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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle.

DATE: February 28
Your Task:

Find the best online deal to purchase a computer. I am giving you an amount of Php 75,000.00 to purchase it. Think of
what your needs might be use the following two options as a guide:

1) a typical “business laptop” to be used by a college/university student, who will need basic web browsing, word processing
and spreadsheet applications.

2) a high-powered desktop or tower PC to be used for 3D design, gaming or video and audio recording and editing software.

THERE ARE 3 PARTS – Complete the project using this template. Type all your answers in spaces provided. The table will
expand as necessary to accommodate your answers.

PART 1_20 POINTS: Read the article: "9 KeyThings to Know Before You Buy a New Computer" using the link below. Answer
the questions in the space provided below.
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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28

*If you cannot find an answer to a question in the article, go to Google Search and type the question in the search window.

“9 Things to Know Before You Buy a Computer Questions”

1. List two reasons why “buying a computer is no easy task”?
Answer: Buying a computer is no easy task, and with the cost of many of the machines out on the market today, you want to make sure you’re making the right
purchase so you don’t blow your money on something that stops meeting your demands within a year. Not all machines are created equal, and unless you’re
pretty familiar with computer hardware, you might have a hard time determining just how unequal they are. Of course, not all computer users’ needs are equal,
so you might not need certain things included in a computer, especially not if those features are pushing up the price.

2. What is the main differences between the two types of computers?

Answer: This is probably one of the simplest choices to make, and one that can have a big impact on the overall cost of your computer, including expenses that
might not come right at the time of the purchase. In general, if a laptop and desktop are boasting all of the same performance specs, the desktop will be
cheaper. It might not make sense, since it’s a bigger piece of hardware, but the ability to cram a lot of components into a small space and the need for a battery
is what ups the price of the laptop — notice the premium paid for Apple’s thinner devices.

3. What is a “processor”?
Answer: The simplest way to explain the processor is that it’s the brain of the machine. If you want a fast computer that boots up programs in a flash, completes
tasks as soon as you start them, and doesn’t keep you waiting, then you want the strongest processor available — and who doesn’t? You just have to know what
you’re looking at when you see a processor’s details.

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
4. How are processor size and speed measured?
Answer: the short and simple of processors is in the number of cores and the speed (labelled in GHz or Gigahertz) of the processor. The speed of the chip will tell
you how much data it can process in how much time, so the bigger the number, the better. The number of cores functions as a multiplier, as the processor is
actually a stack of cores that each run at the listed speed (e.g. a single-core 2GHz processor is a lot slower than a four-core 2GHz processor).

5. What is Random Access Memory (RAM)?

Answer: Just as the number of processor cores in a computer affects its speed and ability to multitask, the amount of Random Access Memory, or RAM.

6. What is RAM function in a computer?

Answer: in a computer can affect just how much multitasking it can handle and how fast it will be. RAM is basically a small, extra-fast form of memory (like L1,
L2, or L3 cache, but bigger and slower).

7. How is RAM measured?

Answer: Nowadays most RAM is measured in gigabytes, and as is often the case, the more, the merrier. By having more RAM, your computer is able to keep
more data close at hand, rather than having to go digging around through the slower hard drive for the information it needs. Of course, because RAM is smaller,
there is only so much room for data. That’s why it’s useful to have more RAM if you want to keep multiple tasks going at the same time, and to be able to jump
between them relatively quickly. If you’re also guilty of having too many web browser windows open at the same time, more RAM will make that a lot easier.

8. Google: Why is RAM called temporary memory?

Answer: RAM is often called a volatile or temporary memory because the information stored in RAM is lost if the power supply is turned off.

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
9. Hard Drives are considered permanent storage where all applications and files are stored. There are two types of Hard Drives. List them and
explain the difference between the two.
Answer: HDD (hard disk drive) and SSD (solid-state drive).
A computer hard disk drive (HDD) is a non-volatile data storage device. ... They can store operating systems, software programs and other files using magnetic
disks. More specifically, hard disk drives control the reading and writing of the hard disk that provides data storage.
An SSD, or solid-state drive, is a type of storage device used in computers. This non-volatile storage media stores persistent data on solid-state flash memory.
SSDs replace traditional hard disk drives (HDDs) in computers and perform the same basic functions as a hard drive.

