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‘Sioa RM Sovite Tasting 28189, 0. 1 Design test eases for purchase order aia bayed on system specification, ayement 1. Practical Significance Festing is an important aspect of the software development He eyele, An carly stort ww esting reduces the cost, time 10 vewwork and error five software ths delivered to the shent, Test eases involve the set of stops, conditions and inputs. which eau be seat while performing the testing tasks. This pructical is uselul to identity: dilferent Aysten's specification such sts purchase order naanagemient system and deigh test eases for respective system effectively H. Relevant Program Outcomes (POs) sie Knowledge: Apply knowledge of basic mathematics, seienees and basic haineering to solve the broad-based computer eninecrings problem + Discipline Knowledge: Apply computer engineering discipline specitie knowledge to solve core computer engineering relatect problems + Experiments and practice: Plan to perform experiments and practices to use the results fo solve broad-based computer engineer + Engineerin problems, tools: Apply relevant computer (echnologies and tools with an understanding of the limitations, * Individual and team work: Function effectively as a leader andl teary member in diverse’ multidiseiplinary teams, + Communication: Communi le ellectively in oral ancl written Form, + Life-long learning: Engage in independent and lite-long leaning context of technological changes in the computer engineering field and allied industry sivities the Competency and Practical skills This practical is expect to develop the following skills in you Apply types, levels and methods of software testing ov applications. 1. Identify system with its specification and got familiar with the system, Use the different software testing concepts. 3. Ability to write system specification of the systems. 4. Ability to design test case for given systems IV. Relevant Course Outcome(s) ‘© Apply various software testing methods, V. Practica Outcome (PrOs) a) Identify system speci es tor purchase onder Management, ation & design test VE. Relevant Affective domain related Outcome(s) 1, Follow ethical practices. 2. Participate in team problem solving activities, 3. Priotitizes time effectively to meet the needs of the team and sett: ite Board of Pechnival Education DDynawotc. testing’ on. the Otherrhand 1S. dope cd the other. lallesr. Stoge OF exe. lopmend...\ifenye slabre. testing methods foclade 2) Oynaunte esting. ;nvolu Goalittrrough. Code “Teviewd Punationad. § 90. Rc 3) T+.18 done, Code, developement without 3). Th ig done. after onde execubion. of code. development. coith.tbesce execubion...oF.. Gade ‘Stabe Aesting 38. abeud.....69.Dynanoie, testing is aboub preventiae, Commeabive. * 5).this 18 vawPlcabion 8).this..1$. validsDion D.unoeverr.a3, 8. eros. or. given, meds). Defeats a. lintaniee Pred ect ‘on. Boman RAM.-268 fmalching 38. requitement... Speci®icailiaN. validabe the. Yooournes ey eas. Quality. OF Sl, produok +28hiog..Ustog..