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Responsible Minerals Initiative

Revision Date: 09 August 2021

Risk Readiness Assessment

Review Process

RMI’s vision is that mineral supply chains contribute positively to social economic development
globally. RMI serves as an umbrella organization for the voice of progressive industry to support
responsible mineral production and sourcing broadly and convenes stakeholders to continually
shape dialogue and practices. Working with its stakeholders, RMI is evolving business practices to
support responsible mineral production and sourcing globally, including but not limited to conflict-
affected and high-risk areas, providing companies with tools and resources that improve
regulatory compliance, align with international standards, and support industry and stakeholder

To help achieve this purpose, we maintain governance processes to oversee the developmentof
these tools and resources and ensure their global applicability, continual improvement and
alignment with international best practices.

The Risk Readiness Assessment (RRA) is a voluntary self-assessment and self-reporting tool for any
minerals and metals producers and processors to assess and communicate their environmental,
social and governance management practices and performance. The RRA uses benchmarked
industry ‘norms’ derived from a comparison of over 50 commonly used voluntary sustainability
standards (VSS) in minerals supply chains (a ‘Standards Comparison’) and is representative of good
management practice for over 30 issue areas covering the main themes of environment,
governance, human rights, community, and labor. The RMI, in collaboration with TDI Sustainability,
developed the methodology for the RRA, which includes the approach to selecting the issue areas
and the VSS reviewed to establish the benchmark on which the RRA norms are based.

An executive summary of the RRA methodology can be found here: ry.pdf.

The RRA is accessible on the RBAOnline platform.

This document defines the review process the RMI follows to ensure that:
1. The VSS, issue areas and norms used for the Standards Comparison are up to date and
representative of the current landscape in mineral supply chains; and,
2. External stakeholders are provided with opportunities to provide feedback and input on the

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Responsible Minerals Initiative

VSS, issue areas, and norms within the RRA.

The RMI will leverage its existing committees, working groups, and procedures for the review
of the RRA.


2.1 RMI Staff

The RMI sets the terms for the use of the RRA and how it can be publicly presented and promoted.
The RMI staff are responsible for the development, maintenance, and promotionof the RRA and are
supported by the RMI Mining Engagement Team, the RMI Steering Committee, and other relevant
RMI working groups.

The RMI staff consult with the RMI working groups on aspects of the RRA, including the number
and range of the RRA’s ‘issue areas’, the technical content of the RRA’s industry ‘norms’, the review
of VSS included in the Standards Comparison, the updating of the RRA and its methodology, and
the scope and timing of public consultations.

2.2 RMI Steering Committee

The RMI Steering Committee consists of a cross-section of elected RBA and RMI members
representatives. The Steering Committee is responsible for the strategic guidance and direction of
the RMI and takes all final decisions on the inclusion and the substance of RMI’sassessment
systems, standards and compliance tools, including the RRA.

2.3 RMI Standards Advisory Group

The RMI Standards Advisory Group is a multi-stakeholder group of subject matter experts that
consider and advise on steps to ensure that the technical aspects and design of the RMI’s standards,
tools, and systems are of high quality and aligned with best practices. The range of expertise in the
Standards Advisory Group may be evaluated from time to time in order to ensure expertise relevant
to the scope of the RMI’s standards, includingthe RRA, is present in the composition of its
membership. This group may provide technical guidance for the development and implementation
of the RRA and make recommendations for review by the RMI Steering Committee.

2.4 RMI Mining Engagement Team

The RMI Mining Engagement Team (MET) is a RMI working group comprised of RMI members
(upstream/ downstream), commodity associations, and voluntary standards systems. The MET
identifies and implements practical steps to strengthen linkages, facilitate communication and
promote the recognition of responsible practices among mineral supply chain actors across
industries and value chains.

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Responsible Minerals Initiative


The RMI reviews the RRA periodically. Reviews covering the full scope of the RRA are usuallyinitiated
within five years or less from the date of adoption of the previous version of the RRA. Issue-based
reviews on specific ‘issue areas’ or other aspects of the RRA may take place at any time to address
matters considered important by the RMI, its advisors and stakeholders. Both periodic and issue-
based reviews consider comments from stakeholders,new scientific and regulatory developments,
effectiveness of the RRA as measured by monitoring undertaken by RMI, and other factors the RMI
considers relevant.

3.1 Consultation with Voluntary Sustainability Standard Systems (VSS)

The RRA’s scope of issue areas and the industry norms it invokes are based on a benchmark analysis of
VSS frequently used in global minerals supply chains. The number and framing of the RRA’s issue areas
is anticipated to evolve over time as new and different risks emerge and company and societal
priorities shift. Furthermore, the requirements of VSS change as they are periodically updated, and
new VSS are developed and implemented. The RMI tracks and monitors these changes to ensure that
the RRA remains representative of the contemporary VSS landscape.The RMI directly engages and
consults with VSS to ensure the accuracy of the RRA.

The RMI will reach out to VSS to invite their comments during public consultation periods.VSS may
also submit comments and give feedback on the RRA or consult with the RMI at any time.

3.2 Public consultation

The RMI will seek to generate input and views on the RRA from a public audience.The RMI will
determine the scope of the public review and draft proposed changes to the RRA. Appropriate
notification and information on the consultation timeline and access to relevant documentation
will be made available through the RMI mailing list and via its website. Public consultation periods
continue for at least thirty calendar days.

Comments and information gathered through public consultation are logged and, where
appropriate and possible, the RMI will respond to comments from stakeholders either individually
or through public fora. Suggestions and comments will be considered by the RMI and summarized
for review and discussion with relevant RMI working groups. Following the review period, RMI staff
will submit the updated documents to the Steering Committee, including a summary of comments
received and responses to those comments,and documentation of the development process. The
Steering Committee will either approve the changes or return the documents to the RMI for further

In addition, the RMI invites and welcomes comments on the RRA at any time, from any

© 2021 Responsible Business Alliance, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Responsible Minerals Initiative

individual or organization. The RMI provides instructions for submitting comments on its
website. The RMI acknowledges receipt of comments received and when possible, and
appropriate, will provide a preliminary response to the substantive issues raised in the comment
in a timely fashion.

3.3 Topics for consultation and evaluation of comments

In evaluating comments received through consultation, the RMI considers their merits, guided
by the following criteria for whether the comment:
• Reflects new and emerging best or leading practices;
• Reflects new and emerging international standards and normative requirements;
• Addresses gaps in current risk area coverage of the RRA;
• Applies to the scope of the RRA (global reach/industry sector/topic or risk area);
• Enhances RRA implementation effectiveness;
• Contributes to clarity of language of the RRA.

In its consultations with RMI bodies and committees, VSS and the general public, the RMI seeks to
engage stakeholders and solicit comment on many aspects of the RRA, including for example
which VSS should be included in the Standards Comparison and which issue areas should be
included in the RRA. The RRA Methodology describes the methodology that is used to determine
the RRA’s issue areas and the industry norms, as well as some of the process steps taken to
develop and maintain the RRA.

© 2021 Responsible Business Alliance, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


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