work of IDT at Khavda_Rev as on 21.03.

Qty. R1 as
Sr. No. Item Description UoM Rate Amount/IDT
per DCN
A Civil Work BOQ 1.00
Excavation in soil, laterite, morrum (Upto 1.5M from GL)
"Excavation of earth for foundation, equipment and machine foundations, trenches, pipe lines, storm water drains, plinth etc. including setting out, clearing &
grubbing, removal of debris, dewatering if required, strutting, shoring, if required (sheet piling not required), dressing the sides, leveling to grade and ramming the
bottom, stacking/ disposal of surplus excavated material within an initial lead of 1 km (Radial distance) including including respective lifts, loading, transporting,
unloading and spreading with all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instruction of
Engineer in Charge for the following.
1 CUM 93.09 160 14,894
(Execution shall be as per approved excavation plan as per Site requirement. Mode of measurement shall be PCC dimension of individual footings [i.e. authorised
Length & Width] & depth upto bottom of PCC, as indicated in the Construction Drawing. No additional payment shall be made for excavation carried out for
surrounding working space and side protection slope.)"
All types of soils including, laterite, morrum which can be excavated by means of mechanical excavator (but does not require crow bar, pick axe, chiseling or
Upto 1.50M from GL
Excavation in soil, laterite, morrum (From 1.50m uoto 3.0m depth from GL)
"Excavation & Backfill of earth for foundation, equipment and machine foundations, trenches, pipe lines, storm water drains, plinth etc. including setting out,
clearing & grubbing, removal of debris, dewatering if required, strutting, shoring, if required (sheet piling not required), dressing the sides, leveling to grade and
ramming the bottom, stacking/ disposal of surplus excavated material within an initial lead of 1 km (Radial distance) including including respective lifts, loading,
transporting, unloading and spreading with all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and
instruction of Engineer in Charge for the following.
2 (Execution shall be as per approved excavation plan as per Site requirement. Mode of measurement shall be PCC dimension of individual footings [i.e. authorised CUM 41.27 180 7,429
Length & Width] & depth upto bottom of PCC, as indicated in the Construction Drawing. No additional payment shall be made for excavation carried out for
surrounding working space and side protection slope.)"
All types of soils including, laterite, morrum which can be excavated by means of mechanical excavator (but does not require crow bar, pick axe, chiseling or
(From 1.50m uoto 3.0m depth from GL)
Backfilling with excavated earth within 1.0km (Redial Distance)
"Backfilling/ Filling for foundation, equipment and machine foundations, trenches, pipe lines, plinth etc. including dewatering if required, for selected earth/
soils/ useful cutspoils of rock stacked within the lead of 1.0km (Radial distance) or as directed by Engineer, including loading, unloading, transporting, watering
and ramming in layers of 30cm Compacted thickness to 90% standard proctor maximum dry density, compacted, leveling and dressing, including all machinary,
3 manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, specifications and instruction of Engineer in Charge. CUM 46.23 150 6,935
(Backfilling due to any over excavation shall not be measured under this item)"
Backfilling with excavated earth upto lead of 1.0km (Radial Distance)
Up to excavated depth of construction pit