-the Minimun. ae Massed tet hleige ao) cook d ettoy ip islenged. tome ee generale... htghcualt, -effeokive, H8...4°.2. $Sues...conrnech..4.. bel p Ra Depars, a deans Gare. designing. Hie Jegh Gag Fos...phamChode. Qage. glrong,HUe....2).Inotade. cr Skring. cescmiation 29 managers” 8s sa Fodade_f\Suumelion +. Precenditian the. teak Slop scenase rt. Rreduagad Can be Stastted Prom. equmemend gaShericg phase ¢ i he deptoymend of Slut. also. clerents oo deudormn- ermal Shnighase of payne. when. you. kno the Intemnad. Struckwre...OF. sal te9t. Coon be. @riduo edo. engieme. thak..cnesrnad)..Opersation...pesrfensmed, aoeord ing. 4a. Spevieicabiin WTeskCase. fr, pumchage Orden Syslem. Test Sufte. ID.:- Teo! ‘Tet Cause ID +=. T'en0s, Test. pMiority Nigh, Name OF. podule.- Slit fier. pusrchage. crelery Manage ment Syste, rnlenr. tnanagement..§. 7 Gary OF aa feat..att. details, oF. uger eee eniens. ighb. details traf 7 oe neg Posthiattale. sero. chow). R Teat. SHepS. 2 = East. ender caus f rent Sens males the. delau#..o€ user. eee ve | sa | as | aS “Vista Sts oat Tedd Eaton expected... Result... TP use, eniers al den i steu 8 eight Pr au Oo dase Oty cru te ‘ered 48 Clieny a Hoadta cure..-Compuberr (/3i8 ). RAM = G8 Sesrabig. System = eoindouss oF ew cne... bKLes: We-ciire clea ment sysem System ane. imparteunh. Per jading veka Foed...4- beverage, Coure, move. Reperhig..& canatiy eg Deployment TeSt.Cage.40.validabe. Supplier's. Conant Teak Suite TO. "TS00s Test. Sutle TD. = 7Go0L 7e3 + POIorn hy. +. High Test. Cage.Field:.-.To.volidabe. mobile number.4E- MOL caddress... OF .ugerr. ‘eat Av wokdske (ame e..=.To..te9t For vabidale. Supers Gato Beta Test. _Vatbhau Tay Dobe..of..Tesk..Exeoubion -..1 lot ot, Susmmoury.Of..0e8h = To #eab. pombiculole Peldg Sudh..08 “mobfle..neembenr.4...E- mail. Address. 4. val. date. the Fields TestSeps.s..Fi9Sk. Step.iS 40... Rutl oeguinementa, Prom..usesr..4..then...validade. ontered apd Te8t. dasbors....Mobtle...owm bert.4....€ -Martl. addereas, Field 15. 429 4ed...excepeaed..negutl - Ali..uder top i.S.nighd...then, arght Mesage..curill be displaval Stadus.«.. Pass, DAdvanteges OTS. .aste. done. Pronm..usen’s..potad oF views... cxf help. i0...erxpeStng..clisorepanis....'n.4he. Specifrabion 3 Teslere. ¢@8..not kaw. rarmamntrg. laryunge. om. Knaus AMe..SoFwane..coorrls..3)- Teale. Can. bE. Conduakd , oy a. htly independent rom the dexeop osu as of posiic sap Gob tee Only. Smmakt humbesr. oF. passible..sopuls Con be. Grey prmagraum..padh.of IL be..lefe uudkesled ¥) cotthoud Cleasr.-Speciflcaions..cobtch..ome..gtuabion, in, many pamjeaks eat. Cates. cain be diePioub. 40. deggn. 2). the main Racud. DF biaok bor tesling ts the Valtdain OF yout... Punational..arequimemenls Bladk bos. sFiay g ius abstraghian, Prono. ode. §.Feosed. 0.0. testing. effort 5 ” Dk Fucks tobe jesied $0. blodkboe sehiog puler.5 faa 1).oR0isiontable. ahi / Sfeteieg Splan uiioge |) A266 “ell palr ietig oP Auarte.. = micrresoet Rina posivtitioniny XL Result Output a So Newbue, oe Jennse, GD. error, .quessieg VY. Sherke. acsisnathion, sbing 1) use. corse. Aeatiag Tesi oe 6009.84 pring, ee ie | Expeckd. Resuth: (Abuse senile Chasraghsr...inthetoxtPiekd § then, th (Gdill Ghose enrwncr..