10. Google: If you use a lot of Web Applications, do you need a larger Hard Drive? Explain your answer.
Answer: Yes, A larger hard drive can support a larger page file. According to Microsoft, the maximum page file size is 16TB, however most computers use just
single-digit GBs of space. For example, an 8GB page file will work the same on a 20GB hard drive and a 500GB hard drive.

11. Which one should you consider for your computer?

Answer: Whether you're buying a laptop, desktop or tablet computer, it's essential that you take the time to consider the device's processor, hard drive,
memory, graphics card and operating system before making your purchase. These five components make up the meat and potatoes of your computer.

12. What are peripherals?

Answer: The peripherals on your computer are going to be pretty specific to your needs, so you’ll need to think about whether you’ll need them, and just how
many of them you want. You may want ten USB ports but not have a care in the world about having a DVD drive. On the other hand, you may do everything
online and just want as few holes in your machine as possible for soda to spill into and frazzle the circuitry.

13. List all the peripherals (6) that are discussed in the article.
Answer: Hard drive, RAM, HDMI, SD Slot, USB, processor.

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
14. What are Mac OS, Windows, and Linux?
Answer: Desktops, laptops, smartphones, and other devices run on the Windows operating system. Computers, servers, and several embedded systems use
Linux. Mac is primarily used on desktops and not recommended for servers due to its high cost.

15. Which one should you consider and why?

Answer: Windows, Windows makes it possible to complete all types of everyday tasks on your computer. For example, you can use Windows to browse the
Internet, check your email, edit digital photos, listen to music, play games, and do much more.

16. Google: How do you measure screen size? What is the best computer screen size for me?
Answer: The size of a desktop computer monitor is determined by physically measuring the screen. Using a measuring tape, start at the top-left corner and pull it
diagonally to the bottom-right corner. Be sure to only measure the screen; do not include the bezel (the plastic edge) around the screen
What is the best computer screen size for me?
A handful of monitors smaller than 20 inches are available, but most are between 21 and 30 inches across. Larger monitors provide more work space for
complex programs with lots of onscreen menus such as photo editors and spreadsheets, so if you're an average user, aim for a monitor no smaller than 21

17. Google: How do you measure screen resolution?

Answer: The Screen resolution is generally measured as width x height in pixels. For example resolution 1920 x 1080 means the 1920 pixels is width and 1080
pixels is height of the screen.

18. Google: What is the meaning of integrated graphics?

Answer: Integrated graphics is a GPU built into the processor. Integrated graphics hardware doesn't use a separate memory bank for graphics/video. Instead, the
GPU uses system memory that is shared with the CPU.
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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28

19. Google: What is meant by dedicated graphics?

Answer: Dedicated graphics cards are an individual piece of hardware that comes with their own memory. This means they will utilize their own RAM to handle
your system's graphic performance, leaving the in-built memory untouched. Dedicated graphics cards are perfect for hardcore gaming and heavy rendering

20. Google: integrated graphics or dedicated graphics for gaming? Why?

Answer: Integrated graphics cards use drastically less power than their dedicated counterparts which increases battery life while also decreasing the amount of
heat generated. If you're only going to use your computer for run-of-the-mill, vanilla-type graphics processing, then an integrated unit will more than meet your

21. What is the most important thing to consider when buying a computer?
Answer: When buying a new computer, there are three things you should concern yourself with when considering the processor: Power consumption, value, and
performance. Which aspect is more important to you depends entirely on personal preference.

22. Why should you wait for price reductions (Sale)?

Answer: Because of the technological advancement, the computers can be produced at a lower cost when compared to the decades ago. As technology has
improved, he price of the computers have declined radically lowering their cost of production. Specially advances in communications technology.

23. At the end of the article it states “One Last Tidbit.” What is it?
Answer: After all the Meaty knowledge that was given there is a dessert in the end. Go ahead and ask a salesperson to give you a deal. Maybe they won’t bump
down the price of the computer, but if you’re going to need a mouse, a keyboard, a monitor, or any other device to go with your computer, see if they will cut
off sales tax or give you some other discount for purchasing the items together. You will often be pleasantly surprised.