Transportation of Excavated Earth beyond initial lead of 1.0 Km lead for every 0.50 Km lead. Stacking/ disposal of surplus excavated material beyond an initial
lead of 1 km (Radial distance)including respective lifts, loading, transporting, unloading and spreading with all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel,
4 consumeables etc.. CUM 88.12 10 881
Transportation of surplus excavated earth/ moorum/ rock material for site to disposal area.
Complete work as per Specifications and instruction of Engineer in Charge.
Augur Boring (Tractor/Truck mounted) - 350 dia upto 1000mm depth
"Providing, surveying, marking, boring with suitable manual means / mechanical drilling equipment mechnically operated augur (tractor / truck mounted)/ DTH
machine, for installation of Cast-in-situ bored concrete vertical piles, through all type of soil/ weathered rock/hard rock upto the specified depth and up to
100mm average height above finish ground level as indicated in the drawing; using cement concrete of grade M25 with OPC/PPC conforming to Standard Codes
and 20 mm downgraded coarse aggregate, steel post shall be properly embeded in concrete with desired elevation, alignment and level; with minimum cement
content of 325 kg/cum. The water cement ratio shall not exceed 0.5 and slump shall be 130-150 mm.
1) Providing and placing concrete work including cost of machinery & equipment, manpower, materials and consumables including shuttering of pile above GL,
staging & scafolding, handling & transportation, batching, mixing, transportation of concrete, placing, vibrating to achieve compaction and curing, etc. at all
elevations as per drawing, specifications & as directed by the engineer in charge. The relevent items deemed to include cost of staging & scaffolding as required
for safe & proper execution.
2) Cement shall be in Bidder scope.
3) Bidder shall ensure to procure coarse & fine aggregates from approved sources for use in concreting.
Bidder shall get prior written approval in writting to use fine and coarse aggregates to be brought from sources other than approved sources, as per guidelines
available in the contract document. All the costs involved in getting source approval shall be deemed to be included in the respective rates.
4) Bidder shall arrange for approval of design mix for cement concrete (CC) works from the NABL accredited laboratory. Cost of arranging design mix and
5 executing the works as per design mix deemed to be included in their quoted rates. Rmt 12.00 140 1,680
5) The scope shall be including the placing steel post in foundation and in position and at proper elevation in concrete pile with required alingment, level and all
essential preparatory works i.e. templates etc.
6) Vendor shall submit the Construction Methadology for Owners approval.
7) If any pile is found defective, the Contractor shall rectify/replace it at his own expense; as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. This may include
i) Replacement of defective piles.
ii) Providing additional piles.
8) The spoil, boring mud etc shall be disposed with in 1km radial distance.
9) No tremie method, casing pipe and bentonite slurry to be considered.
10) The templates shall not be removed before final setting of concrete, based on final setting time determined as per mix design
11) Steel posts shall be transported from Owner's store including transportations, materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as per
approved Drawing, Technical Specification and instruction of Engineer In Charge."
Circular pile with 350 mm diameter and upto 1000 mm depth by mechanically operated Tractor or Truck mounted auger Machine for all type of soils, laterite,
morrum including weathered rock etc. as per issued Dwg and specifications
All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge.

