Chapter 1

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2.1 Tofu dregs
Tofu pulp is a by-product in the processing of soy milk and tofu, which is 7part
large is the part of the soybean seed (including the skin) that is not extracted after the seed
soaked, ground and filtered. In Indonesia, there are about 84 thousand 7 parts of tofu, starting from
those that
household scale to large scale. Soybean needs for 7 parts of tofu reached 2.56 million
tons per year. Of this amount, the tofu dregs produced reached 1,024 million tons or about
40% of the total tofu production capacity. According to Adisarwanto (2008), soybean crops belong to
in its complete taxonomic family it is as follows :
Divisio : Spermatopyta
Sub : Angiosperms
: Plantae
: Dicotyledoneae
Order : Polypetales
Family : Leguminoseae
Sub Family Papilionoidaea
Genus : Glycine Figure 2.1 Tofu Dregs
Species : Glycine max (L.). Merr. (
Judging from its chemical composition, tofu pulp can be used as a source of protein. Dregs
tofu is of higher quality compared to soybeans. Prabowo et al., (1983) stated
that tofu pulp protein has a higher biological value than soybean seed protein in
raw state, since this ingredient comes from soybeans that have been cooked. As for the main
Tofu dregs are shown in the following Table 2.1.
Table 2.1 Nutritional Content of Tofu Pulp
Nutrients Tofu Dregs
Wet (%) Dry (%)
Dry matter 14,69 88,35
Crude Protein 2,91 23,39
Crude Fiber 3,76 19,44
Crude Fat 1,39 9,96
Ash 0,58 4,58
(Source: Buchori, 2012)

2.2 Grapefruit Peel Pectin (Citrus maxima)

2.2.1 Morphology and Taxonomy of Grapefruit Peel

The leaves of the plant are ovate and large in size, with a top or tip
blunt and the edge part of 7ebagi is flat, as well as the part near the end is slightly choppy. Fruits are
large in size and
thick-skinned, The fruit is round or ball-shaped that looks depressed. Red flesh color
young or pink. Compound grapefruit flowers. The roots of citrus plants are taproot.
Divisio : Magnoliophyta
Super division : Spermatophyta
Kingdom : Plantae
Subkingdom : Tracheobionta
Class : Magnoliopsida
Sub-classes : Rosidae
Order : Sapindales
Sub Family : Rutaceae
Genus :Citrus
Species : Citrus maxima Figure 2.2 Grapefruit Peel
2.2.2 Ingredients and Benefits of Grapefruit Peel
The peel of grapefruit fruits contains bioactive compounds such as 8seapartian8, alkaloids,
vitamin C,
lycopene, as well as the most dominant are pectin and 8ebagi. Grapefruit peel contains compounds
antioxidants, amounting to 44.71% (Rafsanjani and Widya. 2015) . According to Pambayun et al.
(2007) compounds
those that are antibacterial in grapefruit peel are a class of phenolic compounds. In addition to the
orange peel
Bali has essential oils that show antibacterial activity against eschericia coli bacteria
and Staphylococcus aureus (Saputra et al, 2017). The composition of the compounds of grapefruit peel
essential oil
8in large parts consist of compounds limonene (77.7-93.7%), myrcene (0.7-1.7%), n-octanal (0.6-2.6%),
linalool (0.4-1.9%), ndecanal (4-1.3%) which can be used as aromatherapy (Hidayah et al, 2018).
Limonene content sourced from various types of oranges is reported to have properties
antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and antiprotozoal with a wide spectrum (Goddess
and Subarnas, 2018).
2.3 Edible paper
2.3.1 Understanding Edible
The use of edible paper or 'edible paper' is common in the manufacture of
cake decoration. Even the Chinese have long used this paper to coat the candy to keep it
dry. This paper is white, very thin, thinner than oil paper and some are cut
rectangular, some are round. The use of natural antimicrobial ingredients tends to increase due to
consumers are increasingly concerned about the health and potential harms of synthetic preservatives.
Some types
Antimicrobial ingredients that can be added to edible packers include spices-
spices in the form of powders as well as essential oils such as cinnamon. Activity research results
edible antimicrobial packaging made from active essential oils, namely cinnamon has activity
moderately effective inhibition of microbes.

