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Jumpstart your Conference Paper(2/2)

Prof Lester Davids, PhD (UCT), Executive MBA (UCT)

How do we choose a
conference ?...
However you do, do it
Don’t wait until you feel “ready” to present something

Discuss travel plans and conference attendance when

you sign up for your degree (stick it into that MoU!!)

If your funding does not include a travel budget, look

for other options

- Student scholarships; Conference awards etc.

Academic rigour; Quality
of Speakers; Academic
experience; Break onto
the international scene

“I want to see the World”; Explore

beautiful places; Expand my
travel experience…oh!
And share my research!
What kind of conference would you choose?
Meetings of International associations
- Largest conferences
- Important players in your field
- They may have their own journal
National Meetings
- “testing the waters”
- Smaller audience; comfortable first step
Industry Events
- Networking opportunity
Specialised Workshops
- Networking opportunity
- Small, but FOCUSSED group of researchers
Group Task :

As a group, discuss the following questions :

1. What is my ultimate aim for attending the

conference ?
2. What type of paper can I present at the
3. What would I prefer to present :
(poster vs presentation) and why?
[15 mins]
Group Task :

As a group, discuss the following questions :

1. What is my ultimate aim for attending the

conference ?
An Experience, and the Experience
For my CV

Increased understanding of the field

Forced ?
3-Step Practical Plan towards a Conference

Step 1: Plan your TIME (estimated 37 hours)

Step 2: The Conference (3-5 days)

Step 3: The Aftermath (1 week)

Planning towards a Conference Psst!! Make a LIST!!

Step 1: Plan your TIME (estimated 37 hours)

- Review the conference information (est. 1hr)

- Location, airfare, budget, visa application

- Writing and submitting your abstract (est. 2hr)

- Include basic elements = Background,
Hypothesis, Problem statement/argument,
Methods, Results, Conclusions
Writing and submitting your abstract
[1/2 page]

• What is the problem/your concern?

• Why is the problem important and why should it
be studied?
• How are you trying to solve the problem? Which
methods are you using?
• What’s the answer (initial) of applying these
• What are the implications of this answer?

Attempt to briefly answer these questions in a

[20-25 mins]
Planning towards a Conference Psst!! Make a LIST!!

Step 1: Plan your TIME (estimated 37 hours)

- Review the conference information (est. 1hr)

- Location, airfare, budget, visa application

- Writing and submitting your abstract (est. 2hr)

- Include basic elements = background,
hypothesis, problem statement/argument,
methods, results, conclusions

- Writing and submitting your paper/poster (est. 20hr)

Use the 4-4-6 Rule [4hrs/day for 6 weeks]
Planning towards a Conference Psst!! Make a LIST!!

Step 1: Plan your TIME (estimated 37 hours)

- Preparing a presentation- (6hr)

- Rule of Thumb: Every min of public speaking
= 1hr prep
- Titles, figures, fonts, colours, clarity, slides vs
posters…(more later on ppt)
- Practicing a presentation (est. 4hr)
- Practice, practice and…practice!

- Conference admin (est. 4hr)

- Bookings – hotels, flights, foreign currency!
Planning towards a Conference
Step 2: The Conference (3-5 days)

- Arriving and the night before the conference…

- Ensure that you arrive at least 24hr before

- Make sure that you can pick up the Conf pack

BEFORE the conf starts and not on the morning of the
- You need that Abstract book!! Plan!

- Check for any last minute changes to the schedule

Planning towards a Conference
Step 2: During the Conference

- Networking..before, during and after!!

- Networking..act like a magnet!
- Networking..utilize the coffee breaks; but don’t get
caught with the freebies!!

- Take LOADS of notes!! (all aspects)..

- Exhibitions – get an idea of life outside academia

- Exhibitions – attend talks (if you have the time) =
innovation and latest trending methods and

San Giorgio Maggiore at Dusk, 1908

Claude Monet
Spoken communication:

This is the means of communication that is the most

current and focussed.

Your top 2 fears?...

The Top Ten Fears (from the book of lists)

10 Dogs

9 Loneliness
8 Flying
7 Death
6 Sickness and suffering
It is also the method of
5 Deep Water
communication that is
4 Financial problems most FEARED!
3 Insects and bugs
2 Heights
1 Speaking before a group
So, in order to present optimally, what do you need to do?

Firstly overcome your FEAR!

The first 15% of the preparation of a presentation is

mental…”its not what you have on your slides, its
what you have in your head”

Say to yourself, “I am going to WOW them!”

Now, BELIEVE yourself !!

There are things you can do about your mental
attitude that can set yourself up for success

1. Get a good nights rest (be fresh)

2. Concentrate on the message, not on yourself

This should help reduce your fear by 15%

Preparation – 75%

Rehearsal and preparation reduce your fear

by 75%*
1. Research the topic
2. Time yourself

3. Practice, Practice, Practice!!

Try to practice/rehearse in situ if possible….(or

to anyone who will listen…)
* L Walters, ‘Secrets of Successful Speakers’ Struik Publishers 1994)
The last 10% - BREATHE!

Our breathing goes out the window when we are nervous

Be aware that one speeds up speech when nervous


Avoid distractions; gestures etc.


The audience WANTS you to do well. They are there to

have a good time. They are on your side.

Know that you are doing your best. No one can do

more than that.

Use your butterflies to turn anxiety into excitement and

3-Step Practical Plan towards a Conference

Step 1: Plan your TIME (estimated 37 hours)

Step 2: The Conference (3-5 days)

Step 3: The Aftermath (1 week)

Planning towards a Conference
Step 3: The Aftermath (1 week)

- Networking..before, during and after!!

- Place all the business cards and contacts in a
folder/file to keep safe; categorise?
- Update socials – FB, LinkedIn, Twitter etc.
- Reports/Ppts for the lab, funders (use those notes);
reimbursements !! (2hrs)..use flight/s
- Reconnect with the lab/dept/faculty (1 day)
- Recharge!! Conferences are tiring; time in a country
is expensive; return to recharge…

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