Augur Boring (Tractor/Truck mounted) - 350 dia upto 2500mm depth

"Providing, surveying, marking, boring with suitable manual means / mechanical drilling equipment mechnically operated augur (tractor / truck mounted)/ DTH
machine, for installation of Cast-in-situ bored concrete vertical piles, through all type of soil/ weathered rock/hard rock upto the specified depth and up to
100mm average height above finish ground level as indicated in the drawing; using cement concrete of grade M25 with OPC/PPC conforming to Standard Codes
and 20 mm downgraded coarse aggregate, steel post shall be properly embeded in concrete with desired elevation, alignment and level; with minimum cement
content of 325 kg/cum. The water cement ratio shall not exceed 0.5 and slump shall be 130-150 mm.
1) Providing and placing concrete work including cost of machinery & equipment, manpower, materials and consumables including shuttering of pile above GL,
staging & scafolding, handling & transportation, batching, mixing, transportation of concrete, placing, vibrating to achieve compaction and curing, etc. at all
elevations as per drawing, specifications & as directed by the engineer in charge. The relevent items deemed to include cost of staging & scaffolding as required
for safe & proper execution.
2) Cement shall be in Bidder scope.
3) Bidder shall ensure to procure coarse & fine aggregates from approved sources for use in concreting.
Bidder shall get prior written approval in writting to use fine and coarse aggregates to be brought from sources other than approved sources, as per guidelines
available in the contract document. All the costs involved in getting source approval shall be deemed to be included in the respective rates.
4) Bidder shall arrange for approval of design mix for cement concrete (CC) works from the NABL accredited laboratory. Cost of arranging design mix and
6 executing the works as per design mix deemed to be included in their quoted rates. Rmt 30.00 140 4,200
5) The scope shall be including the placing steel post in foundation and in position and at proper elevation in concrete pile with required alingment, level and all
essential preparatory works i.e. templates etc.
6) Vendor shall submit the Construction Methadology for Owners approval.
7) If any pile is found defective, the Contractor shall rectify/replace it at his own expense; as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. This may include
i) Replacement of defective piles.
ii) Providing additional piles.
8) The spoil, boring mud etc shall be disposed with in 1km radial distance.
9) No tremie method, casing pipe and bentonite slurry to be considered.
10) The templates shall not be removed before final setting of concrete, based on final setting time determined as per mix design
11) Steel posts shall be transported from Owner's store including transportations, materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as per
approved Drawing, Technical Specification and instruction of Engineer In Charge."
Circular pile with 350 mm diameter and upto 2500 mm depth by mechanically operated Tractor or Truck mounted auger Machine for all type of soils, laterite,
morrum including weathered rock etc. as per issued Dwg and specifications
All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge.
Providing and Laying rubble soling in Plinth, below grade slab, foundation etc.
Providing and Laying rubble soling with specified sizes of approved quality hard rock rubble or hand broken hard metal of sizes ranging from 100 mm to 250 mm
below finished ground floor level, below foundation level in one layer of approximately 250 mm thk. hand packing, filling in interstices with sand including
7 watering thoroughly compacting the layer including all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications CUM 30.43 2,000 60,860
and instruction of Engineer in Charge.
Providing and Laying rubble soling with Stones of granite /basalt/ gneiss and specified sizes brought from outside plant area
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications.
Filling with selected Sand bought from approved borrow pit
Filling with selected Sand bought from approved borrow areas from source and arranged by the Contractor, for under floors, in foundation and plinths which
includes excavation, loading, transporting for all leads, unloading, spreading in layers of 30 cm compacted thickness at all depths, watering, compaction by
8 manual or mechanical means , dressing and leveling including all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per technical CUM 8.05 1,900 15,295
specification and instructions of Engineer In Charge.
Transportation of selected sand bought from approved borrow pit
complete as per technical specification and instructions of Engineer In Charge.
Providing and laying uniformly graded machine crushed stone aggregate of size 40mm in confined area
Providing and laying uniformly graded machine crushed stone aggregate of size 40mm in Transformer yard & Switch yard area including spreading & leveling to
the required elevations including all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instruction of
9 CUM 36.80 2,600 95,680
Engineer in Charge.
Providing and Laying crushed stone aggregate
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
"Providing & Laying of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC): Mix 1:3:6 (M10)
"Providing & Laying of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) as leveling course/ fill around foundations, pipes, floors on grade, water retaining structures, equipment
foundations, under foundations, flooring under bed, etc. including formwork, scaffolding & staging, materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all
9 complete as per specification, drawings and direction of Engineer In Charge. CUM 10.62 3,600 38,232
Mix 1:3:6 (1 cement: 3 coarse sand: 6 stone aggregate) (with graded stone aggregate of nominal size 40 mm)Complete as per Drawings, Specifications".
Cement shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM)by the Employer.

"Providing & laying M35 Grade of Concrete with Ajax."

"Providing and Laying of Reinforced cement Concrete(RCC)M35 grade conforming to IS:456 with coarse sand and graded hard stone aggregate 20 mm and down
nominal size machine mixed at all heights / depths any shape, any position, thickness, including addition of suitable plasticizer/ super plasticizer conforming to
10 IS:9103 to achieve required slump in concrete, including materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumables etc. all complete as per specification, drawings and CUM Rate Only 4,275 -
direction of Engineer In Charge"

Cement shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM).

"Providing & Laying of Reinforced cement Concrete (RCC) : M35
"Providing & Laying of Reinforced cement Concrete(RCC) grade conforming to IS:456 with coarse sand and graded hard stone aggregate 20 mm and down
nominal size machine mixed at all heights / depths any shape, any position, thickness, including addition of suitable plasticizer/ super plasticizer conforming to
IS:9103 to achieve required slump in concrete (Admixture & Plasticizers shall be paid in separate items). Preparation of top surface or chipping to receive
10 grouting including materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as per specification, drawings and direction of Engineer In Charge. CUM 77.70 3,600 279,720

Cement shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by the Employer.