2.3.2 Edible Paper Function

Edible paper function as an inhibitor of water vapor transfer, inhibiting gas exchange,
prevents aroma loss, prevents fat transfer, improves physical characteristics, and
as a carrier of additives. edible paper made from tofu pulp and grapefruit peel two ingredients
which contains proteins and pectins in general are well used as displacement inhibitors
water vapor compared to ordinary wrapping paper. (Maulana, 2009)
2.3 Edible Paper Research Study

Table 1. Research Studies Related to Edible Paper

Researchers Research Title Raw Materials Testing
Nainggolan , Edible Paper With Preservatives Spinach, Mustard, Characteristics paper
Martogi P. E. Natural Extraction Carrots, Chickpeas, (gramature, absorbency
(2018) Cinnamon (Cinnamomum Cinnamon water, tensile
burmannii) resistance)
Wijayanti and Utilization of Arrowroot Flour Flour arrowroot Thickening Analysis, tensile
(Marantha arundinaceae l ) as and And sarbitol resistance, percent
Harijono (2015) sorbitol Edible Paper Manufacturing elongation, brightness,
Materials With the Addition of Sorbitol moisture content, the rate
of transmission of moisture.
This research is planned to be carried out from July to September 2022 in
3.1 Time andChemistry
Place Laboratory of SMA Negeri 3 Denpasar, the author's house which is located at Jl. Nangka
utara Gg.
Blibis No. 22 A Denpasar, and Biochemistry and Nutrition Lab, FTP, Udayana University.
3.2 Types of Research
This research is an exploratory descriptive study and an experiment using
Complete Randomized Design (RAL). Exploratory descriptive research identification by utilization
potential tofu pulp and grapefruit peel in edible paper. Experimental research is a study
which is objective, systematic, and controlled aims to determine the results of edible paper
made from tofu pulp extract and grapefruit peel pectin. This study has met three conditions
experimental research , namely the existence of variations (treatment and control), sample
randomization and replication
(repetition). In addition, a literature study was also carried out for the collection of theories on the
research that has collated with research.

Tofu Dregs Grapefruit Peel


Edible Paper
Organoleptic Test:
Enbnbn Proximate Analysis:
Characterization: 1. Scent
1. Water 2. Color
1. It is weighed
2. Ash 3. Texture
2. Water Absorption
3. Water Vapor 3. Protein 4. Appearance
Transmission Rate 4. Fat
4. Tensile Strength 5. Carbohydrates
Test (Tensile Test)

Data Analysis With

SPSS 17.00

Figure 3.1 Research Flowchart

3.4 Research Variables

The free variables in this study are (1) the tofu dregs used are the rest
making tofu based on soybeans Glycine max L, (2) the type of orange peel used is
type of grapefruit (Citrus maxima). As for the control variables that are controlled or made constant
each treatment i.e. the method of extraction of each material through stratified maceration, the
identification. From these free variables, a bound variable appears which is a parameter in
research. The bound variables in this study are the results of the characteristic test.
The design in the study is contained in appendix 1.
3.5 Research Tools and Materials
The tools used in this study were beker cups, spoons / stirrers, funnels, stoves
electric, measuring cup, glass cloth, oven, filter, blender, sieve, filter paper, digital scales, soil,
water, calipers, rulers, pipette drops.. The material used in this study is dregs
tofu, grapefruit peel, ethanol 96%, glycerin, CMC, (CH COOH) 1%, and aquades.

3.6 Research Procedure

The study was conducted in two stages. The first stage by conducting pectin isolation
grapefruit peel. The second stage, the process of making edible paper.
3.6.1 Tofu Dregs Extraction
Tofu dregs that have been collected from the process of making household and industrial
cleaned and squeezed
3.6.2 Insectin using of
Insulation gauze until an extract is obtained. Tofu dregs
next it is thoroughly washed and then boiled until boiling water, mashed and filtered to get
which is then filtered to obtain the extract.
Grapefruit peel was extracted with a 37% HCl solution at pH=2 heated to 90 o C.
Then the pectin solution is filtered to separate the filtrate. Further pectin filtrates added
with 96% ethanol three times the volume of the filtrate and stirred until homogeneous. After that,
the filtrate
allowed to stand for 10-14 hours. The pectin precipitate is then filtered. Next pectin is purified
with 96% ethanol. This is done until the pectin has a neutral pH. After which the pectin is drained
with an oven with a temperature of 100 0 C for 15 minutes. The result obtained dry pectin. (Perina et

3.6.3 Edible Paper Manufacturing Method

Table 3.1. Composition of Maxitos

Pulp extract Pectin Solution Glycerine
Treatment tofu (ml) (ml) (ml)
P1 150 50 1
P2 100 100 1
P3 50 150 1

