Importance of The Rizal Law and Its Implications in The Development of Nationalism, Patriotism, and Volunteerism

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You are tasked to compose a detailed reflection paper showcasing your insights about the study and
importance of the Rizal Law and its implications in the development of nationalism, patriotism, and

Dr. Rizal says, "Youth is the Hope of the Fatherland," and when he says it, it inspires everyone who hears
it to take responsibility and love their nation. It encourages and influences all young people, not just
students, to be law-abiding citizens who are selfless and socially accountable for the benefit of the
nation. The Rizal law allows people to choose their country's and their fellow citizens' needs over their
own in certain situations. People are better able to comprehend not only what is best for them right
now, but also what is best for the nation in terms of what will happen over the coming days, weeks,
years, or decades. The law states that Rizal's works and life are both powerful examples of populism,
nationalism, and voluntarism that still motivate people today. Rizal's commitment to the Philippines and
the fact that his work was done for the benefit of the populace, which is usually viewed as patriotism,
are also presumptions made by the law. Under Rizal's direction, the nation strives to generate citizens
who are not only devoted to the republic but also contribute significantly to society via their actions and
lives. In the best interests of the nation, it seeks to create law-abiding, unselfish, and socially responsible
citizens. Regardless matter that consists what individuals think or say, it is acceptable to promote
nationalism, patriotism, and volunteerism. Political correctness or word-of-mouth don't apply to this. It
serves as more than just a tool for advocacy. It is renowned for being exactly what it purports to be. This
experience inspires a person to put his country and fellow citizens first in all he does. The ability to weigh
what is best for oneself right now against what is best for the nation right now and in the future and
make decisions accordingly is provided by the law. All of these ideas are present in Rizal's writings, but
they are not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. Studying Rizal's life and works aims to, among
other things, honor our national hero, who dedicated his life and work to defining the Filipino character,
as well as to inspire youth to once again be loyal to the freedom and nationalism for which our heroes
fought and died. You can develop a strong sense of patriotism by learning about Rizal's life, works, and
writings. In order to encourage the acceptance of these principles in the context of today's social and
personal issues, it is crucial to consider the significance of Rizal's ideas and teachings in the perspective
of contemporary societal circumstances and situations. Encourage the development of Filipino youth in
all facets of citizenship, especially in the fields of education and work, to better understand what Rizal
fought for and for which he lost his life. The law honoring Rizal was passed to serve as a reminder of the
nation's founding father to Filipinos, especially the younger generation. This course is being taught in the
school because it aims to develop in every Filipino child a sense of patriotism and nationalism as well as
inspire them to use Rizal's principles to solve modern challenges. Ineffectiveness of the Rizal law has,
regrettably, been demonstrated throughout time. When a Filipino is asked about Rizal today, the two
most often answers are that he is the man seen on the one-peso coin or that he was the one whose
head was blasted off in Luneta.

2. How important are literary criticisms in the study of Rizal's Life and Works?
The Rizal Law, enacted in 1956, seeks to accomplish the following goals: To reawaken young people's
commitment to the values of liberty and nationalism for which our forefathers fought and died. To pay
tribute to our national hero for devoting his life and work to the development of the Filipino character.

Another answer:

Some of Rizal’s work were used as propaganda to defy the Spanish conquistadors and to restore the
equality between the Spanish and Indio. With this, I learned that history is inscribed through his
literature. His works listed events that signify the situation of the Filipino lives in the hands of Spanish
clergy. Additionally, his novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo played a big part in the revolution.
Literally criticisms in the study of Rizal’s Life and works are beneficial for the long-term use in educating
the youth on how to be responsible citizens of society. Analyzing his works is essential especially since
nowadays has forgotten the value of being a Filipino. Reading and pondering his works enables any
reader to look back on the past. It also reminds us not to be parted from our roots.

3.If given a chance to deconstruct one of Rizal's written works (both well-known and obscure), what
would it be and what is its relation to the analysis and understanding of nation-building?

Noli Me Tangere by José Rizal has been widely regarded as the great novel of the Philippines in the more
than a century since its publication. In the Philippines, "The Noli" is a romantic love story set against the
bleak political backdrop of tyranny, torture, and assassination. It was the first great artistic expression of
Asian opposition to European colonialism, and Rizal became a leading conscience and martyr for the
ensuing insurgency in the Spanish province. For nearly seventy years, Penguin has been the world's
largest publisher of classic literature.

Another answer:

I think I will not deconstruct his works because I know that " Pinagpaguran" and I will never change his
artworks. And in Noli Me Tangere and El filibusterismo there are some lessons that we need to
understand. It teaches us the values of wisdom, fighting for what is right, and loving our country. This
novel is being taught in school in order to not repeat the history itself by learning how to love our
country and to empower the youth as the catalyst of change for our country. The novel El Filibusterismo
is darker and gloomier in theme compared to its predecessor, Noli Me Tangere. This novel can really
make me a better person because the novel's message is violence is never the answer. The novel's plot
shows that. At first, Simoun is planning to rescue Maria Clara necessary. That means even if he has to use
force, he will do it just to achieve his goal, contrary to what Ibarra believed in. At the end, Jose Rizal
showed that violence is never the answer in Simoun's death and Father Florentino's lamentations. The
final event really showed that violence is never the answer to anything. It is just a way to create replace
the old problem with a new one.

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