Grouting ( Concrete mix 1 : 1 : 2 ) Major Steel Column Base

Providing and Laying of grouting of pockets, pipe sleeves of any shape and size under base plates after erection of necessary structural steel work, machinery at
any elevation including roughening surface, cleaning with compressed air, wetting the surface for several hours, removing accumulated water, side shuttering,
13 CUM 0.40 45,000 18,000
curing etc. complete, as per specification and as and direction of Engineer In Charge.
Concrete mix 1 : 1 : 2 (1 Cement : 1 Sand : 2 parts of 6 mm down graded stone chips) with non-shrink approved admixture for steel column bases
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete grade M35 including Admixture & Plasticizers
"Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete grade M35 conforming to IS:456 with coarse sand and graded hard stone aggregate 20mm & down graded nominal size, using
plasticizer wherever required, for trench covers, sleepers, drain trench, lintels etc. including formwork/ moulds and necessary scaffolding & staging, for
thicknesses varying from 50mm to 250mm, with/ without inserts, lifting hook, edge flat/ angle, transportation, rendering the top surface with 1:3 CM to give
smooth & even finish if required, erecting, fixing in position with 1:3 CM, at all elevations materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as
per specification, drawings and direction of Engineer In Charge.
14 (The item rate shall include cost of required formwork) CUM 0.04 9,000 360
1) For all items involving use of cement, reinforcing steel the rate quoted shall be inclusive of these materials.
2) Cement and reinforcement will be FIM ."
Pre-cast Reinforced Concrete grade M35 including Admixture & Plasticizers
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
"Fixgin of Reinforcement (Fe:500)-CRS steel"
"Collecting from owner's store Cut & bend Reinforcement and placing in position at any level, binding & fixing in position using 18/ 20 SWG annealed iron wires
including supplying binding wires, providing cover blocks, transportations, materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as per
specification, drawings and direction of Engineer In Charge.
15 (Only Authorized laps, chairs, separators will be measured and paid under this item.)" MT 8.15 7,500 61,125
High yield strength deformed bars conforming to grade Fe 500 of IS : 1786