3.6.4 Characterization Method of Edible paper Gramature Test (Nainggolan, 2018)
Gramature is the mass of a certain unit of area of a set paper or cardboard
through specific means of testing. Gramature is expressed in grams of square meters. For
paper gramatur used sample material measuring 10 cm x 10 cm. Gramature is determined by
weighing the sample material and dividing the weight by its area through the following equation:
Description :
m = mass of the test sample expressed in grams (g)
A = area of the test example, expressed in square centimeters
(cm2) Water Vapor Transmission Rate
536 (Mirah and Indira, 2020)
: 2010)
Testing the transmission rate of water vapor is carried out by placing edible paper measuring
3x3 cm
on a test tube containing 20 ml of water and placed on a desiccator for 1 day (24 hours).
The calculation of the water vapor transmission rate is based on the weight gain of the film after
testing, time
and extensive edible film. Water Absorption Test final sample weight - initial sample weight
testing time x large edible paper
The absorption test of edible paper water in this study refers to SNI 0103:2008. This test
aims to determine the magnitude of the percentage of water absorbed by the sample. Absorbency
water (water absorption) Testing is carried out by preparing tissues with a width of 1 cm and a length
of 7
cm, then the tissue is hung perpendicular to the surface of the water with one end dyed
1 cm deep. Then after 10 minutes the height of the water rise that permeates the edible paper is
and recorded the results. FTIR Test Procedure (Fourrier Transform Infra Red)
3.6.5 FTIR
testing Analysis
is carried Methods
out to determine the chemical bond of fibers at each stage of treatment Moisture
chemistry. The FTIRContent
machine (SNI 01-2891-1992)
used (Hapsari,
is the Nicolet iS10 2017)
FT-IR Spectometer,. Engine specifications i.e.
The aluminum
can be connected dish is dried
to a computer in the
using oven
a USB 2.0for 15electricity
PC, minutes, requirements
cooled in a desiccator
of 100-240 V and
for 10 minutes, then weighed and dried in a 105oC oven
spectrum range 7800 – 375 cm-1 using a KBr/Ge beam splitter. for 6 hours.
Next it is cooled in a desiccator for 15 minutes and weighed. The cup and its contents
Dried Back until obtained a constant weight (C). The water content of the example can be calculated
the following equation:

Notes: A: weight of the initial sample (grams), B: weight

of sample and cup after drying (grams), C: weight of
empty cup (grams), bb: wet weight, bk: dry weight.
Water Level
Water Level
Water Level
Water Level Ash Content (SNI 01-2891-1992) (Hapsari, 2017)

The sample is dried in the oven for 15 minutes, then cooled and weighed (A). Sample
with a certain weight (B) put in a saucer, then burned until it does not expel
smoke again. Furthermore, weeding is carried out in the electric furnace at a temperature of 400-
600oC for 4-6
hours until the formation of ash is white and has a constant weight. Ash and saucer cooled
in the desiccator, then weighed (C). the ash content of the example can be calculated by the following

content Ash content

Ash content And ash content
Ash content Fat Content of Soxhlet Method (SNI 01-2891-1992) (Hapsari, 2017)
The sample in filter paper is dried. Then it is inserted into the sleeve and put in
into the soxhlet extraction tool is connected with a condenser and the fat flask is added solvent
hexana. Furthermore, extraction is carried out for 6-17 hours. The solvent is distilled and re-
Then the fat flask containing the extracted fat is dried, cooled, and weighed.
Drying is repeated until it reaches a fixed weight. Fat content is calculated by the following equation:

Description: W: Weight of sample (grams), W1: Weight of

Fat content pumpkin+ fat (grams), W2: Weight of pumpkin (grams) Protein Levels (AOAC 960.52) (Hapsari, 2017)

Example Note:
Example FK : Convection Factor
Protein Content Carbohydrate Levels (Hapsari, 2017)

The calculation of carbohydrate levels is carried out by means of difference with the

Carbohydrate Content (%Water + %ash + %protein + %Fat)

3.7 Data Analysis Methods
The data that has been collected in this study, both from the results of experiments and literature
analyzed by qualitative-quantitative comparative descriptive analysis techniques where the paper is
explaining the object being studied and the calculation of research results. As for each of them-
each test requires an analysis technique using several equations which then
processed in table form and converted back into diagram form to make it easier

Making tofu pulp begins with mixing tofu pulp extract and pectin solution
grapefruit peel according to the composition in Table 3.1. Next stirred with a stirrer until
as well as by heating at a temperature of 700C for 2 hours. The solution of tofu dregs- pectin is then
and poured into a previously cleaned petri dish mold or melanin plate.
Edible paper dried at 110oC for 120 minutes

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