¢ngg,:.TP.USEh..CAERS, foe. OUMbENR ther “he. Speviic..openalioh. cnill. be. pesrferatnedI Tegt..execdeh hy.= Samir... DOT..exeoultd. TiHe. Neue. C4 ferec. SunMany...OF TEBE. To. +€8b... Udenr..Login... rom. Pield. Test. Steps...-.CEaSt. enteres. usennaure, PA98.,O.F, E= Co mmemce...ccrebstthe..§...9gi0...0...tbe... E-Commerce website Test. dae - username, a8 guosa Oxpected. Reautl:m,the.tnpub..ale. covweal &.naltd fom. “the.Ugen..then.1090..-the,..B= Commence GachSte Steokss..: Pgs. 3.US ecmname.: Send. Password... 24Sanu. 284562759. UResiser Onpcemestaye- a tiase matity of Web page, Compulesr. 6siem.- Campoler. (13-18) RAM 208 PSA cletodons 4 Xt Res taf the proc ) toe. Bae designicg. the Heat Cargo.” Cav the Ranatanahiy “OF “coeh eqe “ Goole to dal cosbene Drhey don! hove Srey don howe..SkilS. required ~nomend.... defenming...coritesrta...06. per freMetnde... ean, $ design i . 7 Stree9, Stevings...1S..c.4ype0FSakwoasre. eg Hing. rel Verified the Stabilty..4-zalobil 51085. the. SySkeM.On.14S, crohns... ccreey. bondlin, Under extremely. beawy. load.conditond. D.Cantigusralion. defined 3.0. 8efleuore. Johig, apes hab. cheoks. a, Spicabion valle mith cprte acrchle, nF. Sefton... hluo Sesrvers Plalfarm =. cainlaws...Semuen.2a0 x8 Client... etal foam, =.windewssrp., criadaeast Srulgbase 2 SQL. Seruer..2o02 W1T> pplicabion Sealey seBhing 1g g thal. /setiBied, teh the infor ste Proeds the cfabag Maidaing. i. Dende) Bunakionaling “Tha veg..con, oAlve..cNallYSs of the pplicdion. fy. ass weaenes; | Fo gPete formance... $28 419.423 Wit..nowedt. coving, | OF.SBKMATHIS cel | TeBL... Suite, TO... Tewas, TSb.... Case...20.=.To00g, Teak... petianetty. High Pleanne...oF 10 TO. Feat College. website, for crvailabl |ivie Bay adi. Tey Dedt..oF. test designed. 1412014 eG. Crecubed. by. = Rey Gupte, Dal OF 9 execesbion -.3 | $2019. MHE..oute College weksie. afer OF Te. =. TO, teah. the links Parr a. college weds When. cere. Chid..on a. \tale Unebsi te..13..canneclad..t0..| creat. sieges ; Fast. dick..cupy. cater Stok... pass west. Galle. 30. -Teaus, oo ARE. Cae..1D.. Rea. a“ Tesh... Priority. -...medium iNle..OF college website. 4.use obte Opesrating. SySiem- cofrdouss Software. -laldw. 49 Hedge. com. Mok te on clesigniry.. test: Ca: dlecision. making! Stekernenk Forr..candanl 4. Q.OThe..diPP, cooyS, to 2a “She deciston OFF... TD. 18 ree...9)..cohile.... 5. Seateeh, (a2cy..te...be8t...danban |. Stolement = le. \aop.., abil - loop... fo%-Ioop Q.2.-To..dectston...skadement..£€. the. Candian, saliscies then. he ou. blocle. the. Condition, aed. nat. nrodehes. then the. el¢...blocls..cwtllbe. executed Gad4e9, tne. Conbest... the... melabional...cpenoten. Teg t Suttle TD.2.1Co0S. Test..cade.LID.=..Te0ad, Nome...of module. -.¢eviahing... the. clay. oF, cacek. reat deSingd. bys, Pg tak. Aedvesh Of. Tea t..crceaubed.. 