Cut & Bend Reinforcement Steel shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by the Employer
Providing and Fixing formwork below Plinth level
"Providing, fixing and removing formwork at all elevations below Plinth level including providing all materials, labors, equipment, consumables, scaffolding,
16 staging, providing pockets, etc complete as per specifications, drawings, as directed & approved by engineer in charge. SQM 177.00 500 88,500
Formwork using Plywood/steel below finished Plinth level for all types of foundations, Trench, Tanks etc.
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
Providing and Fixing formwork above Plinth level
"Providing, fixing and removing formwork at all elevations above plinth level including providing all materials, labors, equipment, consumables, scaffolding,
staging, providing pockets, etc complete as per specifications, drawings, as directed & approved by engineer in charge.
17 SQM 212.78 550 117,029
Formwork using plywood/steel above finished ground floor level for columns, beams, suspended floors, roofs, lintels, cantilevers, staircases, landings, balconies,
domes, arches etc for all heights.
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
Providing and Fixing formwork in Pockets
"Providing, fixing and removing formwork at all elevations including providing all materials, labors, equipment, consumables, scaffolding, staging, providing
pockets, etc complete as per specifications, drawings, as directed & approved by engineer in charge.
Formwork for all types of pockets of required size & depth as per drawing for all elevations including making of required size pocket, shifting, installing form work
18 for pockets in proper line & level and removal after initial setting of concrete etc. SQM 7.60 750 5,700
Bidder shall be responsible for maintaining exact pocket size till handing over. "
Provide and fixing of formwork for pockets and small woks as per drawing and specification.
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
Trasporting and fixing of variaous sizes of Foundation bolts
"Transporting from designated location, various sizes of foundation bolts, placing, fixing including welding of lugs etc. as per details in approved fabrication
drawings and specifications.
19 1. Item rate includes of cost of providing & fixing of templates, which shall not be measured and paid. MT 0.10 30,000 3,000
2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete foundation bolts along with nut, washer etc. Including welding of lugs, nuts & washers. All complete as
per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge."
FIM: Foundation Bolt
"Transportation, erection and alignment of track rails"
"Transportation from Employer's store, erection and alignment of track rails and fixing in concrete including clamps, bolts, washers, nuts, fixtures like fish plates,
splice plates, angles welded at pavements, foming sections at expansion joints, welding etc., as per approved fabrication drawings, specifications and instructions
of the Engineer in charge.
20 Notes: MT 1.34 30,000 40,200
1. Item rate is inclusive of cost of providing & fixing templates, which shall not be measured and paid.
2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete Items and accessories to complate the work.""
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instructions of the Engineer in charge."
FIM: Track Rail along with fixures.
Providing and Laying Random rubble masonry in CM 1:6
Providing and Laying Random rubble masonry in CM 1:6 with specified sizes and approved quality hard stone in foundation and plinth including levelling,
21 machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instruction of Engineer in Charge. CUM 0.90 4,700 4,230
Random rubble masonry in CM 1:6
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
"Supplying and Laying Block Masonry in CM 1:4 (Up to Plint level)
""Supplying and Laying in position concrete block work of designation D (As mentioned in IS 2185), minimum compresive strength of 5MPa, in sub structure, in
foundation and plinth of size 400x200x150mm, including mixing mortar in C:M 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 sand), laying block, raking joints, curing etc. with all materials,
labor complete as per drawings and specification etc. all complete as approved by the project manager.
22 NOTES : CUM 11.05 5,500 60,775
1) Cost of Cement shall be in scope of Contractor as per the conditions set out in the Special Conditions of Contract.
2) The type of cement viz. PPC / OPC etc as supplied by the Bidder.""
Providing and Laying Block masonry in CM 1:4 in foundation and plinth level Complete as per Drawings, Specifications
"Supplying and Laying Block Masonry in CM 1:4 (Super structure)
""Supplying and Laying in position concrete block work of designation D (As mentioned in IS 2185), minimum compresive strength of 5MPa, in sub structure, in
foundation and plinth of size 400x200x150mm, including mixing mortar in C:M 1:4 ( 1 cement : 4 sand), laying block, raking joints, curing etc. with all materials,
labor complete as per drawings and specification etc. all complete as approved by the project manager.
23 NOTES : CUM 3.38 6,050 20,449
1) Cost of Cement shall be in scope of Contractor as per the conditions set out in the Special Conditions of Contract.
2) The type of cement viz. PPC / OPC etc as supplied by the Bidder.""
Providing and Laying Block masonry in CM 1:4 in Super Structure
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications"
"Providing & applying 18mm Sand faced plaster on exposed surface
""Providing & applying 18 mm thick sand faced plaster in two layers (first layer – 12 mm thick in CM 1 : 4 (1 cement : 4 sand) second layer 6 mm thick in CM 1 : 3 (1
cement : 3 sand) in exposed faces of the building walls, finished smooth including providing chicken mesh of 150 mm width at junctions of masonry concrete and
steel elements, staging & scaffolding, hacking the masonry surface, curing the plaster etc all complete as per specification and directions of Engineer in charge.
24 Cement plaster including making drip molds / grooves wherever required at all levels, with all materials, labors, staging & scaffolding, curing etc. complete as per SQM 70.48 400 28,192
specifications unless specified otherwise, drawings and as directed by engineer in charge.
a) Cement shall be in scope of Contractor as per the conditions set out in the Special Conditions of Contract.
c) The type of cement viz. PPC / OPC etc as supplied by the Bidder""
Providing and applying of 18mm thick sand faced plaster at all leveles. Complete as per Drawings, Specifications"

Providing and applying three coats of white wash

Providing and applying three coats of white wash with lime over the plastered surfaces at all heights above finished ground level including scaffolding, cleaning
etc, all as per drawing, specifications and directions of the Engineer-IN-Charge, all materials, tools, plant and labour complete.
25 Three coats of white wash with lime on plaster surface at all levels SQM 70.48 70 4,934
Complete as per Drawings, Specifications