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28

PART 2_30 POINTS: Find 3 separate price quotes from online suppliers. Create a neat table to compare the different systems
based on the following criteria

Criteria System A System B System C

Online PC Central PC Bulacan Power Mac Center

Brand Acer Acer, AMD, Intel Apple Inc.
Model PH315-53-53KP MHK03PP/A
Model Predator Helios 300 iMac
Link to https:// https://
Web Page product/MHK03PP-A
products/copy-of-acer- pcbulacan/
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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
Cost of Php Php Php
Item 64,999 Monitor= 64,99
13600 9
Cm mb600l
v2 =2700
8x2 gb of
fury beast =
keyboard =

Extended 1 years 1 year 1 year


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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
Shipping/ Php 557 Php 250 Php
Delivery 500
Sales Tax Php Php Php
@7% 4549 4693.06 4549
Total Cost Php Php Php
70,105 72193.06 70,04

CPU Type Intel Intel® Dual-

& Speed Core i5- Core™ i5- core
10300H 12400F 7th-
GHz 2.5- Processor gener
4.5 GHz 4.40 GHz ation
GHz –

RAM Kingston 8 GB
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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
Hard Drive 256 GB 1TB
Size 256G
Monitor/ 39.6 cm 68.6 cm 21.5-
Screen (15.6") (27") inch
Monitor/ Full HD 1920
Screen resolution x
Resolution (1920 x 1080
Full HD
1080) (Full
1920 x
Operating Window 10 Apple
System Window macO
s 10 S Big
upgrada Sur
ble to 11.0

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
Software Window Window Apple
included 365, 365 and iTunes
Avast Anti virus ,
Anti Apple
Virus, Mac
Predator OS X
Sense, Mail,
Planet9 Apple

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
PART 3_20 POINTS: After completing the Table, type at least 250 words (12 size font, double spaced) comparing the
three systems and explaining why you would select one of the systems over the others. Base your reasoning on the
computer system’s overall components and not solely on price. Type your essay below, check for errors, print the entire
document, and hand in.

*Be sure to include an introduction, body, comparing components of the three computers, and conclusion.

After the researchers have done their interview about the product that we are presenting, the researchers found out that people have different tastes

for the gadgets that they are using, some people are looking for better performance in gaming others are just going for daily use of computer and

some people want better security and only office use.

System A is Predator Helios 300 is a gaming laptop that can go head-to-head with most computers this has a max speed of 4.5 GHz and its memory

LPDDR4 SDRAM that has standard 8GB can be Upgradeable to 32GB 2933hz DDR4 giving you more than what you need to play most games also

predator comes with exclusive software. On System B which is a computer built for the first advantage of a computer is that any parts that have

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
broken down or have an issue I can easily replace unlike a laptop or MacBook most part on the computer is also upgradeable, as you can see in the

table system B performs much better than system A in many ways from CPU types, RAM, HDD and monitor screen has a bigger size, but in software

included there will be a difference and also it is harder to travel with a computer than traveling with a laptop. For the final system which is iMac, an

Apple Inc. Product where it is known for its security. Although the most aggressive in specifications, iMac’s operating system is getting much better

and better, which is OS X. It gave iMacs a boost from being a hobbyist computer to being a professional computer admired by many. Even with the

pricey cost, iMacs never fail to give what you pay for. If you want a bold and strong design that is also small and professional, as well as high-end

performance, an iMac is a great choice. However, it's important to keep in mind that having an iMac limits your capacity to modify or update the

device, and that might be a setback. When it comes to graphics and games, the iMac isn't the best choice because many other computers provide a

higher-quality output at a lesser price.

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GROUPWORK#1 – NAME: Dionisio,Raymond. Dipon,Rafael. Francisco,Danielle. Tagala,Gilman
DATE: February 28
The final conclusion about this is if you want to play games also travel then go with System A which is the laptop, if you only want to stay home or

have a private computer, play video games and making your money really worth it then go with System B which is the computer cause you can replace

any broken parts and can be upgradable, for the final one which is if you want more security and more on office usage only then you should go for

System B.

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