151.71 208, ttle, .daNne.x...Pxiotiny..the..doy.ofcoeek Seanni of. Teg. = To. Sea he. caantien.. regres. Fire iy th cele ‘teat. Sheps. =. cohen... te ales ele the. fram...cotll. shaco.the, day..of the an Resuihs.. 2b. Shor ~~ fr cobacheg, Status £ Poss 89t.dlala.-Dabe of. the. day cS. choy. to. relevent, Tek. Cove 19.5.Tc004 Tet. Suite. 20. ~ Teo0s Test. Partoctty = lediupn, POLME..OF tne modube = Rule. of-..TeBt execuled 19 (10 ols TYE“ Mame... Proding. even, odd rusher movy...OF TE, x i eb. cobethers...the, entered. natober.?S. even orodd TES. Bleps..... Plast. enfesca Number. 6. Coumberr. 1. =20) PriOHN.L*. plumber. 1S. even"); ele. feriotlo..C.oumbem..7.4 add") Tesh. dada.« number. 4e. Check even or odd expecked...neSulb.- TF usey enter one neumbur the PYM. ede. 40..b¢. exeoule. 4. then. gtves. Oubpu... foe, ha Actual..oetu-..Te. the. entend..numben is divided Anho...2.§. other wise...7t. Shaws cond... umber meeoge Shoted..s pods SAT. UE. fam Aum..1 odd.fem, MUM = 1S... odd. Aero, Me BL Odd LEM, Quanity onwards, HDD tee Space As perth Syshe =. Ci, ‘Result (Output ofthe procedure) hie “howe. designed jerk plan. (ox csr idenbitel Probile.cpplicachion Gi3zis).Bim= 268. lS. 2 D-rest Managemenh...nash..caama Test... emonagement...Abe... Preibite..03.£. [PE qo stole. Lily Teptrad ph ei Oa had based Siabicag es y | cab Ponty | | reat. designed by — beat. clesigned - Creeaubed by.=. Ray tone Loaf TP user epks:0.MeSsexe. Sendo the. the..csepie a. l008. tine. Preside Stebel. =. Pease Test plan. Chalk Tndrodabion...“The rag apleslion Ue l29 3 on. cuingebe ghd: Gea sed for Chabhing peopese. =NGt. adeel in. Commeod. place it 75 Cea mere... “sign Test plan and test cases for Notepad Application ool. Chablipg applicalio. Lis of Stade | bea saan] — of Teacher Handuare. ‘ Compalbse Syslora, (3-18). ROM 268 vee Sperm. 2 Windoure *f ‘eeoare..- Sebeniusn, We sre. cegigatg. eal plain. Seal cose noteped...applicadion « D Actorcly. do this: Glardaed the. esienb tal. clenanls.of 0. “abiag pbb. qaluds.£03.. plan. idenbifiey.Nbooduel an. “ tested, 9 Pendens. not. be Fede. ,cupproadh...the 0... Pass. { Peat. .Cortbemricy. £- Tea uta, ReNePilg...of..TEH. plans O@Beler covemoge=..TP.wrtHen, csell WS+. plcUN eras todo. 0S pecls....of A. prrodisd. one... 40k. 4. 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Sele option wraghg powshew eu Toe sey qualan poop: Bosposounl-aime 9p {oanpssoad ay 940) HOSA ESPopuren = unyehg” Buy BUOY SER) URIshg: xandwy - IurcmpTHf} oan saunas (e00DPY. sane a4 ons Suneieo, “anwen (puo9190 a8 naeo9p PPS UoISWAN APY PRS CS nepoRS poo RyOY ou -YRWILUD’ KO-rOU IEGoW” BS YONS Prep sayy Sw SERUD RPMS IPF Peas” wry FE eray aay SIy” SUD PUSpHyS AT = qMEIL Pry aabpor gspoy Hopp sr” fyaag”yo"weayuy PLRS'S! IMRUMU Ua” SIRDFIP AI ROPMIS UDR IS 3a SHIN EWA TY anysks pmuskoneus” igo FaurONS pL Gras quourebrrmey Tasgsi= urDKy “qoohhe) engg vows bareys pexig” Bras St ohimyp TYE PEO NF BaeuS apes feces sss FO TOW mdopempuayM= paxty =x oma ‘ogy 09°55( 2000 fuakm spas} Pig 5" BOM gr Lats ogy hy OF RUB SEO S41! 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