"Providing & applying 15 mm thk neat plaster in cement mortar 1 : 3 (1 cement : 3 sand) with approved water proofing admixture as per manufacturer's
recommendations to the internal/ external surfaces in drains/ culverts/ water tanks etc all complete including providing staging & scaffolding, hacking the
masonry surface, curing the plaster & including cost of providing chicken mesh of 150 mm width at junctions of masonry concrete and steel elements etc. as per
26 SQM 20.00 325 6,500
drawing, specification and direction of the Engineer in charge.
Water proofing admixture as per manufacturer's recommendations to the internal/ external surfaces in drains/ culverts/ water tanks etc. Work complete as per
specifications & as direction of the Engineer in charge"
Providing, fixing and jointing unplasticised rigid PVC Pipe (100 dia RAIN WATER)
Providing, fixing and jointing unplasticised rigid PVC Pipe(Astral Wavin Makes) including all fittings such as bends, clamps, cowls, supports etc. cost of cutting
27 holes and making good the walls all complete. (RAIN WATER) Rmt 2.75 625 1,719
Size : 100 mm dia
Make : Astral Wavin or approved make
Providing, fixing and jointing unplasticised rigid PVC Pipe (150 dia Pipe sleaves)
Providing, fixing and jointing unplasticised rigid PVC Pipe(Astral Wavin Makes) including all fittings such as bends, clamps, cowls, supports etc. cost of cutting
holes and making good the walls all complete.
28 Size : 150 mm dia Rmt 3.00 820 2,460
Make : Astral Wavin or approved make

Supplying, laying, fittings, fixing & jointing C.I. Pipe 150mm Dia
Supplying, laying, fittings, fixing & jointing C.I. Pipe below and above ground with clamps inclusive of cowl bends, tees, reducers, jointing, testing, cutting chases,
grooves, etc. & making good, and all other necessary fittings items included at all elevations etc., complete as per specifications & as directed by Engineer In-
29 150 mm Dia CI pipe. Rmt 6.00 2,200 13,200
complete as per specifications & as direction of the Engineer in charge

Total of Civil BOQ (A) 1,002,178

B Structural Steel BOQ
"Transporting and fixing of various sizes of Foundation Bolts
"Transporting from designated place/ Employer's store and fixing of various sizes of foundation bolts (HDG - min. 85 MICRON) (Min. GRADE-4.6), placing, fixing
including welding of lugs etc. as per details in approved fabrication drawings and specifications.
1. Item rate is inclusive of cost of providing & fixing of templates, which shall not be measured and paid.
1 2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete foundation bolts along with nut, washer etc."" MT 0.06 30,000 1,800
Including welding of lugs, nuts, level nuts, lock nuts & washers (HDG-85MICRON MIN.). All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering
in charge"

Foundation Bolt shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by Employer.

"Transporting from Employer's Store, Erection and alignment of structure steel"
"Transporting steel structure to site from Employer's Store, erecting in proper position at all levels, alignment, welding, applying two coat of Zinc phosphate epoxy
(75 Micron each - DFT), two intermediate coats of Zinc phosphate epoxy (75 Micron each - DFT and final coat of Polyurethen paint (50 micron DFT). The steel
shall be mild steel conforming to IS 2062 Grade A, B OR C as per drawings. The work includes provision off stiffeners, cleats shear connectors, tongue plates,
gussets etc. The work also includes straightening, making cutting plan, cutting, bending rolling, grinding, drilling, machining, bolting erection bolts & nuts,
assembly, edge preparation, preheating( & use of low hydrogen)/ radiogenic electrodes as per specification), Post heating testing of welds, visual inspection non-
destructive and special testing, rectification and correction of defective welding works, production test plate, inspection and testing erection scheme, protection
2 against damage in transit, stability of structures, installation of temporary structures etc. as required to complete the work as per specifications MT 5.80 16,000 92,800
Structural steel members fabricated from rolled steel sections only for columns, beams, bracing, trusses, monorail, purlins, and side girts, ladder etc. (including
pack/spaces plates. Splice plates, connecting plates, end plates, gusset plates etc.)"
Prepainted Structural Steel shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by Employer.

The rate includes touch up painting, whereever required, as per above mentioned specification with no extra cost implication to the Employer.

