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Once upon a time there lived a girl named Nina Bobok. She lived with her mother in
a small house in a village. Firstly Nina lived happy with her mother although they
were poor. But since she was teenager, she started to felt shy because she was
poor. One day

Mom : “Nina, can you help me to sell these vegetables, I am getting a headache.”
Nina : “No, Mom. I don’t want to help you. I am shy with my friends Mom”
Mom : “Please Nina we must buy our need, so we must sell these vegetables to get
the money.”
Nina : “Ok, Mom. I will sell these vegetables.but remember mom remember just for
this time"”

And then Nina went to the market to sell the vegetables. But in the market, no one
wanted to buy her vegetables. She felt so tired and she gave up. Finally she went
home without a result, but on the way home, she felt sleepy then she overslept
under the big tree. And then she dreamed.

Nina :"Argh… … I'm so tired guys, I'm so shy with my friends,I'm so sleepy I want to sleep
in here."
Angel :”Hi Nina Bobo, I have a good solution for your problem.”
Nina :”Who are you?”
Angel :”I’m the Lucky angel, I will bring luck for someone who need help.”
Nina :”Are you serious? But, how?”
Angel :”Yes, I’m serious, if you want to change your life, use it. With this teapot, you
can call a genie. And she will grant your wish.
Nina :”Are you serious, but how I can call her?”
Angel :”It’s easy. You just say the mantra, CAKCULAY NABUY NABUY CAKCULAY
Nina :”But?”

Then the angel disappeared and Nina wake up from her sleep.

Nina :”OMG, what is that? Can I use it, I forget the mantra hmm, ok CAKCULAY
Genie :”Hello my lord? Finally there is someone call me.”
Nina :”Who are you?’’
Genie :”Well my lord I am a genie because you can release me, I will give you two
wishes, yes ask the best wishes because you can’t ask more than two. Do
you understand my lord?”
Nina :”Are you serious? You can grant my wishes? Ok I want to be rich so I want
much money!”
Genie :”Just it my lord? It’s easy for me. This is your money my lord."

Firstly Nina was very happy with her wealth she could buy a big house, cars and
everything she wanted, but day by day she felt worry if someday someone would
take her wealth. Then Nina wanted to meet with genie again for last wishes.

Nina :”Genie please listen to me.”

Genie :”What happened my lord, are you ok?”
Nina :”Genie I really miss my last life, I miss to be free girl although I was in the
poor condition. Now I know that wealth doesn’t always bring happiness for me,so I
want to back my last life ”
Genie :”What? Are you serious my lord? You are not happy to be rich you want to be
poor again? I can’t believe it. Ok I will grant your wishes. But I hope you’ll be
happy all the time.’’

Finally Nina was back to her last life, she lived in small house, she was poor but she
was free and happy. She realized that wealth doesn’t always bring happiness.

Moral Message:

“Happiness should not be found but happiness should be created.”

Chindria Cahya Ramadani


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