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CLASS: VIII Chapter Coal and petroleum - Revision questions


1. Refining is the process of separating various components or fractions of

petroleum. (transforming crude oil in to important products)
2. The world’s first oil well was drilled in Pennsylvania .
3. Distillation is the process of separating the components of a liquid
through selective evaporation and condensation.
4. Fractional distillation is a process by which components in a chemical
mixture are separated into different parts (called fractions) according to
their different boiling points. (separating the hydrocarbon fractions in
crude oil)
5. There are two types of natural resources..
6. Renewable and nonrenewable natural resources are the two types of
natural resources.
7. Petrol and diesel are obtained from a natural resource called petroleum
8. Coal gas was used for street lighting.
9. Substance that obtains from petroleum and natural gas are
10. Natural gas stored under high pressure is called CNG
11. A fossil fuel obtained from the organisms living in the sea is petroleum
12. Natural gas is used as a starting materials for the manufacture of
number of chemicals and fertilisers.
13. Petroleum is also called as black gold.
14. The least polluting fuel for a vehicle is Compressed Natural Gas (CNG).
15 A constituent of petroleum used in Vaseline is paraffin wax
16. A fuel obtained from the dead remains of vegetation is fossil fuels
17. A coal useful product obtained during the manufacturing of coke from
coal is coal gas
18. Bitumen is a petroleum product.
19. Petroleum is a mixture of hydrocarbons which can be separated in to
fractions using fractional distillation.
20. Limestone is a non-renewable resource.
21. Carboniferous age is the time period required to complete the process of
22. Fuel is burned to produce energy.

23. The major components of LPG are butane and propane

24. To drive or operate a machine, the sources that we use are coal and
25. The resources that we get from the nature are called natural resources.
26. All types of coal are depended on the percentage of their carbon
27. The refining of petroleum is a process of separating crude oil into
usable components.
28. a)PCRA – Petroleum Conservation Research Association
b)CNG – Compressed natural gas
c) LPG- Liquified petroleum gas
29. Fossil fuels are Coal, Petroleum, and natural gas..
30. The process of separation of different constituents from petroleum is
called refining.
31.Other name for petrol is gasoline.
32.Type of coal available in tamilnadu is lignite.
33.For surfacing the road bitumen (petroleum product) is used.
34. The process of converting dead vegetation into coal is carbonization.
35.Petrochemicals are used in the manufacture of detergents,fibres polythene and
manmade plastics.


1.Which type of coal is dark brown in colour and formed due to the death and decaying
matter of plants?
I. Lignite II. Peat III. Anthracite IV. Bituminous

2. Which of the following is formed by the process of destructive distillation?

I .Petrol II. Kerosene III. Coal tar IV Diesel

3. What is the boiling point of Naphtha in a Fractionating Column?

I. 100- 125°C II. >40°C III >80°C IV 125- 175°C

4. What do we call the process of converting dead vegetation into coal?

I .Carbonisation II .Destructive Distillation III. Fractional Distillation
IV. Ammonical Liquor

5.Which type of coal is used to obtain drugs, pesticides and perfumes etc.?
Coke II. Coal gas III.Ammonical Liquor IV Coal tar

6.Which of the following gases is not emitted when fossil fuels are burned?

7. Which of the following fuels has the highest calorific value?

a) Solid Fuels b) Liquid Fuels c) Gaseous Fuels
d) All of the above

8. Which method is used to manufacture coal-based products that are useful?

a) Winnowing b) Centrifugation c) Destructive Distillation d) Chromatography

9. The petroleum product which is not used as a fuel is

i)Petrol ii)Kerosene iii) Diesel c iv) Lubricating oil

10 Which of the following energy sources is non- renewable?

a) Water b) Oil c) Wind d) Sun

III Match

Column I Column II
P) Anthracite i) Acrylic manufacturing
Q) Oil Refinery ii) Fuel for barbeque grills
R) Solar energy iii) 60-80% carbon content
S) LPG iv) Mumbai
T) Petrochemicals v) Renewable Resource
U) Bituminous vi) 98% carbon content


Column I Column II
P) Anthracite 98% carbon content
Q) Oil Refinery Mumbai
R) Solar energy Renewable Resource
S) LPG Fuel for barbeque grills
T) Petrochemicals Acrylic manufacturing
U) Bituminous 60-80% carbon content
IV.True or False

(a) Fossil fuels can be made in the laboratory. False

(b) CNG is a more polluting fuel than petrol. False

(c) Coke is the most pure form of carbon. True

(d) Coal tar is a mixture of various substances. True

(e) Kerosene is not a fossil fuel. False

f) Naphthalene balls are obtained from coal gas- False, (obtained from coal
g) Coal gas is used as a source of heat -True
h) Petrol is used as a fuel for electric generators. False (Diesel is used)
i) Coal Tar is a dark oily liquid – False.( Petroleum is a dark oily liquid
j) Petroleum is called as black gold-True

Pictures to be observed

1. Petroleum and natural gas deposits

2. Coal mines
3. Coal product

4. Petroleum Refinery

5 .Destructive distillation of coal

6. Fractional distillation of coal

8. Powerplant (thermalpower plant)(Generation of electricity using coal)
refer LM pg 63

Types of coal based on carbon content

Various constituents 0f petroleum and their uses

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