"Transporting, erection & alignment of various sizes of structural members, metal inserts etc. with red oxide primer and zinc oxide paint/spray"
"Transporting from Employer's store to site, Erecting & Alignment of metal inserts/structural members (embedded parts) in proper position at all levels, alignment,
applying two coat of red oxide primer, two coats of zinc oxide paint (25micron each) and final coat of 25micron for the finishing with fixing including welding of
lugs etc as per details in approved fabrication drawings, GA drawings and specifications.
3 1. Item rate is inclusive of cost of providing & fixing above items with templates, which shall not be measured and paid. MT 0.60 20,000 12,000
2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete metal inserts, anchor plates, lugs, pipe sleeves etc."

Prepainted Structural Steel shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by Employer.

The rate includes touch up painting, whereever required, as per above mentioned specification with no extra cost implication to the Employer.
"Erection of various Miscellaneous steel work like Sag rods, Ladder, Gratings etc."
"Transpotation from Employer'store to site & erection of Miscellaneous steelwork in sag rods, stairs, ladders, platforms, gratings and other structures not
included with other steel items shall be hot dipped galvanized with 85micron as per the technical specs and as per the instructions of the Engineer in charge.
4 1. Item rate is inclusive of cost of providing & fixing above items with templates, which shall not be measured and paid. MT 0.01 20,000 250
2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete Items and accessories to complate the work.""
HDG 85 Micron "
Structural material shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by the Employer.
"Erection & Alignment of steel work like Handrail."
"Transportation from Employer's store and Erection of handrails (not included with other steel items) as per instructions of the Engineer in charge. Handrail
erecting in proper position at all levels, alignment, welding, applying two coats of red oxide primer, two intermediate coats of synthetic enamel ( 25 micron each)
and final coat of synthetic enamel paint ( 25 micron). Vertical post & Top horizontal post shall be of 32NB and second horizontal post shall be of 25NB including
sqare plate at bottom for fixing. The work also includes straightening, making cutting plan, cutting, bending rolling, grinding, drilling, machining, bolting erection
bolts & nuts, assembly, edge preparation etc as per drawing, specification and directed by Engineering in charge.
5 Notes: MT 0.36 24,000 8,640
1. Item rate is inclusive of cost of providing & fixing above items with templates, which shall not be measured and paid.
2. Payment shall be made for weight of each complete Items and accessories to complate the work."

Pre-painted Hand Rail shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by the Employer.

The rate is inclusive of Touch up Paint (wherever applicable) as per above specification with no extra cost implication to the Employer.

"Erection of sheet for roof surface and side Cladding (0.60mm thk)"
Transporation from Employer's store & erection of corrugated pre-painted galvalume color coated sheet for roof surface and sides covering fixed with self-
tapping screw or studs or J / L hooks, bolts and nuts 8mm diameter with bitumen and G.I. limpet washers or with G.I. limpet washers filled with white lead,
including overlapping of sheets complete (up to any pitch in inclined or curved surfaces), including gutter, ridges, purlins, rafters and trusses and including
6 cutting to size and shape wherever required as per specification and instructions Engineer in-charge. SQM 146.00 120 17,520
Grade of sheet shall be min. 300 to 550MPa, color of sheet should be RAL 5012 (light blue)
0.60mm thk. pre painted galvalume sheet (grade min. 300-550MPa)"

Colour Coated Sheet along with Consumables shall be provided as Free Isuue Material (FIM) by Employer.
Total of Structural Steel BOQ (B) 133,010
C Fencing BOQ
Excavation in soil, laterite, morrum (Upto 1.5M from GL)
"Excavation of earth for foundation, equipment and machine foundations, trenches, pipe lines, storm water drains, plinth etc. including setting out, clearing &
grubbing, removal of debris, dewatering if required, strutting, shoring, if required (sheet piling not required), dressing the sides, leveling to grade and ramming the
bottom, stacking/ disposal of surplus excavated material within an initial lead of 1 km (Radial distance) including including respective lifts, loading, transporting,
unloading and spreading with all machinary, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumeables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instruction of
Engineer in Charge for the following.
1 (Execution shall be as per approved excavation plan as per Site requirement. Mode of measurement shall be PCC dimension of individual footings [i.e. authorised CUM 1.82 160 291
Length & Width] & depth upto bottom of PCC, as indicated in the Construction Drawing. No additional payment shall be made for excavation carried out for
surrounding working space and side protection slope.)"
All types of soils including, laterite, morrum which can be excavated by means of mechanical excavator (but does not require crow bar, pick axe, chiseling or
Upto 1.50M from GL
"Augur Boring (Tractor/Truck mounted) - 350 dia upto 1000mm depth
""Providing, surveying, marking, boring with suitable manual means / mechanical drilling equipment mechnically operated augur (tractor / truck mounted)/ DTH
2 machine, for installation of Cast-in-situ bored concrete vertical piles, through all type of soil/ weathered rock/hard rock upto the specified depth and up to Rmt 28.00 140 3,920
100mm average height above finish ground level as indicated in the drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge."

