CB101 FA 009 Tapbo TS2 20140218

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Ourret: o147/ca101/5.82 18" Febuary 2014 ByPost Tapbo Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. Unit2, 12F, Yoo Kuk Indus Centr, 55 Yee Kuk Steet, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong An: Me. James Chow Dear Si, Contract No. HY/2009/15, Central-Wan Chai Bypass ~ Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon Shelter Section) ‘Sub-Contract Agreement C5101/009 ~ Spoll Removal ment of Final Account (Revi ract Works at Zone TS2 Wie detail below for your agreement the Statement of Final Account (revised) in respect ofthe captioned Sub-Convacl Works completed at Zone TS2. ‘STATEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT FOR ZONE TS2 Ks, 41. Total Value of Work Executed 15,833,088.46 2. Less: Contra Charges (6278,564.16) ‘Agreed Final Account HK$: 9,654,424.30 3. Less: Retention Money 4. Less: Previous Paid (6.608 ‘Outstanding Balance HKS: 1,087, 838.03 IT1S HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. the sum of HK$9,654,424.30 [Hong Kong Dollars Nine Millon Six Hundred Fifty Four Thousand Four Huncred Twenty Four and Cants Tit] isthe agreed final ‘account value for the Sub-Contract Warks at Zone TS2 executed by the Sub- Contractor under the Sub-Contrec; and 2. the Payment by Bachy Soletanche Group Limited of the agreed final account value iS made Io full and final settlement of ll sums arising under the Sub- Contract at Zone TS2-and of all claims in tort of contract whether ratified or otherwise, curenty existing of arising inthe flue, aiing out of, connected ‘thorn any way fling to the Sub-Contract; and ‘3. you hereby warrant thal there aro no wages, government levies, taxes or other ‘Monies due and awing by you arising out ‘of, connected with or in any way relating to the Sub-Contract: and ESE Eee ‘Seo cases Page 2 Our o147/081015..2 18 February 2014 4. you hereby warrant thatthe foregoing statements do not relieve you of any of your labites or oblgatons under the terms and conditions of the Sub- Contract incising without limitation your liabities and obigations in respect of the quality and suffcency ofthe completed Sub-Contraet Works: and 5. you warrant thatthe person countrsigning hereunder on your behalf has the Power o enter into this agreement and has obtained all necessary approvals 0 oo Please confirm your acceptance of the Final Account and the outstanding belance Indicated above and the foregoing disclimes by signing the attached duplicate copy of ths eter, chopped with your company chop, and retum to this office at your eatlest convenience. Upon receipt of your contieation, a payment certiieate for the Outstanding Balance wil be issued fo you and processed in accordance withthe terms ofthe Works Order. In tho event that you have any queries concerning tha Statement of Final account, please contact ourMr. Wilson Ho on 9876-9460, Yours fall, Senior Project Manag for ang on bohal of BACHY SOLETANCHE GROUP LIMITED DEVI Enc ig BACHY SOLETANCHE ROMER ARS Ourref: 0147/0810115.8.2 18" February 2014 By Post ‘Tapbo Civil Engineering Co., Lid Unit2, 12), Yee Kuk Indusial Centre, 555 Yeo Kuk Steet, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowoon, Hong Kong ‘Ain: Mr. James Chow Dear Sir, Contract No, HY/2009016, Central Wan Chai Bypass - Tunnel (Causeway Bay Typhoon Sholter Section) ‘Sub-Contract Agreement C8101/008 ~ Spoil Removal ‘Stat (Revised) for Sub-Contract We We detal below for your agreement the Statement of Final Account (revised) in respect ofthe captioned Sub-Canvact Works completed at Zone TS2. STATEMENT OF FINAL ACCOUNT FOR zone Ts2 tks. 1. Total Value of Work Executed 15,933,088.48 2. Less: Contra Charges (6:278,664.16) ‘Agreed Final Account HKS: 9,654,424.30 3. Less: Retention Money (0.00) 4, Less: Previous Paid (6,606.586.27) Outstanding Balance HKS: 1,047,638.03, ITIS HEREBY AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. the sum of HK$9,654, 424.30 [Hong Kang Doar Nin Willon Six Hundred Fifty FFour Thousand Four Hunsred Twenty Four and Cents Thirty] i the agroed foal ‘account valus forthe Sub-Contract Works at Zone TS2 executed by the Sub- Contractor under the Sub-Contact and 2. the Payment by Bachy Soletanche Group Limited of the agreed final account value is made In full and final seltoment of all sums arising under the SUD= Contract at Zone TS2 and ofall claims in tortor contract whether notified or otherwise, curenty existing or arising inthe future, arising out of, connectod with orn any way relating to the Sub-Contract; and 8. you hereby warant that there are no wages, government loves, taxa or other ‘monies due and owing by you afsing out of, connected with or in any way relating fo the Sub-Contract and aoe ume: ie & BACHY soLeTANcHe zoe RRR S Page 2 Ourref: o1a7IcB101882 18" February 2014 4. you hereby warrant that the foregoing statements do not rleve you of any of Your labities or obligations under the terms and conditions of the Sub- Contract including without limitation your libilites and obligations in respect of the quay and suficieny ofthe completed Sub-Contact Works; and ‘5. you warrant that the person countersigning hereunder on your behalf has the Power to enter into this agreement and has obtained all necessary approvals to 080. Pease confim your acceptance of the Final Account and the oustanding balance Indicated above and the foregoing disclaimer by signing tho attached duplicate copy of this llr, chopped with your company chop, and retum to this offee at your earest Convenience. Upon receipt of your confirmation, a payment certificate for the ‘Outstanding Balance wil be ised to you and processed in accordance with the terms ofthe Works Order. In the event that you have any queries concoming the Statement of Final account, please contact our Me. Wilson Ho on €876-0460, sony ar - is ewe HT eee alate (e(etast > aszwonks =. ase ee te Snares Sees oy ae Min be ee ee Bites oN

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