"Laying of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) : Mix 1:1:2 (M25) (for fence post)"
"Laying of Plain Cement Concrete (PCC) as leveling course/ fill around foundations, pipes, floors on grade, water retaining structures, equipment foundations,
under foundations, flooring under bed, etc. including formwork, scaffolding & staging, materials, manpower, Tools & tackles, Consumeables etc. all complete as
per specification, drawings and direction of Engineer In Charge.
3 CUM 4.51 3,600 16,236
Mix 1:1:2 (1 cement: 1 coarse sand: 2 stone aggregate)(with graded stone aggregate of nominal size 20 mm)Complete as per Drawings, Specifications"

RMC (M25) shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by Employer.

"Erection & alignment of Galvanized Steel Gate with Box/pipe section (Single leaf)"

Loading, Transportation from Employer's store, unloading at site, Installing of gates built with galvanized steel tube (conforming to IS 1161) frames including
providing box/pipe section of rolled steel, channels for posts, hinges, bottom rollers, guide tracks, welded wire fabric (3.15mm wire, 50 mm square mesh size),
locking arrangements, handles, stoppers, pins etc all galvanized as per drawing, specification and as per direction of Engineer in charge.
4 Gate with Single leaf. MT 0.20 20,000 4,000
All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge."

Gate shall be provided as Free Issue Material (FIM) by employer.

"Providing, Erection and Alignment of Pre-cast Fence Pole (Vertical + Diagonal)"

Providing, Erection and Alignment of Pre-cast Fence Pole including Casting, Prestessing and Transporting Precast Concrete Post (150mmx100mmx2500mm,
Rectangle-Shaped), including providing and laying cement concrete of M30 (design mix or nominal mix as per IS:456:2000) with 16mm downgraded aggregate
including placing and fixing of 4mm dia high strength steel wires (as per IS 2090), stretching of wire as per requirement, shuttering, moulds, openings, recesses,
chamfering, tampering, curing and rendering required to give a smooth and even surface, hole arrangement or strap for fixing of barbed wire etc. all complete,
5 including the cost of shuttering & reinforcement for posts and panels etc. all complete as per specifications, drawings and as directed by engineer in charge. NOS 36.00 750 27,000
Transporting the posts from the manufacturing yard to work site in time will be in the scope of Contractor. Contractor has to submit the quality test report of
steel wire.
Pre-cast concrete post
All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge."


Supplying, Laying & Fixing Galvanized barbed wire which is made from 4 line wire of 2.5mm each confirming to IS 278 with Galvanizing requirement : 275 GSM
(minimum), fixed with steel supporting structures with all necessary accessories as shown in drawing etc. all complete including respective lifts, loading,
transporting, unloading including all machinery, manpower, tools & tackles, fuel, consumables etc. complete as per Drawings, Specifications and instruction of
6 Engineer in Charge. RMT 636.41 4 2,546
GI Barbed wire (Straight & Diagonal)
All complete as per drawing, specifications and as directed by Engineering in charge."
FIM: Barbed wire
Total of Fencing Work ( C) 53,993
i) Total Basic Amount (A+B+C) 1,189,181
ii) 5% Incentive, which shall be paid up on completion of per IDT 59,459
iii) 5% Incentive, which shall be paid Up on completion of total no. of IDT as per commitment/ SO 59,459
iv) Total Basic Amount including incentive (i+ii+iii) 1,308,099

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